God of Shuratan

Chapter 2190: Thousands of Tianjiao dumbfounded

"Brother Qin Yang, I miss you so much."

Using the Golden Dragon Seal, Qin Yang entered the Golden Dragon City directly across a long distance.

Immediately, Long Youmeng appeared in front of Qin Yang. She looked at Qin Yang in surprise, her eyes full of longing.

"Xiaomeng, your speed of ascension is very fast, these are all cultivated at the second level of Heavenly Dao." Qin Yang said in surprise.



Long Youmeng looked at Qin Yang expectantly, but Qin Yang failed to change the subject.

"Cough, then give me a hug."

Qin Yang said, he opened his arms as he said, Long Youmeng immediately threw into Qin Yang's arms and hugged Qin Yang tightly.

After half a minute, Long Youmeng was still holding her tightly, and Qin Yang coughed slightly: "Xiaomeng, is it all right?"

"Your sister Xian'er has also come in, I will let her come out."

Long Youmeng hurriedly said: "Brother, let me hold you for a while. I have been looking forward to you coming in to see me. I have been waiting for you for a long, long time. I don’t have time for retreat and practice. I will send you messages many times a day, but I have been sending messages. failure."

"Brother, let me hold you for a while."

Qin Yang sighed inwardly, Long Wuji's hypnotic effect was too strong, and now Long Youmeng's love for him was already extremely strong.

But this kind of love is just false.

If he takes Long Youmeng seriously and "eats" Long Youmeng, then he would violate his promise to Long Wuji. After nine thousand years, Long Youmeng wakes up and may hate him too.

"Xiaomeng, my brother was in danger not long ago."

"I was arrested by two powerhouses of the five changes of the Heavenly Dao. The Golden Dragon City is very important to my brother. I hope your strength can be improved faster. Normally you don't need to send me many messages every day. I will come to see you!"

Qin Yang said.

"Brother, are you in danger?"

Long Youmeng was suddenly very nervous.

Qin Yang said: "I'm on the road of invincibility now, and the other party didn't kill me, but nine thousand years later, the ten thousand years of protection of the heavens will end, Xiaomeng, do you think you can reach the level of the four changes of the heavens by that time? The cultivation base?"

"Nine thousand years? Brother, I definitely can!"

Long Youmeng is very serious and authentic.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Xiao Meng, then, my brother has agreed with you that if you reach the cultivation base of the Four Transformations of Heaven by then, my brother can take you out to play, and you will have the strength to help your brother then!"

"But within nine thousand years, you cannot leave the Golden Dragon City. If you are caught by the enemy, the enemy may threaten your brother with you, understand?"

Long Youmeng nodded repeatedly.

"Brother, I know, I must have reached the cultivation base of the Four Changes of Heaven's Path earlier."

Long Youmeng said and finally let go of Qin Yang, Qin Yang made a promise, she had a goal, and she didn't panic so much.

"Brother, where's Sister Xian'er?"

Long Youmeng said.

Qin Yang asked Feng Linxian and the others to go outside. Wen Xinyu and Xiang Yi are the same. Wen Xinyu only has the cultivation level of the Second Transformation of Heaven. There is no problem in entering the Golden Dragon City. Long Youmeng is now in Golden Dragon City. The strength is estimated to reach the level of the four changes of heaven!

——Before, Wen Xinyu's strength in Golden Dragon City reached the level of the Three Changes of Heaven!

"Sister Xian'er."

Long Youmeng was delighted and authentic.

Feng Linxian and Long Youmeng hugged them, and then introduced them to Wen Xinyu: "Master, her name is Long Youmeng. She is the master of the Golden Dragon City, Xiaomeng, she is my Master. The tutors of the 10,000-nation academy outside, Master's father is the same as your father, but they are all powerhouses of the five changes of heaven."

"Hello, senior."

Long Youmeng hurriedly saluted.

Wen Xinyu was a little sad, she didn't want Long Youmeng to call her senior.

But Long Youmeng and Qin Yang and Feng Linxian had talked about each other, she was Feng Linxian's master, and Long Youmeng was nothing wrong with her name.

"You Meng, I'm bothering you."

Wen Xinyu said with a smile.

Long Youmeng smiled and said: "Don't bother, don't bother at all. I'm usually quite boring. I'm very happy that you can come in with your brother."

Qin Yang said: "Xiaomeng, there are still thousands of people in there, you don't usually talk to them or something?"

"By the way, how are they doing here?"

Long Youmeng said: "They basically practice in retreat, and I don't want to talk to them. Brother, you didn't take them out in the first batch. They are bad guys."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Most of them have a normal relationship with their elder brothers, not bad guys. If you are bored, you can play with them."

Long Youmeng shook his head: "Brother, I will practice hard in the future."

"I want to strive for the cultivation base to reach the four changes of the Heavenly Dao in the shortest time. Then I will find my brother outside and help my brother."

Wen Xinyu's eyes moved strangely over Qin Yang and Long Youmeng.

"Master, Xiao Meng is in a special situation--"

Feng Linxian told Wen Xinyu about the situation of Long Youmeng. Of course, Feng Linxian trusts Wen Xinyu 100% now.

"That's it."

"No wonder Long Youmeng looked at Qin Yang a little strange."

Wenxinyu's voice transmission.

Qin Yang coughed lightly: "Xiao Meng, the literary tutor is a guest. You have to entertain it. You and Xian'er and the others will have a chat. Brother and Xiang Yi and the others will go to meet the others!"

"Good brother."

Long Youmeng nodded.

Qin Yang arrived in the area where many other strong men gathered. As Long Youmeng said, they spend most of their time practicing in retreat, otherwise there is no treasure in it, and the days are difficult.

"Everyone, wake up."

Qin Yang spoke, his voice rang in the minds of thousands of Tianjiao here, and they quickly ended their training one by one.

"Vice Leader Qin!"

"Vice leader Qin, can we leave now?"

"Vice Leader Qin!"

Soon, thousands of people surrounded Qin Yang, and they were all excited. They basically improved a lot in it, but now they are slow to improve and it is boring. They just want to leave Golden Dragon City quickly. .

"Everyone, please be quiet."

Qin Yang said in a deep voice, and thousands of strong men quickly quieted down.

They knew that whether they could leave or not depends on Qin Yang's intention.

"Everyone, good luck elder turtle, don't you know if you know?"

Qin Yang asked.

Everyone nodded, they were all the emperors of Tianjiao from the major forces, and of course a powerhouse of the five changes of Heaven's Path like Mr. Gui knew.

"The old turtle had been injured before, and was conspired by a powerful person of the five changes of the Heavenly Path. Some time ago, the Good Fortune Sect asked the sky at the Great Ceremony. There were enemy actions, and the Good Fortune Sect died tens of thousands. If it is not prepared, the Good Fortune Sect may be destroyed. !"

Many strong people's faces changed, and there were a lot of discussions.

The Good Fortune Sect is not a small force, and such a thing actually happened.

"Half a day ago, the two Heavenly Dao and Five Transformation powerhouses who secretly planned to deal with the Creation Sect arrested me. If I hadn't walked the road of invincibility now, they would have been jealous. At this moment, I have died in all likelihood!"

Speaking of this, Qin Yang's sharp gaze swept over the thousands of strong men present.

"You guys, you are the arrogances from the major forces. Many of you have strong strength behind them. The two powers of the five changes of the Heavenly Path who planned this action may have a close relationship with some of you."

Many strong men hurriedly spoke, indicating that this absolutely has nothing to do with them.

Qin Yang raised his hand to stop everyone from speaking again.

"Everyone, in fact, everyone can leave now, but in view of what happened this time, everyone has to stay here!"

"Nine thousand years of time!"

"However, as long as the forces you belong to help me find out who the strong against the good luck sect is against me, I will let everyone leave immediately!"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice, "Maybe the strong behind you don't need to check some of them, they might know it!"

A strong man of the Jinwu tribe frowned and said, "Vice-leader Qin, now everyone can leave. You let us continue to stay here. Doesn't it make sense?"

"You let us out, we can help you check when the time comes."

Many other strong people immediately responded.

Qin Yang said: "Everyone, the unknown enemy may be directed at me or my family. If I die within nine thousand years, you will have to look forward to it. If my wife and the others also have an accident, someone will have to be buried! "

Many people's faces changed drastically.

Qin Yang said: "In such a situation, if the enemy is found, it is okay for the forces behind you to help solve the enemy, if you can't find it, it can't be solved, haha."

"Vice leader Qin, you can't do this."

"Vice-leader Qin, our sect does not have the power of the Five Transformations of Heaven, and it is definitely not an enemy against you!"

"Deputy Leader Qin——"

Everyone opened their mouths, exploding the pot.

Qin Yang said: "Everyone, if the enemy comes at me, I will continue. If it comes, I can only come at that time!"

"The rule-abiding ones are not very good at dealing with the unruly ones!"

"For my wife and their safety, I hope everyone can understand!"

"You can leave jade slips or something, and I will help you take them outside. You can truthfully record the situation inside!"

"If someone from the forces behind you knows the situation of the two Heavenly Dao Five Change level powerhouses, please contact me at that time!"

Thousands of Tianjiao didn't look good, and if they couldn't leave, they would have to look forward to it, and be prepared to be killed at any time.

If they knew this, they would not have entered the Golden Dragon City!

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