God of Shuratan

Chapter 190: False wolf smoke

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Shengjing City.

At about the same time, dozens of places and dozens of houses were burning, and these houses were piled with a large number of winter firewood.

All the firewood was covered with oil, burned, and the flames soared into the sky with the thick smoke of Mars.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The fires in these places did not last long. There were several barren mountains outside Shengjing City. The horrible explosion sounded. The power of the explosion was not small. But compared with the power, the sound was even more terrible. Several explosions. Startled.

Moreover, the sound of the explosion spread far away.

"Not good, hurry up, Beijing Masters attack!"

Seventy or eighty kilometers away, a barracks quickly lit wolf smoke. There was oil and gas in the billowing smoke, fire in the wolf smoke, and it could be clearly seen dozens of kilometers away in the night.

"Hurry, hurry, Jing Shi is attacking!"

"Light a wolf!"

There were cities around, and the rest of the barracks. When they saw the rising smoke, they quickly responded that the smoke was rising too!

One, two, three, in just two or three minutes, such smoke rose up by a dozen or two.

There is a city dozens of kilometers away from Qinyang, and a smoke is rising.

"Lord Six, look!"

A strong man outside the valley cried suddenly.

Ordinary people can clearly see the wolf smoke rising dozens of kilometers away, not to mention Tang Anguo's Yuanhu realm.

"not good!"

Tang Anguo's expression suddenly turned wild.

As a town general, Tang Anguo certainly knows what this means. If such smoke rises, there should be a big problem with the Beijing Normal University.

"Tiaohu Lishan!"

"Damn, Qin Yang is likely to cooperate with the rest of the forces! We are drawing a lot of strong men to this side and attacking Shengjing City at the same time!"

"No wonder Qin Yang said forty-one at first, it's very good!"

In the valley, Qin Yang also looked into the sky, and the smoke rising from afar, they could see clearly in the valley.

"Six lords, if it is me, I won't go back, I will rush into the valley to kill first! The pain of bereavement, don't wear it together!" Qin Yang chuckled.

Tang Anguo sternly said, "Qin Yang, you are from the Empire of the Tang Dynasty. You are united with the rest of the forces. You can't escape it!"

"Oh, I don't have a union, maybe just a coincidence." Qin Yang laughed.

Ningxuan Zhuang smiled. It was Qin Yang who asked the two of them to do this. It was easy to buy some warehouses that kept firewood, put some oil, and put a piece of time-burning amulets from Qinyang.

It is not difficult to bury a few bombs in the barren mountains. Qin Yang can do it by himself. The sound is so powerful that he doesn't need very good materials.

"Master Wang, Qin Yang, they can kill again, and the smoke rises, we must immediately return to the surprise teacher." Yun Lao Shen said.

"Yes, Lord Six, we can't hit Qin Yang's scheme!"

"Six princes, killing Qin Yang is small, and Jingshi is in danger!"

The other strong men in Yuanhu Realm were anxious.

To this side, basically there are industries and families in the Tiantang Empire.

Grand Master Banquet, these Yuanhu realms are basically accompanied by relatives and friends to Shengjing City. Now that Shengjing City is attacking, they are not worried to be surprised!

Tang Anguo looked at Qin Yang, his eyes flashed with cold light.

Tang Anguo really wanted to order to rush in and kill Qin Yang!

However, Tang Anguo did not dare to mess with him for the first time, the second defeat, and the death of a strong man close to twenty Yuanhu.

To venture into the valley is likely to be a great loss!

"Withdraw, back to Shengjing City as quickly as possible!"

Tang Anguo gritted his teeth authentically, two hundred and dozens of kilometers, they did their best, and could rush back in more than an hour!

The strength of Shengjing City is relatively strong, and it should not collapse in more than an hour.


Forty or so powerful men in Yuanhu Realm went away without rushing into the valley. Most of them were relieved. They would rather rush back to Shengjing City to kill!


Qin Yang was secretly relieved, thinking that this backhand would not be used at all, tossing in vain, I did not expect it was actually used!

"Yanger, they leave. They won't find us by then?" Xie Yan said.

Qin Yang shook his head: "It's unlikely, I just found out that they didn't bring a powerful spirit beast or something! It's very likely that they searched over and used some kind of treasure that can be put into the ring of space! This kind of thing Even if it can be used multiple times, after using it once, it is generally difficult to use it again within a short period of time, and they are unlikely to find us again! "

"Ready, we leave!"

"It won't be long before they receive a false alarm!"

Tang Anguo had already left for a few kilometers, and they could not see this side. Qin Yang's dark demon dragon and Xiao Junwan's ice phoenix appeared. With their current strength, Wu Hun took ten people to fly away without problems.


The snow was flying, and soon Qin Yang's martial spirit took them into the sky.

Three minutes passed.

Tang Anguo stopped suddenly.

In the distance, two identical smokes rose in a row.

"Was the warning just wrong?"

Tang Anguo's face changed drastically, and one after another appeared as a rush! Explain that the situation is extreme, support is fast!

One after the other was connected, canceling the previous smoke warning!

"Quickly, come back to the valley!"

Tang Anguo hurried to the side of the valley, where there is Qin Yang's figure.

"Yun old!"

Tang Anguo looked at the old man in white robes who took out the body of the six-winged soul-chaser.

The old man in white robe smiled bitterly: "When we were in the valley, the power of the six-winged chaser was exhausted! I don't have a second treasure like this!"


Tang Anguo growled in the sky, and he shot it with one palm, and the violent force directly blasted a boulder not far away into smash!

"Who has any means to catch up with Qin Yang?" Tang Anguo said with red eyes.

The strong shook his head.

Treasures like the six-winged soul-chaser are extremely rare!

The royal family is hard to come up with. They are just strong men in the realm of Yuan Lake. Where can there be such treasures!

Moreover, even if there are, most of their strong ones are reluctant to take it out, too lazy to take it out!

Of these forty Yuanhu realms, only a small number of them want to kill Qin Yang, and most of the rest are better off fighting against Qin Yang!

A young master such as Qin Yang, when he took out the treasure and could not kill him, the consequences were very serious!

"Master, let's go back to Beijing immediately, maybe there is something on that side!"

"The smoke alarm is cancelled, or it may be caused by the enemy!"

Yun Lao Shen chanted. At present, it is meaningless to chase Qin Yang again. In the dark, it is too difficult to chase Qin Yang who left from the air!


Tang Anguo yelled.

Forty-one Yuanhu realm left the valley again.

In the sky, Qin Yang quickly moved away. After a while, Qin Yang did not sense the intention of killing, he was relieved.

"It seems we are safe!"

Qin Yang smiled, "But without taking a rest first, we still go all out to stay away from Shengjing City!"


Xie Yan nodded.

More than an hour later, Qin Yang and them were more than 400 kilometers away from Shengjing City, and Tang Anguo rushed back.

Its daybreak.

"Six, how?"

Tang Chengde said in a deep voice that he was not staying in the imperial palace. He waited on the side of the North City Gate and saw Tang Anguo coming. Tang Chengde hurriedly greeted Tang Anguo to the tower.

"Your Majesty, Qin Yang they ran away."

Tang Anguo gritted his teeth authentically. When he came to the side of Shengjing City, he saw the barren mountains outside the city were blown up. Hearing some people's discussions, Tang Anguo knew they were being played.

Disappointed in Tang Chengde's eyes, Tang Anguo did not bring them back with Qin Yang, he had a bad hunch, and sure enough, Tang Anguo they failed!

"You worked hard!"

"Please noon, thank you!"

Tang Chengde Shen said, although he failed, he still had to express his gratitude for such a diverse lake.

"Your Majesty is polite!"

The strong men quickly said.

"Your Majesty, we haven't been of any help, no need for a banquet!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, since there is nothing going on here in Shengjing City, we will withdraw first!"

The powerful men opened their mouths. It didn't take long for most of the powerful men in Yuanhu Realm to leave, leaving only some powerful men belonging to the royal family.

"Go back to the palace and report it well."

Tang Chengde said coldly.

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