God of Shuratan

Chapter 372: Trouble is coming!

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"Mr. Thunder City, thank you very much for this seat. If you did not block this seat here, this seat will not have this adventure!"

Zhang Zhengping said Xie in his mouth, but depending on how he looked, there was no way he was thankful.

Lei Xinghe whispered: "No need to thank, when the situation in the glazed cave is not particularly critical, the palace owner should not call so many people into it."

Zhang Zhengping was taken back by Lei Xinghe directly.

"Lei City Master, this time, this seat is fine, but Qin Yang must be delivered to this seat!"

Zhang Zhengping went straight to the topic.

Although we don't know the situation at the exit of the secret realm, Zhang Zhengping knew that with Lei Xinghe's current strength, Qin Yang had no problem.

It's likely that Juzongzhuang lost money.

"Master, this can't be done."

Lei Xinghe shook his head. "Qin Yang helped Zhan Er a lot. Now that this matter is well known, he cannot protect Qin Yang, Zhan Er will not forgive me!"

Zhang Zhengping's face was gloomy. He wanted to scold. Do you still have Lei Xinghe in my eyes?

However, considering Lei Xinghe's current strength and Zhang Qinglan standing next to him, Zhang Zhengping was still angry.

If it is big, Liuli Tiangong may be torn apart, and they will also have great losses!

"Master Thunder City, you are not the solution!"

Zhang Zhengping's eyes flickered.

Lei Xinghe calmly said: "Gongzhu, Duanmuyan was injured by me, and Ju Zongzong promised that he would never move Qinyang within half a year. It ’s not as good as Gongzhu? In any case, the secret place on that side will never be Open! "

Zhang Zhengping pondered.

In the first half of a year, Qin Yang's strength should not be improved even if they are improved, and if he is willing to spend resources, it is not impossible to improve to eight stars and five levels.

"Palace, you have to let the heat of things calm down, half a year is not long. If you retreat, a longer retreat will pass!"

Zhang Zhengping Shen Shen said: "This seat will consider it!"

"Leave first!"

Zhang Zhengping and his team left the Liuli Grotto. Gu Yongnian also left temporarily, but there will still be strong guards from the seven-star law infantry side. If there is any situation, there will be more strong supporters soon. !!

When he arrived in the glorious city of Liuli, the strongman immediately called Zhang Zhengping, and Zhang Zhengping was informed of some recent information.

Duan Muyan was indeed injured by Lei Xinghe, and she also vowed a soul.

Originally, Zhang Zhengping thought of coming out to cooperate with Qin Yang to deal with Qin Yang. Now this road is not feasible and Duan Muyan will not do so.

In order to deal with Qin Yang, he runs the risk of breaking the vow of the soul.

not worth.

Half a year is really not long.

"What strength do Qin Yang have now?"

Zhang Zhengping asked with a voice.

"Palace, this is not very clear, but no matter how much you can improve, Qin Yang cannot be strong in half a year."

"To promote so much in it, what Qin Yang is doing now is to consolidate cultivation."

Zhang Zhengping nodded secretly. In his opinion, Qin Yangxiu should have a factor of forcibly promoting Xiu to improve so much.

If so, maybe one year is not enough for Qin Yang to consolidate.

"Palace Lord, there are some strong men in our Liuli Temple who should be drawn to the Lord of Thunder City. Some people may have made a vow of soul or something, but I don't know which ones."

It was Zhang Zhengping's confidant elder who passed on the voice.

Zhang Zhengping's face was gloomy. During this time, Lei Xinghe attracted many people's support, which was normal.

Those people can not predict that Zhang Zhengping will have an adventure in the glazed cave, and his strength will be greatly improved!

And at that time those people were convinced that the repair of Lei Xinghe had broken through.

According to the information that came out before, the revision of Lei Zhan is also quite high, much higher than Jin Hongxu. The next palace master is likely to be Lei Zhan!

Lao Tzu is strong, and his son is likely to be the next palace master. Many people fall to Lei Xinghe, which is normal!

Zhang Zhengping took a deep breath.

It seems necessary to promise Lei Xinghe, this is not a good time for a strong conflict with Lei Xinghe.

"Lei Cheng, half a year!"

"After half a year, Lord Lei will not break your promise?"

Zhang Zhengping looked indifferent.

"The palace master rest assured, Lei Xinghe speaks, it's always done!"

Zhang Zhengping whispered coldly: "Lei City Lord, but this seat is still a bit uneasy, we might as well make a soul vow!"

Zhang Zhengping didn't hope that Lei Xinghe would intervene again after half a year. He had a plan to deal with Lei Xinghe, but this was not a short-term plan.

You have to win Qin Yang first, first get the secret to enter the ninth floor of the divine altar, and make yourself stronger first!

——Even if there is no secret, if you catch Qin Yang and control Qin Yang, it will be beneficial in the secret realm!

"Palace, you have confidence in me."

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Zhengping wanted to curse.

Just keeping them inside for so long has also made him confident in Lei Xinghe and has a woolen yarn!

"Lei City Lord, it's more appropriate for us all to make a vow of soul!"


Lei Xinghe frowned.

Soon they both vowed their souls, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

This is not a good time to tear your face, and both want to delay time.


"Do not do it for six months? Good."

When Lei Zhan arrived at Qin Yang, he informed Qin Yang of his father's agreement with Zhang Zhengping.

"Thunder fight, tell your father and let him prepare. The two-day trip with me will take me back and forth, and it may take a month or two."

"it is good!"

Thunder war nodded.

Just after Lei Zhan left, someone hurried to the door, Gu Changqing.

Gu Xiaoying stayed in the mystery for nearly a month, and she left after leaving the mystery, but Gu Changqing did not leave. He thought that maybe he could help Qin Yang a little bit.

However, Lei Xinghe shot strongly, without Gu Changqing's help.

"Gu Fu, why are you so anxious?"

Qin Yang wondered.

Gu Changqing is not that kind of rough person.

"Qin Yang, something happened."

"The blood demon master of the Blood God Cave cave does n’t know what went crazy. He sent many powerful men, and at the same time, he himself took many talented people. Many people in Cangyue Academy were arrested, and Xiaoying was bloody. The magic Taoist got caught! "

"Aojiao Wuliang and others were also arrested."

Gu Changqing looked extremely anxious.

Qin Yang's face changed.

"Gu Guzhu, isn't Gu Xiaoying with you on the Liuli Holy City side?"

Gu Changqing's face was a bit ugly and said, "Xiaoying has reached the ninth floor of Yuandan, and I have been away for a long time. I am worried that there will be a problem on the side of Cangyue Academy. Let Xiaoying go back and see if I can stay and help . "

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Qin Yang took a deep breath, and he certainly couldn't stand by.

Gu Changqing stayed to help him, otherwise Gu Xiaoying might not be in trouble.

In addition, Ao Wuliang was also arrested.

Aojia helped himself before, but Qin Yang remembered it, although he also saved Aohuaqing and helped Aojia.

At the beginning, he left from Ao's home and returned to Cangyue Tiancheng. Ao Wuliang was secretly protecting all the way. When he arrived at Cangyue Tiancheng, he shot and killed the strong man in Blood God Cave.

Proud of being arrested, maybe it has something to do with this.

"Gu Fuzhu, don't worry about it first. You have reached the level of the Seven Stars Infant, this blood demon Taoist knows that even if he catches Gu Xiaoying, he will not be okay with Gu Xiaoying for the time being!"

"Since it is arresting, not murder, there must be some demand."

Many thoughts flashed in Qin Yang's mind.

The Blood Demon Taoist wouldn't know what he is doing now, right?

Although the Blood God Cave and the Liuli Holy City are some distance away, the distance to the seven-star powerhouse is not too far away.

And this time spent a long time inside, and the noise was not small.

Gorefiend Taoists know that it is entirely possible.

"Boss, someone is asking for help outside."

"The other party said that if you don't see you, you will regret it!"

Cheng Hui entered the report.

"People come in."

Qin Yang groaned.

Soon Cheng Hui brought people in. The people here were ordinary, and the practice was just the real realm. Such a practice is very good in a place like Qingyun City, even a party overlord, but on the side of Liuli Holy City, one Catch a lot.

"Who are you and who brought you over?"

Qin Yang said, his words carry the power of hypnosis.

However, the comer was not easily hypnotized by Qin Yang.

"Qin Yang, I'm looking down on you. I didn't expect you to be very frustrating. Actually, people like Lei Xinghe City Master got on the line!"

The comer talked, his tone was a little unnatural, and the man was already hypnotized.

"Who is this seat, you should have guessed."

"Listen well, there are a few small requirements for this seat. If you meet, this seat will release Gu Xiaoying, Ao Wuliang and some other people. If you don't agree, a corpse will be delivered at this time tomorrow. Gu, look at the mood of this seat! "

Qin Yang's faces were gloomy. I still guessed, they must be ghosts of the Blood Devil.

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