God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1146: shortage

The first thousand one hundred and forty-six chapters

The golden wood, the fire and the earth, the five colors of Huaguang flow endlessly, such as the heaven and earth energy cycle is endless, the condensed light Shenzhou is clean and sly, and covers a crystal lotus platform throne.

The energy of the sea's sky is like a trickle, all of which rushes toward the open central area. The rest of the entire four continents are pulled out of the air and quickly dissipated.


A group of Protoss came on a floating trunk. They were all under the arm of Haig, Mia, and Phelp. They were pulled behind and they came over.

Haig and Audrey fought across the sea of ​​two islands, colliding with the light of Shenzhou and the throne of the gods, igniting the turbulence of the world and letting the oceans fluctuate wildly.

Mia, Phelp and others joined forces, and Mo Zhen, Fuller, Wu Feng, those who followed Audrey, Mia and others were at a disadvantage, but when the protoss came over, they immediately reversed the situation. Instead, the oppressed Fuller, Wu Feng, and Mo Zhen were all screaming at the wolf.

At this time, Hasen rushed to the Central District.

The sky is with the two women of Cecilia and Shangying, becoming the first wave of military personnel to enter the Central District, and has disappeared at the end of the ocean.

Hasen rushed to the sea where the majesty had been ravaged, and after they gathered together, they did not take care of the stone rock, but also rushed into the central area, and soon the atmosphere disappeared from the ocean.

Both Haig and Audrey, who were able to gain insight into the movements of life, found that two people had entered the Central District one step at a time. The two forces that were still in the opposite direction were eager to end the battle as soon as possible.

It’s just that the two sides are evenly matched. They can’t be separated and won in a short period of time. The opening of the Central District has a certain time limit. They did not hesitate too much. They suddenly dispersed and turned into two streams of people, all of which quickly flocked to the Central District.

In the corner of the misty ocean, Shiyan holds a **** bone, and the gods know like a net.

The volatility of the life of the sky, Hasen, Haig, and Audrey disappeared from the sea, and the figure disappeared, and the soul thoughts could not be captured. This meant that he knew very well.

Everyone except him has already entered the Central District. His sense of consciousness has found that the central area is connected to the outer barrier and there is a tendency to gradually condense...

His face changed slightly. He smoothly put the seven blood bones into a magical ring, suspended the removal of the **** bones on the surface of the blood, and the mind was moved. The soul altar operated from the space, and the light of the gods was like a brush. In front of his eyes, a circle of unknown light is formed.

He did not rush to reconverge the gods. He stepped forward and plunged into the circle of light, and his body disappeared.

In the next second, he appeared directly in the outer barrier of the central area, such as drilling directly from the gap in the space, and instantly crossed the territory of thousands of miles.

A stream of energy flows from all directions, such as small rivers rushing into the ocean, and they flow into the central area. The energy streams, such as milky white liquid water, are visible to the naked eye, and the gods can touch...

Only when the energy of the heavens and the earth is rich and pure to a certain extent can it be liquefied and become visible to the naked eye. This shows that “the wasteland” is the most abundant place in the universe, and only here can breed countless rare materials. Let the strong stars of the universe stare.

The Hassan of the Protoss, the Hague, the sky of the Heavenly Demon, the Princess Audrey of the Pluto, and the talents of the major stars such as Wu Feng, Mo Zhen, Shang Ying Yue and Cecilia. One by one gathered here because of the strangeness of the ancient continent.

Everyone gathers together from all areas of the universe, and there is only one real purpose - the Central District!

The Central District is home to the most precious elixir, jade, and concentrate in the universe. It has the peak of the Yuan Dynasty. In order to enter, the people have fought for five years on the periphery. Now the Central District is open, and the more brutal and **** competition will be held. It is getting worse.

According to Cangwu, there are huge secrets hidden in the central area. This secret is related to the special existence of him, the Cangwu, Haig, and Audrey.

This is also the reason why Cangwu, Haig, Audrey, and why he gathered here again. He also realized that the Shangchen would give the lead and let him come to the Central District, which must be bloodthirsty. The strong man is also the secret of the sky.

What the secret is, he is not clear at this time.

He subconsciously explored the blood pattern ring, frowning and frowning, looking at the liquefied energy stream in front of him, suddenly firming his mind and suddenly stepping out.

A turn of the sky.

He screamed at the whirlpool of horror and quickly flew to the center of the whirlpool. He was immediately shocked and had an uncontrollable sense of helplessness.

In the middle of the horrible vortex, he couldn't hold his body anyway. He could only follow the direction of the whirlpool and quickly enter the heart of the whirlpool. He looked at it with a sigh of relief.

The vortex is composed of a series of milky white circles. The circle shrinks from the outside to the inside. It seems that there are thousands of layers. The milky white circles are distinctly the energy streams that flow from all directions, and they are all gathered in this vortex.

Such an abnormal form made him look shocked. When he swung in the middle of the vortex, he tried to struggle and found that it did not help at all. Instead, it would make the body tingle, as if it was a violation of heaven and earth. Was punished by the heavens.

He quickly calmed down and immediately gave up the struggle in vain, calmed his mind, converged his thoughts, and secretly perceive the rotation of the vortex...

His mind was shocked!

This is like a whirlpool of horror that encompasses the heavens and the earth. It is made up of purely refined heaven and earth and turned into a rim of wheels. It follows a certain rationality between heaven and earth. When he gives up resisting feelings with his heart, he suddenly discovers the law of the vortex operation and finds The changing track of the rim is very similar to the fascination of his body and the purification of death.

With such thoughts, he can no longer control the shock of his inner heart, concentrate all his spirits and wills, and use his heart to understand the wonders of this vortex.

The soul altar suddenly swirled, and there was a strange squirm in the center of the wonderful black hole. His eyes were fascinated, and the main soul was quietly changing. He flocked to the black hole. He suddenly found the hole in the black hole, and it was filled with a huge The whirlpool, the vortex is formed by a circle of wonderful soul silk, as if it contains the most magical structure in the world, with wonderful waves...

There are seven hundred and twenty holes in the cave. The black holes in the altar are all formed by the mysterious vortex of large or small. The law of rolling and rolling has amazing similarities, as if the law is righteous. Exquisite has a common ground.

In his mind, this kind of enlightenment, completely let go of the thoughts, the body of the body is allowed to vortex, consciousness, soul, and thoughts are in the shackles of the body, swallowing up in the altar and swaying in the altar, trying to find the connection ......

I don't know how long it has been.


He suddenly dizzy, the gods like a meteor hitting a hard object, and suddenly fell down.

He was unaware of it, lying quietly at the foot of a mountain, in the brightly lit flowers, his eyes were closed, as if he was indulging in a wonderful dream, Xiangxiang was lingering in the beauty of the wonderland.

The flowers are everywhere, the flowers are colorful and colorful, and the intoxicating fragrance is fresh. Many flowers are filled with transparent amber drops of water. The water droplets are so bright that they can reflect his appearance like a mirror.

This is a valley full of flowers. There are no other creatures besides him. For example, no one has ever been involved for hundreds of millions of years, and it has maintained its most primitive state. There is no road.

In the distance, the mountains and rivers are stacked, and the energy of the heavens and the earth is like a strip of sky. The rainbow is like a bridge in the sky. The colorful clouds on the mountainside are like the life energy of the river. The world is quiet and there is no sound.

Far from far away, a magnificent mountain of God connects the heavens and the earth, and the tip is inserted deep into the sky, and there are amazing fluctuations.

The Shenshan Mountain is like the heart of the ancient continent. It is the central hub. It is a revolving movement of the ancient continent. It controls the pulse of life on the ancient continent. It connects the sky and the land. It is like the soul of the ancient continent. It has an independent sense of life. ......

If someone can stand proudly in the sparkling mountains, you can see the whole world. You can see that there are countless mountains, lakes, seas, forests, deserts, ice peaks, volcanoes in the central area. If the eyes can penetrate hundreds of millions of distances, then It is possible to see many small ants such as ants in the surrounding area, which are located in different mountains, deserts, ice layers and lakes.

It is a youthful leader of all ethnic groups coming from the outside...

They are located at the edge of the central hinterland, and the sacred mountain is in the center. Their area is now very similar to the original four layouts, and they can be carefully perceived, but they will find similarities. In the region, there are very different fluctuations in the world.

Those volatility, hidden and murderous, are natural forms of lore, all over the corner, but they echo each other.

The entire central area is like a huge murder of natural carvings. The fierce array is composed of numerous layouts, forbidden places, and dangerous places. Such a vast handwriting is like a masterpiece of heaven, without the extra supplements of the day after tomorrow, such as the one that Cang has built for countless creatures. Natural honing field.

And the central mountain that connects the heavens and the earth is the center of the murderous squad. It is the soul of the ancient continent and seems to control everything.

It is like a **** of indifference, overlooking the heavens and the earth, watching the weak creatures follow its mind and struggle to survive, and the rules it sets are active, and then it gives rewards...

Compared with it, all those who enter this place are like a weak insect, even the fusion of Haige, Cangwu, Hasen, Audrey and Shiyan, as if it is only a little special. Insects are still weak, and they still need to struggle to survive in accordance with the rules they have set...

And it, there is no emotion that any race should have, just watching everything indifferently.




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