God of Shuratan

Chapter 980: Dealing with traitors

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"Uehara, this grandson, our master has a letter for you, come out and receive!"

"You don't have to hide. You are very clear on this side. It is said by the strong men of your Uehara family. This one is not here to deal with you."

Changsun Tang summoned out, and he went to the place where the Uehara family's five-class taboo powerhouse was hidden.

Uehara, who was hiding nearby, had a big earthquake, and Changsun Tang actually came to this side. Did Uehara Hiraga have been caught alive?

-Uehara Ryoku owns the life jade cards of Uehara Hiraga, some of them strong, but the life jade card is not broken.

Those in the Uehara family died in Qiankun Yinyang pots. Qiankun Yinyang pots blocked the breath, and even if there was a reaction in Life Jade, it would not be so fast.

"Senior grandson."

Uehara Lie came out of his hiding place. If Changsun Tang came over to deal with him, he would inevitably take many other strong men, and it would not make sense for him to keep hiding.

"Take it!"

As soon as Changsun Tang waved his hand, a golden light shot at Uehara Lie. Uehara Lie raised his hand and caught that golden light. Jin Guang was a special jade bamboo slip with a seal on it. Qin Yang left a lot of information in it.

"Go back and show your Uehara clan homeowners. In addition, all of your Uehara clan's powerful men on the Xuantian Road will be withdrawn to the world of Wandao!"

"As long as our people find that your Uehara family has one person on this side, Uehara Hiraga will die at random!"

Chang Sun Tang said coldly.

Uehara's face is ugly. Sure enough, Uehara Hiraga has been arrested. Their Uehara clan has no seven strong players in the taboo level and only two strong players in the taboo level. This strength is here. On one side, extremely dangerous.

"This is for you!"

Chang Sun Tang threw another piece of jade bamboo slips, which was made by Uehara Hiraga. The inside was a simple order for them to evacuate.

"Older grandson, goodbye!"

After getting the second piece of jade bamboo slips, Uehara sighed a sigh of relief. With Uehara Hiraga's order, they evacuated, and the family would not be held accountable.

Soon Uehara left, and Changsuntang didn't kill him, a five-class taboo strong, it doesn't matter if he kills.

"Everyone, leave Xuantian Tao."

Uehara did not take long to remove them all. Their strength was very weak on this side, and it was very dangerous on this side. Uehara Hiraga ordered them to go back without any problem, leaving them responsible if Uehara Hiraga died. Great.

Time passed three days.

"Master, please kill me."

"Master, kill me, please!"

In the penalty formation method, the hundreds of powerful men who betrayed the Promise Gate mourned in pain. They had no intention of living at this moment, they just wanted to die.

It is impossible to imagine one year in such a penalty formation.

Around the penalty formation, Ma Hong and they kept watching. With Qin Yang's order, they didn't even want to watch.

After three days, even if they watched the hundreds of people in the punishment formation being punished, they also felt the soul trembling and impressing their hearts.

"See the host!"

Qin Yang appeared on this side at this time, and Ma Hong and they saluted quickly. Many strong men looked a lot of fear into Qin Yang's eyes.

Qin Yang's strength made them feel terrible, and Qin Yang's method also made them feel scared.

"Master, kill me!"

"Master, please kill me!"

Seeing Qin Yang appear, the strong men in the penalty formation shouted excitedly, they just wanted to be immediately relieved!

"Excuse me."

Qin Yang waved his hands gently.

Ma Hong straightened up.

Qin Yang glanced over: "This seat knows that there are other strong men among you who have the idea of ​​betraying the Promise Gate. Now who are the strong men of the Uehara family in this seat? In the case that you did not jump out immediately, this time this seat has spared you, but if there is another time, this stage will not kill you, this stage will catch you alive! "

Some powerful people are terrified.

Qin Yang caught them alive, certainly not to treat them deliciously and deliciously.

The penalty formation method is estimated to be their destination.

"Yes, master!"

The strong are in the same voice.

Qin Yang looked at the hundreds of strong men in the penalty formation: "Looking at them for three days, what do you think?"

"Master, we will do our best to be faithful to the master."

Yuan Hua stood up and knelt down and said in a deep voice, "If there is a betrayal of the gatekeeper, betrayal of the ancestral gate, you will let me stay in this punishment formation in the future!"

"Master, me too!"

"Master, look at my future performance."

Some of the other strong men also stood up. Now the strong men of the Uehara family have been arrested by Qin Yang. This punishment formation method is so terrible. These strong men have no luck at all. They do not stand up and Qin Yang knows for sure they.

"You remember what you said, if there is any betrayal, this seat will keep you in this punishment formation forever!"

Qin Yang groaned.

"Yuan Hua, headed by you, killed them, and then they have a family and loved ones, go to their family and find their loved ones."

"If the family reached Qipin Xiu, all were killed."

"In three generations of relatives, all who have reached the age of fourteen are beheaded!"

"There are more powerful people in the family who have not betrayed at the Promise Gate, and only kill the betrayer."

Qin Yang coldly issued an order. These strong men betrayed, not only their affairs, it is sure to affect their family!


Yuan Hua trembled. He knew that such a thing was done, and those who were related to the powerful men who were killed would hate them. In the future, they would be even less likely to leave the Promise Gate. revenge.


Ma Hong opened his mouth and begged for a few of them, but Qin Yang looked coldly, and Ma Hong still didn't speak.

Such a betrayal of the sectarian door, and the act of stabbing a knife behind it, is extremely serious in any force.

Qin Yang was only beheaded to reach Qipin Xiu in his family, but he was only benevolent when he beheaded his relatives who were over 14 years old.

"Go ahead!"

Qin Yang is indifferent and authentic.

The punishment formation was suspended, Yuan Hua and they quickly shot. The hundred or so strong men in the punishment formation were imprisoned and repaired, and they were all beheaded.

Then Yuan Hua went to the rest of the place and continued to execute Qin Yang's order.

There are other places in Wuji Gate, and many people are bound to land.

"Ma Hong, Ma Qianjun, you propagate, a team of nine Uehara family members of the seven ranks of taboos attack us, and we kill some of them, and capture most of them. Open once for those who want to join our Promise Gate! "

Qin Yang groaned.

"Yes, master!"

Ma Hongma Qianjun nodded.

The propaganda started immediately, and the news immediately spread out from the side of the giant city. The Uehara family's nine seven-class taboo strong men attacked Wuji Gate, and most of them were caught alive. Such news was too scary.

Many people know the news and subconsciously suspect it to be false news.

But the strong men of the Uehara family have not stood up to refute, and some strong men of the Promise have been killed, and they are gradually convinced of this.

In a small town, two old people live in peace, and they have lived here for decades.

"Wife, if I die, you will join the Promise Gate. With the strength of the Promise Gate, you should be safe after joining."

The talking old man looked at his wife with affection. He used to be a strong person with a taboo level of seven ranks and was extremely talented. At that time, even many strong men thought that he might break through the taboo level of nine ranks, but later, He disappeared.

No outsider knows that this old man entered a very dangerous place in order to break through the taboo level of Jiupin. Although he came out alive from that place, he was severely damaged and repaired, and Shouyuan was greatly affected. .

He was rescued by a more ordinary woman, his current wife.

"Old man, let's join the Promise Gate now. I wanted to join the Promise Gate before. Maybe the Promise Lord can cure you. Die with you! "

The old man stared at his wife, and for a long time, he sighed helplessly, his wife must be able to do such a thing.

"Okay, join now, join now."

"In the past, I was mainly concerned about the instability of the Promise Gate, but none of the nine powers of the Uehara family were able to do anything about it. We underestimated the power of the Promise Gate, and the Uehara family's strong men were caught a lot. You should dare not bother with the Promise Gate! "

The old man whispered softly.

"Old man, let's set off!"

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