God of Shuratan

Chapter 2380: How is this challenge?

Chapter 2380 how to challenge this?

"Sect Master, you can start attacking!"

The great elder is full of confidence, he is not particularly strong in attack, but in terms of defense, the whole world of life and death prison surpasses him few!

Qin Yang smiled.

"Elder, then I'll take action!"

It is still an ordinary sword.

However, Jianguang touched the defense of the Great Elder, and the defense of the Great Elder was quickly torn apart. His defense was as high as 120,000 points, which was indeed extremely powerful, but Qin Yang had already transformed the prisoner sky, and his attack power exceeded 14. Ten thousand points!

Moreover, Qin Yang's attack was extraordinary, and his defense effect was compromised.

Only after consuming about 110,000 points of attack power, Qin Yang's attack smoothly broke through the defense of the elder, and the remaining 30,000 points of attack entered the body of the elder!

Qin Yang smiled and did not make another move.

The great elder used all his strength to eliminate the attacking power in his body, and it took a long time to completely clear it, even if he was extremely defensive, he suffered some injuries.

"The sect master is great, I am convinced."

The great elder saluted deeply.

If Qin Yang continued to attack just now, the elder knew that he would soon be unable to hold it, and would be killed by Qin Yang in a short time.

The rest of the strong looked at Qin Yang in shock.

Qin Yang's attacks and defenses were so terrifying.

Venerable Mirage sighed lightly: "Everyone, you know why I said why not compare? The master is not a little stronger than us. We want to defeat the master and replace it. It is almost impossible, but joining the Promise Gate will help us survivors. Said it is a good thing!"

"The strength of the gatekeeper is strong, and the power of the Wuji Sect is also increased. Together with the people of our Survivor Alliance, the Wuji Sect is completely possible to become the strongest power!"

Many strong nodded.

Practitioners still have to speak with strength. Qin Yang's strength is strong enough, and the resistance in their hearts of submission will be much reduced.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Do other friends still want to try?"

"The sect master, as long as he can persist for half an hour, can he become the deputy sect master?"

"I want to try it!"

When the strong spoke, his eyes flickered.

This strong man is not particularly strong in defense and attack, but his hidden ability is so powerful that it is not easy for the rest of the Survivor League to find him.

Qin Yang nodded.

The Great Elder immediately retreated, and he simply became a human elder.

The strong man who raised the challenge entered the duel arena, and he immediately became invisible.

"Sect Master, you can make a move."

"If I hold on for half an hour, you can't break your promise!"

The invisible strong man's voice reached Qin Yang's mind.

Qin Yang smiled, he released the Hongmeng Sword, and the Hongmeng Sword instantly shot somewhere, directly piercing the hidden strong man.

Blood spattered.

Hongmeng Sword returned.

The figure of the strong man just now reappeared, his mouth sprayed with blood, his face was pale, and he looked at Qin Yang in horror.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Your invisibility is good, but you can't hide it from me."

Qin Yang directly sensed the position of this strong man!

In terms of smell, Qin Yang spent a lot of effort to improve his sense of smell before, and his strength continued to increase. This aspect is also improving, and now he is still very powerful in this aspect!

Besides, Qin Yang's strength is already stronger than that of the strong one!

The duel field is only so big, and the distance is not far, it is basically impossible for this strong man to hide from Qin Yang!

"Thank you for your mercy."

The strong man who had vomited a few mouthfuls of blood also gave a deep respect. He knew that if Qin Yang wanted to kill him, he had just died!

His defense is not as high as the Great Elder, Qin Yang can kill him directly!

Qin Yang waved his hand: "You don't have to be polite, it's just a discussion, there is a time magic circle inside, you can enter the time magic circle to recover!"

"Are there any challengers?"

Ten people were selected, and the rest shook their heads.

Also challenge a wool.

Qin Yang's defenses were invincible, and he stood directly invincible.

Qin Yang's attack is also super strong, and a single sword can break the defense of the strongest of them, and the one with the strongest hidden ability among them is useless in front of Qin Yang!

In front of Qin Yang, they can be said to be crushed in all aspects!

Venerable Phantom secretly rejoiced, but fortunately, he hadn't made a move before, so even if he could get more Phantoms, he wouldn't be able to confuse Qin Yang.


"If it doesn't, the challenge this time will be over. If you want to challenge in the future, you can challenge it once a year!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "There should be many subordinates in your space treasure, let them take action, all of you still need to train!"

"Although each of you is good at strength, it's too loose!"

The elders nodded their heads. They have not experienced special training. The Survivor Alliance is just a loose alliance. It is impossible for all of them to confine their cultivation bases for special training!

If you can't restrain your cultivation base, it will be difficult to have the effect of special training, and the movement made by so many of them will be great!

Soon, the Great Elder and all of them let their subordinates in their space treasures appear.

Two of them have gold tokens, there are more than 10,000 subordinates in the space treasure, and half of them have joined the gold team.

Twenty or so have Silver Tokens, there are more than 1,000 subordinates in the space treasure, and half of them have joined the Silver Team.

There are one or two hundred bronze tokens, and many of the strong in the space treasures have not joined the bronze team!

There are basically dozens of subordinates in the space treasure.

As long as they get the space token, they can build their own team in a short time!

The total number of strong people is about 120,000!

This number is not much less than the 130,000 strong players of the Promise Gate today, but in terms of combat power, the strong ones of the Promise Gate are even higher. Because of the 120,000 strongest players, only 15,000 have joined the Golden Team. None of the bronze teams have joined!

When these people came out, their expressions were a bit embarrassing.

Promise Gate has a super team, nine golden teams, there are so many people here, only two golden teams, shabby tight.

"Sect Master, there were still many golden teams in our Survivor League before, but every time we enter the freezing season, the golden tokens will become invalid."

"This time only a few dozen times have passed, and we got less gold tokens."

The Great Elder coughed lightly.

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "Great Elder, since you have joined the Promise Gate, this aspect will naturally be resolved in the future!"

"Let's see the master!"

The new 120,000 strong man knelt down, his voice was loud, but a little jagged, and his momentum was greatly reduced.

Qin Yang said in a deep voice: "Everyone, you are welcome to join the Promise Gate. After passing the training, your treatment will be three times that of the strong people of the same level in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison. If you enter the War Gods list, you will get extra Reward!"

"Next, everyone becomes human."

"Then imprison your own strength!"

"If you perform well, you can join the super team at that time, and the next level can join the golden team. Together with the original two golden teams of the Survivor League, we currently have a total of eleven golden teams!"

"There are many silver tokens in this seat, but this seat hopes that all of you will perform well and don't join the silver team!"

"In our Promise Gate, joining the Silver Team is a shame!"

"As for the Bronze Team, I'm sorry, we won't have it in the future. The current Bronze Team will be cancelled immediately."

"All the captains of the bronze team, order a silver token from me, change it to the silver team first!"

Qin Yang waved his hand as he spoke, and one or two hundred silver tokens appeared. Seeing those silver tokens, many of the new powerhouses took a breath.

The Survivor League originally had only twenty silver teams, and Qin Yang's batch, that's scum!

"Thank you, the master."

Soon more than a hundred strong men holding bronze tokens received a silver token. They used the silver token, and the original bronze token naturally became invalid.

"The original bronze team members, don't rush to join the Silver team! If you perform well, you can directly join the gold team or even the super team. If your performance is not good, you can't join the silver team. The future is the fate of cannon fodder!"

Qin Yang said solemnly.

A woman trembled: "Sect Master, then our weaker strength is destined to be the fate of cannon fodder?"

Qin Yang looked at the past: "That's not the case. Those who are strong enough to join the super powers and the golden powers will indeed have an advantage, but those who perform well will also have the opportunity to join, whether it is a good performance in training or a good performance in future battles!"

Many powerhouses secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If they perform well, they can join the super team or even the golden team, then they still have hope!

Qin Yang continued: "Everyone, with the strength of this seat, not to mention that the super team can accommodate 100,000 people, but there is definitely no problem with accommodating 90,000 people. We currently have 11 golden teams, which should also be able to accommodate 8 to 90,000 people. , Here is 170,800 people in total!"

"We only have two hundred and fifty thousand strong in total."

"In the future we will get gold tokens and even super tokens."

"As long as you work hard enough, I think you can at least join the Golden Team in the future! If you can't get enough Super Tokens, Gold Tokens, then you are incompetent, but if you are too bad to join, you will die. Blame yourself!"

A large number of strong men are looking at Qin Yang with a surge of heart. Many of them have not even joined the Bronze Team. Joining the Golden Team or even the Super Team is extremely attractive to them!

Joining the Golden Team can increase your strength by 30%, and your chances of surviving will increase a lot in the future!

Many powerhouses of the Survivor Alliance secretly communicated with each other secretly, the treatment of Wujimen is so good, it is estimated that soon the powerhouses of their Survivor Alliance will be devoted to Qin Yang.

"Everyone, there will be no survivor alliance anymore."

"Everyone behave well at Wujimen."

The great elder sent the message with incomparable emotion.

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