God of Shuratan

Chapter 2061: Tiandao level fierce beast

"It's actually entered here randomly."

Qin Yang muttered in his heart, he looked around for a moment, and the place where this meeting was located was not where he was when he left the heaven before.


A terrifying roar sounded, and a terrifying beast with a body length of more than 10,000 meters rushed towards Qin Yang. This beast had an eternal ninth-order cultivation base.

"Little guy, be good!"

Qin Yang spoke faintly, and he instantly appeared on the head of the fierce beast that rushed over, and the terrifying aura enveloped the beast.

Suddenly the arrogance of this fierce beast dissipated instantly, and it trembled.

"Where are we now?"

Qin Yang sent a message and asked that a beast of this level still had some IQ, and it would be okay to answer his simple questions.

"A million fierce mountains?"

Qin Yang frowned.

He knows the Million Fierce Mountain, a very well-known fierce land in the heavens, covering a large area, with extremely steep and huge peaks in the range.

And there are many fierce beasts in the Million Fierce Mountain.

Including the fierce beasts of the Heavenly Dao level.

"I don't have much luck."

"Is it possible that getting the golden key has drained my recent luck?"

Qin Yang vomited secretly.

The fierce beast under him is called Juwu. This guy has an eternal ninth rank, and his strength is quite strong. The place where he is located belongs to the depths of the million fierce mountains. According to the depths of the million fierce mountains, the heavenly beasts are all There are quite a few.

Achieve the three changes of the heavens and even stronger!

"You have to leave the Million Fierce Mountain quickly and let the Heavenly Dao-level fierce beasts find that it is very possible to die here!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

"Little guy, go to the outskirts of Million Fierce Mountain."

"If you dare to make a ghost, I will kill you!"

Qin Yang suppressed his aura and hid on Zhu Wu's head. Its aura would obscure Qin Yang's aura, and it would not be easy for a beast of the Heavenly Dao level to spot Qin Yang.

As time passed, Zhu Wu gradually left the core area of ​​Million Fierce Mountain. Although there were also Heavenly Dao-level fierce beasts in the inner surrounding area, the number was much smaller, and the inner surrounding area was large, and the chance of encountering it was very high. small.

Zhu Wu continued to move forward. At an altitude of tens of thousands of kilometers, an iron armored giant eagle was flying at extreme speed. It was a fierce beast of the heavenly realm.

For the most time, it fought with another beast of Heavenly Dao level and suffered some injuries, so it lived in the inner circle for the time being, but there were few powerful beasts in the inner circle, and it was not easy to find food that suits its appetite, which would make it feel unhappy.


Suddenly, the armored giant eagle looked at Qin Yang and the others. It didn't see Qin Yang, but it saw Wu Wu.

The Jiu Wu of the age of nine is one of its favorite foods!

"call out!"

The armored giant eagle immediately fell to Qin Yang and the others. Its eagle exhibition was more than 100,000 meters, and the 10,000-meter long eagle was just a small one in front of it.


Qin Yang's expression changed, and the giant armored eagle rushed over and he found it for the first time, but the giant armored eagle came too fast, and Qin Yang hadn't reacted. The giant armored eagle had reached Qin Yang's head from an altitude of tens of thousands of kilometers.

There was a look of panic in Wu's eyes, only the ninth-order eternal, facing the iron-clad giant eagle at the heavenly level, there was not much to fight back!

"Give it a shot."

Qin Yang's eyes flickered, and he would definitely not be able to escape. Even if his speed increased, his speed is estimated to be inferior to this iron armored giant eagle.

——As a flying fierce beast, the speed of this iron armored giant eagle is higher than that of a powerhouse at the second change level of Heaven.

Qin Yang is now the fastest, and he barely changes the level of Heaven.

Qin Yang hid well, coupled with the obscure aura, the iron armor giant eagle did not find Qin Yang the first time.

"It's now!"

Just when the iron-clad giant eagle opened his mouth and wanted to swallow Zhu Wu whole, Qin Yang made a move. He sacrificed the old black, and the old black smashed the iron-clad giant eagle's head at an astonishing speed.

Lao Hei was a treasure of the Heavenly Dao level. With Qin Yang's current strength, it was enough to display its power of 60 to 70%. With such a close speed, coupled with Qin Yang's mental arithmetic and unintentional, the iron armored giant eagle had no time to react.

It also didn't expect that Zhu Wu would still avoid more powerful enemies.


The much bigger old black smashed heavily on the forehead of the armored giant eagle, and the void was shaken, and the violent power swept all around. Even with the strength of this armored giant eagle, it was smashed into a dizzy head.


Using the old black attack to gain a little time, Qin Yang used his different pupil in the shortest time, his left eye turned completely black, and the terrifying suction from the left eye enveloped the iron armor giant eagle.

For the first time, Qin Yang felt strong pressure. It was because his different pupils were not enough to swallow this iron armored giant eagle.


At this moment, Xiao Jing made a move. She sacrificed the golden dragon seal. Through the golden dragon seal, she roared. The powerful dragon power instantly impacted the soul of the iron armored giant eagle. The iron armored giant eagle had its soul damaged. At that time, he was affected by Longwei, his breath was reduced a lot, and his ability to resist swallowing was also reduced.

Qin Yang felt that the pressure in his left eye had dropped a lot, and then the huge iron armored giant eagle disappeared, and when it appeared again, it had already reached the space in Qin Yang's left eye.


The armored giant eagle was tossing crazily in it. Although it could not come out of it, Qin Yang felt a lot of pressure and a tingling sensation in his left eye.

"It is estimated that this guy has been able to reach Yichang for a long time, and it is estimated that he is not weak among the strong."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that with his current strength, it should not be so difficult for a weaker Heavenly Dao to become a strong one.

"Little guy, keep running outside!"

Qin Yang ordered Jin Wudao to converge his breath and head to another direction.

The armored giant eagle was taken down by him, but it had a little time before it was collected, maybe the call contacted the other fierce beasts!

Far away from Qin Yang, a larger iron-clad giant eagle opened its eyes, and the aura emanating from it was even more terrifying. This giant iron-clad eagle is at the level of the Second Transformation of the Heavenly Dao, and it has not just arrived. Kind,

In the lair of this iron armor giant eagle, there are many bones, powerful beasts eaten by it, and many powerful practitioners!


With both wings flapping, this iron armored giant eagle immediately flew towards Qin Yang and the others.

This iron armored giant eagle is the elder of the iron armored giant eagle that Qin Yang grabbed. It doesn't care about trivial things at all, but if the opponent's life is in danger, it will.


After leaving a long distance, Qin Yang felt his heart palpitations, and he immediately entered the void mica.

At this time, the iron armored eagle that came from behind had found Zhuu Wu, and it landed, easily killed the Jiu Wu of the ninth order and swallowed it.

Following the route that Zhu Wu had just moved forward, it quickly found the spot where Qin Yang had just captured the giant eagle.


After distinguishing it a little, the iron armored eagle who came from behind went to Qin Yang's side. Its cultivation base of the Second Transformation of Heaven was much stronger than Qin Yang. Even if Qin Yang had a dragon blood mask to help hide his breath, he could not hide it. Pass it

——The dragon blood mask is quite strong in shielding the secrets of heaven, but it is not particularly strong in covering the breath. It is okay to conceal the power of the change of the heavens, and the effect is not very good when facing the giant eagle of the second change of the heavens.

"Be good."

"That's it."

"Such a strong breath, the second change of Heavenly Dao level, may be close to the third change of Heavenly Dao."

Qin Yang's heart was frightened. He saw the iron-clad giant eagle chasing him in the void mica. This guy had a wingspan of more than 300,000 meters and exuded fierce flames.


Without seeing Qin Yang, the iron armored giant eagle outside screamed angrily, the surrounding ground suddenly cracked, and the peaks collapsed directly.

"Release Takakichi immediately, or you will die."

Qin Yang heard an angry roar from the outside world.

He is not surprised.

The beasts of the Heavenly Dao level don't say anything, even if they become humans and live in the city, it will be fine.

"If Takakichi is released, this king promises to release you, otherwise you will definitely die."

The giant eagle hovered around the place where Qin Yang had just disappeared. Its powerful spiritual sense swept across the inch of space here, but the void mica was very strong before. Now Qin Yang has a higher cultivation base and its ability is stronger. It is impossible for the giant eagle to find the void mica.

"Don't think that if you hide well, you can survive. If you don't let go, you will die immediately!"

The giant eagle threatened again.

Qin Yang's face was solemn, this giant eagle might have a long-range attack method!

Void mica hiding is still good, but if you encounter a very powerful enemy, the enemy has a long-range attack method, and the long-range attack may fall on his head!

"Ready to resist the attack!"

Qin Yang immediately notified Xiao Jing, Swallow Heaven, that they all have a five-star half-step Heavenly Dao level cultivation base, and together they have a stronger defense ability.

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