God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1099: Is he strong?

Chapter 199 is he strong?

Even the Wuwu brothers, Shangyingyue, Shaying, and clay figurines have a total of eleven strong people belonging to different geniuses. The lowest level is also the illusory gods, and everyone is versatile. ""

After five years of killing, they can survive to the Protoss, which proves their strong strength.

However, compared with the Protoss led by Mia and Phelp, they are still in absolute disadvantage. Several battles have clearly confirmed that unless there is a miracle, they will not be spared.

The explosion from the bottom of the earth blew the tears on the faces of all people. For a time, eleven strong people of all ethnic groups flew and condensed their strengths, and they immediately reminded them of the uprising. The intention.

Some people's eyes are flickering, and the body gradually moves to the main level that can be separated from this range. Once they find a breakthrough opportunity, they will not let go.

There are also some people who are tired of escaping. Perhaps they also know that the Protoss surrounded them and prepared to fight, and Mia and Phil are not dead, and they will bite them a few times.

In the past five years, all eleven people have suffered from it. The hard-earned materials and the grass have been robbed. They have been smashed into serious injuries. They can only escape with their tails and lurk like mice.

There are also people who come with close relatives or comrades-in-arms, but friends and relatives beside them are already buried deep in the mud and will never wake up.

Mia, Phelp and the white family, during this time, they are really rampant, do not know how much property they should not be robbed, killing many of their loved ones around them, this hatred, as time goes by Not only did it not fade, but it became more and more intense.

"If we scatter and evade, we will only be killed one by one, and there is no hope." Wu Feng's face was cold and cold, and his eyes glanced at several warriors in the outer circle. He said coldly: "Everyone here has eaten Mia. Phelp's bitterness, many people and friends have been killed, I think we can do something for them even if we can't win."

Several people trying to leave, listening to Wu Feng said so, suddenly silent, the blinking eyes gradually become determined.

They all remembered the five years of experience...

A group of eleven people, each of which belongs to the outstanding genius of the major stars, this moment is a heavy face looking to the ground, waiting for something silently. ("")


If the sharp blade cuts the koi, a deep crack appears in the center of the crowd, and some of the stars bloom.

Before the suspicion of the crowd, they looked at the release of the starlight and found that the starlight in the crack was like the sea, but it was just a glimpse of the moment, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Just when everyone was not clear, a figure like a meteor lightning shot out, suddenly appeared in the cracks of the crowd, and stood in the middle of everyone.

"It's you!"

The sand scorpion face is cold, and the monsters and poisons under the feet are quietly surging, spreading like the sea to the appearers.

Wu Feng and Wu Bozhen were there, frowning slightly, and they did not react for a while.

The mud man named Mo Zhen, in a pair of cold and cold scorpions, burst into amazement and suddenly said: "Stop!"

Satay looked gloomy, and turned a deaf ear to the cold drink of Namo, and spit out a gray smog in the mouth, in which thousands of poisonous insects danced like a gray cloud wrapped to the appearer.

"Are you still dead?"

Shi Yan grinned and smiled, and calmly pointed to the eyebrows, an orange-red flame burst out and fell to the center of the gray cloud gathered by the poisonous insects.


The smell of scorching suddenly spread. In the orange flame, countless poisonous insects did not even scream, and they were directly baked into black charcoal and fell down one after another.

The sand snorted and knew that it was not so easy to kill Shiyan. He was a skinny, ghost-like hand, and his palms were cracked. A rounded golden armor was made out, fluttering and flying, and the whistling whistle directly blew. To the stone rock mind.

The golden armor is like a sword. It is like a lightning bolt.

In the depths of Shiyan's eyelids, the spectacle of the vast sea of ​​stars suddenly appeared. The state of the stars in the two eyelids was obviously inconsistent. The stars in the left eyelids were arranged into a fierce giant bear, and the right eyelids were open. Bowing. ""

He licked his right eye.

Suddenly countless stars overflowed from his body, condensed into a star bow and arrow in front of his eyes, and a dazzling star arrow flashed like a meteor.


The scorpion worm that was released from the sand scorpion, the sleek golden worm, suddenly splashed out of the scattered starlight, and was beaten by the screaming.

The shady face of the dark face, the body was as heavy as a punch, suddenly bent over and squatted on the ground, the chest was dull and uncomfortable.

The golden armor flies, did not dare to continue to attack, very spiritually crouched on his shoulders, grotesque, not seeming, seems to be telling him the pain.

Everyone groaned, suddenly blocked between the sand and the rock, while releasing the power of the righteousness, forming a variety of energy barriers between the two, preventing them from continuing to fight.

"Have you refining the starry fruit tree?"

Shangyingyue looked at Shiyan deeply and took a breath. Fengze’s lips squirmed and said: “You are very good. It took five years to do nothing. It’s just refining the starry fruit trees and breaking through. To the virtual **** two heavens..."

"I promised you, will help you deal with the white family, I will honor my promise before leaving this ancient continent." Shi Yan Shen Sheng.

Shangyingyue pulled the corner of his mouth and sneered: "To deal with the white family? Now you are saying that it is a joke. The white family and the Protoss Mia and Phelp are walking together, and they are approaching, we are going to take us all. Kill, you have to deal with him?"

The rest of the people looked at him with a look of eccentricity.

"You, this is my personal business with this person, please don't intervene." Satay regained his waist and his eyes were like a poisonous snake, staring at Shiyan, saying: "Even if the Protoss quickly chase, I Also kill this person first!"

Wu Feng, Mo Zhen and others all frowned.

"You can't kill him." Cultivating the earth's righteousness, Mo Zhen, who can enter and exit in the swamp freely, covered in dry mud, only a pair of haze and cold eyes appeared, he said very directly: "You can not only kill him, but also It is possible that he will be killed by him. His blood is stronger than you, and his strength is stronger than you... Although you have a higher level, you are not his opponent."

Wu Feng, Wu Bai everyone, listening to this Mo Zhenyi said, they are obviously paralyzed.

In the past year, they often joined forces with Mo Zhen. They also know Mo Zhen’s origins and have confidence in his vision. He knows that he has a special method to measure the true power of everyone.

Satay is among the people, although the strength is not the top, but it is also in front of the rankings, and then to Mo Zhen to say this, as if this guy who suddenly took the lead, the real strength is more than the sand, is this really not?

It is difficult for everyone to accept it for a while.

"Women called Mia, is a Protoss?" When the people were silent, Shi Yan’s eyebrows moved and he wondered: "Their look..."

"The Protoss will only change their posture when they are in fierce battles. When they are not confronted with others, like most people, they are more handsome and beautiful." Wu Feng explained.

Shi Yan immediately understood that "it was like this." When he did not push the undead blood, he was also like ordinary people. From this point of view, he and the Protoss have great similarities in some aspects.

"Mo Mo, is he strong?" Wu Bo carried a giant hammer, and his voice was like the scream of Hong Zhong. His face was full of enthusiasm.

"It's very strong, from the strength of the body and the strength of the body... He even surpasses you!" Mo Zhendao.

As soon as this statement came out, Wu Feng, Shangyingyue, and Shaying all changed their faces. When they looked at Shiyan, their eyes glowed with amazing light.

Everyone knows that Wu Bo’s natural power is comparable to that of gold and iron. The body of flesh and blood contains the power of horror. Among the people, he is the most arrogant and overbearing, and he has fought with the Protoss several times. The horror of 武柏 has been proved.

Now Mo Zhen actually said that Shiyan is even stronger than Wubo in terms of physical strength and body strength, and everyone is shocked.

"We need his strength." Mo Zhen continued.

Wu Feng, Wu Bai and others almost nodded immediately, and immediately regarded Shi Yan as the same level of existence, without a trace of contempt.

They believe in Mo's vision.

Satay’s face was ugly, but he did not act rashly again, suddenly becoming very silent, and standing alone was complicated.

"We really need him." Shangying month interjected, hesitated a moment, she said seriously: "We most need him, not only his strength, but also other..."

"What?" Wu Feng and Mo Zhen looked at her.

"Remember what I said to you? If we can find a guy, maybe... we can fight in Mia, Phelp, not so bad, or even turn." The eyes are complicated.

The people suddenly thought about it.

Just six months ago, everyone experienced a rout, and killed three masters. They gathered together to find a way to frown together. When everyone had nothing to do, Shangyingyue said that if a guy is still alive. They may still have hope to win.

At that time, everyone asked why, Shangyingyue said that the person was dead and said nothing was useless, and did not elaborate.

Today, her old words were mentioned again. Everyone suddenly remembered them. They all looked at her again and asked the question that confused them. "Why?"

"As long as he is there, when Miya people come over, where they are, how to encircle the interception, they can't escape our eyes and ears." Shangyingyue looked at Shiyan deeply and threw a blockbuster: "He Without the hustle and bustle of the ancient continent, you can still use the soul to understand everything around you. Unlike us, we are blinded by the touch of the soul, and each is like a blind eye."

Everyone was shocked and shocked. They were all looking at Shiyan, and Zhang Dakou wanted to ask for evidence.

"I can really sense the fluctuations of life around me." In the eyes of everyone burning eyes, Shiyan nodded casually, and the deputy soul floated out quietly. He was beating in the heavenly spirits. "If you are now, those people will leave." We are hundreds of miles away, approaching us in a semicircle, and at their speed, if we don’t leave, we will meet them at most one hour."

"Are you sure?" Mo Yan was surprised to scream.


Mo Zhen looked at Shangyingyue.

"What he said is true."




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