God of Shuratan

Chapter 2361: Nether Palace attacked

Cangyu God Dynasty soon formed a temporary alliance with Hydra.

As for now, it has long been determined that it is a place occupied by the Nether Hall. There is a golden team in the Nether Hall, which is guarded by nine bronze teams.

If this side is attacked, the strong from the rest of the Nether Hall can also rush over within five minutes.

"Everyone, kill!"


In the Cangyu dynasty, many powerhouses of Hydra came here secretly, and both forces mobilized many powerhouses.

All the powerhouses turned into the same appearance and killed the place occupied by the Nether Hall.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

"Send the message to the sect!"

The strong people on the Nether Palace were terrified. They defended desperately. There were various formations on this side. In addition, their strength was also strong. Even if three or four times the enemy came, they could support a lot of time.

Five times the enemy came, and they were confident that they could sustain it for more than five minutes.

But this can attack more than five times the enemy, the enemy's strength is ten times theirs!

The enemy pounced from all directions, and the defensive barrier formed on their side quickly collapsed. They sent a message, but they couldn't escape through the teleportation array.

"So many people, is it the Holy Alliance or the Death Alliance?"

"It must be!"

"Fucking, they are already so strong, they are still targeting us!"

Many powerhouses in the Nether Palace cursed wildly in their hearts. Many of them used forbidden techniques to resist for some time, but this was useless. Their defenses still quickly collapsed.

In less than three minutes, the layers of defense completely collapsed.

In the face of ten times the enemy, all the strong in the Nether Palace were terrified, and the enemy could kill them in a very short time.

"Everyone immediately restrains themselves from cultivation."

"Anyone who restrains himself from practicing within two breaths will live, or die!"

"Destroy our elixir here, all of you will be buried!"

A cold voice sounded.

All the powerhouses in the Nether Palace quickly imprisoned their own cultivation bases, and the differences in strength were too great. Under such circumstances, there was no point in resisting.

"Immediately take away all the elixir here!"

"hurry up!"

There is a huge spiritual garden here. There are many precious elixir in it, and the elixir here grows very fast. This is very important for the Nether Palace. The total value of the elixir in this spiritual garden exceeds Trillions.

The long-term value is much higher!

The powerhouses of Hydra and Cangyu God Dynasty did not intend to guard this place to gain long-term benefits. A large number of them rudely and quickly took away all the elixir here, and the elixir that was not fully mature was also given by them. gone.

If there is really no value, it will be destroyed directly.

In one minute, the strong men of Hydra and Cangyu God Dynasty left the spiritual garden.


An extremely violent explosion appeared, and endless flames filled the entire spiritual garden, and a large area outside the spiritual garden was also enveloped by the power of the explosion.

The entire spiritual garden was directly destroyed!

The traces left here have also been cleaned up.


The Supreme Netherworld quickly rushed to this side with the strong, but where there is still need for rescue, this side has become a piece of ashes!

"Hall Master, will the enemy have other actions?"

There is a strong person beside Nether Supreme.

The Cangyu God Dynasty and the HYDRA powerhouse really have other actions. They rushed to a secret stronghold controlled by the Nether Hall at an extremely fast speed. They thought that the other forces did not know about it, but Hydra actually I knew the situation here by accident.

This secret stronghold also has many benefits, and there are far fewer strong guards!

It would take more than five minutes for the normal Cangyu Gods and Hydra powerhouses to get here, but they were already prepared, and the teleportation array or something had been secretly arranged.

They arrived here in half a minute, and then dived directly inside.

Without persuading to surrender, everyone on this side, Cangyu Shenchao and the powerhouse of Hydra directly beheaded all.

There are only two silver teams, more than a thousand people.

Even if it is all killed, the strong man in the Nether Hall will know that the strong man in the Nether Hall can only swallow this bad breath.

——This is not the place occupied by the Nether Hall on the Ming surface, they can completely explain that they don't know that those guys are from the Nether Hall!

"Secret Place No. 3 can't be reached."

The Nether Master said with a dark face, he used a powerful messenger, and he could be contacted by the current distance.

"Is there something wrong with secret place number three?"

"Damn, although there are not many strong guards over there, our interests over there are not low, and there should be hundreds of billions in benefits over there!"

"Let's go and see?"

The faces of several big guys in the Nether Hall became ugly, and the Supreme Nether swift rushed to the No. 3 secret place with them. Such secret ground Nether Hall occupied a total of four places.

The value of each place is not low, and has long-term value, otherwise so many powerful people in the Nether Palace can now afford it!



The powerhouses of the Nether Hall came here to curse one by one, and this side has also been destroyed, and they felt a strong death on this side. It is estimated that many of their people here have died, and even their people have all died.

"This is to declare war with our Nether Palace!"

The Nether Supreme was furious, and his killing intent burst out.

But at this moment he doesn't know who the murderer is. Judging by the strength of the enemy, the Holy Alliance or the Death Alliance are possible!

The most likely is the Death Alliance.

Compared to the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance, the Death Alliance acted a bit more brazenly.

"Hall Master, what should I do?"


The surrounding powerhouses all looked at the Nether Hall Master.

They don't know who the enemy is, and even if they want to kill, they don't know which force to attack, which makes them extremely uncomfortable!

"Immediately spread the news and tell the rest of the forces that our Nether Palace has a powerful treasure that can be counted to the enemy. No matter what force is targeting our Nether Palace, stop immediately, otherwise this powerful treasure will definitely be used by this seat."

"After that, full-scale war!"

Nether Supreme Han said that he had such a treasure, he didn't intend to say it, it won't be enough to not threaten the enemy at this moment!


The powerhouse of the Nether Palace quickly spread the news, the strength of the Nether Palace was extremely strong, and this news spread far away in a short time.

In the Cangyu God Dynasty, the powerful Hydra received the news, and they did not act again.

In fact, even if the Nether Palace did not report such news, they would not act again, and now is not a good time to fight the Nether Palace.

The three of them are not the only powerful forces here!

"These eight thousand strong players, the strong players of the Golden Team, and the strong players of the Silver Team, we all ask for a ransom from the Nether Hall."

"The rest of the benefits are divided first!"

Cangyu Shenchao and the strong of Hydra happily divided the benefits. The value of the things obtained from the two places reached 16 trillion, plus a lot of gains from the strong ones who caught them, their total income It's about two quadrillion.

Both forces can be divided into one trillion.

Moreover, it is certainly not a problem that the 18,000 powerful people caught from the Nether Palace can get a few trillions of billions, and here they can be divided into several trillions.

It is not a big problem that the revenue of the two companies reaches 15 trillion yuan.

"Let's ask for a ransom from the Nether Hall earlier, a little less is fine, and we will complete this plan sooner!"


Cangyu Shenchao and the powerful Hydra nodded.

Half an hour later, the Nether Supreme and the others did not get news of another attack on the other places, but they got news that the other party demanded a ransom.

The other party asked for twelve trillion!

A golden team plus nine silver teams, twelve trillion is not a compliment, it can even be said to be very conscience!

But after receiving the news, Nether Supreme also vomited blood.

Two places have suffered huge losses. If you pay another twelve trillion yuan, the next life in the Nether Palace will be tight!

"Twelve trillion is impossible, this one is too expensive!"

The powerhouse of the Netherworld Palace immediately started negotiations with the people sent by the other party. The people who came over were of ordinary strength, and they weren't from the Hydra nor from the Cangyu God Dynasty.

"Big...sir, the other party said that they would not bargain, and if there is no transaction for a quarter of an hour, they will kill a thousand people, and the transaction price will remain the same."

"Kill a thousand people every quarter of an hour!"

The strong man in front of Nether Supreme trembled, he didn't want to come, but if he didn't come, he would die immediately!

"Hall Master, we can only agree."

"Our situation will be very troublesome if these people are missing."

The rest of the powerhouses in the Nether Palace opened their mouths. If the gold tokens did not increase in price, the price would not be worthwhile at all. It is better to keep the money to buy the gold tokens, and then create a golden team again, even if there are strange voices inside. Nothing.

Nowadays, it costs millions of billions to buy a gold token, and the re-recruiting of the strong is not so powerful, and those people are also from the Netherworld, and the pressure to give them up is not low.


Nether Supreme's face was so gloomy, he arrived at a trading tower, and soon he found a deal, a very ordinary thing, the price reached twelve trillion!

Who would buy this thing normally?

Supreme Netherworld quickly bought this item with money, and he didn't worry about giving the money to the other party and letting him go!

If this is the case, if it is found out, it will be offended to their death.

"Hall Master, people are back."

"Hall Master, their treasures have been robbed, and the treasures they can disqualify from the master have been robbed, and the total loss is millions of billions."

Nether Master soon received the "good" news.

People have returned, but they have lost a lot of treasures, their combat power has dropped a lot, and they have to regain their treasures to increase their combat power.

Even if the long-term benefits of the two secret areas are not counted, the current direct losses are as high as 32 trillion yuan.

The long-term loss is even greater!

Those two secret places are two golden hens in the Nether Hall.

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