God of Shuratan

Chapter 1654: The prestige of the law image!

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Qin Yang immediately understood that the Soul Clan said so, Soul Clan deliberately snatched the benefits while the Human Clan was in trouble.

"Your powerful Soul Clan first discovered this cave, and then did not remove the original blood demon stone inside, do you believe it yourself?"

Qin Yang was cold and authentic.

"Whether you believe it or not, we believe it anyway."

"Yes, we must believe, haha!"

The Soul Clan powerhouses laughed wildly. Now that the price of the original Blood Demon Stone is extremely high, they do not want to give up the benefits here!

As for the human race offending, they would be offended. In their view, the human race will definitely die, and cooperation with all aspects of the human race will be broken anyway, and now the human race has a lot of trouble. !

Qin Yang took a deep breath and said, "You, the relationship between the Soul Clan and our human race in the past is okay, you should not cause the Soul Clan undesirable trouble!"


"The surnamed Qin, do you think that you are now an ally leader of the Terran League? You have no half-step **** level at all! Although you do n’t know what method you used to kill the Doomblade Dominator, We are arrogant in front of us, your human race is arrogant in front of our soul race, that is still far from it! "

The strong man headed by the Soul Race scolded.

Qin Yang said in a deep voice: "Daoyou, the current situation is not that our strong human race is arrogant in front of you, but that your soul race is bullying too much!"

"What about bullying you?"

"Give up immediately, there are so many nonsense, the original blood demon stone here will not give you anymore, get away!"

The strong souls of the Soul Clan are scolding, they come from the same force, and they have always been arrogant and overbearing.

"Vice leader Lei, the formation blocked this place!"

Qin Yang sent a message, Lei Wanjun said with some concern: "Leader, you come here, our strength should be stronger than them, but if you want to leave them easily, it should be impossible, and their news here Maybe some of the other Soul Clan strongmen know. "

"I have my own mind!"

Lei Wanjun nodded imperceptibly, and the next second Lei Wanjun immediately set up his formation. A powerful formation enveloped this side.

"Yo, this is going to kill us? We are so scared!"

"Master Qin, try it if you have a seed!"

Lei Wanjun is in formation, but the Soul Clan strongmen are not afraid. Two of them are dominated by peaks, three are dominated by high-ranking, and seven are dominated by the mid-early period. Their strength is very strong. The master, the fire mad master is the peak master, and has the upper hand, but normally it is impossible to easily defeat the strong people such as the Soul Clan!

Qin Yang's eyes flashed with fine eyes: "You guys, give you the best chance. If you leave now, we still don't violate the river. If not, you are welcome to blame this seat!"

"The surname Qin, you are welcome to try this seat!"

"It's not young, it's not a small tone!"

The Soul Clan's powerhouses are not at all afraid. The Soul Clan has other strongmen here. If they fight, they can summon more Soul Clan's strongmen!

"Everyone, although the human race is in trouble, it is not the rest of the race that can be fooled."

"Just use your deaths to explain this to some powerful races!"

Qin Yang's idea appeared a merit image, and at the moment the merit image appeared, the ninth-order human ancestor ghost image flew out of the merit image and the space inside the mine was limited. The height of the shadow is only one hundred feet.

"Space cage!"

The statue of Qin Yang is in charge of the law of space, and the sages imaginary shot, and the strong souls of the Soul Clan have not been reacted yet.

"Nine Order Saint King!"

"You have reached the level of the ninth-order sage king!"

The Soul Clan strongmen were shocked. They had not yet realized a problem. Qin Yang not only reached the level of the ninth-order sage king, but Qin Yang ’s sage law was like an invincible level. His strength is far beyond the general peak. Strong level.

They also looked at Qin Yang in shock. Lei Wanjun did not know that Qin Yang had reached such a degree.

"Space compression!"

As soon as the sage dharma moved, the space cage immediately shrank.

"He wants to crush us!"

"Everyone is going to break through the space barrier!"

The strong souls of the Soul Clan roared, they desperately shot, all kinds of methods were used, and the explosion in the space cage continued, but the power of the explosion did not affect the outside world at all, and the strong Soul Clan also had two peak **** levels. Characters, the combined strength is no better than the four pinnacles!

The strength of the Qin Yang Dharma Statue can deal with the ten pinnacles!

"Master Qin, spare your life!"

"Master Qin, we are wrong!"

The space was further compressed, and the Soul Clan strongmen in the space cage were terrified, and they felt a strong death threat!

These powerful people who have just been arrogant have begged for mercy.

However, Qin Yang ignored it, his dharma image continued to exert pressure, and the space cage was further reduced.

"Master Qin, our Soul Race's racial ranking is tenth. You killed us and it was harmful to your human race! You let us go, and we promise we won't have any trouble with your human race."

"Master Qin, we are willing to compensate you!"

The ten or so powerful people of the Soul Clan in the Space Cage screamed in horror. At this time, the place where they stayed has been compressed to only one cubic meter.

"This seat has given you a chance, and more than once!"

Qin Yang was indifferent. Five seconds later, the space was compressed to only one cubic decimeter. Under the pressure of terrible space, the characters in the early stage of their death had died!

"Qin Yang, if you kill us, you will die yourself!"

"The human race will be slaughtered by the Hei Ling tribe at that time!"

The Soul Clan strongmen yelled, and they could n’t blame them again in ten seconds. Their dozen or so powerful masters have been compressed to only one cubic centimeter, and the two strongest masters have been pressured by terrifying space. Crushed!

The Soul Clan Powerhouses were half-empty and half-real, but after space compression, they formed a gray ball at the moment, the size of the marbles, but the weight is comparable to a planet!


Lei Wanjun, some of them swallowed. They looked at Qin Yang in horror. The dozen or so powerful masters of the Soul Clan actually died like this, and it also included two strong masters of the dominating level, three Powerful high-level master.

Qin Yang's strength is too scary.

"You, how did they die?"

Qin Yang asked with a smile.

Lei Wanjun stunned and said quickly: "Allied Master, our human race has many master-level strong men awakening. They provoked our human-class strong men and were jointly killed by many of our human-class strong men!"

Qin Yang nodded with a smile: "You are right, Deputy Chief Lei. Our human race has hundreds of master-level strong men awakening. Our human race does not take the initiative to cause trouble, but if the strong men of other races provoke our human race, then neither do we Fear of war! "

Lei Wanjun they nodded one after another.

"Vice Chief Lei, take this opportunity to check with you to make sure that you are not controlled by the strong men of the rest of the race."

"it is good."

Lei Wanjun they nodded.

The sages of Qin Yang acted like Lei Wanjun like a powerful force. After ten minutes, they all checked, and Lei Wanjun had no problem.

Given the strength of the sages like today's strength, since Lei Wanjun they should have no problem.

"Everyone, the strength of this seat must be kept secret, so that the Hei Ling tribe knows that there may be problems!"

"If anyone reveals, Hugh blame this ruthless!"

Qin Yang said harshly.

Lei Wanjun they nodded one after another. Lei Wanjun had some thoughts about the position of the leader of the leader. Now such thoughts have disappeared!

"Deputy Leader Lei, if there is a strong man contacting you and you want to fight with this seat of hegemony, you can ostensibly answer your opponent!"

"But what is the specific situation, you have to make it clear with this seat!"

Qin Yang looked at Lei Wanjun.

"Yes, lord!"

Lei Wanjun said in a respectful way, he is now full of awe for Qin Yang, an allied leader, they have no way to get the strong people of the Soul Clan, but Qin Yang came over and easily destroyed the twelve strong level of the Soul Clan. !

If Qin Yang is going to kill himself, Lei Wanjun knows that it is also easy!

"Everyone will take away the original blood demon stone!"

Qin Yang collected the dharma statues, and the source blood demon stones need to be collected more carefully, but Lei Wanjun they are now more than a dozen master-level strongmen here, and within half an hour all the source blood demon stones have been collected There are several pieces of human head size.

The human race has a lot of original blood demon stones, and getting these original blood demon stones, the original blood demon stones needed to start the race blood war are not much worse!

"Qin Yang, the strong of the Soul Clan is coming!"

The prince Liuli suddenly reminded.

Qin Yang's eyes flickered, the situation is likely that those Soul Clan strongmen told the rest of the Soul Clan strongmen here.

Now that they can't get in touch for a while, the rest of the Soul Clan's strongmen are found.

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