God of Shuratan

Chapter 1549: Order Seven

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The remnant blade master said with a black face: "Master Tieshan, now is a fight between our Zerg and human races. Is it not good for you to blend in with the Tianmu wood race!"

Master Tieshan nodded slightly: "It's really not very good."

"But I still hope that you Zerg can give this face."

Many Zerg powerhouses are speechless, and people directly admit that it is not very good. The residual blade dominates this punch, which is considered to be an empty space!

"Master Tieshan, Qin Yang promised you, but it may not be possible!"

The remnant blade dominates the teeth.

Shen Shan, the master of Tieshan, said: "If this is the case, we will not release the girl from Beiyao, and will return the girl from Beiyao to you Zerg!"

"In addition, our Tongtianmu tribe will be held accountable for Qin Yang's deception to us!"

"Remaining Blade Master, Zerg, I again ask you Zerg to give a face, we are Tongtianmu, grateful!"

Some Zerg powerhouses looked at each other.

What should I do?

It is possible to continue to threaten Qin Yang with Beiyao, but it is possible to get a tie-breaking ending.

If you agree, the battle will be lost and the losses will be huge.


Ten or more seconds later, the Iron Mountain Master did not wait for the Remnant Blade to dominate their response.

"Everyone, it seems that my face is not big enough. I will send someone back to the Tongtianmu tribe to let us have more people coming from the Tongtianmu tribe. This may be more respectful for the Zerg."

Tieshan dominates, "I have to trouble you not to hurt Bei Yao girl during this time, thank you!"

Master Tieshan said that a few men appeared around them, and they quickly left.

"Now discuss it again."

Master Tieshan said that after retreating a lot, he went to Liuli to dominate them.

Liuli dominates their hearts and surprises in their hearts, Qin Yang can actually say that Tieshan dominates, saying that Tongtong Tianmu tribe will help!

The ruler of Liuli and other estimates, the Zerg should be counseling!

Do n’t look at the fact that the Iron Mountain Master is polite, if the Zerg is chaotic, if you do n’t give face, then you will have to face the Thunder of the Tongtianmu!

"Let's wait first."

"This matter cannot be decided by Tieshan alone."

"Yes, if the other strong members of the Tongtianmu tribe do not agree, only Tieshan will dominate one, we are not afraid!"

Many Zerg powerhouses talked secretly.

Qin Yang once again went to the space treasure to practice. Half a month later, many strong members of the Tongtianmu clan came over, and Qin Yang came out of the space treasure again.

"Master Tieshan, threatening Zerg is not a trivial matter. Qin Yang solves the virus crisis of our Tongtianmu tribe. Is this matter reliable?"

The pinnacle dominates the mouth.

Tieshan's ruler said: "The previous Duguyin was disguised by Qin Yang, Qin Yang was a sixth-order saint, plus the level of healing he showed before, plus his overwhelming Jiuli Ancient City, and Liuli ruler Has a high degree of credibility! "

"After all, Bei Yao is also in our hands. If Qin Yang can't solve our problems, we can't let people go!"


Quite a few nods came from the Tongtianmu clan to dominate the strong.

"Then let's talk to the Zerg."

The pinnacle dominated the road, and soon they reached the edge of Doomblade with dozens of masters of the Tianmu tribe.

At the top of the peak, the Tongtianmu tribe came over two.

"Zongzu friends, don't know how you think about it, can you give us the face of Tongtianmu tribe?"

"We Tongtianmu tribe are in big trouble now, and many strong people are not easy to leave, but if you feel that our sincerity is still insufficient, we can go back to call people, come over more, and definitely make you Zerg feel that we are full Full of sincerity. "

Tieshan dominates sincerely.

For the rest of the race, many of the strong men have strange looks.

Is this full of sincerity?

This is full of threats!

A dozen or so powerful players come over. If this "sincerity" is not enough, the Tongtianmu tribe is definitely hot. When the disaster of the Tongtianmu tribe is over, the Zerg will definitely be in great trouble.

Master Blade Blade took a deep breath and said, "Master Iron Mountain, you are so sincere in Tongtianmu Clan, and we Zerg can't help but save face!"

"There are a few points that this seat needs to explain."

Master Tieshan smiled and said: "Master Remnant Blade, please say."

The remnant blade dominates Shen channel: "First of all, you said that the Tongtianmu tribe owes us a great favor of the Zerg tribe. We have to talk about this favor. Secondly, if Qin Yang can't solve your problem, Bei Yao must return it to us. . "

"Third, you have to guarantee that if Qin Yang can't solve your problem and deceives you, you will be rewarded for chasing and killing Qin Yang."

"The amount of reward is not less than 200 billion Need for Holy Crystal!"

Master Tieshan pondered slightly: "No problem, then we can discuss the first one!"

With that said, Master Tieshan made an enchantment around him.

Half an hour later, the enchantment disappeared, and the remnant blades dominated them one by one, their faces were not very good, and they negotiated a big loss.

After all, the strength of the Tongtianmu tribe is much stronger than the Zerg!

Obviously, it is more polite for Iron Mountain to dominate them. When secretly negotiating, they are not so polite, and the benefits are lost!

"Beiyao is here, Tieshan will take you away!"

The remnant blade dominates Shen channel, he said let Beiyao appear.

In the duel field, Qin Yang saw Beiyao, and he immediately let his mind down.

Bei Yao looked around with a confused look. She didn't know what was going on. There were so many powerful people here.


"I am here!"

Qin Yang said with a smile.

No sound can be transmitted, but the voice can be transmitted.

Bei Yao immediately looked at Qin Yang here.

"Husband, are you okay?"

Bei Yao's face changed, Qin Yang was actually in the duel field, so many powerful people around him seemed to watch Qin Yang duel with others!

Qin Yang said with a smile: "I'm fine, my opponent is up."

Lord Cangsha looked desperate.

With his strength, playing with Qin Yang, it is self-inflicted!

Even if Qin Yang ’s immovable usage looks like something, Cang Sha Shengzun estimates that he is definitely not Qin Yang ’s opponent, and it is not easy to break Qin Yang ’s defense!

"Beiyao, you will spend some days in the Treasure Mountain Dominating Space Treasure, then I will pick you up and leave."

"Tieshan is in trouble, trouble."

Qin Yang said with a smile.

Master Tieshan nodded slightly, and he moved Beiyao into his space treasure, so that the Zerg might want to deal with him again.

"The Lord Cangsha, do you do it yourself, or do I do it?"

Qin Yang looked at Cangsha Shengzun quietly.

"I ... I will come by myself."

Cangsha Shengzun succumb to the tunnel, do it yourself, and die with less pain!


Lord Cangsha slapped it on his chest. He ended his life, but he kept the whole body anyway, not bad!

"Haha, the human race wins!"

"Five to four, the human race wins, thank Qin Yang!"

"Make a lot of money, ha ha ha!"

Many strong men laughed, they bought the Terran to win, and then the dust settled, and they were finally relieved.

"Qin Yang, Qin Yang!"

There are many strong human races here. At this time, countless strong human races shouted loudly. When the human race won, they can benefit directly or indirectly!

Zerg powerhouses are pretty ugly.

At the beginning, it was four to one. Finally, Qin Yang won four consecutive games and was absolutely killed by Qin Yang!

Some Zerg powerhouses have already celebrated victory before.

This will be such a result, very heart-warming.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother, we invite you to drink."

The enchantment opened, Qin Yang came out of the duel field, Huo Wanchen they summoned to Qin Yang, they were also very excited.

They are all strong players in the competition, and if they lose in the end, they will all look dull.

Now they have won five to four, their identity is the winner, they are the heroes of the human race!

"It is estimated that you can reach the seventh order of the Lord!"

At this time, a lot of meritorious forces suddenly appeared around Qin Yang. These meritorious forces entered Qin Yang's body one after another, and the crown of merit came out of Qin Yang's head.

A large number of meritorious forces entered the holy crown of merit, and under the watch of countless strong men, in the Qinyang merit holy crown, the ghost image of the seventh human race sage gradually formed.

"His, Order Seven Saints!"

"This is about to become a seventh-order saint, cow!"

"Seventh-order sage king, the fighting power of the dharma statue is comparable to that of the general high-level masters?"

"Not to mention the identity of the seventh-order sage monarch, it's just combat power, and Qin Yang is also the pinnacle of power!"

Countless powerful people have had many discussions, and they were shocked. The master of the Liuli and many other human powers looked at Qin Yang with surprise.

It is naturally a good thing for Qin Yang to become a seventh-order saint.

The Zerg remnant blade dominates them and looks at Qin Yang, their hearts surging.

"Qin Yang must die, he will not die, we Zerg in the future, there must be great difficulties!"


"We have to find a way to kill Qin Yang!"

Some Zerg gangsters secretly heard the voice.

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