God of Shuratan

Chapter 910: Advent of terror

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Just five strong third-class taboos have died, and the remaining strong third-class taboos have raised their vigilance.

However, the attack of the Jiupin Faith Cursed Array cannot be resisted by raising some vigilance.

In the blink of an eye, in the bright city, five strong third-class taboos died.

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

"What attack did we get?"

"Who the enemy is!"

Many powerhouses in the Great Bright City are panicked, especially those in the third-class taboo level, who died five at a time and five in a sudden. Although they had a thousand third-class taboo level powerfuls, they died ten It ’s my heart!

The three taboo characters are not small figures.

"Where are you friends, why are you against my bright holy palace!"

"If there is something wrong with our bright holy palace, we also hope that our friends will tell us!"

The angry voice of the Lord of the Guangming Palace spread to the entire Great Bright City, and at the same time he secretly ordered it to form a battle line between all the third-class taboo powers and some other powers, so that the defense would be strengthened a lot.

"Speak clearly?"

"When others are stupid?"

Qin Yang sneered. Although he was in his own dimension world, he secretly controlled someone outside, and could send him a message to tell him what was happening outside.

"This time, fifty characters are dead!"

Qin Yang once again launched the Curse of Faith, and soon, the fifty nine-level characters in the Great Bright City died silently. With the ability of the Curse of Faith, they killed fifty nine-level powers at once. Those who are relaxed.

"Brother Liu!"

"Uradau friend!"

"Xue Ling Fairy."

In the Great Bright City, many strong men in many places exclaimed, and the Jiupin-level characters are not small, and there are more Jiupin-level powers in the Grand Bright City, with 50 deaths, and the impact is definitely not small!

One of them is still a very beautiful woman with many suitors.

"Damn shit!"

The face of the Lord of the Bright Palace was extremely ugly. They closely watched the surroundings, but found no enemies.

"Palace, I think it's useless for us to wait passively like this, we can only continue to find and find each other to kill each other in order to solve the problem!"

The referee sank.


The head of the Palace of Light nodded, and he and the referee, the elder, and the other powerful men, as well as two seven-level taboo guardian demon plants searched again!

"Five hundred and eighty deaths!"

"Dead five third-class taboo characters."

"Dead fifty nine!"

Time passed minute by minute, Qin Yang controlled the Faith-Cursing Array to attack continuously.

Although they consumed a lot of faith, they supported the Emperor Guangming ’s blessings, and they had accumulated a lot of faith. The power of Qin Yang ’s faith was not particularly urgent enough to support him in killing the Holy Palace. Strong.

As more and more people died, the uneasy mood in the Holy Palace of Light became stronger and stronger!

Although they are constantly comforted and constrained by the Lord of the Light Palace, the people below have gradually become somewhat unbearable!

Death can come at any time, and it doesn't feel good at all.

If all people ’s beliefs are deep, then there will be no problem, but there are many people who do n’t actually have deep beliefs. For them, joining the Holy Palace of Light is to live better for themselves, for their own Stronger!

Nowadays, this situation has even led some powerful people to the idea of ​​exiting the Holy Palace of Light!

Of course, on such occasions, those people would definitely dare not bring it up, otherwise the anger of the Lord of the Light Palace would definitely make them fly away immediately.

"The Holy Palace of Lights, this is a strong enemy."

"I found a problem. It seems that the people who died are very strong in the faith of the Holy Temple of Light!"

"Don't you say I haven't noticed yet, it seems like that!"

"Our son is a man from the Holy Palace of Lights. Let's keep him a little longer. Don't be too firm!"


The Holy Palace of Light is not only the strong of the Holy Palace of Light, but also many other forces, as well as many believers from other places.

In today's situation, the faith of many believers is beginning to collapse. In their eyes, the Holy Palace of Light is very sacred and very powerful, but in the current situation, the Holy Palace of Light seems to be slaughtered.

If so, what's the point of joining the Holy Temple of Light?

"Master of the Palace of Light, at present this situation, please forgive us that we cannot continue to help you."

After the deaths of the strong third-class taboos reached 50 and the total number of strong-deaths reached 4,000 to 5,000, several seven-strong taboo-level strongmen who came to help the Holy Palace ceased their actions.

Although the former Lord of the Bright Palace promised a reward of one trillion spirit coins, but nowadays, they continue, and maybe the attack fell on their heads. If they die here, they will be worried.

"Dear friends, the other party must not have the ability to kill the seventh-class taboo strong."

"You can also see that none of the strong players of the Five-Pin Taboo level died. Before killing the other party, we will never let the other party leave. You can rest assured."

The main voice of the Guangming Palace said that if there were no help from the remaining seven powerful players in the taboo level, they would find it harder to find the killer.

"Master of the Bright Palace, this job, we really can't continue!"

"Master of the Palace of Light, that's it. You can take your time."

Those strong seven taboo level still refused.

"Three trillion, as long as you find the trace of the other party, you don't need to take your shot. Our bright palace gives the benefit of three trillion lingo coins! Everyone, it is not easy to earn three trillion lingo coins under normal circumstances!"

The Gongminggong gritted his teeth and said.

"Master of the Bright Palace, you are so sincere. If we refuse again, it will be a bit too shameless. OK, let's try again!"

"Master of the Bright Palace, I hope we find the enemy soon!"

Several Qipin taboo characters immediately said nothing dangerous. The other party had already killed so many people in the Holy Palace of Light. In their view, even if the other party could still kill some more, there should be no more.

As long as the other party is dumbfounded, the strong of the Holy Palace of Light will be even more crazy, and you should be able to find out the other party!

Time passed minute by minute, Qin Yang was consuming the power of faith.

But the Sky Stealing Method can also devour some of the power of faith!

The Sky Stealing Array is a nine-taboo level formation. The enchantment on the side of the Great Bright City cannot prevent the Sky Stealing Array from absorbing the power outside the Big Bright City. The faith of the Holy Palace of Light continues to provide faith. of.

"Three taboo characters, kill five more!"

Qin Yang ordered coldly.

The Faith-Cursed Faith faithfully executed Qin Yang's order, and immediately five strong men of the third-class taboo level died in the Great Bright City.

"Little, young master!"

"Master Four!"


Somewhere in the Great Bright City, a lot of strong men showed horror in their eyes. The Emperor of the Bright Palace had dozens of sons. However, only a few of them became the taboo strong ones, of which four sons were the third-class taboo strong ones. .

This son is quite valued by the Emperor of the Palace of Light, and his mother is also favored by the Emperor of the Palace of Light.

Now he is dead.

"no no!"

The Lord of the Palace of Light soon got the news. His face was ugly. He had previously killed dozens of third-ranking taboo characters, hundreds of nine-ranking and thousands of eight-ranking, including his junior, but His children died, this is still the first!


The Emperor of the Guangming Palace hugged his own son, and his powerful light force poured into the bodies of the four sons frantically. However, no matter how powerful his healing ability is, how can he resurrect a dead person!

"Master, Yanger is dead, I don't want to live anymore, woohoo!"

Beside, the mother of the four sons of the Emperor Guangming cried.

"Don't make trouble, I will definitely catch him, he will smash him and let all his people be buried!"

Gongminggong gritted his teeth.

"Destroy characters at the level of 16,000!"

In the two-dimensional array method, Qin Yang launched another attack.

This is the first time that it is targeted at characters below eight grades, and there are a large number of them, but the Faith-Cursed Law Array is definitely not wrong. The Faith-Cursed Law Array must destroy characters who are very loyal to the Holy Palace of Light and have strong faith.

There must be good people among these people.

But such a situation today can be said to be in a state of war. The war is cruel, and because some people are good people, Qin Yang will not kill!

As long as it is not a small child or even a baby that is killed, the strong who cut off the hostile forces will not be infected with much karma.

Qin Yang launched an attack here. Instantly, 10,000 characters of the sixth grade in the entire Great Bright City died.

Some of these sixth-grade characters have joined the Holy Palace of Light, and some are descendants of a strongman in the Holy Palace of Light, but most of them are believers who have arrived on the side of the Holy Palace of Light. Firm faith.

——After Qin Yang's attack before, his faith has not wavered, and he is still very firm. They are diehards.

"Let me go, let me go!"

"Yes, let's leave, let's stop staying in the Grand Bright City."

"So many people have died and we are not allowed to leave. Do you want us all to die here?"

Suddenly so many people died, and soon there were huge waves in the entire Great Bright City, and many could not stand it.

It's terrifying that death may come at any time!

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