God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1179: Burning down the fire

Heaven and earth are not destroyed, the stars are not destroyed, I will not die!

The sound of Shiyan was very low at first, and after a few words were sung, the echoes continued, and the sound gradually expanded. The rumble, like a thunderstorm, resounded through every corner of his world.

The three invincible sounds, like the hands of the gods of the great gods, bloom in his world of stars.

The ruptured world was restored, the mountains and lakes reunited, the oceans recovered, the ancient wood plants and flowers regained vitality, and the world where the sound passed, his world regained its level at an alarming rate.

In the Milky Way, a round of the sun and the bright moon are swirling, implying that the heavens and the earth are rational, and his singing is constantly echoing, making his voice with infinite magic.

This is the magical secret of the creation of heaven and earth. Here is his virtual world, moving with the heart.

Here, he can transform the world, can re-establish the wind and fire, can be amazed at the moment, when his soul altar is spinning, life, death, space, and stars are alternately emerging, which breeds infinite changes.

The end-time purgatory interface that Hasen invaded suddenly became difficult, such as being shackled by space, and even the end of the world scene was like being frozen.

"Impossible! How is this possible!"

Hagrid suddenly screamed and screamed, and he was calm and calm, and his eyes were filled with horror and shock.

Mia, Phil, a group of Protoss, is also like a wooden chicken, like seeing an incredible picture, shocked and stunned.

Audrey, the vast crowds, are also showing an expression of incredulity, a look of stunned.

They all look at the novel images that emerged from the Shiyan virtual world. The rounds of the sun, the moon and the stars are turning, such as the magical law of the heaven and earth mills, and the magical fantasy disillusioned the scenes of countless eccentricities, with the sun, the moon and the stars from the beginning to the beginning. The process of annihilation has the process of birth from birth to extinction, and the law of the birth of all things to the exhaustion...

That picture, like the beginning of the life of the universe, is incomparably intuitive!

This is a world in which life and death are formed by means of stars and voids. A radical evolution, the beginning of life, the process of death to life, rapid rolling changes, emerge one by one.

What surprised Hagrid and Protoss was the strange change of the sun, the moon and the stars. This kind of change and the mysterious secret of the Protoss have the same magical skills!

Even Haig, who is proficient in the light and the righteousness, can't break through the mystery of the mysterious magical power--can't get the essence, the kind of wonder-...the truth has long been annihilated in the long history, and should not be recreated in the world. Now Shi Yan seems to show its evolution.

This is a shame for the Haig and Protoss!

The next generation of Protoss leader Haig can't grasp the subtlety of his meaning - can he Shiyan actually? Can't stand it!

Most of them are not calm, most of them feel surprised, feel incomprehensible, and look up.

Only one person quickly calmed down, revealing that he suddenly realized the look. This person is the sky. He is the one who has the will of the Holy Father. He seems to know the secret of the long-term era. He knows... the protoss of the Protoss once buried in this place, and the beginning of the world will always become a wasteland. a part of.

He realized that Shiyan got the mysterious beginning of the protoss ancestors, the protoss ancestors, the first generation of strongmen born of the ancient gods, and the deep imprint of the light in the soul.

Sure enough, it is recognized by the wild!

The sky was secretly exclaimed.

"It turned out to be the mystery of my family's light and magic!"

The sound of Hasen’s haze suddenly sounded quietly. His soul floated on the altar. Underneath was the free sea of ​​knowledge. He knew the sea as a dense network and connected his virtual world: a world that seems to be in the end of self-destruction!

Because the sun, the moon and the stars turn into illusions, Hasen rushed into the infernal wave of the Shiyan virtual world, and was stopped.

His various end-time scenes seem to be unable to continue to influence the Shiyan imaginary world. Hasen’s soul is like a thunder, and a gray smoke is suddenly emerging, immediately becoming a new evil force, breeding from the world of Hasen. .


The entire virtual world of Hasen is burning!

It was burned out by an inexplicable fire. It was unimaginable that the speed of the spread was fast. The kind of fire could burn space, the world, the stars, the ocean, and he was rushed in with the complete burning of his world. The imaginary boundary of Shiyan was actually burned with the raging bear.

The soul of Shiyan is extremely exhausted.

His soul is like being tempered by flames. With the destruction of the virtual world, his soul and the altar are all empathetic, and they cannot bear the flame that burns everything.

This kind of flame contains the volatility of the world, and there is a strong evil that cannot be extinguished.

No one knows when Hasson has this kind of flame. Everyone who perceives this kind of flame is afraid of it.

Even Haig is no exception. He blends the flames of the source more than the people in the place. He just touches it and changes his color. He said: "This flame... has a scent of breath, this is the flame that Hasen got in the wasteland. It is also a skyfire, the only source of the wildfire!"

Only the ancient continent can breed the natural fire of the source, and it is the core of the ancient continent. It can naturally breed the skyfire.

Hasen can get the skyfire that it gave birth to it. In the past few years, only it seems to have this honor. He even got the source flame from the wilderness. To some extent, he can count as the source of the wilderness. It is simply incredible!

The Hussein virtual world is burning, and the flame that burns all things spreads all the way, spreading the sinister world of Shiyan.

The stone rock virtual world can be like a sea of ​​stars, there are mountains and rivers and stars, there are mountains and lakes, there are ancient wood flowers and plants, but nowadays... It seems that they are all implicated in the fire of Hasen, and the flame spreads rapidly around the virtual world of burning.

The stone rock soul altar is like a giant earthquake. His main soul is like a candle in the wind, and it will be extinguished at any time. The situation is extremely critical.

The virtual world and the soul altar are fundamental to the martial arts. They are more important than the sacred body. Once the virtual world and the soul ritual are turned into ashes, the seal of the warrior in the world will be completely erased. There will never be a hope of heavy life, the body will be destroyed, and it will be different. The path is reborn, the soul and the emptiness are destroyed, and there is no way to resurrect.

Underneath, Cecilia and Shangying looked at the stone rock in the virtual world and were burned. There was no way to do it.

They suddenly rushed toward the sky.

Two strange lights like a meteor landed from the sky, such as the stars falling, hitting their ketone bodies, Cecilia, Shangying's body suddenly splashed countless blood beads, the cheeks did not have a trace of blood, the soul altar was weak to the extreme .

They softly landed, such as two pieces of feathers light, the body is difficult to move, looks like a miserable, white skin more dense bloodstains, shocking, this is ... punishment.

Satay, Jiaoshan, and Jiaohai were all shocked. They instantly surrounded Shangyingyue and Cecilia, and they glared at Mia and Phil, and they were afraid that these protoss would kill.

"how about it?"

"Are you all right?"

Shaying and Jiaoshan rushed to ask.

Shangyingyue and Cecilia were only hit, and they lost all their strength. They were so fragile that they couldn’t even speak.

Some people who wanted to intervene, and saw their miserable appearance, all of them were cold, all of them dismissed their thoughts, and looked at the sky and the fear of fear.

"They are in a terrible situation!" Wu Feng got together and looked sullen: "Remove the elixir that adds blood in our hands, and immediately feed them to take it, perhaps to keep their bodies intact, only the body can fill the blood. They have the energy to maintain the immortality of the soul."

Wu Feng said this, everyone was hesitant, and they took out the spirit medicine grass that they had obtained in the ancient continent in these years. They fed the brain to Cecilia and Shangyingyue.

The spiritual medicine grass that can be preserved by them is a sacred product that supplements the spirit of blood and spirit. The efficacy is amazing. After Cecilia and Shangying took the medicinal herbs, the pale lips gradually became more and more silky. Blood color, injury, this is stable.

His own world is burning, in the collapse, the soul altar is in turmoil, the main soul is rapidly debilitating, he also saw Cecilia, Shangyingyue wants to lend a helping hand, hit by the meteor, as if dying...

He should be angry.

But he knows that violent useless, he must be calm, only calm down to reverse the situation.

He chose to contain the anger in his mind to contain it, just like to curb the negative emotions that once breed, he restrained, his thoughts turned, and he found a breakthrough...

Life and death, the mystery of space, the mystery of the stars, the subtlety of the mystery - all in one mind, he wants to break through all this way, the altar is shaking, and with the collapse of the virtual world, his allegedness seems to be stagnant. Become somewhat uncontrolled.

A trace of cold, suddenly let his mood chill out...

His mind suddenly moved, the main soul quietly fiddled with something, pulling something in the virtual world.

A black ink-like bead was screwed out in a corner of the virtual world. It is a quenching cold pearl, a crystal of the dead soul jellyfish. It is extremely cold and extremely poisonous. It can absorb the poison, only the source flame. It is the nemesis of quenching cold beads, in order to refine it!

A thought quickly formed.


In the quenching cold beads, the cold toxin is rushed, and in an instant, it breeds new changes in the virtual world, such as the dead soul jellyfish floating in his virtual world, and the force of the extreme cold penetrates.

His imaginary territory, which is being burned, was infiltrated by the extremely cold force recovered by the sterilized cold beads, and was attacked by those toxins. It was surprisingly calm down, the cold force was merged, and the toxin was rushed, in his virtual world. Flying away.

The original Tianhuo really is the dead soul jellyfish is the nemesis of the quenching cold beads, Hasen burned the fire from the industry, the cold force and toxins in the quenched cold beads were quickly dissolved.

However, it is precisely because of the cold and toxins in the quenching cold beads, the opportunity for the stone rock virtual world has been won, and the virtual world has been temporarily freed from the flames of burning, so that his soul and soul altar are temporarily unaffected. You can do something else.

(To be continued)


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