God of Shuratan

Chapter 967: Qin Yang organized transactions

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The invitations were quickly sent out from the rich city, and any party receiving the invitations was a big force.

In the invitation, Qin Yang made it clear that inviting them to come is a very important matter to discuss with everyone.

"Wuji Gate, what do you want to do?"

"Brother Guo, have you got an invitation?"

"Yes, Master Qimen, do you plan to go to the rich city?"

Many forces who received the invitation communicated with each other, and soon they determined that there were many influences to get the invitation, not one or two. In this case, they are surely safe to go to the city of Jufu, no matter how powerful the Promise Gate is, Dare to offend so many forces.

Five days later, many of the powerfuls arrived on the side of the giant city, and there were twenty or thirty of them with seven taboo levels.

Five strong taboo level strong, three strong taboo level stronger.

A large number of strong people gathered in the main city of the giant city, which has traditionally been rotated by Ma Hong and others, and now it is natural that Qin Yang has become the city owner.

"Let's have so many of us here and don't know what to do."

"Wuji Gate is very powerful recently, everyone in the Uehara family dare to kill."

"Oh, I got the news. The Uehara clan's strong man was killed. It may be false. The Uehara clan deliberately acted with Qin Yang. The Uehara clan probably already got the crystal skull from Qin Yang."

Many strong men talk to each other secretly.


Qin Yang entered the hall, he coughed quietly, and the hall quickly quieted down. No matter what, now the power of the Promise Gate is very strong, they still have to give Qin Yang some respect and be destroyed like the Holy Palace of Light. Not good.

"You are welcome, everyone."

"I know everyone's time is precious, let's make a long story short!"

Qin Yang Shen said, "First of all, I did get six crystal skulls before, all from the Holy Palace of Light. Second, there are only six crystal skulls, and I have three more. It ’s inconvenient to disclose to other powerful men, who they are. "

Many strong eyes flickered in the eyes. Qin Yang said "to", they immediately thought of the Uehara family!

Uenohara Kenno may have had a good time before coming.

"Master Qin, did the Uehara family get three crystal skulls?"

A strong man asked and said that the power of this strong man would not be much weaker than the Uehara family, and he was not afraid of the Uehara family.

"No, no, don't guess."

Qin Yang quickly denied it, but his denial seemed to some strong men to be more certain that the Uehara family got three crystal skulls.

"Master Qin, you said that three crystal skulls were obtained by other forces, do we have to believe you?"

The other strong was faintly authentic.

Qin Yang nodded: "This Taoist friend makes sense. About this, I can make a soul vow. I swear by the soul. The three crystal skulls have indeed been given to other strong ones. Let my soul die! "

A lot of people doubted Qin Yang. When Qin Yang said this, most people believed Qin Yang.

With Qin Yang's strength, the possibility of breakthrough and soaring is extremely high. There is no need to intentionally lie against the soul vow.

"Master Qin, you still have three crystal skulls, don't know what to do?"

A strong person asked, there was a lot of interest in the three crystal skulls who were present!

Qin Yang laughed: "Dear everyone, this is the third thing I want to say, three crystal skulls. I plan to sell them all, not directly to sell money, but to trade top-level time-accelerating treasures! Their value is yours. You know, a single item can be traded with time treasures of the ordinary seven-item taboo level. "

"If it is a time treasure of the top seven taboo levels, you can directly trade all three crystal skulls!"

"Priority trading of top seven taboo time treasures!"

"Interests can send a message to contact me. I will keep the transaction confidential. I will never say which party traded the Crystal Skull! In addition, there are many strong players and powerful forces present. Even if the others guess, it is not so easy to guess. Here! "

After Qin Yang finished speaking, some strong men's eyes flickered. Qin Yang's transaction was very tempting!

A single crystal skull is only a treasure of the fifth-grade taboo level. It seems that it is a loss to change a treasure of the ordinary seventh-grade taboo level. However, the main role of the crystal skull is not this, it is the key to enter that special place.

The ordinary seventh-grade taboo treasure is given to the strongest of the nine-grade taboo grade. The other party may not care, but if it is a crystal skull, the other party may be very happy. The value of this thing is definitely higher than the ordinary seventh-grade taboo treasure high.

"You, if there is more than one person in contact, then which party's sincerity is the best, I will deal with which party!"

Qin Yang added a sentence.

"Cunning guy!"

"I thought you could pick up a bargain directly."

"It looks a bit like an auction, but if you can get a crystal skull, you still have to try to get it."

Some gangster-level figures secretly talked about the attractiveness of the crystal skull to them.

Especially now that the Uehara family may have three crystal skulls, the crystal skulls are more attractive to some of them.

If the Uehara family is supported by more powerful forces and the Uehara Kenno is more supported by the Uehara family, their interests on the side of the heavenly world are likely to be damaged.

Uehara Kenno only came here to fight soy sauce, but some of the big men present had their core interests on the side of Xuantian Dao, and there was no room for loss.

"Master Qin, this seat uses a treasure from the early period of Qipin, plus three trillion spirit coins, for a crystal skull!"

A sound sounded in Qin Yang's mind.

Xuantian Taoism ranks a thousand or so, with a lot of influence. Some of the strong men in Xuantian Taoism still have powerful time treasures!

The strong possessed by such things usually hide well, but now for greater benefit, they can't care whether they will be exposed.

"You, there are already strong bids, please contact me if you want to trade!"

"I swear by your soul that your offer will never be circulated, and no one will know what kind of treasure you have, and unless you take the initiative to deal with the Promise Gate, the Promise Gate will never forcibly obtain time treasures from you!"

Qin Yang solemnly authentic.

After Qin Yang finished speaking, some of the other strong men present also sent a message to Qin Yang who wanted to obtain a crystal skull. Some of them possessed ordinary treasures of the 7th taboo level, and some had treasures of the 7th taboo and 3 taboo levels.

Five minutes later, Qin Yang's eyes lit up.

Finally, a strong voice was sent to Qin Yang, who was willing to use a time treasure of seven items and five stars taboo level, plus a time spar worth five trillion Ling coins, in exchange for three crystal skulls in Qin Yang's hands.

Compared with the time treasures of the seven-pin one-two-star taboo level, Qin Yang is more willing to exchange for the time treasures of the seven-pin five-star taboo level.

Such treasures are meant to serve as hearts!

With a strong heart, the limit of the formation can be higher.

Now that you know which forces possess the time treasures of the ordinary seven-pin taboo level, Qin Yang can use other things to exchange such time treasures from those forces.

There are not many top treasures in Qin Yang, but there are many top exercises in Qin Yang's head!

Gathering these strong men and using this method to trade, Qin Yang is also thinking of secretly trading to other time treasures at that time. There are more powerful time treasures in the formation, and the formation will be stronger!

"You guys, you can think about half an hour in total."

"Half it has passed now, everyone hurry up!"

"It has been quoted, and everyone can modify it!"

Qin Yang smiled and looked at his smile. Those who are strong knew that Qin Yang had already intended to move.

"Master Qin, a piece of broken nine-treasure taboo time treasure, are you interested?"

"It can't reach the level of Qipin five stars now, only the effect of Qipin Samsung."

One of the strong was passed on to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang's heartbeat accelerated, even if the damaged Jiupin taboo time treasure, its grade is also Jiupin! And as long as the damage is not particularly severe, Qin Yang can still repair it in his own hands!

"Want to change three crystal skulls?"


Qin Yang intentionally remained silent for more than ten seconds before saying: "Dao, I'm interested, but I need to know the damage!"

"It turned out that Jiupin is good, but if it is damaged too much, it must be worse than Qipin and five-star time treasures."

The other party considered a little time to preach: "Master Qin, I will tell you the details!"

In the blink of an eye, a lot of information appeared in Qin Yang's mind.

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