God of Shuratan

Chapter 2465: Venerable Luo is heartbroken!

"Wei Shiyun doesn't know if she can hold her for half an hour in the hands of the leader of Luo League."

"I guess it may be a little difficult. Although she has a cultivation base of the Five Great Perfection level of the Heavenly Dao, Venerable Luo is a powerful person of the old Five Great Perfection level!"

"Wei Shiyun may still have a hidden method, but Venerable Luo hasn't seen him make a move for a long time. He estimates that he also has a hidden method. The outcome will be 50-50!"

"Venerable Luo can get a treasure of the Five Great Perfection levels in the Great Victory. If you lose, you will lose the site. The bet is really big!"


Many strong people talked.

Some strong men even secretly bet on the victory of Lord Luo and Wei Shiyun.

"Wei Shiyun, come in."

Venerable Luo looked indifferent and authentic, he first entered the duel arena.

Wei Shiyun looked at Qin Yang, and Qin Yang smiled lightly: "Shiyun, you go in, do your best and don't let the Lord Luo look down on it!"

"Good husband!"

Wei Shiyun nodded, with a smile on her face, with quasi-immortal strength, she had 100% confidence in herself!

The gambling is extremely advantageous to her.

She only needs to last half an hour to win, even if Lord Luo is at the quasi-immortal level, it is impossible to defeat her within half an hour!

Even Venerable Luo, even if she has the Quasi-immortal level, may not be able to beat her!

Soon Wei Shiyun entered the duel arena.

"Lord, you are really good at digging holes."

Venerable Samsara said through a message that he was inside the prison at the moment, but he could see the situation outside. He was watching Venerable Luo fall into the pit.

Venerable Samsara knew exactly what strength Wei Shiyun had.

"Nonsense, I was low-key."

"But some people always think that I am low-key and good for bullying, so naturally I have to make them remember."

Qin Yang said lightly.

In the duel arena.

The aura that erupted from Venerable Luo's body grew crazily, and in the blink of an eye he exploded with a quasi-immortal aura.

"Hi, Lord Luo, is this quasi-immortal level?"

"Immortality is unlikely, it should be at the quasi-immortal level, the Lord Luo has actually broken through!"

"Then Wei Shiyun will lose in this way. Even if Wei Shiyun has the strength of the Five Transformation Great Perfection level, it will be difficult for a quasi-immortal powerhouse to support it in the duel field for so long!"

Many powerhouses opened their mouths in shock, and many powerhouses of the Chaos Race were extremely surprised.

Venerable Hunyuan looked at the leader of Luo in a daze. He was not a surprise. His expression was extremely complicated. Venerable Luo's strength would be great to win, but Venerable Luo possessed quasi-immortal strength. He competed with Venerable Luo. The position of the patriarch is the Arabian Nights.

"Has Luo Yan already received the support of Senior Su Xin?"

"Otherwise, so quickly, he is unlikely to break through to the quasi-immortal level."

Venerable Hunyuan felt bitter in his heart.

"Stop any action against the patriarch!"

Venerable Hunyuan sent the message to some strong people who supported him, and they were also relieved after receiving the message from Venerable Hunyuan.

At any rate, he didn't tear his face, so it's okay to give up at this time.

"Leader Luo, I didn't expect you to also have quasi-immortal strength."

Wei Shiyun said with a chuckle.


Venerable Luo was startled, too?

In the next second, Wei Shiyun also broke out with the aura that a quasi-immortal powerhouse could have, and her aura was much stronger than before!

It's even stronger than the faint aura that Venerable Luo burst out at this moment!

Not only did Wei Shiyun possess the strength of the quasi-immortal level, but she had already consolidated her cultivation base. After reaching the quasi-immortal level, she improved a little bit!

Although Venerable Luo has reached the quasi-immortal level at this moment, it is only initially consolidated!


Venerable Luo's face changed drastically, he knew that he had been punished by Qin Yang!

Since Wei Shiyun has the quasi-immortal level of strength, it becomes very difficult, even impossible, for him to defeat Wei Shiyun within half an hour!

"My grass!"

"What the hell, Wei Shiyun actually possesses quasi-immortal strength!"

"Qin Yang dug a big hole!"

"The Chaos Clan is losing out!"

The poles are reversed, and the surrounding people are boiling!

Everyone thought that Lord Luo had the quasi-immortal level of strength and would definitely win, and it might even win Wei Shiyun within ten minutes, and win five treasures of the Five Great Perfection levels from Qin Yang.

Unexpectedly, Wei Shiyun also possesses quasi-immortal strength.

In this case, it is quite possible that the Chaos Clan will lose the five mansions instead, and in addition to the two most important sites, Qin Yang can arbitrarily designate five mansions, which is extremely heavy for the Chaos Clan. loss!

"Venerable Luo, it's already timed."

Wei Shiyun reminded.


Venerable Luo was furious, and he shot instantly, and with all his strength!


Wei Shiyun soon fought with Lord Luo.

Both of them possessed the quasi-immortal level of strength, the battle was extremely fierce, and the world seemed to be torn apart by Wei Shiyun!

Before the shot, Venerable Luo still had some extravagant hopes. Perhaps Wei Shiyun was just strong, but not so powerful in reality.

Less than half a minute after the shot, Venerable Luo's heart sank to the bottom, and Wei Shiyun's strength was very strong!

"Bastard stuff!"

Many powerful people of the Chaos Clan cursed wildly in their hearts. Qin Yang was scolded thousands of times by them, and Qin Yang pitted them time and time again!

Before Wei Shiyun had hidden her strength and killed Hun Chong, she thought that was the full strength of Wei Shiyun, but she did not expect that Wei Shiyun had hidden her strength before!

Qin Yang looked at it with a smile, Wei Shiyun didn't fall to the bottom!

After reaching the quasi-immortality, Lord Luo has never fought against a strong person of the quasi-immortal level, but Wei Shiyun has this opportunity. Wei Shiyun has fought against Samsara many times during the prison, and both Wei Shiyun and Qin Yang have fought against each other. Quite a few times!

Regardless of strength or combat experience, now Wei Shiyun is not in the slightest!

Venerable Luo became more and more frightened as he fought.

Within three hours, he didn't have any confidence to win Wei Shiyun, so that Wei Shiyun would win the territory of their five chaotic clan!


After half an hour, Venerable Luo used the forbidden technique severely, and his strength soared!

Wei Shiyun also immediately used the forbidden technique here!

The use of forbidden techniques consumes a lot of money, and the physical damage is also high. Venerable Luo can only see if he can beat Wei Shiyun in this respect.

Venerable Samsara shook his head secretly, Venerable Luo thought too much!

Wei Shiyun is extremely capable of recovery.

She has a lot of immortal blood fused, and there are a lot of immortal cells in her body, which is much better than Lord Luo!

Reflected on the forbidden technique, Wei Shiyun can last longer.

For five minutes, ten minutes, Lord Luo and Wei Shiyun were still insisting, the pressure on Lord Luo by using forbidden techniques has increased a lot!

In a quarter of an hour, Venerable Luo felt that he could no longer hold it. At this time, it was only five minutes away from half an hour!

Wei Shiyun is in a good state!

Using the forbidden technique, her persistence for half an hour is not a big problem, no matter how long it is, she can persist for some time, but the impact will be greater!


Venerable Luo gritted his teeth and continued to hold on. For another five minutes, the backlash of the forbidden technique has become stronger and stronger. Venerable Luo's heart is chilled. If he continues, his cultivation may fall from the Quasi-immortal level to the Five Transformation level of Heaven. That would be miserable!

It will be extremely difficult to get back up!

"Venerable Luo's condition seems to be worse?"

"Mother, Lord Luo won't still be able to beat Wei Shiyun, right?"

"Depending on the situation, it is very possible that Venerable Luo's forbidden technique seems to be almost unable to hold up, but Wei Shiyun feels that it can last a lot of time!"

Many strong people are shocked.

Lord Luo is the leader of the Holy Alliance, the patriarch of the Chaos Clan, and can be said to be the number one powerhouse in the heavens for a long time!

Now he can't beat Wei Shiyun.

And Wei Shiyun is just one of Qin Yang's women!

Generally, there are more women than one, and other strong men would not be envious at all, but a woman like Wei Shiyun is different!

Such a woman would have a much stronger sense of accomplishment in conquering...

"Wei Shiyun, let's stop here!"

Venerable Luo raised his voice. He didn't want to speak in his heart. To stop the fighting would be a sign of weakness, but it is no longer possible to stop fighting!

Wei Shiyun said: "Leader Luo, thank you for your understanding, but I can still hold on, let's continue!"

With that said, Wei Shiyun's attack seemed to be stronger!

Venerable Luo was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, he was considerate of the wool, because he himself would soon be unable to hold on!

If he no longer uses the forbidden technique here, and Wei Shiyun continues to use the forbidden technique, how he can beat Wei Shiyun, will soon be completely defeated by Wei Shiyun!

It is shameful to admit defeat at this time, and it will be even more shameful to be defeated at that time!

And it is entirely possible that a bad guy will be killed by Wei Shiyun!

Thinking of this, Venerable Luo knew why Qin Yang had completed the transaction happily before. Qin Yang probably was afraid that after he knew Wei Shiyun's strength, he would control Qin Hai and the others!

"Wei Shiyun, it's okay to go here, this seat cannot beat you in three hours, our Chaos Clan, give you five houses!"

Venerable Luo said solemnly.

Wei Shiyun attacked with all his strength while responding: "Leader Luo, this is not good, let's follow the rules, so that you won't have any gossip from the strong of the Chaos clan when we play for three hours, I will insist that there is no problem for three more hours! "

"That's it!"

"It doesn't make sense to fight anymore!"

Venerable Luo said with a black face, he directly withdrew from the duel arena.


As soon as he quit, Venerable Luo swallowed a mouthful of blood on his throat and he swallowed it abruptly. He spurted blood in public, which could seriously affect his image!

"Master Qin, consider which five houses to choose for yourself!"

"You can't change it when you choose!"

Venerable Luo said coldly, he entered the ancient chaos realm and disappeared in the blink of an eye, he had to deal with the injury immediately!

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