God of Shuratan

Chapter 2019: Two human races

In a blink of an eye, one or two hundred years have passed, and many strong people in Golden Dragon City are very happy. During this time, they have gained a lot in Golden Dragon City.

Qin Yang, Xiang Yi and the others, and Feng Linxian all practice quietly.

"There is room for improvement in cultivation base, and there is room for improvement in Xiaojing's golden dragon seal's recognition of the master. There is no need to enter the imperial city for now.

"You can go to the outside world first!"

Qin Yang muttered to himself.

It has been hundreds of years since he entered the Golden Dragon City. Counting the time, he has entered the heaven for 800 years, and it is not far from the thousand years when he can return to the starry sky.

At this moment, many strong people in the heavens estimate that he has reached the heavens.

Some strong people might slightly suspect that Qin Lin is Qin Yang.

It is well known that Qin Lin entered the Golden Dragon City. If Qin Yang showed up outside at this time, no one would doubt that Qin Yang and Qin Lin were the same person.

"Jun Wan, Mingyue, Yu Ling and the others don't know what's going on now."

Qin Yang's eyes showed longing, Xiao Junwan and the three of them followed the sacred Buddha into the heavens. That sacred Buddha has a cultivation base of the heavenly Dao level, and his character is reliable. If there is no accident, they should be right now. It's okay.

Qin Yang didn't go to find them before, because it was useless. At that time, his cultivation base was still low and he was prone to danger.

It's different now.

Now Qin Yang has a lot of resources, attribute energies, and color energies to improve experience. These are used by Xiao Junwan and the others, and Xiao Junwan and their talents can quickly improve.

"Xiang Yi, Nangong Sheng, Hua Qingyin, this seat has been shut down for some years, and you have been unable to contact this seat for these years. If you have anything to do, listen to the leader!"

Qin Yang sent a message to Xiang Yi and the others. Relying on the power of the Golden Dragon Seal, he could leave the Golden Dragon City by himself and return when that time, but Xiang Yi and the others could not.

"Yes, Lord!"

Xiang Yi told them that they had no doubts.

When the practitioner encounters some critical moments, it is normal to close the dead and not to disturb anyone.

"Xian'er, I plan to leave Golden Dragon City to deal with external affairs first, and at the same time make the rest of the strong believe that Qin Lin and Qin Yang are not the same person!"

Qin Yang sent the message to Feng Linxian.

Feng Linxian was taken aback for a moment and quickly transmitted his voice: "Brother Qin, can you leave the Golden Dragon City?"

"Yes, but I can only leave by myself, and the rest of you can't leave!"

"Xian'er, I have instructed Xiang Yi and them. If there is anything you can ask them to help, the strengths of you and Xiang Yi have increased a lot here, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Feng Linxian took a deep breath and said, "Brother Qin, let's see you first, and you can accompany me again before leaving, okay?"

"of course can."

After a few hours of lingering, Feng Linxian felt lost, Qin Yang had disappeared from her and had already left the Golden Dragon City.


A place far away from the Golden Dragon City, the space fluctuates slightly, and Qin Yang's figure appears. He will appear in another image. The dragon blood mask can easily change him into another appearance, even if the heavens are changed. It is not easy for the strong to discover his true identity.

If it is a long-distance divination or something, it is difficult for a powerhouse of the four changes of the heavens to figure out where he is.

The dragon blood mask can shield the secret of heaven.

"Blood Dragon, we have left Golden Dragon City. If you don't mess around, we will get along very harmoniously in the future. If you mess around, the consequences may be serious!"

Qin Yang said solemnly, he was a little nervous.

The face of Dragon Blood has the potential to bite him back.

"Master, don't worry, I won't."

Blood Dragon Sound Transmission.

Qin Yang said quietly: "This is the best. You should know that my eyes are so strong. That's because the essence and blood of the half-step control level are integrated. If you go back, you may break the half-step control level powerhouse! In addition, If you go back, I might have returned to Golden Dragon City without success!"

"I know."

The blood dragon replied that its current level of recognition is already relatively deep. To this point, the consequences of its backlash against Qin Yang are still relatively serious, and the probability of failure is not small.

Moreover, it can't beat Qin Yang immediately, it will take some time.

Qin Yang judged a lower position and quickly moved away. He was leaving in the opposite direction of the Golden Dragon City. It is estimated that there are still many strong players on the Golden Dragon City side.

It didn't take long before Qin Yang arrived in a city, not particularly big, and the most powerful character was only at the seventh or eighth level of the ages.

But here is relatively close to the Golden Dragon City, and I know the news on the Golden Dragon City very well.

With ease, Qin Yang hypnotized a strong man to obtain a lot of information.

The Golden Dragon City did not leave the heavens anymore when Xiao Jing got the Golden Dragon Seal. At that time, many powerful people tried to enter the Golden Dragon City, but failed.

Nowadays, there are still many powerhouses in Golden Dragon City.

"Is there any important news about Human Race?"

Qin Yang asked.

"I know a few important news about Human Race."

"Three hundred years ago, a strong man in the human race died of the second change of the heavens. It has not been found out who the murderer was."

"One hundred and eighty-three years ago, the Snake Clan forcibly occupied the Thousand Feather Islands, the territory of the Human Race. Many strong people in the Human Race wanted to drive away the strong ones from the Snake Clan. In an open duel, the Human Race was defeated. Were beheaded."

Qin Yang frowned: "The Thousand Feather Islands have always belonged to the human race. Why does the snake tribe occupy the Thousand Feather Islands?"

The Thousand Feather Islands are not an ordinary place. There are many islands here, the area is not small, and the most important thing is that many islands of the Thousand Feather Islands are rich in mineral resources. At least 5% of the human resources are from this Side provided.

If the resources here are lost all of a sudden, many human forces will have a hard time, and some forces are likely to make ends meet.

Even though 5% may not seem to be a lot, for many businesses, the annual profit is not 5% at all.

"I heard that a more important person from the Snake Race died there. The Snake Clan handed over the killer from the human side. The murderer couldn't surrender. The Snake Clan blatantly dispatched a lot of strong men to expel the strong human race over there. Then the Human Race made more efforts to negotiate, but the Snake Race also went to many strong people."

"The Human Race cannot forcibly regain the Thousand Feather Islands. The Snake Party later proposed that the two sides sent people to fight to solve it. The Human Race had no choice but to agree. The result was a fiasco, and the Human Race actually killed some strong people."

Qin Yang's expression was ugly. The snake tribe was simply looking for a reason to invade the Thousand Feather Islands. The human race was low in strength and could only watch the Thousand Feather Islands being occupied.

In the long years, such things are not uncommon.

The Terran was extremely strong back then, occupying a large area. For example, the territory occupied by the Terran Tribe today is only two provinces. Within these two provinces, many powerful Terrans can live more comfortably.

Although there are many strong human races in other places, their lives are generally unsatisfactory.

Like the main city of Light and Shadow where Qin Yang was before, the human race is in a very poor situation, hundreds of human race powerhouses have been beheaded, and the murderer is at large.

"There are only Kyushu Prefecture and the Primordial Mansion left in the human race. Now that the Thousand Feather Islands are occupied, the Kyushu Prefecture and the Primordial Mansion are probably being targeted."

The cold light flickered in Qin Yang's eyes.

Although there are two prefectures, in fact, 80% of the economy and the population are on the Kyushu prefecture. The Thousand Feather Group is in the outer area of ​​Kyushu Prefecture. The snake tribe occupies the Thousand Feather Islands. intend.

The snake clan acts and eats the meat, which will play a very bad leading role for the human race, and some of the strong people of the other races will also be ready to move.

In history, many territories of the human race were first occupied a little bit, and then all fell into the mouth of tigers and wolves.

If Kyushu Prefecture is lost, Human Race will basically be over by then.

The Primordial Mansion is relatively remote, with more fierce beasts and few resources. It is okay to barely feed the strong human race, but it is impossible for the Human race to rely on a small prehistoric mansion to grow, and if a large number of human race powerhouses are forced to move to the prehistoric mansion. On the other hand, because of the lack of resources, serious internal friction will occur within the human race.

The strength of the human race will definitely accelerate its decline.

"Is there anything important for the Human Race in the past few hundred years?" Qin Yang asked.

Qin Yang's hypnotic control youth said: "I also know a more important piece of news. The strong human race in the starry sky world beheaded some strong men who invaded the Promise Imperial City, and also captured some alive. Qin Yang is estimated to have entered the heaven."

"Many powerful people have secretly formed a power called the Zhu Qin Alliance, with the purpose of killing Qin Yang! At present, this power is estimated to have absorbed many powerful people to join, and publicly offered rewards to kill Qin Yang."

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