God of Shuratan

Chapter 2357: A new round of expansion begins!

Soon Bei Yao began to replace the treasures of the master at the speed of time.

Moreover, it is five million times faster!

The environment of the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison is similar to that of Tianzun Island. It is actually very difficult for the time acceleration to exceed one million times here. Qin Yang had no such treasure before, but there was an extremely powerful time treasure among the treasures obtained this time. !

It should also be a treasure of the half-step control level, and the valuation given by the trading tower is one trillion, which is ten times that of the Hongmeng Sword!

Such a treasure has five million times the time to accelerate normally.

The resources consumed are also extremely scary, the resources consumed at the same time have reached thirty or forty times the speed of hundreds of thousands of times!

In order to buy more time, the additional resources consumed are terrible.

But to Qin Yang nowadays it is a trifle!

"Bei Yao needs to replace the treasure. I don't have such a need now. Just use the treasure to upgrade the old black."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

"Although there is more than one drop of immortal blood, I still have to be behind Bei Yao when I merge."

Qin Yang currently has three drops of immortal blood, one of which is very suitable for Bei Yao, and the other two are more suitable for him.

But he didn't merge properly first. If he merged first and something went wrong, Bei Yao couldn't save him, and it would be more difficult for him to resurrect a time treasure than to resurrect Bei Yao.

And it's a pity that the two trillion worth of time treasures are used up like this.

Bei Yao first fuse immortal blood, and Qin Yang solves the problem. This is the most appropriate way. Qin Yang can't handle it, and then use that time treasure!

"I don't seem to have anything to improve for now."

"It's Xiaojing, Swallow Sky, Bodhi clone can improve them a lot!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that he quickly brought a lot of treasures in front of him, Xiaojing and the others all got a lot of treasures, and then they all entered the time treasures where Bei Yao was to practice.

Xiao Jing's improvement in their strength is equivalent to a much improvement in his strength.

"After the red...just take it easy."

Qin Yang murmured that the Red Queen also recognized the lord and did some effort for him, but the feelings must not have been with Tuntian, Xiaojing and the others are good, and the reliability is not that high!

If the Red Devil becomes extremely powerful, it will be a question whether it will eat the Lord by then!

Arranging Bei Yao and the others, Qin Yang went to another area within the space treasure.

The five thousand strong here are training hard.

Their cultivation is imprisoned, so although the training items are relatively simple, it makes them extremely uncomfortable one by one!

"The deputy captain is here, gather."


The five thousand strong people obeyed the command and gathered in a very short time, and they were arranged neatly and vigorously!

Qin Yang nodded in satisfaction, they already looked like iron-blooded soldiers!

"Everyone, it's almost a year. According to the rules, you have to pay you what you deserve!"

"I haven't mentioned this to you all the time, but since you performed well, I won't be stingy!"

"Your reward will be three times what you were before!"

Qin Yang said loudly.

Suddenly, the eyes of the five thousand powerhouses brightened, and the time had passed for a year, and the rewards had not been paid yet. Some of them actually had some thoughts in their hearts.

Entering this, many strong men actually didn't even think about leaving in a short period of time. The realm of life and death will be opened once every trillion years. They are ready to stay here for several trillion years or even more than ten trillion years.

But there is a long freezing season, and the warm season is only a mere 10,000 years!

If they have not prepared enough resources for these ten thousand years, they will not be able to survive the long freezing season, and many strong people have been frozen to death during the freezing season!

In this situation, many strong players join a strong team, one is to be more survivable, and the other is to get a good reward!

No matter how good Qin Yang's special training is, no matter how good their discipline is, it will not do if there is no benefit!

"Deputy Captain, are you sure it is triple the reward?"

There are strong people who can't believe it is authentic.

They are all powers at the Tianzun level, and most of them are elites. Each of them is not low in return. They are more than 5,000 strong, and they have to pay five trillion Tianzun coins each year, three times the reward. But it's 15 trillion!

A huge expenditure of 150 trillion yuan in ten years!

If there is no income, it is a pure loss.

They have been training for this year and haven't helped Qin Yang make any money. Fifteen trillion is worth nothing.

——Tianhu helps them maintain such a power, that is, they occupy powerful resources, so their income often exceeds their expenses.

But forces like the Tianhu Gang did not dare to spread disorderly.

You have to pay for the income. If you don't think about how to make money with the income, you may lose money!

The inability of funds to hold up leads to the collapse of power, and there are many such things.

"Everyone can rest assured that if you say three times the reward, you will get three times the reward!"

Qin Yang said indifferently. With his abundant funds, there is no problem in maintaining the expenditure of this mere five thousand people. Even if there is no income, it is enough to last for hundreds of years!

Qin Yang didn't plan to stay here for hundreds of years!

The flow of time here is the same as that on Tianzun Island. If there are hundreds of years in here, millions of years will pass on the heaven side!

"What kind of remuneration do you need? Now you can tell me by subpoena!"

After Qin Yang finished speaking, the powerhouses immediately sent to Qin Yang one after another, even if the cultivation base was imprisoned, there was no problem with simple transmission!

Qin Yang's thoughts moved, and an ordinary spatial ring appeared in front of the five thousand powerhouses in an instant. Their spiritual consciousness penetrated, and it happened to be what they needed.

And it was three times what they were paid before!

"Everyone, your training effect this year is good, but not enough!"

"Moreover, your number is too small!"

"In the next few years, more powerful players will join you. If you perform well, you will be treated better!"

Speaking of this, a super token appeared in Qin Yang's hand, and the colorful super token stunned the five thousand strong.

Although they haven't seen it before, they all know that this is a super token!

"You are not mistaken, this is not what I made to lie to you."

"This is a super team token."

"Some of you have performed very well and are strong. They will be able to join the super team and their strength can increase by up to 40%!"

Qin Yang said indifferently, as he talked about a force that drew 1,000 of them in front of him.

"We swear allegiance to the death!"

The thousand powerful men who were drawn out knelt down on one knee at the same time, and they shouted with excitement.

They can actually join the super team!

Their strength has increased by 40%, their strength is stronger, and their chances of survival are higher!

Moreover, Qin Yang has a super team, which shows that the prospects are very good. There are currently only five super teams in the entire Baijie Life and Death Prison!

"Get up."

Qin Yang said indifferently, "Everyone, you should know what the super team means. With this seat, your chances of survival will be much higher!"

"This seat knows that you basically didn’t even think about killing a thousand strong people at once. You just want to live, but this seat promises you that if you have performed extremely well, this seat can let him kill a thousand. The strong, you can go home!"

Many strong men showed hope in their eyes, and they entered it, clearly knowing the cruelty inside, and they wanted to leave.

And many of them have actually been here for trillions of years.

The long one has reached more than ten trillion years.

They have a family outside, how is the family now?

"Thank you, sir!"

The five thousand strong said in unison.

With more rewards, the temptation to join the super team, and Qin Yang's promise to them, the odds of betrayal by these strong men have been greatly reduced.

And it will definitely perform better next!

"You join the super team."

Qin Yang glanced over the thousand selected strong men, their strength was relatively stronger, and their performance was also good.

Although there are many strengths, Qin Yang, who has average performance, did not pick it!

"Yes, my lord!"

These thousand powerhouses quickly imprinted their soul aura, wisps of colorful light entered their bodies, and their strength increased by 10% from their basic strength!

Don't underestimate this ten percent, which is often the gap between life and death.

"The rest, perform well when the time comes, and still have a chance."

"In addition, the strong who joined the super team should not slack off. If you slack off after joining, the consequences will be even more serious!"

Qin Yang said sharply.

"Yes, my lord!"

The strong people once again said in unison.

Qin Yang's expression relaxed a little: "If you don't practice for a while, we will go to many places to openly recruit strong people to join. You unlock the seal. If someone outside is asking for trouble, you need to deal with it outside then!"

"In addition, you need to shock them and make them obedient!"

"You will still need special training for newcomers at that time!"

After selling ten gold tokens, some forces will definitely hide their strength and prevent other forces from knowing that the gold tokens were photographed by their own forces, so the next period of time is a good time to openly attract the strong to join!

A few days later, Qin Yang moved away from the Qingyan Territory and Glacier Region. He arrived at a place called the Purple Moon Region, which was much stronger than the Qingyan Region.

However, Ziyueyu did not have the top 20 powers, and Qin Yang was not going to provoke those powers at this time.

It's a provocation to openly recruit people in their territory!

"Everyone, this is the golden team token."

"We will recruit 2,000 strong people from the Purple Moon Region. The strong ones are given priority, and the weak ones don't come to join in the fun!"

Qin Yang arrived next to a trading tower in Ziyueyu, and there would always be a lot of strong people around the trading tower.

Immediately many people gathered around!

"Golden Team Token."

"It's really a golden team token."

"Which big power is this hiring?"

The eyes of many strong men showed excitement.

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