God of Shuratan

Chapter 2318: Extreme war corpse!

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Countless powerful people gathered at the ancestral land of the Yao Ye family. Every day, a large number of powerful people scolded the Yao Ye family and threatened to attack the Yao Ye family together.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

In the ancestral land of the Demon Ye Family, a powerful heart sound sounded, and every time the heart had a lot of energy, a lot of blood rushed to the huge coffin from the heart sound.

Yao Tianxing's eyes were fiery, and their Monster Ye family's supreme war corpse finally woke up.

This war corpse was a great top in his lifetime, and it was the first great top in the ancestors of the Yao Ye family.

Now he turned into a corpse after his death, his strength has not been reduced but has increased a bit.

The body is extremely tyrannical and possesses terrible corpse poison!

"Fifth Elder, trouble you!"

Yao Tianxing looked at an old man beside him and said solemnly.

The old man nodded slightly. He is the fifth elder of the Yaoye family, and now he needs to bind with this superb war corpse in order to drive this superb war corpse.

It sounds like a good thing, but binding with such a deadly war corpse needs to consume his life force, and it consumes extremely fast.

There was no problem living for tens of trillions of years, but after binding, it would be difficult for trillions of years!

"Fifth elders, let's start."

The Great Elder of the Demon Ye Family said, the fifth elder nodded, his whole person turned into a **** light and instantly entered the coffin, and then entered the head of the huge corpse.

Half an hour passed and the binding was completed.

The fifth elder was sitting cross-legged inside the head of the deadly war corpse, and he felt that his vitality was consumed rapidly.

"What a strong feeling!"

The Fifth Elder murmured to himself, he had already gained control of the deadly war corpse at this moment.


With a palm shot, the lid of the huge coffin instantly collapsed and flew out, and the huge corpse of a superb war corpse over a kilometer tall flew out of the huge coffin.

The coercion of terror enveloped the Quartet.

Yao Tianxing felt the strong pressure one by one, and their eyes showed excitement.

Although the corpse in front of them is not a living strong, but their Monster Night family has once again a super strong, and their deterrence is greatly enhanced!

"Fifth Elder, how?"

Yao Tianxing asked quickly.

"call out!"

The huge corpse instantly shrank and appeared in front of Yao Tianxing.

The eyes of the war corpse seemed to be burning with blood red flames, and the bronze skin felt indestructible.


The fifth elder's deep voice sounded, "This superb war corpse, I feel that its combat power is much stronger than that of the old Patriarch. The defense is very strong, the attack is also strong, and there is terrible corpse poison. Twenty percent stronger!"

The eyes of the strong people present brightened up.

The strength of the Demon Ye Family is not weak, and the battle strength of the Extreme Battle Corpse is 20% stronger, but it is not a little stronger.

"Five elders, how is the life force consumed?"

Yao Tianxing asked.

How long the five elders can hold on is related to the overall situation of their Yaoye family.

"Patriarch, the battle corpse is powerful, and the vitality is consumed faster. As long as you don't fight for 500 billion years, there is no problem, but if you fight, the time will be greatly shortened."

Yao Tianxing nodded slightly: "Fifth elder, you have worked so hard, and the family will never treat your line! The fifth elder, those guys outside are getting more and more excited. We will send you out from the special channel. calm down!"

"Better avoid fighting!"

The fifth elder said: "Patriarch, if he encounters Qin Yang and has a chance to kill Qin Yang and the others, how to deal with it?"

Fierce light flickered in Yao Tianxing's eyes.

Qin Yang and him have an enemy to kill his father.

If it weren't for Qin Yang, their Yaoye family would never have reached such a point.

"Fifth Elder, you can figure it out. If the chance is good, you will take action. It is best to catch Qin Yang's woman alive and let Qin Yang come into us to save people!"

Yaotian Xinghan said.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

The Monster Night Clan is now a clan, it would be impossible for any one of them to get out without help, even if it was Yao Tianxing!

But a lot of strong people worked together, so that the deadly war corpse could be no problem outside!

Ten minutes later, the Jue Dian war corpse arrived outside the Yaoye family ancestral home.

"The **** of the Monster Night Clan, come out and die!"

"Killing so many of us, do you think you can escape by hiding?"

"Dear fellow daoists, let's prepare well and get in at any time!"

The entrance to the ancestral land of the Demon Ye Family is a huge valley, which was originally a forbidden area belonging to the Demon Ye Family, but countless powerful people will gather here.

Dozens of powerful forces have been destroyed, and the implications are extremely wide!

Every second, there are many strong scolding.

But for so long, the deadly war corpses of the Demon Ye Family have not appeared to disperse them. Some of them have some doubts, is the Demon Ye Family a murderer?

They put great pressure on the Monster Ye Family, and they may enter the ancestral land of the Monster Night Family at any time.

For this reason, if the strength of the Monster Night Clan is really that strong, there should be a reaction!

"The Monster Night Family may not be the murderer."

"If the Monster Night Clan is not the murderer, who is the murderer?"

"Luo Lingna has the ultimate combat power, I think the other women in Qin Yang are more likely to be murderers."

"In a few days, if the Monster Night Clan hasn't acted yet, we will enter the Monster Night Clan, and then we can be sure!"

There are some strong people talking in secret.

Although the number of strong people who feel that the Monster Night Family might be okay is increasing, the strong ones who plan to enter the Monster Night Family are also increasing!

When the time comes, the Yaoye family will die unjustly, they don't care.

"Everyone, the people of the Yaoye family have been stubbornly unable to come out. If they don't express their views to us, have we been waiting like this foolishly?"

"Everyone, our relatives and friends have died, they have become cold corpses."

"The Monster Night Family has to pay the price of blood!"

A strong man stood up and roared, "Everyone, I can't stand it anymore. Is there anyone who is not afraid of death to stand up? If the strong man of the Yaoye family does not stand up and give us an explanation, we will go in and kill the Yaoye family. People!"

"Count me in!"

"Plus me!"

Someone took the lead, and a lot of other strong men immediately stepped forward. They were all dead, people who were very important to them, and their hearts were full of anger.


The cold voice came from far away.

In the distant sky, a huge battle corpse with a height of one thousand meters appeared, and an extremely terrifying aura spread from the body of the corpse, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted by the tyrannical power of the corpse.

"Extreme battle corpse!"

"It seems to be the voice of Elder Yaoye Family Yaohuo!"

"The Monster Night Family really has a deadly war corpse!"

A large number of strong men in the valley looked into the distance in shock. The corpses were far away from them, but they still felt a strong pressure!

A deadly war corpse that is stronger than Venerable Demon Ye is no small thing.

"Elder Demon Fire, is it you? It was your Demon Ye Family who killed many of us, didn't you?" The strong man with the Tianzun level roared.

From a distance, a cold voice came over: "So what?"

"Everyone, leave from here immediately, otherwise even if you enter the ancestral land of our Yaoye family, our Yaoye family will destroy you all!"

Elder Demon Fire wanted to deny that those people weren't killed by them, but the nine outstanding people set the tone together, he dare to say that, that is to fight the nine outstanding faces!

This black pot must be carried by their Yaoye family!

"After ten breaths, the people who are still here will remember you one by one. When the time comes, the powerhouses of our Monster Night Family will come home, and I hope you are ready to die!"

In the valley, many powerhouses who originally thought that the Monster Night Family might not be the murderers looked ugly.

The Monster Night Family actually has a war corpse of the highest level.

And so threatening them!

"What a demon night clan, you are enemies of the world!"

"You will not end well!"

Many powerhouses roared again and again, but no one rushed to the distance to attack that superb war corpse.

The consequences of this are serious!

"Hmph, remember, ten breath time."

Elder Demon Fire heard a cold snort, and the huge corpse was full of ferocity.

"Everyone, let's leave first and consider the long-term plan!"

"Yes, we can find the best people to help!"

A large number of people in the valley retreated from the valley one after another. They all had a lot of people at the Tianzun level, but faced with the threat of Elder Demon Fire, they could only retreat!

Since the Monster Night Clan has a superb war corpse, it is likely to have more!

Those forces that were destroyed obviously had two powerhouses at the top level.

"Don't stay with our Monster Night Family anymore, and don't think about dealing with our Monster Night Family, otherwise our Monster Night Family will fight with you to the end!"

Elder Demon Fire said coldly and authentically, after he finished speaking, the battle corpse shot out with a palm, and everything within a range of hundreds of millions of kilometers was wiped out in an instant.

A palm-shaped pit with a depth of more than one million kilometers appeared on the ground.

A large number of strong men took a breath, and the attack power erupted from the deadly war corpse was too strong, and some of the strongest men might not have such strength!

The ground of Tianzun Island is not like the outside world. The attack power of a weaker person like Holy Fire is definitely not so strong!

"Our Demon Ye family is sealed, but it doesn't mean that our Demon Ye family is weak and can be bullied!"

"If you come here again, I will come here too!"

When Elder Demon Fire finished speaking, the huge deadly battle corpse in the sky disappeared instantly.

"Grass, I still think that Yaoye family is not the murderer, and the possibility that the murderer is Qin Yang's woman is high. I didn't expect that the Yaoye family really did it!"

"Senior Chaos, they all said that the Yaoye family did it, can there be fakes?"

"Sooner or later destroy the Monster Night Family!"

A large number of strong men cursed, and then they left one after another. The Monster Night Clan really had a superb war corpse, they didn't dare to continue making trouble here!

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