God of Shuratan

Chapter 255: Unexpected accident

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"The heart is so vicious that even a beautiful skin is useless."

Qin Yang closed his sword indifferently, and soon, Liu Ruxian's ring of space or something, Qin Yang closed it all.

Then, Qin Yang summoned the Silver Wolf King.

"I'll give you a meal!"

Qin Yang pointed at Liu Ruxian's corpse. The Silver Wolf King ate the corpse of Liu Ruxian with disgust. Liu Ruxian looked so beautiful. She did n’t like the corpse that had just arrived in the realm of the real Yuan. There is not much energy in the corpse!

"Okay, it's good to have something to eat, and pick three and four!"

Qin Yang scolded indignantly, he immediately put away the silver wolf king, and there was movement on the wall again, and someone came over.

Soon, Qin Yang saw Ling Hongye.

Ling Hongye's body was stained with blood, her face was very pale, and she had many wounds on her body. One of them was almost fatal!

"Master Qin, hide!"

Seeing Qin Yang, Ling Hongye froze for a moment, but she immediately responded and came to preach.

"Ling Hongye, where are you running!"

"Stop obediently, maybe I'll make your death easier!"

A cold voice came, and Ling Hongye's side, the three strong men in the Yuanhai realm quickly chased after them. Their weakest strength also reached the seventh-tier realm of the Yuanhai, and the strongest nine-yuan realm.

The Yang family.

Qin Yang recognized it immediately.

The Yang family is not a third-rank, fourth-rank or even fifth-ranking force, but the strength of the Yang family is not weaker than the fifth-ranking force!

Because the owner of the Yang family is the third vice-owner of the Cangyue Academy, Yang Kun!

Tao Qianyue, Yang Kun and Wei Wuxian, all of them are deputy governors of Cangyue Academy, and are the most powerful competitors of Cangyue Academy.

All three are cultivation in the realm of Yuandan!

In fact, the three did not have badges on their chests, but before rebirth, Qin Yang had seen them, and they had some unpleasantness, but there was no vengeance.

"Qin Yang!"

Qin Yang didn't hide, and there wasn't any good place to hide. The three strong men naturally discovered Qin Yang immediately.

The three were not from the Cangyue Academy, but Yang Kun was the deputy governor of the Cangyue Academy. They were quite familiar with Qin Yang.

"Three, since you know me, please give me a face and let the Lord Ling!"

Qin Yang spoke, and he said he took out the waist card of Cangyue Academy.

Ling Hongye quickly whispered: "Master Qin is careful, they are afraid that they will not give you face. Ten minutes ago, a core student of Cangyue Academy got a treasure. They murdered and took the treasure. I just saw it. This news If it is spread, it will have a great impact on Yang Fufu. "

"Core student!"

Qin Yang was shocked.

The core students of the Cangyue Academy are all true pride of the heavens, and now Dan Yuer is only an internal government student!

Any core student is very important to the Cangyue Academy, and the protection of the core students by the Cangyue Academy is not comparable to the internal students!

There were four forces that killed the core students of Cangyue Academy, and were directly destroyed by Cangyue Academy!

Yang Kun is the deputy governor of Cangyue Academy, and his men beheaded and killed the core students of Cangyue Academy.

"Qin Yang's strength is unpredictable. He killed them with six treasures!"


The three strong men of the Yang family immediately communicated. All three of them had a treasure of six grades. Yang Kun was the richest of the three vice-principals.

In the next second, the three strong players of the Yang family shot instantly. One of them targeted Ling Hongye and the other two targeted Qin Yang!

Three four-foot-long fire dragons rushed to Qin Yang instantly.

The three strong men of the Yang family used the sixth dragon's fire dragon charm. Before attacking Ling Hongye, they were still reluctant to use it. At this time, it was used against Qin Yang!


The Silver Wolf King appeared instantly, roaring and blocking one of the fire dragons.

The other one was straight to Qin Yang.

Even if the purple eyed ape appeared, it would be difficult to resist this fire dragon.


On the occasion of a critical strike, Qin Yang obtained and received the six-ranked beast in the space ring. A black light emerged from his body, blocking another fire dragon attacking Qin Yang.


Qin Yang was furious, and the situation at the Silver Wolf King was a little better. The newly-acquired six-ranking beast stiffly withstood the six-ranking attack, but he was not harmed at once!

The Silver Wolf King and the Liupin Organ Beast received Qin Yang's instructions at the same time, and they rushed to the three strong men in the Yang family.

"Wait, we are--"

One of them shouted in horror.

However, before he finished speaking, the silver wolf king slapped his head with a slap, and the silver wolf king attacked with anger, but he shot with all his strength.

At the same time, another strong man also died, and the beast of the institution was damaged, but his attack power still reached about six levels and three levels. It attacked the seventh level of the Yuanhai. A person of this level also consumed his defense treasures. It can't resist the attack of the third floor of the sixth grade.

The one who was alive was the strongest, Yuan Hai was on the ninth floor.

"Master Qin Rao lives."

"I am the owner of Cangyue Academy Yang Fufu, we are our own!"

This strong man was swift and authentic. He was pale and attacked the treasure of Liupin. He actually had one in his hand, but the silver wolf king and the animal beast were all in Liupin state.


Order of Qin Yang Yuanshen.

The silver wolf king and the machine beast did not hesitate. They attacked together, and another six treasures of attacking treasure appeared in the hand of the strong one, but before this thing was used, the silver wolf king and the machine beast ripped his together. Physically, his response is not as good as that of the Silver Wolf King and the six-grade animal beast.

"Lingcheng, eat it!"

Qin Yang immediately came to Ling Hongye's side, and he stuffed a pill into Ling Hongye's mouth.

Ling Hongye was very injured just now, and it can be said that he was dying.

If it weren't for Ling Hongye's body, a fifth-grade defensive treasure had just resisted, the fire dragon would have directly turned Ling Hongye into coke.

"Thank you."

Ling Hongye was extremely weak and authentic.

"Do not talk."

Qin Yang said that he took out some silver needles and quickly stuck it on Ling Hongye. After ten minutes passed, Ling Hongye's breath finally stabilized, and his fortune was kept.

"Lingcheng Lord, you saw it, did you tell them that you would never say it?" Qin Yang said.

Ling Hongye smiled bitterly: "Why didn't you say that I knew they were the vice-owner of Yang said immediately, they also pretended to believe me, just let me swear, but when I swear, they attacked together Fortunately, the defense treasures on my body are not bad and have not been killed in seconds! "

"They shot, maybe it has something to do with the treasures we got before Hongyan City. If I kill them, maybe I will have a great harvest!"

"Master Qin, I'm sorry to have bothered you."

"They are the vice-lords of Yang Fu. They will die there, and they will definitely investigate them!"

Qin Yang had some headaches, and Tao Qianyue's problems had not been completely dealt with. Actually Yang Kun was offended here, and he was still bitter.

The three strongest men in the realm of Yuanhai have the lowest level of the seventh floor. Needless to say, they are the core of Yang Kun and the most trusted men. They killed them. Even if they do not fight for the title of the government, Yang Kun is afraid of revenge!

"There are a lot of strong people here, and it's not so easy to suspect us."

Qin Yang spoke.

Ling Hongye smiled bitterly: "When they came to kill me, some people might see ... even if they didn't, we fought each other along the way, leaving a lot of traces, which could not be completely cleaned up. Master Qin, I will take the effort and try my best Does not involve you, Master Qin. "

Qin Yang frowned: "Lingcheng Lord, you leave Cangyue Tiancheng, leave the side of Hongyan City to hide and nourish your wounds, and also strive to reach the sixth-class realm soon! If you reach the sixth-class realm, It ’s going to be a lot of time! In this matter, Yang Kun should not deal with Hongyan City! "

"I will.

Ling Hongye nodded, "Master Qin, you must quickly deal with the traces here, and remove all the traces you have here."


Qin Yang nodded.

The corpse Qin Yang let the Silver Wolf King eat it. Then, Qin Yang carefully handled all the traces here. Finally, Qin Yang also tore open two five-grade fire and sea symbols, and the fire and symbols covered the area in this area. This area Even if there is a slight breath remaining inside, it will be turned into nothingness by flame.

"Master Qin, I'm going to leave here quickly. Don't leave in a hurry, it will be easier to be suspected."

Ling Hongye stood up, she recovered only a little bit, but there was no problem leaving the relics side. Waiting outside the relics, the red starling in the realm of Ling Hongye Yuanhai could take her away.

"I'll turn on the organization first."

The entrance is now closed again, but this is not to be missed by Qin Yang.

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