God of Shuratan

Chapter 2873: Success at the first level of creation!

Chapter 2873 The creation level is complete!

Two months later, Gong Yuli returned to Shura City, and she let a large number of powerful people out of her space treasures.

These powerhouses are naturally members of the Yuyang Alchemist Branch!

Gong Yuli went back and said to them that many of their powerhouses are extremely happy to enter Shura City without a doubt. It is safer, and more importantly, Qin Yang's skill in refining medicine is superb, and he might be able to get guidance!

Gong Yuli thought that many people would be hard to leave their homeland, but actually found out that she was thinking too much!

"This is Shura City."

"I haven't been to Shura City. The City of Shura is really majestic!"

"Ninety-nine Asura Towers, you feel safe looking at it!"

"Back then, Shura City was the most powerful city in the entire immortal world, even if it is now placed in the top three!"

Many strong people who came out talked a lot, and they were very excited.

After leaving Yuyang City, many of the benefits on that side were given up, but the benefits on the side of Asura City were even greater.

"Everyone, you are welcome to Shura City. The president will arrange your residence. You will definitely not be worse off here than in Yuyang City, and the training conditions on this side will not be worse!"

Qin Yang rushed to this side and said with a smile.

"Friend Qin Yang."

"Senior Qin!"

A large number of powerful people in the Yuyang Alchemist Branch saluted them. The creation-level name is Qin Yang Yitong, and those who do not have the creation-level can only call Senior Qin Yang!

In the past, the strong people of the Yuyang Alchemist Branch saw Qin Yang as if they saw the killing of his father and his enemies. Now their eyes are full of worship and admiration. Qin Yang's achievements in refining medicine are beyond their reach in their entire life!

"You don't have to be polite."

"You can communicate with the president if you have any questions here, and the president will count and tell me!"

Qin Yang smiled.

Qin Yang is very happy that the Yuyang Alchemist branch has moved over, so that Gong Yuli can look forward to being here in Shura City, where she is much stronger and it is not easy to cause trouble!

When Qin Yang was practicing in retreat, he didn't need to worry too much about Gong Yuli's situation.

"Thank you fellow Qin Yang."

"Thank you Senior Qin!"

A large number of powerful people said, Qin Yang looked at Gong Yuli and smiled: "President, you just look at the arrangement. I am a member of the Yuyang Alchemist Branch. You are the president, don't be polite!"

On the bright side, Qin Yang still kept a distance from Gong Yuli to prevent outsiders from knowing that Gong Yuli had actually become his woman. In this way, the possibility of a strong man who wanted to deal with him would start from Gong Yuli was greatly reduced!

"Thank you City Lord Qin!"

Gong Yuli nodded.

"How do you thank? Let's try a new posture tonight?"

Qin Yang transmitted the sound to Gong Yuli.

"Think beautiful!"

One hundred years, five hundred years, one thousand years, and time passed by, the Yunyang Alchemist Branch was completely settled on the side of Shura City, and their days in the side of Shura City were much more comfortable.

Qin Yang did spare some time to preach.

Not only the alchemists of the Yunyang Alchemist Branch, Shura City has now attracted many alchemists from other places to settle in Shura City. After thousands of years, Shura City has become much more prosperous than it was at the beginning!

More and more powerful people have been treated by Qin Yang's hands!

Some of them did not join the powerful forces, and some of them have a small force themselves, and a large number of them have moved to Shura City!

Many other places have taxes. At present, Qin Yang is implementing zero tax in Shura City, and he has already sent a message that in at least 100 million years, Shura City will have zero taxes!

Although some money can be obtained by collecting taxes, the money in this area is not worth mentioning compared with the money Qin Yang obtained from curing a large number of powerful people!

Qin Yang's goal is to attract a large number of powerful people to settle in Asura City, so that the power and influence of Asura City will be greatly increased. The powerhouses of other forces are chaotic on the side of Asura City, and they have to weigh the consequences!

"Yuli, I have been out of the ancient realm of Asura for quite a while."

"Next, I plan to enter the Asura Ancient Realm and retreat for a while!"

Qin Yang said to Gong Yuli.

Training requires one card and one chi, and Qin Yang has relaxed for a long time after coming out of the Asura Ancient Realm, and is ready for another round of training.

Today, Qin Yang estimates that he should be able to reach the level of creation consummation after 200,000 years of practice!

With an acceleration of 500 million times, he can practice for one trillion years in 200,000 years. This is a very long time!

"Qin Lang, you can practice with peace of mind. Asura City is already on the right track, there won't be any problems."

"Besides, I also have the ability to create Level 2 Consummation here."

Gong Yuli smiled.


He spent another night with Gong Yuli, and early the next morning, after Qin Yang announced in public, he had entered the ancient realm of Asura!

Today there are not so many strong people in line, only a hundred thousand.

Although they also hope that Qin Yang will treat them and then retreat, they also know that they will never be short of people in line. There are a large number of strong people in the immortal world, and many strong people appear every day. The problem!

"The genius doctor Qin has been treating us for so long, and it is time to practice for a while."

"The doctor Qin is estimated to be stronger after some training."

"It's a pity that the genius doctor Qin has no chance of getting the Xuanhuang Potian Sword of Yesterday."

"I think it's a good thing that the genius doctor Qin can't get the Xuanhuang Potian Sword. If he really got the Xuanhuang Potian Sword, he might die by then!"

Many strong people talked about it, they dispersed peacefully, and they weren't noisy!

Shura City is Qin Yang's territory.

Qin Yang has cured a large number of powerful people here. If they say anything bad about Qin Yang here, without Qin Yang doing it, many other powerful people will soon be rude to them!

"Brother, you haven't come in for a long time to see Xiao Ling!"

"Brother, I miss you!"

Entering the Asura Ancient Realm, it didn't take long for Qin Yang to see Qin Ling, and Qin Ling immediately clung to him.

After so long, Qin Ling looked like a child, and his mind didn't seem to have improved much!

But perhaps this state is suitable for training, and Qin Ling's cultivation base has improved.

Although it did not reach the middle stage of the third level of creation, Qin Ling made a lot of progress in the early stage of the third level of creation!

"Xiaoling, brother hasn't left for too long."

"Brother also has things outside, but for a period of time, my brother will accompany you to practice here."

Qin Yang touched Qin Ling's head and smiled, "Brother brought you some delicious food. See if you like it or not!"

After the words fell, Qin Yang instantly caused a large variety of delicious foods to appear, which he had collected for people, and there were foods from all over the immortal world.

"By the way, Xiaoling, there are many beautiful clothes."

"Your clothes are still the same."

Qin Yang smiled and said, he said that many beautiful clothes suitable for Qin Ling appeared again. Of course, these clothes are far less precious than the one on Qin Ling, but they have many styles and beautiful!

Seeing a large number of delicious food and a large number of new clothes, Qin Ling was delighted.

"Thank you brother."

"Brother is the best!"

Qin Ling said with excitement, she hurriedly put away the food and the beautiful clothes, and the clothes on her directly became the appearance of one of the beautiful clothes.

"Brother, do you look good?"

"Good-looking, Xiaoling, you are so cute, you look good in everything you wear."

Qin Yang smiled.

After playing with Qin Ling for a few days, Qin Yang reached the third floor of the Hongmeng Good Fortune Tower and began to practice.

With an acceleration of 500 million times, Qin Yang's training speed is fast.

The sword crocodile generals and the others had already been killed by Qin Yang. Before Qin Yang's cultivation reached the third level of Creation, Qin Yang had no knots. When his strength became stronger, it would be easy to destroy the Tiannu Pavilion!

-If Tiannu Pavilion is destroyed, Qin Yang estimates that Gong Yuli's strength can be improved a lot. Her parents were killed by the strong of Tiannu Pavilion. If Tiannu Pavilion is destroyed, her heart knot in this respect can be resolved. .

It is estimated that Gong Yuli's cultivation level will be able to reach the second stage of Creation in a short period of time. More time to practice, Gong Yuli's cultivation will never be a problem to reach the peak of Creation 2.

Gradually, 170,000 years passed.

Qin Yang's cultivation has reached the first level of Creation Consummation!

His Boundary Sea was originally a thousand times that of an ordinary powerhouse of the same level, and now it is also a thousand times that of an ordinary creation level 1 Consummation powerhouse!

There was just one problem. The boundary stones Qin Yang obtained in the third floor of the Great Fortune Tower was almost exhausted now.

"Prisoner Tian, ​​I want to enter the fourth floor of the Great Fortune Tower!"

Qin Yang opened his eyes and said.

With the strength of the early stage of the second level of creation, Qin Yang can enter the fourth level, which was actually possible before!

But Prison Tian and Qin Yang said, the fourth and fifth floors will be together in a short time!

Now that he has a perfect cultivation base at the first level of creation, Qin Yang's strength has reached the late stage of the second level of creation. Not only can he enter the fourth floor of the Hongmeng Fortune Tower, but he can also enter the fifth floor!

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