God of Shuratan

Chapter 2268: The power of the best

The poisonous flame Danzun felt helpless.

He does have a powerful escape method, which he originally intended to use.

But Lorina and the others were standing by, the battle formation was strong, and he would never escape.

"Pill Venerable Poison Flame, I hope you don't mess around, and there is no problem with the inheritance, otherwise let this seat know, and this seat promises you will be invalid!"

Qin Yang said indifferently.

The poisonous flame Danzun nodded, his prohibition was released, and the powerful force returned to his body, but he felt that Lorina and the others could still kill him in seconds!

"Ready to accept the inheritance of the alchemy!"

The poisonous flame Danzun said in a deep voice, he said a lot of information quickly poured into Qin Yang's mind, and these information contained the powerful will of the poisonous flame Danzun.

This is the power of inheritance.

If it is only simple information, it is very difficult for Qin Yang to absorb and comprehend!

It takes a long time for a strong person like Poison Flame Danzun to give an inheritance, otherwise he will be extremely hurt.

After half an hour passed, the inheritance of the alchemy path ended, and the face of the poisonous flame Danzun became a little pale.

"Qin Yang, this deity has already passed the alchemy to you intact, and within a thousand years, you will definitely not be able to kill this seat!"

Poison Flame Danzun gritted his teeth.

"As long as there is no problem with the inheritance, you will have no problem. Now you can re-seal your cultivation base."

"it is good."

Although Poison Flame Pill Dao was unwilling, he could only obediently seal his own cultivation base.

"Husband, how?"

Luo Lingna and the others looked at Qin Yang with joy.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I haven't found any problems yet. There is a high probability that the Poison Flame Pill Dao hasn't made any ghosts, otherwise he will die if he finds a problem!"

Lorina and the others nodded.

Su Xiyu said, "My husband, don't you have much resources?"

Qin Yang said: "It's not that there are no resources, there is no elixir, no time spar and things like that, you need to go out and change some! You will enter the space of the different pupils in the next time, so as not to be found by the enemy!"


"Husband, be careful."

Qin Yang opened his left eye with a different pupil, and Luo Lingna and the others disappeared soon.

It’s better to have a little time spar. Qin Yang uses it to comprehend the inheritance given by the Poison Flame Dan Zun. The rest Qin Yang temporarily put aside, he only studies unlocking the Dan!

"There is no problem ahead."

"There should be no problem with the unlocking pill of the **** level!"

Qin Yang muttered to himself, the unlocking pill of Heavenly Sage level and the unlocking pill of Heavenly Sovereign level still need more time to study!

For Qin Yang for the time being, just know that there is no problem with the unlocking pill of the **** level!

Qin Yang is still only the Great Nine Star, not yet at the level of a god!


"Jesus made a move, eliminated the python Changsheng, and captured the poisonous flame Danzun them?"

"Unexpectedly, there is still a great man in the human race!"

"I hope everything is fine with that one!"

Qin Yang left the desert of death, he arrived in a big city, and he knew a lot of information from the mouths of other strong men.

Many powerhouses suspect that it was done by the absolute top, which is a good thing for him, and many eyes will not be focused on him.

But I heard some strong people say that the situation of the outstanding human race is not good.

"The ultimate event is only a few years old!"

"It's a great event once in a trillion years. It's a coincidence that I came here!"

Qin Yang murmured to himself, he was a little lucky, but fortunately he came in a few years earlier!

If you enter after the ultimate event, and the ultimate event will find that the ultimate human race has died, the human race will be in a very difficult situation here!

It is a question of whether they can survive in it!

"Human Race, the supreme one, sheltered the endless years of the strong human race inside!"

"Such a big man, if I had the opportunity to pay a visit, it would be nice."

"I hope there is nothing wrong, I hope this big guy can participate in the ultimate event, and can show great strength!"

Qin Yang secretly prayed.

If this person of Human Race showed extremely strong strength, his situation would be much better!

Qin Yang knows his own situation. Among the powerhouses of the Tianzun level, he has absolute certainty that he can go forward ten, but the first three may be a little difficult!

His basic combat power is just beyond ten thousand!

According to some information that Qin Yang understands, the talents of the top-ranked characters here should all have reached one hundred and two, and their cultivation base should not be lower than the seventh rank of Tianzun. If you count the one hundred and twenty talents, their talents The base combat power exceeds 10,500!

Qin Yang's current basic combat power is similar to this!

But the actual base combat power of the absolute top should be higher than this. Top characters can be improved in some special places, and they may get some special good things. Therefore, Qin Yang estimates that their base combat power is more than one. just in case!

The powerhouses at the top level must be very strong offensive and defensive, each with a top offensive and defensive treasure, which should be the most basic.

Therefore, for a character at the top level, the attack power and defense power should not be less than 22,000 points!

A strong person of the ultimate level has a strong endurance, and it is normal to have three powerful treasures. In terms of attack or defense, it is possible to have two top treasures!

If the top character has two defensive treasures and one attacking treasure, the defense power can exceed 33,000 points, and the attack power can exceed 22,000 points!

At present, Qin Yang knew that his strength was not as good as Jue Pin, and his main attack was much worse!

In terms of defense, Qin Yang estimated that he was not much worse than Jue Dian!

The top ten of the top ten on the Tianzun rankings have more than a hundred talents. This should be a sure thing. The top three talents must all reach one hundred and one. Their combat power is weaker than the absolute top, but they are also very strong.

The basic combat power should exceed 10,000 points.

In addition to the powerful treasures, the top three in the Tianzun list, the attack and defense should all exceed 20,000 points. Such a strong person cannot have a lot of shortcomings in one aspect.

"After switching to a lot of resources this time, should I buy a new treasure or unlock the old black?"

Qin Yang was a little entangled. He could get more than 400 billion yuan in exchange for the things he owned. There was no problem with buying a treasure of the Five Transformation Great Perfection level. The price of such a treasure was not as expensive as outside on Tianzun Island.

But buying such a treasure will undoubtedly cost a lot of money, and if such a treasure is obtained, how long it takes to recognize the owner is a question.

The old black can be unlocked, and there will be a limit at that time, after all, before the old black enters, only the three heavens become Dzogchen!

A lot of resources are spent on unlocking the old black. If you can't continue to improve in the future, you will be heartbroken!

"After the ultimate event, the disaster of the human race is estimated to come."

"Even if the Human Race is still alive now, it is estimated that his strength has been reduced a lot, and it should not be the opponent of the three Great Heavens!"

"I don't know which Great Heavenly Sovereign will challenge Human Race's supreme one!"

"Zhou Yan, the Great Heavenly Sovereign, will definitely challenge Jue Dian, and his best challenge is that of Human Race!"

At the table next to Qin Yang, some strong people also discussed this matter.

The Great Tianzun they call is the top three on the Tianzun list, and the Great Tianzun is qualified to challenge the top!

"Several brothers, I wonder if you have heard about Xinghe Tianzun?"

One of them is suddenly authentic.

Qin Yang's ears moved slightly, and Xinghe Tianzun's name was Long Xinghe. He was a strong man in the Shenlong clan and ranked sixth on the Tianzun list!

Caught some powerful people like Poison Flame Pill, it is not difficult for Qin Yang to obtain this information.

"What news does Xinghe Tianzun have?"

"Yes, Galaxy Tianzun is very strong, what can happen to him?"

The rest of the strong at the next table immediately asked.

"Xinghe Tianzun really has something wrong. Galaxy Tianzun was challenged by a strong man who did not enter the Tianzun list before, and he was seriously injured. He is likely to be challenged at that time. He will be pushed out of the top ten of the Tianzun list. !"

"No? If there is such a thing, why not make a lot of noise?"

"Yes, I haven't heard the news in this regard."

The strong man who exposed the material smiled and said nothing, and immediately someone at his table called Xiao Er to come and ask for two more bottles of wine!

"Several fellow daoists, 90% of this matter may be true. I am a reliable source of information! Maybe the challenging Tianzun wants to continue challenging the rest of the strong, so he deliberately blocked the news, but this It is not easy to hide things completely."

"A strong person has seen from a distance the Galaxy Tianzun is fighting against that one Tianzun, and the Galaxy Tianzun is at a disadvantage all the way!"

"The Heavenly Venerable, who has the talents of the absolute top, has been hidden for a long time. Now that he suddenly broke out, it must be to become the great heavenly master, and then hit the top!"

Many people around him nodded secretly. This situation is normal. If you don't hide your strength, you might not have become the absolute top, and you will be killed before you fully grow up!

There used to be a great Tianzun who was extremely talented and had great potential to hit the top level. Because he was exposed too early, he died before reaching the top level event. The death was unclear. There were ten powerhouses at the top level. Know which one of the best shots.

"This Dao brother has invited, Xinghe Tianzun does not know what is going on now?"

Qin Yang arched his hands and asked.

The Dragon Race has a very good relationship with the Human Race, and this is also true. If the Galaxy Tianzun falls, it will have a great impact on the Human Race.

The man looked at Qin Yang and felt the powerful aura emanating from Qin Yang and quickly said: "Brother Dao, as far as I know, after the defeat of Galaxy Tianzun, the mysterious Tianzun chased and killed him, and Galaxy Tianzun escaped. Frozen land!"

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