God of Shuratan

Chapter 928: "Friendly" Communication

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"Master of the Bright Palace, how about a while?"

Qin Yang's faint voice sounded in the head of the Palace of Light.

The Emperor of the Guangming Palace is communicating with Cecil and they are in the upper world. After receiving a message from Qin Yang, the Emperor of the Guangming Palace's face suddenly changes.

This sound is very familiar to the Lord of the Light Palace!

"Taoyou, we haven't offended you in the near future. You have made a soul vow before, and you won't violate it!"

The gongming lord's face was gloomy.

"The Lord of the Bright Palace, if you are holding the friend of this Holy Palace, is it an offense to this seat? This seat is here to remind you to put a person in the Holy Palace so that we can live together in peace, otherwise There will be a little trouble again! "

The data of Qin Yang emerged from the head of the Guangming Palace, and the information of Dan Yuer emerged.

"Who is Daoyou talking about?"

"Dan Yuer!"

Qin Yang directly said, "The Lord of the Bright Palace, let Dan Yuer's soul be released, and leave this seat, otherwise don't blame this seat."

The lord of the bright palace took a deep breath.


"The elder, the chief referee, determined that the person who attacked us was Qin Yang, who was the one who shot on the side of Six Eyes Magic City!"

"Qin Yang is here again now, asking us to release Dan Yuer's soul!"

Cecil and the referee frowned, Dan Yuer, they didn't want to let go, and finally made up three pure souls!

And Dan Yuer is one of the most powerful!

Without three pure souls, their plan could not proceed.

"Gongzhu, we haven't contacted the upper world yet, can we delay it for a while? Qin Yang may not be sure that Dan Yuer's soul must still be on our side. If he is not sure, will he dare to take it casually? Soul vow! "

Cecil spoke.

The Emperor Guangming pondered, Cecil said that it is reasonable that Qin Yang might not dare to take such a risk for Dan Yuer.

"Qin Yang Qin Men, right?"

"Qin Menzhu, Dan Yuer ’s soul was indeed in our bright palace before. We bought her soul. We do n’t deny this, but now the soul of Dan Yuer is not in our bright palace, Dan Jade. Er has a pure soul, her soul can burst out with amazing power, we are negligent and let Dan Yuer's soul body escape! "

"Master Qin, if Dan Yuer's soul is there, we are definitely willing to give it to you, but she has run away, and we really have no choice."

"Master Qin, let's look around. As long as her soul is not caught by the other strong men, she should be able to find her!"

The main voice of the Guangming Palace said, his tone sounded sincere.

If it wasn't for the strength of faith from Dan Yuer, Qin Yang would be really hard to judge, but now, he can be judged 100%, the Lord of the Bright Palace is talking nonsense!

"Master of the Light Palace, you have half a column of incense time to consider, if you do not release Dan Yuer's soul after half a column of incense, then this seat will start to kill!"

"You can also kill Dan Yuer's revenge at that time. This block will kill more of your strong ones and give her an account!"

Qin Yang's indifferent voice reached the head of the Palace of Light.

The Emperor of the Bright Palace looked ugly.

"Elder, referee, what do you think?"

"Gongzhu, Qin Yang is likely to just scare us. I bet he dare not do it!"

"Gongzhu, I also think Qin Yang may not dare to do it!"

The Emperor of the Bright Palace nodded gently: "Let's bet then!"

The time passed every second, and the owners of the Palace of Light raised their hearts. If the Light Palace dies many people, the prestige of the Light Palace will be damaged again.

"Master of the Bright Palace, there are ten last seconds!"

"Five seconds!"

"Sorry, Lord of the Bright Palace, it seems that I am still too gentle. In my words, you are the ear wind."

Qin Yang was indifferent and authentic. In the next second, Qin Yang activated the circle in the forbidden zone of life, and the goal was set directly to the referee of the Bright Palace!

The Lord of the Bright Palace now they are in contact with the upper world, and it has been going on for four days. They have already consumed a lot of power, and in this state, their defense is not strong.

Six powerful and strange forces suddenly fell on the referee, and the vitality of the referee immediately passed away at a terrible speed.

"Master, elder, he is attacking me!"

The referee spoke in shock.

Immediately the referee gave up contacting the upper bound. He frantically strengthened his defense, and he passed on many of his subordinates to let them come to help, but the vitality decreased rapidly, and the referee's own defense decreased.

It also took a while for his men to come over and set up the defense.

In just three or four seconds, the referee had lost more than half his vitality. His hair was originally black, but now it has quickly turned pale.

"Master, how are you!"

"Sir, we help you!"

Many strong players around the referee have formed a defense, but the referee's vitality is still passing away, just slower.

"Guardian of Light!"

The Lord of the Light Palace also ended the contact with the upper world at this moment. He and Cecil appeared here. In a very short time, the two of them joined forces to arrange a powerful enchantment. The enchantments made by those men are much stronger.

"It's terrific, the response is timely!"

Qin Yang's voice was given to the Emperor of the Bright Palace. At the same time, he let the forbidden area of ​​the legal circle shift the target. The target was set on a strong five-class taboo in the Holy Palace. The strong side of the town!

Prior to Qin Yang's attack, this five-class taboo strong had received a voice from the Lord of the Light Palace, asking him to improve his defense.

This strong man did as well!

However, his defense was weak in the face of Qin Yang's attack, and in a blink of an eye, this strong man of the fifth-class taboo level died!

The five-star and five-star level of God's desire for the monarch are all spiked. The strength of this strong man is not as strong as the God's desire for the monarch, and now Qin Yang's six life forbidden zones are more powerful, and his attack power is even stronger!

"Ha ha!"

Qin Yang smiled lightly, and the goal was changed again. This time, he became the defender of the southern gate of the Great Bright City, and also a strong five-class taboo level player in the Bright Holy Palace. Similarly, this strong one was also Spike!

At this time, the owners of the Palace of Light had not heard of the death of the defenders on the other side of the West City.



East City, North City, three seconds passed. In these two directions, the Holy Palace of Light also has five strong taboo level powers who died!

In just a few seconds, Qin Yang killed the four strongest taboos in Guangming Palace.

At this time, the Lord of the Light Palace finally got the news.

"Gongzhu, it's not good, Ximen's guarding killed the adult!"

"Palace Lord, we encountered an enemy attack, and the South Gate guarding killed the adult!"

"The lord of the palace--"

In a short period of time, the Lord of the Bright Palace received several messages in succession. His very ugly face was even more scary. In his appearance, the children saw that in all likelihood they would be scared to cry!

"Master Qin, stop, stop!"

The lord of the light palace roared and heard the sound!

First, the referee's vitality was greatly damaged, followed by the death of four strong performers at the taboo level.

There are many characters in the Jiupin level, but there are fewer characters in the Wupin taboo level. It is difficult to reach such a level.

"Master of the Palace of Light, I hope that all of us can solve the problem peacefully. Why do you have to choose a way to bleed?"

"Now the Lord of Lights, can you let people go?"

"If you still talk like that, let's continue!"

Qin Yang replied indifferently, "If you attack again next time, maybe the attacking force will fall on the head of the Palace of Light!"

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