God of Shuratan

Chapter 2337: Bullying newcomers?

In the world of life and death prisons, meteors flashed in the sky.

That is the strong one entering!

In areas where meteors fall, if there are strong people around, they will often rush over, and newcomers who have just entered are often easier to kill.

Those who can live in the prison of life and death for a long time have a lot of strength on average.

"There is a newcomer, go over!"


Qin Yang also turned into a meteor and fell from the sky. There was a team of four nearby, and they immediately rushed to the area where Qin Yang landed in surprise.

Newcomers are basically giving away heads for each team!

The powerhouses entering from the outside world are all alone, and it is rare that two powerhouses land at the same time. When encountering a small team, it is a one-to-many situation!

Therefore, when the team meets a newcomer who is placed, they will definitely rush to it immediately!

"Sure enough, I was separated from Bei Yao."

"Is this the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison? It is almost the same as Tianzun Island!"

"No, it should be that Tianzun Island was built according to this. It is estimated that it is for the strong who enters to adapt to the environment first."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.


Suddenly, Qin Yang felt a strong person rushing here, very fast.

And there are four strong ones.

The opponent tried to hide their figure, but their basic combat strength was only about nine thousand, and they couldn't escape Qin Yang's induction at all.

Qin Yang's basic combat power is 15,000 points!


Qin Yang's thoughts set up an array in an instant, and array flags appeared around them, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yang arranged a phantom killing array in the shortest time!

Such a hastily arranged formation cannot kill a strong character, but it is appropriate to kill a character with only nine thousand points of combat power.

In the eyes of the four strong men who rushed over, Qin Yang remained motionless, as if checking the surrounding situation.

"What a silly boy."

"Into the prison of life and death for a hundred battles, I didn't know that I would hide immediately."

"We deserved this cheap!"

The four powerhouses were secretly happy, they quickly rushed to the vicinity of Qin Yang, and they did not form a battle formation!

They were planning to come and use the formation to trap Qin Yang, and then besieged Qin Yang.


When they arrived nearby, the four powerhouses who had come over found that Qin Yang was still quiet, and they didn't notice them, they directly attacked with all their strength.

Although the four are a small team, there is only one goal, and whoever kills it is whoever!

When attacking like this, watch your fate.

In order to have a higher chance of success, the four of them did their best except for not using taboo techniques!

Four terrible attacks blasted out!

They thought that the target of the attack was Qin Yang.

But under the influence of Qin Yang's fantasy killing array, three of their targets were actually the other one, and the target of the attacked one was also a companion!

None of the four attacked Qin Yang!


The defense treasure of the strong who was attacked by the three immediately collapsed.

Full attack, defense is naturally not a heyday, the combined attack of the three is far beyond his defense!

"Block me!"

This strong man was horrified, he desperately resisted, and finally, when the invading force was about to kill him, he finally blocked it.


Qin Yang held the Hongmeng Sword, and the Hongmeng Sword pierced his head easily!

The next moment Qin Yang arrived in front of the other strong man who was attacked, and his defense had also been blown by his companions.


Qin Yang's basic combat power is 15,000, and his actual attack power is 38,000 without using forbidden techniques. He has three defensive treasures and a defense power of 60,000!

Qin Yang's attack is weak and defensive, but this will use the phantom killing array, assisted by the formation, and Qin Yang's attack power can reach about 50,000.

Not to mention that the target's defense was broken by his companion, even if it didn't, Qin Yang had no problem killing the opponent.

The second strong man naturally died immediately.

Four solved two, and Qin Yang felt that they were relatively strong!

"You two, catch it with one's hands, or die!"

Qin Yang's indifferent voice sounded, he canceled the phantom, and the two strong men alive suddenly saw their two companions.


The two strong men alive didn't have any nonsense, they actually pounced on Qin Yang directly, and both of them used taboo techniques!

The two normally attacked about 20,000, using taboo techniques, and both approached 40,000!

The combined attack power exceeds 80,000!

This is stronger than Qin Yang's defense, and Qin Yang wouldn't let them attack foolishly.


Qin Yang sneered in his heart, and he shot again.

He is faster!

The Hongmeng Sword directly cut through the body of one of the strong men. When he attacked with all his strength, his defensive power was even lower. Qin Yang easily split him in half with one sword, so he couldn't die again!

"My lord, spare my life!"


The last four-body cast fell on the ground instantly, and the terrorist attack he broke out also blasted to the ground, and the ground was suddenly blasted out of a large pit with a diameter of more than a kilometer.

"My lord is forgiving, it's a little confused."

The strong man lying on his stomach trembled, his heart was extremely frightened, and a newcomer killed his three companions at once!

And there are formations around him, he knows he can't escape!

"what is it call?"

Qin Yang said indifferently, there was only one left, he didn't kill it immediately, and even if this one blew himself up, it wouldn't threaten him!


The strong man lying on his stomach is nervous and authentic.

Qin Yang looked at each other. This guy was not a human being. He had two heads and looked strange, but everyone spoke the same language.

It is possible that this language is the universal language of all heavens and all realms!

"Kuroki, talk about the situation inside. How many strong people are there and how many worlds come from?"

Qin Yang asked.

The powerhouse in his world hasn't entered the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison for a long time, maybe many things in it have changed.

"Tell me directly the information you know!"

Kuroji gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, then can you not kill me?"

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes: "Kuloji, you are not qualified to talk to this seat. If you perform well, this seat can keep you for a period of time. If you die, you will be saved. You can't survive to die!"

"Do you want to try the methods of this seat?"

Kuroji shook both heads desperately at the same time.

"My lord, it's like this in this—"

Kuroji informed Qin Yang of a lot of information. He didn't lie, and many things were not secrets at all, and Qin Yang could find out by asking casually.

"It's actually more than Hundred Realms."

Qin Yang was shocked. The **** battles among the powerful of the hundreds of worlds had been extremely shocking, but according to Kuroji, the hundreds of worlds were still a long time ago.

The rest of the world is constantly being drawn in from behind.

There are now more than 500 powerful people in the world have entered this.

There are more powerhouses here!

It is not easy to get the top ten.

But if you get the top ten, the benefits are even greater!

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