God of Shuratan

Chapter 1681: Feng Ruohai's talent exposure

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"Tulan Daoyou, you're serious, Feng Ruohai really awakened the ninth-level heavenly soul?" There was a powerful master who was shocked.

Turan ruled lightly and said with a smile: "You see Feng Ruohai and you know that Qin League Master and Feng Ruohai are here now."

At this time, Qin Yang and Feng Ruohai, Princess Ellie entered the hall.

The eyes of more than one hundred dominant powerhouses immediately fell on Qin Yang, and Feng Ruohai and Princess Aili did not hide their breath. Those powerful powerhouses could clearly judge that Feng Ruohai and Princess Ailei had already dominated for half a step Later repairs.

"Half step dominates the late period, before Feng Ruohai only had the late period of the Lord?"

"In such a short period of time, cultivation has improved so much, and it must have awakened a very powerful heavenly soul, even if it is not a nine-star heavenly soul, there must be an eight-star heavenly soul!"

"I didn't expect Feng Ruohai to awaken such a powerful heavenly soul!"

The powerful people in the hall have a lot of discussion, they can't believe it.

"Master Qin, Feng Ruohai is really a nine-star heavenly soul?"

The strong said.

Qin Yang lightly smiled and said: "Yes, Ruohai did awaken the Jiuxing Heaven Soul! Out of the protection of Ruohai, it was not disclosed before. Now Ruohai has the dominance level, and the ability to protect itself has been greatly enhanced. "

The amethyst master looked at Feng Ruohai intently. His expression was a little complicated. Feng Ruohai exposed the nine-star heavenly soul. The actions of the sacred land in the last hundred years on that day were considered in vain. The status of the heavenly sacred ground will also be affected in the future, but there are also benefits, that is Heavenly Divine Land should not conflict with the human race for the time being, and the rest of the strong will not follow!

"Ruohai, haven't you seen your predecessors?"

Feng Ruohai arched his hand: "Your seniors are good, and I hope you can take care of them in the future!"

"Feng Shao is kind."

"You don't have to be too polite if you seal less."

The strong men quickly opened their mouths, and each of them behaved very politely. They knew that Feng Ruohai awakened the ninth-level heavenly soul. By then, it would be certain to have the peak dominance level of combat power. Much better.

Awakening the ninth-level heavenly soul represents Feng Ruohai's talent to become an invincible strong man forever!

Turan ruled solemnly: "Everyone, before Jinhe ruled, we almost lost one extremely powerful strongman in the future. Therefore, this seat thinks that Jinhe ruler died before the death! Some strongmen had some misunderstandings about the Qin League leader before, but If it is not the Qin League leader, Aili and Feng Ruohai are likely to fail to awaken, and our gods will suffer huge losses. "

"I hope you can realize this!"

The celestial dominator also said at this time: "On this matter, our entire Celestial Race really owes the favor of Qin League Master!"

Most of the strong men nodded.

Many masters turned out to be relatively neutral. Master Jinhe and others died. They did have some opinions on the human race behind them, so the heavenly sacred land was secretly drawn in. Some of them also agreed to support the heavenly sacred land, but now they know the situation of Feng Ruohai, Some uncomfortable feelings about Qin Yang disappeared immediately in their hearts.

The value of the Jinhe Lord cannot be compared to the value of Feng Ruohai!

Moreover, Feng Ruohai will grow up to be terrified by the time. He is still an apprentice of Qin Yang. At this time, he can't get along with Qin Yang, and his brain is sick.

"Brother Turan, you are wrong. You did not kill Qin League Master before. We have no opinion on Qin League Master."

"Yes, the Qin League leader also persuaded Ji Haoyan that they are here."

"Master Qin is still very good!"

All the strongmen spoke one after another, and many of the strongmen who had been secretly drawn before by the heavens changed their positions at this time.

"What do you think of Amethyst Daoyou?"

Master Turan looked towards Master Amethyst.

The Amethyst Master nodded: "The Qin League Master has indeed made a great contribution to our Celestial Clan. We must remember this! The strength of Feng Ruohai and Princess Ellie will also help to deepen the relationship between the Celestial Clan and the Human Race This seat is very supportive! "

"That's good."

Turan ruled with a smile.

"Feng Ruohai, practice well, and strive to reach the master's level of cultivation earlier!"

"There is a treasure here in this seat, for you!"

Amethyst ruled, he said that a powerful treasure appeared in his hand, which was a good thing at the level of master, used for escape.

"You are very important to the gods, protect yourself!"

Amethyst Master said with a wave of his hand, that treasure came to Feng Ruohai, and Feng Ruohai looked at Qin Yang.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "If Ruohai, since it is the heart of Amethyst Daoist, please keep it, Amethyst Daoist, thank you!"

"Thank you Senior Amethyst."

Feng Ruohai accepted the thing only after Qin Yang said.

"You are Welcome."

Master Amethyst smiled and said, "Master Turan, Master Qin, there are other things in this seat, let's leave first!"

"Slow walking."

The Amethyst Master quickly left. As soon as he left, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became more heated.

Although the Amethyst Master had some disagreement with the Optimus Master, he was a man of heaven and earth after all, and he was not comfortable with many strong men here!

"Sen Feng, be careful, and accept it if you don't want to abandon it."

"Ruohai, this thing is useful to you, you keep it."

Half an hour later, Feng Ruohai received a lot of gifts, and the value of each gift was very high, the value added up is very high!


"Feng Ruohai awakened Jiuxing Tianshun!"

Master Qingtian's face was gloomy. This news came back in the shortest time. Hearing this news, he wanted to vomit blood.

In order to attract a lot of strong men, the price Heavenly Divine paid is not small.

Originally, Master Qingtian planned to retaliate before the blood race of the human race to restore the face of Heavenly Sacred Face. Unexpectedly, Qin Yang actually played such a card.

Since Feng Ruohai awakened the ninth-level Soul of Heaven, their previous pull-in action turned into a bubble!

If you want to retaliate, you can only avenge yourself by then, which is definitely not enough!

If there are a lot of powerful revenge from the Celestial Clan, the Human Clan can only eat the dumb loss, but it is only the Heavenly Divine Land. The Human Clan may revenge directly, or after the Human Race wins the racial **** battle, then find the Heavenly Divine Revenge!

"Brother Wan, our previous plan is suspended."

Shen Tian, ​​the master, said in a deep voice, and Master Wanfa was also present. He said nothing.

"Brother Wan, in such a situation, we can no longer carry out the previous plan, and you must stop doing it!"

Master Qingtian said in a harsh tone.

"it is good!"

Master Wanfa finally nodded.

"Brother Qingtian, leave."

Master Wanfa left, not long after he arrived at his own Lingshan, his face worsened a lot.

"Feng Ruohai's waste actually awakened the nine-star heavenly soul!"

"If he grows up, I won't be so good by then."

Master Wanfa secretly said in his heart that Feng Ruohai's father was indeed killed by him. He happened to know that Feng Ruohai's father got an extremely powerful treasure.

Master Wanfa deceived Feng Ruohai's father to a place where he had arranged traps and offered to change that treasure. Feng Ruohai's father was unwilling, and Master Wanfa's father killed the killer!

"Qin Yang will need to participate in the race **** battle, this time is a good time to kill Feng Ruohai!"

"What about the Jiuxing Tianhun, and the dead are nothing."


"Qin Yang actually had such luck, and she accepted Princess Ellie as a disciple, and Princess Ellie awakened the Seven Star Heavenly Soul, and sealed Ruohai, who awakened the Nine Star Heavenly Soul!"

Master Moyang muttered to himself, and the Hei Ling tribe received the news within a short time.

Originally they were expecting the trouble between the gods and human races, but now they have disappeared.

And if Feng Ruohai and Princess Ellie are stronger in the future, the relationship between the human race and the gods will be much better.

"Brother Moyang, it seems that it is impossible for us to have a racial **** battle with the human race now."

Moyang dominates a strong man beside him.


Master Moyang nodded slightly, "Can only increase support for the snake race, and look forward to a better performance of the snake race!"

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