God of Shuratan

Chapter 1587: Zerg air transport decline

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The total of more than 60 Zerg corpses at the dominant level, plus what Qin Yang already had before, totaled 80.

Qin Yang ’s biggest problem now is that his cultivation base is not high enough to control so many Zerg corpses!

"Zerg luck should be reduced a lot by the death of so many strong people!"

Qin Yang secretly said, he quietly came out of the secret place, and outside he found that the Zerg was indeed a lot more chaotic than before.

"What's the situation, I felt that I was about to break through, and suddenly there was no feeling!"

"It seems that the speed of absorbing the power between heaven and earth has decreased a bit!"

"In this case, it seems that our Zerg luck has dropped a lot!"

"But there haven't been any major events lately, and the Ten Fang Blood City has not lost such a strong feeling to the human race!"


Qin Yang arrived in a city, he heard a lot of Zerg strong discussion!

The weaker ones don't feel much, but the Zerg strong who have reached the level of the God Emperor basically feel more obvious.

The higher the strength, the more obvious it feels, because the higher the strength, the more you need to break through to a higher level, the more you need the support of ethnic luck!

"The total strength of the Zerg will be reduced by several ranks, with the death of so many strong men, plus the defeat of the tenth blood, and the cultivation of Liuli Godless City. If you re-rank the race, the rank of the Zerg will fall to 20 the following."

"I got so many Zerg war corpses, reaching the eighth level of the holy monarch, it is estimated that the rank of the human race can be improved by one or two places!"

Qin Yang thought about it, and now the race ranking gap between the Terran and Zerg should not be as big as before!

However, if you conduct a racial **** battle, it is definitely better to engage in a racial **** battle with the Snakes. The Zerg is still much stronger than the Snakes.

Liuli Godless City.

Some Zerg powerhouses are negotiating here. Their negotiation goal is to redeem Juggernaut Master and others.

Such negotiations have been going on for several days, and the ruler Liuli has put forward more demanding conditions. The Zerg has never agreed!

"Have you felt it?"

"I feel that the efficiency of training has dropped a bit!"

"What happened?"

"Is it because Liuli dominates them and kills them with the remaining blades?"

All the Zerg powerhouses have a lot of discussion. They are the missions from the Zerg side to negotiate, and their cultivation practices are not low, and the zombie luck is reduced. They are all affected!

"It's impossible, even if Liuli ruled them and killed them all, the impact shouldn't be so great, there should be more important things happening!"

"With such a big impact, our race ranking must have dropped, and definitely not one or two places!"

"We have to immediately reach an agreement with Liuli to rule them, maybe a strong man will take advantage of our Zerg emptiness!"

These Zerg powerhouses negotiated, and they quickly found the ruler of the glaze, and agreed to the harsher conditions that the ruler of the glaze had put forward earlier.

"what's the situation?"

Master Liuli was a little puzzled. He actually planned to lower some conditions if the Zerg persisted.

The Zerg actually agreed to the conditions he proposed, which has many advantages.

"Luri dominates, let's complete the transaction immediately!"

Shen Zhe, the leader of the Zerg mission.


Despite the doubts, the ruler Liuli nodded. It did n’t take long for the transaction to be completed. The ruler Liuli got a lot of good things. These things contained a lot of war materials. If the Zerg side comes chaos, those war materials can be let The Zerg suffered a huge blow.

The ruined blade master and other powerful men, the glaze master also released, and they all looked extremely ugly.

Ruler Liuli obtained many secrets from them, ensuring that they would not dare to deal with the Liuli Empire easily!

"You guys, don't sneak into Liuli Godless City in the future."

"Luri Godless City welcomes you to come to the fair!"

The glaze master laughs authentically.

Many of their treasures have been taken away by the Liuli master, and their combat power has dropped a lot. Although they are sad and angry, they did not say much to the Liuli master at this time.

"Let's go!"

The remnant blade dominates Shen Channel, and all the Zerg powerhouses leave quickly.

"What price did you pay to redeem us?"

After leaving Liuli Godless City, the Master of Blades asked.

The leader of the mission immediately said.

"Are you crazy? Redeem us with so many things! After you negotiate for a while, you can definitely reduce a lot!"

The remnant blade dominates the heartache.

The Zerg has paid a huge price. The salvation is that the residual blade dominates them, and the residual blade will dominate them.

Originally, their own things were taken away by Liuli, who dominated them, and now they have huge debts, and they have the heart that they want to die!

"Brother Dao Dao, you may not feel obvious when you are injured. Our Zerg powerhouses have absorbed power more slowly. It should be that the Zerg luck is damaged!"

The leader of the mission said solemnly, "Maybe some forces have launched a large-scale attack on our Zerg, so you must be redeemed immediately."

Master Blade remaining closed his eyes, he practiced carefully and felt the change.

"It is indeed reduced, and the reduction is not small, the speed of absorbing power is reduced by at least 8%!"

The remnant blade dominates their faces with dignity.

This situation is quite serious.

Before the failure of Shifang Blood City, the benefits of all aspects of the Zerg were affected, but the reduction in luck is estimated to be 1%. This luck is reduced, only the strong level of the master level feels more obvious, and there is almost no feeling after the master !

"The result of our judgment is similar to this, and the luck is reduced by 9%!"

The leader of the mission.

The residual blade dominates Shen channel: "Let's return as fast as possible!"


In the past three days, many strong men of the Black Spirit clan have gathered together.

"What do you think, some people are robbing us of the Devil God Horn of the Black Spirit Clan, is it related to the reduction of Zerg's luck?"

"What's the reason for the reduced zombie luck?"

A gangster of the Hei Ling tribe said in a deep voice. The people sent by Qin Yang have already contacted the Hei Ling clan to dominate the powerhouse. At this time, the twenty or more Hei Ling clan powerhouses are all master-level characters and the pinnacle master There are three, powerful.

"If the strong man dominated by Gu Ling is killed by the strong man dominated by Gu Ling, and the other party is a strong Zerg, is it possible that the zombie luck will be reduced so much?"

Another strong man said.

"It's unlikely, unless Lord Gu Ling finds the Zerg Secrets and kills many of the top Zerg strong-sleepers in one fell swoop, but such places often have strong guards, let alone Lord Gu Ling is difficult to find, even if it is found, it is estimated that It's useless! "

"Let's wait for a while, and look at the situation and say that if Gu Ling master gets out of trouble, he will definitely come back in five days!"

The strong of all discussed.

"Gentlemen, if Lord Gu Ling didn't come back, Zerg's luck decreased for other reasons. Are we going to take out the Demon God Horn?"

One of the pinnacle masters said this, and suddenly there was silence in the hall. This problem really made them entangled.

If you don't take it out, the news that the Hei Ling tribe intends to fight the human race will be exposed. At this time, the Hei Ling tribe has not been fully prepared, and the human tribe has not experienced innumerable blood robbery, and the most important thing will cause the strong intervention of the gods!

The Celestials will definitely not be willing to easily get the Hells to reap a lot of human luck.

But if you give it, the Demon God Horn is a racial treasure for their Black Spirit Clan, so that the Devil God Horn can recognize the Lord. Then, if you face the Black Spirit Clan Power, your strength can be increased by ten times! And the Demon God Horn can also control many of the powerful Black Spirit Clan!

At that time, the Hei Ling tribe finally grabbed this from the strong human race, and sealed it up!

"The odds of the other party being a strong human race should be very low. This is likely to be done for self-preservation and to obtain benefits. As long as our Hei Ling tribe wins at that time, the benefits we obtain should far exceed the price paid, and In our ranking at that time, the other party should not dare to act rashly on our Hei Ling tribe! "

"We are prepared for such a long time, and we can't give up halfway. If all the secrets known by the other party are revealed, it will be a huge blow to our Hei Ling tribe."

"This seat feels that I can promise first, and after a **** battle with the human race, we are stronger, and then slowly find the other party to settle the account!"


Some people spoke, and the rest of them spoke one after another. Most of them still supported the exchange of the Demon God Horn into Bone Spirit Master.

Although the Demon Horn is aimed at the baby of the Black Spirit Clan, they believe that such a thing will not be used easily even if a strong person gets it!

If the other party knows that the Hei Ling tribe has hidden powerful strength, it will definitely not dare to use it easily!

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