God of Shuratan

Chapter 2276: News exposed!

"Friend Qin Yang, congratulations again, haha!"

"Lao Ye, congratulations on finding a good grandson-in-law!"

Long Xinghe laughed.

Ye Lao looked at Qin Yang with a smile, and Qin Yang said solemnly: "Friends of Xinghe Taoist, thank you very much, and don't forget the gift money when you come!"

"This must not be forgotten, haha!"

Long Xinghe laughed again.

Qin Yang shook his head. This time he came here just to see if he could help Ye Lao, but the ghost was missing another wife!

"Lao Ye, Fellow Daoist Xinghe, I will count the benefits I have received from Meng Zizai later, and share it with you!"

Qin Yang changed the subject.

"do not!"

Long Xinghe immediately said, "Daoist Qin Yang, what are you doing? I only brought you here and didn’t do anything. It’s your skill to take the pythons and free them, and the pythons and our dragons are rivals. Thank you so much!"

"You divide my treasures, if I take it, how ignorant I am?"

Ye Lao smiled and said, "Xiao Qin, do you think I need anything else for this old man? I had to worry about Xiao Lian's affairs, but now Xiao Lian is betrothed to you, old man, I have nothing to say, eat, drink and enjoy. Just live!"

"Xiao Qin, I have already seen the strength of Miss Lingna and the others. I haven't seen much of your strength yet. Are you sure you have the ultimate level of combat strength?"

Qin Yang said: "I am definitely not as good as the powerful Jue, but my strength should be better than that of Python!"

"The python defense attack is only about 25,000 points, my attack is similar to him, and the defense is 10,000 points higher than him!"

Long Zi looked at Qin Yang in surprise.

Ye Lao's eyes lit up: "Twenty-five thousand defenses, thirty-five thousand attacks? Then your strength has indeed reached the top level!"

"Especially your defense is also top-notch among the most powerful!"

"As long as your attack power rises in time, you will be a very powerful character in the top!"

"Good, good, good!"

"You have such a strength, I can rest assured!"

Long Xinghe said in amazement: "Daoist Qin Yang, your defense is too strong, are you the priority defense?"

Qin Yang nodded: "It is the defense that is developed first. The Saint Feather Tianzun and others saw that my attacks were high before, so they thought I was very powerful and gave me a lot of resources, otherwise I would never have the current situation. strength!"

Ye Lao and Long Xinghe laughed.

"If it is spread out, many strong people will probably be half angry!"

Long Xinghe said, "Lao Ye, Manzai and the others are here. There should be others who know that if they do not respond for a long time, it is estimated that the news will spread!"

Ye Lao said indifferently: "If it spreads out, then it will be spread out. In any case, I'm also the best. Is something wrong with them here?"

"Just to scare some guys!"

"Xiao Qin, in the next period of time, you might as well just practice here with peace of mind. I will improve here, and each time you can increase your combat power a few more points!"

Qin Yang nodded and agreed, Ye Lao is absolutely top, his place must be extraordinary!

Once you have settled the powerhouses such as Anaconda, Han Shixiong, they must have a lot of good things in their space treasures, and there will be no shortage of training resources for the next period of time!

Long Xinghe said: "Friend Qin Yang, don't forget one thing. If you want to participate in the ultimate event, you have to enter the top list a year in advance!"

"When you challenge me publicly, you don't have to show much strength. I just give up to you, anyway, your strength is stronger than mine."

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The python was waiting for death, and Han Shixiong and the rest were alive in the treasures of Qinyang space, they naturally could not send any news.

"Something's wrong!"

"The chief has said that as long as there is no accident, there will be news in three days. Now three days!"

Python freely discusses with two men.

Their faces are very solemn.

If something happens to them, it would be bad!

"Go to Han's house and ask!"

One of the two arrived at the Han family, and there were also people in the Han family who knew Han Shixiong's actions, and they were equally worried.

"Ye Fan is, after all, a top-level figure, is there a terrifying formation or something on his side?"

"Perhaps father and the others passed by and were trapped by the formation!"

One of Han Shixiong's son said.

"It's also possible, shall we wait or pass the news?"

Python freely said under a hand.

"I think wait a minute, if the news is spread out at this time, many strong people will go there, it may ruin the Patriarch's business."

"But we have to be prepared to go out and avoid!"

The men who came to Anaconda nodded, he was also a little worried about the news, and then Anaconda would blame them.

Time passed day by day.

There is no news from the Han family under Mang Zizai's men, but their worries are getting stronger and stronger. Six months have passed, and there is no news from Mang Zizai!

"Exposed the news?"


Under Meng Zizai's men, the Han family once again sat down to discuss it together. This time they had a completely different decision than before!

The news was exposed immediately!

"The python is free, Han Shixiong, actually combined action against Senior Ye!"

"What's the situation with Han Shixiong? He is the top powerhouse of the human race. Hasn't he been in a good relationship with Ye Lao? He actually joined outsiders to deal with Ye Lao!"

"Ye Lao's body has a serious problem, he is dying from coughing up blood?"

"If Ye Lao's situation is so serious, why would there be such a serious accident when Man Zizai and Han Shixiong passed by?"

"Ye Fan may have used the method of pressing the bottom of the box, he may be dead by now!"


The news came out, a lot of strong people talked, and many strong people were ready to move.

There are even some strong people who immediately went to Qin Yang's side!

The Python family, the Han family, jointly exposed a lot of news!

The Han family also wants to use this method to show the world that their Han family has abandoned the human race. If Ye Lao dies by that time, the powerhouses of the other races should not target them Han family!


Ye Lao sighed. He is now paying attention to the situation outside. The Python and Han family have revealed the news, and he will know soon!

Originally, Ye Lao thought that perhaps only Han Shixiong in the Han family had turned his back on the human race, and the rest of the strong Han family might still be on the side of the human race. In practice, it is not just one or two that have problems with the Han family!

"Lao Ye, it is estimated that there will be strong people here soon!"

Long Xinghe said, he has not left this time.

Staying here can avoid suspicion. If the news goes out, it can let Ye Lao and the others know clearly that the news must not have come from him!


Ye Lao nodded slightly, and he sent Qin Yang the message to prepare Qin Yang.

Qin Yang opened his eyes in the time array.

In half a year, his cultivation base has naturally improved. From the nine stars of the gods, he has reached the level of the four stars of the gods, and his basic combat power has increased by nearly 700. The level of Ye Lao can indeed increase his combat power!

Moreover, this increase should be calculated on a proportional basis. Qin Yang's talent points are relatively high. If he improves here, his combat power can increase by more than ten points each time!

The basic combat power is more than twelve thousand two hundred!

With the improvement of his cultivation level and the acceleration of time for so long of training, his compatibility with the Hongmeng Sword and the Supreme Seal has also improved a lot!

Attack power increased from 25,000 to 27,000!

The defense power has increased from 35,000 points to around 36,700 points!

This kind of offensive power is no longer weaker than Yan Zun's, and Qin Yang's defense is much higher than Yan's defense!

Properly absolute strength!

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