God of Shuratan

Chapter 2399: Tianzun Island anomaly

Chapter 2399 Tianzun Island Anomaly

Tianzun Island, Wanjie Mountain.

The space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Yang appeared here, but now he used the shadowless cloak and was in a state of invisibility.

"The familiar breath is back!"

"The legendary token is really extraordinary."

A smile appeared on Qin Yang's face.

At this moment, a wave of powerful divine consciousness swept over quickly, among them were the divine consciousness of Venerable Hei Ming, the divine consciousness of Venerable Holy Light, and the divine consciousness of several other powerful men were relatively unfamiliar, but those several divine Consciousness is no weaker than Venerable Hei Ming's divine consciousness!

"What's the matter, how has the consciousness of Venerable Hei Ming strengthened a lot?"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that in his perception, Venerable Hei Ming's consciousness should have been enhanced by 30%. If he was still the previous strength, he might be discovered by Venerable Hei Ming even if he was invisible!

"It didn't take a long time to leave. Could something big happen here?"

Qin Yang frowned secretly, if something big happened, I don't know what Luo Lingna and the others are like now!

"Come out and found you!"

"Get out now!"

Two stern voices sounded near Qin Yang. If Qin Yang has no confidence in his own strength, I am afraid he will show up immediately, but his strength has increased a lot, and he also uses the shadowless cloak. , Absolutely impossible to be discovered!

"Venerable Hei Ming and Venerable Holy Light didn't speak, it was the other powerful people who actually spoke."

Qin Yang frowned secretly, all signs showed that there was a situation here.

I thought to myself that Qin Yang quietly descended the mountain, and there were restrictions in the Ten Thousand Realms Mountains, but the restrictions could not resist Qin Yang, and it was difficult for the restrictions to sense Qin Yang who was invisible.

It didn't take long for Qin Yang to reach the bottom of Wanjie Mountain.


Qin Yang frowned, and he quickly discovered that the formations and runes he had made before him had changed, added new ones, and were more powerful.

The defensive ability of the wall here is higher!

"Venerable Chaos and Venerable Hei Ming have no such strength."

"Could it be—"

Qin Yang's face changed slightly. Rumor has it that there are half-step control-level powerhouses sleeping on Tianzun Island. In the current situation, it is possible that the half-step control-level powerhouse here has awakened!

Before the Wanjie Mountain changed, the black claws tore the space, and the powerhouse with half-step control level was alarmed, and it was possible to wake up.

It's just that if you wake up now, the time will be much faster than Qin Yang estimated!

"Husband, be careful."

Bei Yao sent the information to Qin Yang.


"Don't worry, even if a strong man with a half-step control level wakes up, it is not so easy to deal with me."

Qin Yang said.

The increase in the legendary token here is of course no more, but the increase in his basic strength inside, this must still be there, and he has the prisoner of the sky, the shadowless cloak!

Moreover, Qin Yang has the Supreme Dharma Seal here!

The Supreme Seal can only increase others. In the case of one person alone, it could increase by 50% before, but Qin Yang used a half-step control level good thing in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison to increase the Supreme Seal. Now he is here. It should be more than 50%!

——It is worth mentioning that Qin Yang and the others thought that the Supreme Dharma Seal could increase their strength after reaching the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison, but they actually couldn't.

Not only the Supreme Seal can't work, but many similar treasures of the other strong people can't work. Only the team token has such an effect!

"This defense seems to be against me!"

Qin Yang's eyes flickered, his original formation was the "back door", but the back door had disappeared at this moment!

If Qin Yang's strength hadn't increased, even if he had come down from the Ten Thousand Boundary Mountain, he might not be able to pass the wall blockade here.

Passing silently, even more impossible!

"Fortunately, my strength has improved now, and I got a treasure like the Invisible Cloak."

Qin Yang muttered.

After spending half an hour, Qin Yang passed the blockade around Ten Thousand Worlds Mountain, and he quietly sneaked into the place where the Venerable Hei Ming they are now.

Venerable Hei Ming, Venerable Holy Light, and two other strong men are now in the same hall.

The other two powerhouses look more vigorous.

"Two adults, the space on Wanjieshan occasionally fluctuates abnormally. In fact, it is quite normal. Don't worry too much."

Venerable Holy Light smiled.


"You are keeping an eye on it. If something happens here, the Lord will blame it at that time, we can't afford it!"

One of the two strong strangers said coldly, "If Qin Yang returns to contact you, let us know as soon as possible!"

Venerable Shengguang said: "It must be."

"Two adults, Qin Yang and the others entered the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison. They didn't return so quickly, maybe they would die inside!"

Qin Yang frowned secretly, the master of these two guys should be the one who regained control of the half-step control level, I don't know what kind of person it is.

"Lingna and the others don't know where they are now, or how they are!"

Qin Yang was worried!

Another strong man said indifferently: "Take Qin Yang and the others, Luo Lingna and the others will surrender obediently at that time, don't be careless!"

Qin Yang's eyes lit up, and the other party said that Luo Lingna and the others should be fine for the time being.

Venerable Hei Ming smiled and said: "The two adults don't worry, as long as Qin Yang and the others return, they will definitely be found out by the formation that they cannot escape from inside."

"The two adults are here, coupled with our strengths, they will definitely have no problem with Qin Yang."

Qin Yang retreated silently. He didn't deal with Venerable Hei Ming now so as not to stun them. Anyway, they didn't know the location of Luo Lingna and others.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yang left Wanjie Mountain far away. He appeared in a restaurant, collecting a lot of information in his ears.

"Lorina and the others did not expect to hide so well, they have not been discovered at this time."

"No matter how good they are hiding, it is useless. Venerable Chaos and many of them are looking for them. Venerable Chaos and their strength have increased a lot now. It is only a matter of time before Luo Lingna and the others are found."

"I don't know why Master Suxin targeted them, saying that there may be foreign enemies on Liangjieshan, shouldn't we fend off foreign enemies together?"

"Shh, you don't want to live anymore, dare to say anything like this!"


A lot of voices reached Qin Yang's ears, and Qin Yang summed up some information, the strong man who awakened was called Fairy Suxin.

Of course, the strength is definitely not a "xian" but a powerhouse with a half-step control level.

Many powerful women still like to be called fairies and look young!

Fairy Suxin should be a woman of the world's death master with a half-step control level, so she naturally wants to become the master!

Fairy Su Xin woke up three years ago. She has good authority on Tianzun Island and can increase the strength of others. She has increased the strength of more than a dozen subordinates, giving them the ultimate strength here, and also increased. The strength of Venerable Chaos.

She once sent news that Lorina and the others would accept her "blessing", but Lorina and the others did not go there.

I don't know if it was Luo Lingna and the others who angered her for not being obedient, or for other reasons, Fairy Su Xin is now looking for Luo Lingna and the others!

"Since Lingna and the others did not obey the past and chase and kill like this, it should be impossible."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart, there are probably other reasons!

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