God of Shuratan

Chapter 2808: You will call Qin Ling from now on

"President, the Alliance of Alchemists does not care about such things? This is also an insult to the other Alchemists!"

Gong Yuli said quietly: "Humans have a weak voice in the Alchemist Alliance, and the Demon Dragon has a strong voice. The matter is classified as a major mistake. According to the Salmon Empire, he is already alive!"

Qin Yang was silent, it was the same wherever the weak could eat.

"Qin Yang, don't think too much about it. Many human alchemists are actually doing well, much better than humans with stronger combat power! Alchemists are needed by many other races, and their status is relatively high!"

Gong Yuli comforted.

"President, I am not so vulnerable."

Qin Yang said indifferently, he was actually used to it along the way!

In the Azure Cloud Realm, in the chaotic world behind, the human race had a relatively low status before, and it turned out that the root was on the side of the immortal world!

The human race was the strongest back then, and some of the other races were jealous. They killed Xuanhuang Zunzu, and Hongmeng Zunzu also died. The rest of the races definitely don't want the human race to rise again, otherwise they are at risk of being liquidated!

"Qin Yang, don't think too much, you cannot change the general situation."

"Live yourself well, just help a bunch of other people as far as you can!"

Gong Yuli said.

Qin Yang's eyes flickered, can't the general situation be changed?

He went from being an ordinary person all the way to the point where he is now, he does not believe in fate, he only believes that man can conquer the sky!

Moreover, now he owns the Great Fortune Tower, he is different from the rest of the ordinary human race powerhouses, he carries the hope of the human race!

Other strong human races can counsel a little, but he can't counsel.

If he can't become stronger, if he can't become a top powerhouse, sooner or later the news of his possession of the Great Fortune Tower will be exposed. When this day comes, it will be his death period, and Lorina and the others will definitely not be able to live by then!

"President, this side seems pretty safe."

"Yes, no one here dared to mess around. There used to be a strong person with a high status and very arrogant here. As a result, he arrogantly found the wrong target. The other party was actually changed by Asura Tianzun, and that strong person died on the spot. , His family was also destroyed by Shura Tianzun."

A look of surprise appeared in Qin Yang's eyes: "Does Shura Tianzun often run to Shura City to make a bend?"

"It is estimated that there are a lot of times, after all, Shura City is the closest city!"

Qin Yang said: "Chairman, since this side is very safe, I walk around outside, maybe I can find some good things if I'm lucky."

Gong Yuli hesitated slightly.

"Qin Yang, are you sure you won't enter the Asura Ancient Realm?"

"President, I am a pharmacist!"

Gong Yuli smiled. She felt that she was too worried. Qin Yang was not only a pharmacist, but also very good in this regard. Qin Yang also had a bright future in the outside world, and there was no need to enter the ancient realm of Asura.

"All right, then you come out and stroll around by yourself, contact me if you have something to do, I happen to be going to meet an old friend!"

Gong Yuli let Qin Yang go outside.

This place is far from Tiannu Pavilion, Tiannu Pavilion does not have any powerful experts here, Gong Yuli is quite relieved!

Besides, Qin Yang changed his appearance to the outside, Gong Yuli also helped disguise, and it was not so easy to be seen through his identity.

"Don't enter the core area, don't enter the Asura Ancient Realm!"

Finally, Gong Yuli left. She has an old friend here. The other party's cultivation is not as high as hers, but he also has a creation-level cultivation.

Qin Yang turned around in the inner city of Shura City.

There is a huge market here, and there are many powerful people setting up stalls, and the things they sell are also strange.

It is entirely possible to pick up a leak in such a market, but if you want to pick up a big leak, the possibility is extremely low!

Gradually, Qin Yang moved to the slave market in Shura City.

All the slaves are the powerhouses who are attracted to this side of the rest of the world. They were first sold by the Tiannu Pavilion and other forces, and then resold by some other forces.

Basically, those sold as slaves cannot be sold in other industries. If they can be sold as maids, servants, etc., Tiannu Pavilion and other forces will not sell them as slaves, because the price is higher!

"Take a look, take a look, the slaves are on sale, the price is absolutely affordable!"

"Guest, do you want to come in and take a look? We have a lot of human slaves and female slaves."

As Qin Yang walked by, many slave owners shouted loudly. They sold one person, and the profit was not small, enough for their life to be moisturized.

Qin Yang glanced over, and many strong men were locked up in iron cages. They were originally big men of the world, but now they look sluggish. Now they have been trained to lose their temper and the strong will!


Qin Yang sighed inwardly, who would have thought it would be like this?

Before coming over, it is estimated that many strong men are full of confidence, believing that with their natural strength, they can break out of a world in a more powerful world, and as a result, they will directly become humble slaves when they arrive here.

The fifth class did not get mixed up!


Qin Yang's gaze fell on a little girl who was in the cage. She looked only five or six years old.

The cultivation base aura that exudes is only at the eight-star level.

"Boss, what's the matter with this one?"

Qin Yang pointed to the little girl and asked.

The rest of the slaves were all nine-star level cultivation bases, she only had eight-star level cultivation bases, and she was shivering in the corner at this moment.

"Guest, you said this little girl, she was caught in the wild and sold to me! It is estimated that it was a small wild species born here. She only has the cultivation base of the early eight-star stage, and she will not survive in the immortal world. easy!"

"If you want, sell it to you cheaper!"

The boss' eyes lit up and said that this little girl didn't spend much money, but he still spent some money. As a result, she didn't sell it for more than half a year. Her cultivation base was low, and it was easy to die in the immortal world.

The little girl looked at Qin Yang timidly, like a poor little beast.

"All right, I want it!"

Qin Yang paid the money to buy this little girl. The children of the immortal world have a relatively high level of cultivation when they are born. Basically, they will have a cultivation base of the late eight-star level. After they grow up, they will have a cultivation base of the nine-star level. There is nothing wrong with survival.

Little girls like this, now only have the cultivation base of the eight-star early stage, and 80 to 90% of them will die.

Although Qin Yang is not a big benevolent person, this little girl is a human being, and he is still willing to help her.

"Guest, you take away people, she is alive now, she will die when she gets out of here, don't trouble me!"

The boss grinned and said, he was in a good mood, and he actually sold it at half price!

Originally, he thought that if he couldn't sell it for a while, he would lower the price again, to about 30%!

"She won't die!"

Qin Yang looked indifferent and authentic, with his medicine refining level, if this little girl died, it would be a slap in the face!

"By the way, there is one more thing to remind you that she hasn't been stamped with a slave mark yet, if you need it, I can help with a slave stamp here for free!"

Qin Yang glanced at the little girl and said, "No, she's pretty good like this!"

Holding the little girl by the hand, Qin Yang left the slave market. Soon Qin Yang bought new clothes for the little girl, used some magic techniques to help her clean up and put on beautiful new clothes. The little girl looked much better!

"Girl, what's your name, do you know where your parents are?"

Qin Yang knelt down and asked, "If you know the whereabouts of your parents, I can send you there and let you return to your parents!"

The little girl shook her head in confusion.

Qin Yang's divine sense entered the little girl. He checked his brows and frowned slightly. There seemed to be no problem with the little girl’s soul and body, but her memory was very short. The total memory was less than three years. She was there for more than two years. field.

Later, she was caught, sold to a slave merchant, and stayed in a cage.

"Strange, there is no trace of modifying the memory, why is the memory so short?"

Qin Yang was puzzled, the little girl seemed to have appeared out of thin air in the wild, without any other information.

Who are the parents and how they were born? None of these!

A baby born in the normal immortal world will still have memories in her mother's womb, but she also has no memories in this regard.

"Prisoner, you can check this little girl."

Qin Yang said, he took the little girl into the tower of Hongmeng Good Fortune, and Prison Tian immediately began to check the little girl.

"Master, there is something wrong with this little girl. If my judgment is not wrong, she should be the reincarnation of a strong person, but there must be some problems with the reincarnation. According to her situation, if there is no help from the strong, she will die!"

Prisoner Tian said.

Qin Yang nodded slightly, and the reincarnation of the strong is possible. Generally, in such a situation, a certain strong is about to die, and his life is prolonged through this method, or a certain strong is stuck and breaks through the original through such a method. Some realm.

But reincarnation is usually a normal reincarnation, which is relatively safe, and this little girl is not in that situation.

"Master, if she turned out to be very powerful, she probably wouldn't be reincarnated, maybe she would have a perfect cultivation base of nine stars and could not break through to the creation level, so she chose to reincarnate."

"As a result, there was a problem when I was reincarnated, and it was just like this."

Prisoner of heaven.

Qin Yang nodded lightly. If there is a perfect cultivation level at the creation level, he would not choose to reincarnate casually. Reincarnation may not be able to reach the original height!

"Fine, since I met and bought it, let's keep it."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that there is no pressure at all to raise such a little girl in his condition!

"Girl, call you Qin Ling from now on, I'll call you Xiaoling!"

Qin Yang squatted down and smiled when he reached the tower of Hongmeng Good Fortune. A pill appeared in his hand, "Xiaoling, come and eat this. Your body has been in deficit for a long time, and you need to replenish energy!"

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