God of Shuratan

Chapter 1955: Jia Kun's means

"The surname is Qin. I originally thought you were really good. There is one more genius pharmacist in the pharmacist guild of thousands of races. I didn't expect you to be so vain."

Wei Jianxiong appeared, and he criticized loudly.

"I now seriously suspect that the poisoning of the person that Jia Lao treated before may have something to do with you! Otherwise, you, an eternal seventh-level character, can heal the problem that Jia Lao Wangu's ninth-level alchemy master cannot solve."

"Although there is such a genius in this world, you cannot be such a genius!"

After Wei Jianxiong finished speaking, many people immediately joined him.

What Jia Kun wanted was not only to trample Qin Yang to death, but also to restore his reputation in the process of trampling Qin Yang to death.

"Lao Jia is a very powerful character. I said that Lao Jia can't solve it. Why can a character of the seventh rank of Eternal Age be able to solve it."

"I'm afraid there is something hidden in the middle."

"Lao Jia hasn't argued for a while. Mr. Jia is the backbone of our pharmacist guild."

"If you are not responsible for killing someone on purpose, such a person shouldn't stay in our Ten Thousand Race Alchemist Association."

Many pharmacists in the Wan Clan Pharmacists Association also spoke up.

Jia Kun has been in the Wan Clan Pharmacist Association for a long time, and there is still a lot of support.

Moreover, he is a great master of the ninth-level eternal age. If you support him at this time, you may get his advice or something by then.

Suddenly, the family members of the patient scolded and the crowds onlookers questioned.

Even within the Ten Thousand Races Alchemist Guild, there are many targeted voices.

Qin Yang sneered in his heart. Jia Kun's layout was really good. If he was just an ordinary seventh-order figure, Jia Kun would definitely be trampled to death after this wave, and Jia Kun would smoothly restore his reputation.

The damage to Jia Kun's reputation was mainly something that could be done by the seventh-order eternal characters, but he had not done it.

If Qin Yang deliberately poisoned or something, then it would be normal for Qin Yang to get it done, and it is not unacceptable that Jia Kun can't solve it.


Just then, Jia Kun's figure appeared, and he went next to Qin Yang and them.

"Xiao Qin, the old man has been reflecting on himself during this period of time. At the same time, the old man is also happy for the genius of the Ten Thousand Clan Alchemist Association. If you rely on your previous reputation to charge high prices to kill people, then you don’t regret it. It's disappointing."

Jia Kun said with a distressed look.

"The old man believes that you were not poisoned before. I believe that you happen to be able to treat Captain Mu's wife and brother. The old man used the wrong medicine before. It was the old man's fault. You cured Captain Mu's wife and brother. The old man actually has to talk to you. Thank you."

"But you shouldn't think that you really have the strength of the ninth eternal rank. The gap between eternal seventh and eternal nine is still quite large."

"You want to make more money, everyone can understand, but you can't improve on the problems that can't be solved. Life is precious."

After Jia Kun finished speaking, many people suddenly expressed their support for Jia Kun.

"Old Jia said it well."

"Lao Jia deserves to be a veteran master, three views are very upright."

"Old Jia has made a little mistake before, but this kind of mistake is completely forgivable. There is no intention to treat the accident, and to kill people, this is unforgivable."

Those who spoke were Jia Kun’s supporters, and with them guiding public opinion, many powerful people who were present suddenly felt that it was indeed the case.

"Old Jia, please call us the shots."

"Elder Jia, you are the great master of the Medicine Refining Association. You can't let the murderer of my husband go unpunished."

"Old Jia, please."

The families of the deceased pleaded, and many of them even knelt down and kowtow to Jia Kun.

"Not allowed, not allowed."

"Everyone, please."

"It is the problem of our pharmacist guild that caused your relatives to die. Our pharmacist guild will definitely give you an explanation for this matter. I am personally willing to give you one hundred thousand heavenly coins to compensate you."

"Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with me. If I could cure Captain Mu's wife and brother before, nothing like this would happen."

Jia Kun repeatedly said that he personally helped several of them who seemed to be quite old.

Mu Yuanfeng and Tao Zhenshan were very anxious.

Most of the people present have already supported Jia Kun in their hearts.

"Everyone, it is absolutely impossible for my wife and brother to be murdered by Master Qin, Master Qin is not such a person."

Mu Yuanfeng said solemnly.

"Captain Mu, I don't know the heart."

"Yes, Captain Mu, the seventh-ranked character cured your wife and brother, now it's a bit fake to think about it."

Several strong people around spoke up.

Jia Kun sighed lightly: "Captain Mu, I would also like to believe that this is the case, but this is not the point now. Xiao Qin, if you apologize to the family of the deceased and take the initiative to compensate, the old man can still intercede for you, if you don’t understand , I am afraid the consequences will be very serious."

"Flap, pop, pop!"

Qin Yang patted his palms.

"Master Jia, the play you directed is not bad, it's breathtaking. Step on me, and at the same time wash myself white, amazing, amazing."

Qin Yang laughed loudly.

Wei Jianxiong sternly said: "The surname is Qin, and Jia Laode looks up to the public. This is a well-known thing. You think you can slander Jia Lao by saying this? Lao Jiao Wangu is the ninth level, you are nothing but the seventh tier! Things are suspicious!"

"Lao Jia doesn't pursue the previous affairs with you. You are still here to pour dirty water on Jia Lao's body."

Qin Yang glanced at Wei Jianxiong coldly and looked at the family of the deceased.

"You said, I only have the strength of the seventh eternal rank, and I charge you the price of the eternal nine rank, and then put people to death?"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice.

"Yes, you murderer!"


The deceased's wife and mother said loudly.

Qin Yang pointed at Jia Kun: "Then if Grandmaster Jia treated him and charged the price of the ninth order of the ages, and finally killed the person, what should I say?"

Among the relatives of the deceased, the ninth-tier strong man sternly said: "Can you compare with Old Jia? Lao Jia has the strength of the ninth-tier level, and he should charge the ninth-tier price. Even if he is put to death, then It is also because the condition is too serious!"


The family members of the deceased spoke one after another, and they hoped to get Jia Kun's support at the moment, so it is natural to listen to them nicely.

Qin Yang looked at the powerful ninth-tier man, this guy was the first to say that he probably knew the truth.

"Look at what I am doing, you are a seventh-tier eternal, and you don't have the strength to charge a high price to kill people, that's your problem."

The ninth-order powerful man is vicious and authentic.

Qin Yang nodded slightly, and he looked at Jia Kun: "Grandmaster Jia, are you interested, let's learn from each other?"


Many people were stunned, and so did Jia Kun.

The characters of the seventh-order of the ages challenge the characters of the ninth-order of the ages, which is equivalent to a junior high school student challenging a college student.

As everyone knows, there is a big gap between the seventh-order pharmacist and the ninth-order pharmacist.

Every time you go up a bit, the difficulty of raising it increases greatly.

Ten eternal seventh-order alchemists, they may not have one that can reach eternal eighth in their lifetime, and one hundred eternal seventh-order alchemists may not be able to reach eternal nineth in their lifetime.

"You want to challenge the old man?"

Jia Kun couldn't believe it.

Qin Yang said indifferently, "If Grandmaster Jia thinks the term challenge is better, you can!"

Wei Jianxiong laughed wildly: "Everyone, this is really the best joke I've heard in these years. The seventh step of the eternal age challenges the nineth eternal step, what challenge can you take the surname Qin!"

"Our pharmacist's most fascinating skill is to refine pill. Can you refine the eternal ninth-order pill?"

Qin Yang said indifferently, "Can I refine it? If I try it, it will be clear? Grandmaster Jia, are we okay with alchemy in public?"

Jia Kun stared at Qin Yang, he couldn't see through Qin Yang at the moment, but he had very strong information about his alchemy.

It is impossible for a character of the seventh rank of the age to win him!

As for Qin Yang's ninth-tier strength, he didn't believe it at all. Jia Kun was convinced that Qin Yang had only the sixth-tier cultivation base before. Now even if his cultivation is improved, Qin Yang must have only the seventh-tier cultivation base.

The eternal seventh-order cultivation base refining the eternal nineth-order pill, this is something that the ultimate alchemy genius can do.

Qin Yang is a genius for alchemy?

Jia Kun can't believe it!

"Yes, the old man promises you."

"We refine the three furnaces of pill. Whoever has the higher success rate and the higher the quality of the pill will win."

Jia Kun said solemnly.

Jia Kun had no confidence that he would be able to successfully refine one pot of pill, or even two pots of pill, but he believed that he had no problem with three pots of pill. His success rate in refining the pill was over 40%.

This success rate is not low among the ninth-level eternal pharmacists, and many have a success rate of less than 30%.

Wei Jianxiong said in a voice transmission: "Old Jia, he may want to delay time, maybe he is waiting for other strong people to come and help him!"

Jia Kun's eyes flickered, it is indeed possible.

"Master Qin, in order not to waste everyone's work, our refining is proceeding at an accelerated pace!"

Jia Kun said in a deep voice, "There is a medicine refining room on the first floor where others can watch alchemy. Let's enter the medicine refining room to make alchemy. The time acceleration is increased to 100,000 times. Anyone who can watch this time acceleration can see clearly."

"If you don't have points, the old man will give you these points!"

A hundred thousand times the time acceleration, even if it takes time to refine the eternal ninth-order pill.

"It's no problem, Grand Master, I still have this point."

Qin Yang said quietly.

The two quickly reached the two adjacent medicine refining rooms. They couldn't see each other, but the people outside could clearly see both of them.

Tens of thousands of people gathered around the two refining rooms.

The pharmacists of the Ten Thousand Races Alchemist Guild were all alarmed, and they changed their appearances and went to the side of the Alchemy Room.

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