God of Shuratan

Chapter 1997: Destroy the enemy perfectly!

As time passed, the monsters died in the dust barrier.

Some people in Qin Yang and the others were injured, but none of them died. Each of the top powerhouses in Qin Yang and the others can take care of a large area. Serious problems in this area can be rescued in time!

Of course, the special training in the previous two years has been effective.

And the leader of the monsters died, it was chaos!


Qin Yang shot, another powerful ninth-order monster powerhouse died.

Hundreds of them have been killed by him!

Xiang Yi, Nangong Sheng, Hua Qingyin also killed many.

After ten minutes, the battle gradually subsided, all the strong monsters were solved by Qin Yang and Qin Yang and a large number of strong ones gathered together.

"Everyone, no one of us died. We solved 13,000 monsters perfectly. This is nothing short of a miracle!"

Feng Linxian was excited and authentic.

The rest of the strong are all excited.

"Leader, you are wrong. It is not a miracle, but the deputy leader of Qin is extremely strong!"

Dao Lingxue looked at Qin Yangdao.

Jian Chen nodded: "Yes, if it weren't for the deputy leader of Qin who had solved the three-headed and half-step Heavenly Dao level monster heavenly king in a very short time, we would never have been able to continuously expand our advantage. Then we would definitely die a lot!"

"that's right."

"Thanks to the deputy leader Qin."

Many strong people have spoken.

Everyone knew Qin Yang's role in this battle.

Even if Gong Qianyan didn't want Qin Yang and the others to be good, he couldn't say anything to refute at this moment.

He did not dare!

Qin Yang, Xiang Yi, Nangong Sheng, and Hua Qingyin all have the strength of the five-star half-step heavenly path, which is terrifying!

Qin Yang waved his hand: "Everyone is in the same boat now, work together to overcome the difficulties."

Dao Lingxue, Jian Chen and many other experts looked at Qin Yang with gratitude.

Qin Yang has helped them a lot.

Hun Tianji smiled and said: "Vice-leader Qin, after hearing your actions this time, it is simply the most correct choice. With so many monsters, if we solve them in the sixth district, the price we will pay is incalculable. ."

A large number of strong nodded.

Feng Linxian said: "Everyone, give all the monster corpses to the deputy leader of Qin. At that time, according to the strength of the strength, everyone can share the benefits, and the energy obtained will be used by themselves or traded to the rest of the strong. Everyone decides for yourself!"

Dao Lingxue, Jian Chen and other powerful players showed joy in their eyes. According to their strength, they could have got a lot of benefits.

And there are many strong ones in their influence, and the other strong ones can also get a lot of benefits!

Dao Lingxue and the others can promise the benefits of the rest of the strong, and then exchange the attribute energy from the other strong.

"Leader Qin, there are more than 13,000 monsters, this time you are tired."

"Leader Qin, don't be too anxious. In this big victory, the monsters in the sixth zone should not dare to kill them at all. We are much safer! When our strength rises, we will teach them again!"

All the corpses of the monsters that were killed were taken out by everyone. At this time, no one hid their privates and aroused public anger.


Qin Yang calmly collected all the monster bodies, but he was actually excited.

With so many corpses of monsters, a lot of attribute energy can be obtained, and these attribute energy should be absorbed by Lorina and the others!

And if you leave the Golden Dragon City, you can select some human geniuses to form a powerful army!

"Everyone, with so many, it may take more than ten years to complete the refining."

"In addition, do you have a time spar? If so, you can trade some with me. I can give some attribute energy at that time!"

Qin Yang said.

Time accelerating for a long time, Qin Yang's time spar consumes a lot, even if he has prepared a lot, it is already exhausted now.

"Brother Qin, I have a lot here, don't know how to exchange energy?"

Jian Chen said quickly.

At the point of Jian Chen and others, the effect of training under accelerated time is not particularly obvious, but the effect of absorbing the attribute energy from refining is very obvious.

Qin Yang quickly said a standard.

The attribute energy that can be exchanged is more than Jian Chen and other strong people estimate.

Suddenly, many strong people gave a large amount of time spar to Qin Yang. Many of these time spars contained the power of the law of heaven. They were very powerful, and the weaker time spars could be used in the formation.

"Everyone, do this first."

"I will find everyone if you need to."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "The monsters should not dare to go out of the city to make trouble. The attribute energy is given to everyone once a year. Dao Lingxue, Daoist Jianchen, Daoist Huntianji, the first priority is the strong one this time. Give priority to the weaker ones, is that okay?"

Dao Lingxue nodded their heads.

They wanted to increase their strength earlier, but Qin Yang said that they were naturally not good at opposing it, and there was no reason to oppose it.

"Xian'er, stare a little bit, don't let anyone make a fool of yourself!"

Qin Yang gave it to Feng Linxian.

With so many corpses of monsters on his body, there will be a lot of attribute energy refining, and maybe someone will take the risk to deal with him!

Of course, this possibility is not great.

"Brother Qin, don't worry."

Feng Linxian sent a message.

Qin Yang quickly arrived in the previous palace, in the time array.

After a while, he received a lot of monsters in the different space of the right eye. Fortunately, his strength has increased a lot, and his right eye ability has also become stronger. Otherwise, in more than ten years, he really can't receive all the corpses of so many monsters. Different space in the right eye.

"The situation is not good."

"Kush, they are afraid that something will happen."

Inside the city, six monster kings looked outside eagerly. They hoped that King Kush would appear.

But an hour passed, and no monster powerhouse appeared.

After a long time, there is still no.

This situation is absolutely abnormal, but they have agreed with King Kush and they have to report the situation after a period of time.

"Send a team out to see?"

One of the kings said.


Each of the six heavenly kings sent a subordinate, and the six strong monsters who were good at hiding left the sixth area. They were ordered to go out and see that they must come back within a quarter of an hour, but there was no news after a quarter of an hour.

Dao Lingxue and their nine thousand strong men are not idle now, let alone nine, even if nine hundred come out for investigation, there will definitely be no return.

"Kush, they must have something wrong."

"Damn, let them not go out a long time ago, we will lose a lot of strength if they happen!"

"We can only stick to the sixth district now!"


The remaining six heavenly kings were originally city guards. They didn't plan to go out before, and now they don't!

Gradually, more than ten years passed, and all the corpses of the monsters had been disposed of.

In the process of devouring those monsters, the strength of Swallowing Heaven has increased a lot, and now it is already a ninth eternal stage.

Qin Yang himself didn't have the cultivation base of the ninth eternal stage, but the eighth eternal stage!

"Friend Dao Lingxue, Daoist Jianchen, Daoist Huntianji, this is yours."

Qin Yang smiled and said, he gave the three space rings to Dao Lingxue and the others.

The three of them were the last to gain strength. They could have gained a lot, plus they could get a lot from the others. If they were given to them early, they would have a five-star and a half-gauge level of strength by now.

It is not good to be targeted by them then.

"Brother Qin, thank you!"

"Brother Qin, thank you."

"Vice-leader Qin, how can someone thank you?"

Dao Lingxue and the others laughed one by one, Hun Tianji looked at Qin Yang beautifully, with strange light flickering in her eyes.

There are countless men of Hun Tian Ji, and now Qin Yang is really eyeing.

In Hun Tianji's view, those before and Qin Yang were far behind.

Qin Yang ignored Hun Tianji, his eyes swept across Hun Tianji and the three of them: "Three, you should all be able to reach the peak half-step Heavenly Dao level by then, but the leader has done a good job. There is still a lot to support the leader."

Feng Linxian is the leader, and she can naturally get a lot of attribute energy, but Feng Linxian has already absorbed two rounds of attribute energy, and she cannot absorb it right now, that is to say, her combat power is still four stars for the time being. Heavenly level.

Dao Lingxue's strength will surpass Feng Linxian temporarily!

"Brother Qin, don't worry. As you said, we are now in the same boat. This time we can have such a harvest, which is also the result of concerted efforts."

Jian Chen said, "I'm here to say something, unless it is Brother Qin you want to be the leader, and the others are the leader, I will not accept it!"

Dao Lingxue smiled and said, "Me too!"

Hun Tianji smiled and said: "Actually, it is good for you to be the deputy leader of Qin. If you are, I will be the first to support!"

Qin Yang shook his head: "I'll forget it."

Becoming the leader of Qin League, then everyone will easily associate him with the "League of Qin" in the starry sky world.

"Three fellow Daoists, hurry up and improve our strength, we must hurry up! Our goal is not just to get the monsters in the sixth zone!"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice.

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