God of Shuratan

Chapter 2391: The actions of the Holy Alliance

Chapter 2391 the action of the Holy Alliance

"Venerable Wuji appeared, Wujimen recruited the strong."

"Venerable Wuji took out thousands of silver tokens, dozens of gold tokens?"

The news quickly spread to the rest of the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison, and naturally also reached the ears of the leaders of the Holy Alliance, the Death Alliance and other forces.

Many powerful players in the Death Alliance quickly gathered.

"Everyone, now it is basically certain that the team token comes from Venerable Wuji, and the force he created is Wujimen."

"What do you think about the rapid expansion of Wujimen this time?"

Yan Wansheng said solemnly.

He is not feeling very good lately!

The Holy Alliance has obtained 4,000 Silver Team Tokens, which is more than their Death Alliance. Now the speed of attracting the strong is not slower than their Death Alliance. Moreover, Cangyu God Dynasty and Nether Hall have also released news that they have obtained 2,000 Silver Team Tokens. Also quickly grabbing people!

The Promise Gate actually jumped out at this time!

"Leader, if we can win the Wuji Sovereign and the Wuji Gate, we can gain huge gains, and we can definitely win the game, but we don't know the strength of the Wuji Gate. I am afraid that the strength of the Wuji Gate will not be low!"

"If we act, we won't even want to buy anything from Wujimen. Wujimen will definitely support other forces to deal with us. The probability of our Death Alliance failure is extremely high!"

A big guy in the Death Alliance looked solemn and authentic.

The rest of the strong talked.

Some want to deal with the Promise Gate, and some feel that the Death Alliance does not need to take such risks!

Yan Wansheng frowned, and he was also tangled.

Wujimen recruited people like this one by one, indicating that the strength of Wujimen is definitely not as good as their Death Alliance. If they surround the powerhouse of Wujimen, it is entirely possible for them to capture Venerable Wuji alive and get huge profits.

But Venerable Wuji was letting the clone take in, and since Wujimen dared to do so, he must have the confidence not to be caught by them!

"Leader, I don't think we should deal with the Promise Gate."

"Venerable Wuji should have found a way to get many team tokens because of good luck. He should want to stay in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison for a long time, and make long-term profits. For him, to the death offend our Death Alliance or the Holy Alliance and No good!"

"So our biggest opponent is the Holy Alliance."

"Don't forget that we have already killed hundreds of thousands of powerful players in the Holy Alliance. This hatred Rains will definitely be reported. We won the Holy Alliance, and it will not be too late to deal with the Promise Gate!"

"At present, Wujimen has a lot of powerful teams, which has an advantage in this respect, but after all, our backstage is the world of death! If we are hostile to Wujimen in the future, the powerhouses who have already joined Wujimen may fall to our side! "

A deputy leader of the Death Alliance.

Yan Wansheng nodded slightly. At present, the Death Alliance still occupies a considerable advantage, and he actually doesn't want to take too much risk.

"Then let the Holy Alliance have a headache."

"Their strength is not as strong as ours. If they want to surpass us, they have to think of something special!"

Yan Wansheng sneered.


On the side of the Holy Alliance, the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance also gathered, and Rains had a heated discussion with them!

On the Reaper Alliance, most of the powerhouses still disagree with dealing with the Promise Gate, and there is no need to take that risk when they are dominant.

The Holy Alliance is different here.

Half agree and half oppose.

It was too noisy.

Raines is also very entangled!

"Everyone, be quiet."

"Our sacred alliance is running everywhere anyway. If it happens to be in the same domain as the Promise Gate, we will act if we have the opportunity. If we don't have a chance, then forget it!"

Rains said.

Most of the powerhouses nodded, they still can accept Rains's plan!

"Since most of them agree, that's it!"

"It has been released to the outside world that our Holy Alliance supports the Promise Gate to attract the strong to increase its strength. If there are forces in the process of attracting the strong, it is an enemy of our Divine Alliance!"

Rains said solemnly.

Soon, some powerhouses of the Holy Alliance showed up and announced the news in front of many other powerhouses.

Rains did not show up.

As the leader, for security reasons, it is normal for Raines to not show up, but now Rains does not show up, mainly considering that if he shows up, the Holy Alliance will deal with the Wujimen at that time, won't he hit himself in the face?

According to the news announced by others, if he wins the Promise Gate, he can tell the rest of the people that he is in retreat during this time, and it is the other powerhouses of the Holy Alliance who make their own decisions!


The Grim Reaper Alliance also quickly got news, and they immediately announced the same news, supporting the Promise Gate to attract the strong!

Then, in the Nether Palace, Cangyu Shenchao also released news!

"My lord, shall we send messages?"

Hydra said a strong man.

Venerable Nine Snake frowned, Hydra probably still has strong people in the Promise Gate now, and he doesn't want to send it in his heart.

But Nether Palace and Cangyu God Dynasty have both received many Silver Team tokens, and their Hydra has nothing to gain!

Originally, the strength of Cangyu Divine Dynasty might be a little weaker than their Hydra, but now the strength of Cangyu Divine Dynasty has surpassed their Hydra by a lot!

Moreover, Cangyu God Dynasty is still recruiting strong people, and continues to grow stronger.

Hydra is now in an extremely embarrassing situation. They have a super team and are one of the super forces, but their Hydra now recruits people, and they basically cannot recruit!

The first echelon, the Death Alliance and the Holy Alliance recruit people crazy; the second echelon, the Nether Palace and the Cangyu God Dynasty also recruit people. If there is a strong person who wants to join a powerful force, there is a better choice to join them. No increase in strength!


"In addition, we have announced that Hydra also hopes to purchase a batch of team tokens from Wujimen. We hope Venerable Wuji can help."

Venerable Nine Snake took a deep breath.

He was a little aggrieved by doing this, but if Hydra's strength does not develop, the future of Hydra is very worrying. They estimate that only a few strong people can leave the prison of life and death, and a large number of strong people can only stay in the life and death of the hundred worlds. prison.

This is very good in the warm season, and many people will die in the cold season!

More importantly, it is not the strong who entered this time. It is very difficult to leave, but you can leave without killing 10,000 people!

Delaying one round here requires killing twenty thousand, and delaying two rounds requires killing thirty thousand.

Soon, Hydra also sent a message.

The five top five forces all sent news, wherever they were duplicity, many hidden powerhouses were relieved a lot, wherever Qin Yang's Bodhi clone appeared, many powerhouses rushed over immediately!

Within two days, the Bodhi clone moved around five places.

Each place has absorbed about 60,000 strong, a total of 300,000!

All the strong have entered the prison in batches. They did not gather together. They were divided into five groups for special training. Before the special training, loyalty training would certainly not be less!

"Six hundred and fifty thousand, plus these three hundred thousand, the number of the strongest in the Promise Gate will soon exceed one million!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

This number can be estimated by the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance. The Promise Gate powerhouse does not exceed a million. The Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance should still be able to accommodate them for the time being, and the Promise Gate will not be the primary opponent!

"If the remaining areas absorb the strong, the danger will increase a lot."

"The Bodhi clone absorbs another 50,000 people, but it will not be recovered for the time being!"

Qin Yang muttered.

Soon Qin Yang heard a message.

"Good deity!"

The Bodhi clone has acted. Since it will not come back for the time being, the Bodhi clone has simply reached a very powerful domain, and there are more powerful people here!

The powerhouse of the Holy Alliance is here!

The Bodhi clone appeared to recruit people, Rains and the others quickly got the news. Less than five minutes later, Rains had already quietly approached, and the one and a hundred thousand strong of the Holy Alliance could go outside at any time in his space treasure. Launch an attack.

"Wuying, this seat enters your space treasure, and you hide in the body of someone who wants to join the Promise Gate!"

Raines said through a voice that there was another strong next to him. Few of the other strong in the Holy Alliance knew about the existence of this strong.

You Wuying is a powerful trump card of Rains, he is the top arrogant, and You Wuying possesses a boundary weapon!

That is a one-star device to help stealth!

You Wuying's attack, defense, and speed are only average, but the hidden aspect is super strong, but the boundary device is too strong, he can't use it casually, and now Rains thinks it is an opportunity!

"Yes, my lord."

You Wuying quickly allowed Raines to enter his own space treasure, and he quickly hid in a strong man who wanted to join the Promise Gate!

Of course, the Bodhi clone was not found. This strong one finally entered the space treasure of the Bodhi clone smoothly with a large number of other powerful people.

"Everyone, this is the last time we will collect people. For the time being, we won't accept any more people at Promise Gate. Please tell me!

The Bodhi clone smiled and said, he left soon after speaking, but according to Qin Yang's deity, the Bodhi clone did not return, he was in a secret realm.

"Everyone, please wait for a while. There are more strong players in Promise Gate in a short time, and it takes time to digest!"

"In the next period of time, everyone can have a good rest. During this period of time, we should pay everyone, we will not be less!"

Bodhi clone said with a smile.

The treasure in the Bodhi clone space is still quite large, and the 50,000 strong people soon found a place to practice silently.

One year later, the Bodhi clone did not find them.

Three years later, the Bodhi clone still did not find them!

Raines and the others are in a hurry, has the Promise Gate found an abnormality?

"Leader, what should I do?"

"It has been three years and there is no movement. We can wait for three or five years, but if it is ten or eight years, the other forces will definitely find problems."

You Wuying said.

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