God of Shuratan

Chapter 2440: The strength of Wei Shiyun

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Qin Yang has been staring at Wei Shiyun closely, for fear of Wei Shiyun's problems, she keeps improving, which is really scary.

Now Wei Shiyun has broken through to the level of the Four Changes of Heaven.

At this time, Wei Shiyun is still improving, but the speed of improvement has eased a lot.

"Prison Tian, ​​what is the situation, how could the effect of Wandu Crystal Core be so good, and Shi Yun has improved so much in a short time, it seems that there is no strong sequelae."

Qin Yang asked suspiciously.

He is a powerful alchemist, but Wei Shiyun's situation has exceeded his knowledge.

Prison Tian said indifferently: "The Ten Thousand Poison Core contains the power of the world and has powerful sequelae. The main rules of heaven and earth have this limitation. The resources of a world are limited. As the owner of the world, you can't make everyone crazy upgrade and consume resources. "

"Wei Shiyun is now fused with ten thousand poison crystal nuclei, which contains the power of the world, and the absorption process resists the rules of this world. Naturally, there are no sequelae, and there will be no such improvement effect after absorption."

"But because of absorbing the power of the world, Wei Shiyun will increase faster than normal!"

"Her body is now more resistant to rules."

"If you fuse Ten Thousand Poison Crystal Cores, maybe you are already a half-step control level cultivation base."

A smile appeared on Qin Yang's face. That's it, Wei Shiyun is fine.

As for himself, he doesn't regret it. Since he can explode something like this, he may still explode in the future. He still prefers both the law of space and the law of time.

Moreover, Wei Shiyun is her own wife, so it's the same with her promotion, he is not so urgent now to improve his strength!

"Prisoner Tian, ​​can you let the rest of the people enter and gain benefits?"

Qin Yang asked.

Prison Tian said indifferently: "The old master was naturally okay back then, but now you are not strong enough, and fit is not enough, no!"

"You yourself can only enter once a year now, don't think too much!"

Qin Yang nodded helplessly. Compared with the old master Prisoner, his current strength is indeed too low, totally incomparable!

"Shi Yun has the cultivation level of the four changes of the Heavenly Dao, and there are no sequelae. You can give her more resources and let her cultivation directly reach the level of the five changes of the Heavenly Dao."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that he quickly gave Wei Shiyun more resources!

In the process of absorbing these resources and improving rapidly, the sequelae of Wei Shiyun's body slowly accumulated. One year later, the accumulated sequelae have been more, but at this time, Wei Shiyun's cultivation has reached the five changes of heaven!

In one year, Wei Shiyun changed from the Way of Heaven to the Five Changes of the Way of Heaven.

It's terrifying!

Moreover, integrating things like the core of Wandu, and other things such as immortal blood, Wei Shiyun's combat power is much stronger than that of the same rank.

At the beginning of the five changes of the cultivation base, the actual combat power has reached the great perfection of the five changes of the heavens!

Xiao Junwan, Xuanyuan Mingyue, Liu Liyan was much stronger than Wei Shiyun before, and Wei Shiyun directly attacked them in a year.

—— Xiao Junwan and the others originally possessed the fighting power of the late stage of the Five Changes of the Heavenly Way, combined with immortal blood, and after getting some good things, their current power of the Heavenly Way and the Five Changes was perfect!

"Prisoner days, one year has come."

"I have another chance to be resurrected."

"This time I enter cage number eighty!"

Qin Yang said.

Qin Yang wouldn't dare to enter the cage number 81.

Entering again in a short period of time, the realm master in the eighty-one cage may not have slowed down, he might not last more than half a minute to enter.


"The countdown to three breaths."

Prison Tian said indifferently.

With the first experience, Qin Yang directly used the forbidden technique to explode with all his strength, and exploded with all his strength to the ability of the Shadowless Cloak. As for making Prisoner Tian change his defense state, this was nothing.

If Prisoner Tian turns into a hidden treasure or something, the hiding ability can be greatly enhanced, but he might just hang up if the opponent attacks in a range!

At the last second, Qin Yang also swallowed an elixir, which he had refined by himself, and had a good effect on hiding the breath.

If this kind of pill is refined by others, it will have no effect if he eats it, but it can be refined by himself.

Because this is part of his strength!

In addition to the pill that hides the breath, Qin Yang also refines the pill that enhances defense.

An elixir that increases recovery ability.

It also left a lot of defensive runes and stealth runes in his body.

Compared with the first time, Qin Yang is much more prepared this time.

When the time came, Qin Yang appeared in the No. 80 cage on time, and there was a little fluctuation in the space, but this fluctuation was hidden by more intense fluctuations before it spread!

Qin Yang is good at the laws of space. He caused strong spatial fluctuations in many places in the entire small world.

In this way, the realm master here is not so easy to judge his position!

The realm master here is a flame giant. He was originally asleep in the ground. Qin Yang entered and woke him up immediately. The space fluctuated everywhere. He did not judge Qin Yang's accurate position!


The terrible flames burned wildly, engulfing the entire small world in the blink of an eye, and ordinary characters of the Five Transformations of Heaven would not be able to bear it immediately, and it was absolutely impossible to last a minute!

And as long as the opponent determines the position, the attack will definitely be more concentrated.

Qin Yang lurked silently, with a shadowless cloak to resist, the flames burned from him and he was not found at all. Such an attack was not strong enough!

Soon a minute passed, but still no eyes, the flame giant was violent a lot!

The attack suddenly increased a lot!

But it was still a large-scale attack, and the Shadowless Cloak could withstand it, and Qin Yang was still undetected.


After another two minutes passed, the flame giant hammered his chest and roared with incomparable anger. He changed the method of attack and concentrated on attacking each area.

The attacking area will bear much more attack power, but the area where the attack will be concentrated is not very small. Qin Yang believes that the shadowless cloak should also be able to hold it, and he did not move.

Sure enough, when the flame power burned to him, he was not found!

Attack all in this way, but still no target is found, the flame giant is more angry and the attack is more concentrated!

"Hey, this kind of attack should not be able to withstand it."

"You have to move."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that he moved carefully, the area he was in was not attacked at first, he moved to the attacked area.

Before long, all areas were attacked by the flame giant again, and he did not find the "little bugs" that entered.

This time, the flame giant didn't let the attack concentrate anymore. He started to randomly attack each area, even the area he had just attacked would be randomly arrived!

"It depends on fate."

"Hope to hold on for a while!"

Qin Yang muttered in his heart.

A few minutes later, Qin Yang was discovered. By this time, Qin Yang had been here for twelve minutes, and it was quite good!

"Damn human beings, kill!"

When Qin Yang was discovered, the flame giant's horrible attacks were concentrated. At this time, Qin Yang's escape was no longer useful. He could only rely on defense and recovery ability.

The formation, alchemy, runes, and his own combat power also exploded, Qin Yang used all the strength of the milk, and held it for another three minutes.

Just fifteen minutes later, Qin Yang was killed!

"It's terrible, even if I was so prepared, it only lasted fifteen minutes."

After being resurrected, Qin Yang was full of emotion.

His strength is still too weak.

"Prisoner Tian, ​​what did I get this time? I spent a lot of time inside this time. There should be something better."

Qin Yang looked forward to being extremely authentic.

The first time was ten minutes, and the second time was fifteen minutes, which is a lot more!

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