God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: Spoil

The first ninety-three chapters

Shangyingyue couldn't guess the idea of ​​Shiyan, and I don't know what Shiyan had. I couldn't understand the surrounding scene like Shiyan. Therefore, she could only hide and lie behind. ""

It took half an hour for Shiyan to go.

She is not worried about any accidents in Shiyan. Since she is sure that she can still use the gods to perceive the surrounding situation on this ancient continent, she knows that unless Shiyan takes the initiative to commit crimes, it is difficult to be killed.

Shiyan is certainly not the kind of person.

She only regrets when Shiyan is reluctant, because she does not know how important the colorful ghost demon flower is to Shiyan. She thinks that Shiyan knows that it is difficult to compete against Bailu, Mia and others, and finds an excuse to get out.

The more you think about it, the more you think about it. The pretty face is getting colder and colder, and the dark curse of gnashing your teeth.

Bai Jia and her party became a fire, and hundreds of years of infighting countless battles, even her grandfather was tragically killed under the joint attack of the Bai family and the Protoss. Her mother had warned her a long time ago, and she should be careful about the white family, but if there is Don't be reluctant to take the opportunity, you must do your best.

She still remembers how much her grandfather loved her in the past. Whenever her grandfather came back from the outside world, she would bring her a gift that would make her excited and excited. When she was young, the grandfather would hold her and let her ride on her neck. Play with her and take her to the blue sky and white clouds...

Knowing that her grandfather died, she kept crying, tears like broken pearls, she cried for ten days.

At that time, she was still young, and the realm was not deep. Only the king level, she could not make a feud for her outside, but at that time, she had made up her mind to destroy the white house!

After many years, she gradually learned about the power of the White House, and gradually realized the relationship between the White House and the Protoss. They also had many battles with the White House. The two sides had a chance to win or lose. Once, she and her brother discussed it. It was discovered by the White House that it was the same battle. Her brother and sister had been created to save her soul.

Shangyingyue Yinyin’s “嘎嘣” sounded loudly, and Mei’s chilling cold and chilly.

She made up her mind that even if there was no help from anyone, she would hide and give the White House a fatal blow at the most appropriate time. ""


The sound of the raging rushing came, and a fierce breath came quietly, getting closer and closer to her.

Shangyingyue frowns and wrinkles, quietly hiding the traces, hiding in the dark to spy.

When the eyelids suddenly turned bright, she immediately removed the mask of the fascinating body, and suddenly it appeared. She whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Help you deal with the white family." Shi Yan's head flashed with a demon flame, and the ghost came to the side of Shangyingyue. When he thought about it, he sent the deputy soul to the altar and immediately asked: "Help me. Hide the trace together, I will show you a good show."

During the speech, he was rude to the Shangyingyue. "I know that you have the same special secret treasure."

"Not necessarily two people are hidden."

Seeing that he was squeezing over, Shangyue’s eyes flashed a flustered, and he exclaimed: “Stop!”

Her snow-white arms shimmered with a beautiful jade-like luster. A blue bracelet, "Teng", emerged as a faint ice blue halo, and the halo was like a downturned sea bowl, covering her **** and charming appearance, and the blue glow was quiet. Change, turn white, and then become colorless...

The traces and atmosphere of Shangyingyue disappeared together.

"There is still a bit of space, you can come in, but you are not allowed to be too close to me."


Shi Yan nodded and sneaked in and looked at himself.

From the outside, there is no abnormal invisible reticle, the interior is blue, and it touches the cold and cold, such as blue water.

The mask is really not big. After Shiyan came in, he almost shouldered shoulder to shoulder with Shangyingyue. There was only one gap in the middle. He could smell the scent of the sleek and blue-like body of Shangyingyue, and he could feel the softness and coldness of the other's shoulder.

A slippery blue arc flashed in the shadow of the Shangying month, and the cyan color is like a watershed. Like a line, she and Shiyan are just rightly separated. "Don't stick to me!" Shangying is cold and cold. Church

Shrugging, Shi Yan said with a sigh of relief: "Who is rare."

"You?!" The shadow of the movie suddenly shook his head and slammed into him. "What do you want me to watch? If you dare to deceive me, I will not let you go!"

Because of her anger, she took a few deep breaths, and the plump peaks swayed out of the enchanting arc, which was a bit of a thrilling look.

"We can be a bystander."

Looking at the distance with a squint, Shiyan’s eyes were cold as a knife, and muttered: “I have never had a good relationship with the Protoss. I have no chance to fall into the stone. I will not let them go to the ancient continent. Team..."

"You mean... you found another team?" The shadow of the singer's body was shocked, and the corner of his mouth evoked a pleasing angle. "Do you want to provoke their battle?"

“You don’t have to provoke.” Shiyan laughed eccentrically. “On this ancient continent, everyone will fight because of the interests. If any powerful two sides meet, they will inevitably have conflicts, especially the whites in front of them... What seems to be found?"

"You are mean!"

"you flatter me."


The deep pit covering an area of ​​several tens of acres is dark and deep, and the interior is dirty.

This is the formation of Shiyan in order to target the sand shovel. At this time, the inside of the deep pit is filled with dirty cement slurry, and there are many broken tree weeds floating on the surface. There is really no place worthy of praise.

However, on the edge of this huge pit, there are five warriors staying.

Bai Hao and the three Bai Jiawu people frowned deeply. They didn't understand why Mia came here and didn't understand what she was thinking about stopping there.

A delicate hexagonal crystal, sparkling with a clear red luster, Mia's green-eyed index finger, carefully rubbing on the hexagonal crystal, bright eyes shining.

For a while, Mia's hexagonal red crystal on the hand, the hexagons all shot a rainbow of light, the rainbow was straight like a sword, and finally condensed to a point, falling on a muddy spot in the huge pit, where the rainbow power Shock, suddenly rumbling to burst sound.


The strange sound came from the gathering point of the rainbow, which was extremely harsh.

The four white eyes are gloomy, and they feel that the sound is too ugly, so that they have the feeling of scalp tingling, as if someone is using a sharp weapon to stab their souls, so that the four people are uncomfortable.

Mia is fascinating, and her eyes are shining, and she is delighted: "Sure enough!"

A glimmer of blue light slammed out from the rainbow light, and instantly shattered the rainbow light. The hexagonal crystal in Mia's hand also heard a crisp sound, as if to crush the posture.

Mia was surprised and happy, and hurriedly took the special energy detection device into the magical space ring, excited to see the discovery from Qingguang.

The hexagonal crystal can induce the ore and the strange treasure with terrible energy. The stronger the energy, the more obvious the crystal reaction will be. The crystal just smashed, indicating the deep hidden in the mud, absolutely Contains the power of horror.

In the eyes of Mia, the light is like a torch, and the smile is bright and said: "Let's see it in the past."

She smiled a little, and gave her a slap in the face.

The white face changed slightly, and the other three were even more angry.

The investigation of unknown things is often accompanied by inexplicable danger. After Mia determines the object, she does not take the initiative to search. It must be known that it may be accompanied by danger. She directs the subordinates to let them do it. Naturally, Let the whites know how to make the danger for her.

"What? Didn't your family owner explain it to you?" Mia still smiled, her eyes gradually getting cold.

When he was shocked, he remembered the instructions of his family, and he was shocked by a cold sweat. He said: "Please rest assured, we know what to do!"

He nodded to the other three.

The three men looked helpless and sighed with a sigh, and began to condense their strength, ready to detect the area that gave off the luster.



The deafening sound came from the corner of the swamp. The cypress of the giant hammer was wearing a gold armor, and the body was like a flood. Haha laughed and ran, and every foot landed, and the earth heard an earthquake-like roar.

Like the ghostly Wu Feng, smiling with ease and chic, holding the fan and shaking it, he did not hurry to follow him.

"It's a good luck, it won't take a long time to get a hundred robbers. It seems that there are different treasures. Haha, big brother, what do you say about this?" Wu Bo's swearing, a pair of people who are not afraid of anyone.

"Of course, you have to figure out what it is, and then decide how to do it." Wu Feng smiled slightly.

During the speeches of the two men, they swept through the places where Shiyan and Shangying were hiding, and rushed to the crowds of Baiji.


In the mask that is difficult for ordinary people to find, the cheeks of Shangyingyue showed a touch of surprise. "How did you find them?"

"The one closest to us, and the most powerful is the two." Shi Yan said in a lightly: "The fighting power of their two brothers, I am afraid to beat those of the four white families, the same as the virtual **** triple heaven realm, The two brothers themselves are much stronger."

"That is of course, the Wujia brothers in the Mott Star field, of course, are not leisurely generations." Shangyingyue eyes are weird.

"Wujia? This martial artist is also very strong? How is it compared with Baijia?"

"More than one!"

Shiyan is amazed.

"Let's stay here?" Shangying month looked up, the body's strength was rolling, and a pair of battles to participate in the battle.

"You have to watch the battle at close range. I naturally have no opinion. The premise is - can you guarantee that you will not be discovered?" Shi Yan said with ease and faintness: "We can also participate in the war, but at least wait for them to win the game first. Can you stay sensible?"

"I can naturally."

"Well, we will pass, I am also very curious, wondering what they found out?"



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