God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1191: Boiling blood pool

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-one chapter boiling blood pool

In the blood pool, the blood and water "squat" braved the blisters, and the majestic **** demon body was completely immersed in it. The pores were swallowed with blood, the complexion was red as blood, and the blood in the veins rolled, and the roar of the volcano erupted. ("")

Bath and Gut are in the blood pool, and they are really happy. They slap the shoulders of Shiyan and scream.

"Great! This is the virtual world of the three gods!"

"Your kid is a monster! Ten years, from the virtual **** to the heavens to the virtual **** triple heaven, across the whole two realms, where did you go? Mom, I also want to practice cultivation in the past!"

The understanding of Gut and Basti Stone Rock to the ancient continent is not profound.

When the merchants came to the Turks, they walked quickly, and many things were not clearly explained.

Of course, in the business hours, he did not have to explain to other people, the business is the voyage of the universe, bumpy for many years, there is no fixed place, few people can be really put in his eyes, Bath Gut, Gorefiend is known as one of the heroes in the Malang Star, but the merchants who have seen the more powerful are only seen by their younger generation.

He never said anything to the younger generation.

The Malang star domain has always been sealed from the outside world, so they are not aware of the changes in the outside world and do not know the wonders of the "wildness".

Gut and Bath were shocked by the breakthrough of Shiyan's realm. Both of them were the strongmen who worked hard to repair the demon body. When they beat the stone body, they deeply realized that Shiyan’s body was extremely strong, fearing that...and Not worse than them.

The two also have a very strange feeling...

Seeing Shiyan today, they have a kind of intimacy that they say, as if Shiyan is the closest person in their life. This feeling... there is no reason at all, it seems to have a **** imprint.

They showed a thoughtful look.

Shiyan also has a feeling...

It is not the same feeling as Gut and Bass. The two men pinched their shoulders and beat their chests. Shiyan looked at them, and in vain gave birth to an illusion of watching the juniors play...

This feeling makes Shi Yan feel awkward, and the heart is awkward. (the church)

Gut and Bath are all Yaozu people. The tyrannosaurus and the dragons are the most fierce blood of the dragons. The dragon ancestor Qinglong is one of the ancestors of the Tian Yaozu. The tyrannosaurus and the dragons are Qinglong. The pulse gradually evolves, or it is mixed with other ethnic blood.

It is really necessary to explore in detail, and nowadays, the tribes of the major stars and territories are almost all mixed with the Tian Yaozu and gradually formed without blood.

The tyrannosaurus and the scorpion dragons also have the blood of the holy beast, but the blood is not pure, so it can not be called the Tian Yaozu, it can only be called the Yaozu.

Today's Yaozu can be regarded as the imperial blood of the Tianhui people. Gut and Bath are the same. Although the blood is not pure, they have more or less the blood of the Tian Yaozu, even if they are scarce. It can be benefited by the change of the grace of the mainland.

The more purely the blood is, the more the benefits of the Tian Yao, which is now hidden, the greatest benefit. As for the impure people such as Gut and Bass, they can get some benefits.

But more of the Yaozu people, because of the mixed blood, the body of the demon in the body of the ancient blood is gone, they really can not get the slightest benefit, can not get the strength and realm of the change from the grace of the mainland.

The stone soul and the gods of the mainland are united in one, and they have experienced the vicissitudes of the gods and continents, and the gods of the mainland can be described as the birthplace of the demon.

Gut, Bath's body, there must be the blood of the Tian Yaozu, so he will breed the mysterious feeling.

He understood it!

"Shi Yan, your boy disappeared for ten years, can you know what the Malang star field is like?"

"The Malang star field can't hold it anymore!"

Gute and Bass shouted.

Shi Yan waved his hand and said: "Do not mention this first."

The two are at a loss. (the church)

"Two predecessors, the most recent period of time... Have you found that your realm is different?" He suddenly looked awkward.

The two old dragons suddenly stunned and stunned for a while. Gut was confused and said: "It's really a bit different. I don't know why. Recently, our refining bodies seem to have reduced many difficulties. The energy of the condensed world is accelerating, and the realm is also Quietly ascending, in the midst of it... there is a power that helps us."

"Unspeakable." Bass nodded.

Shiyan suddenly grinned and laughed. The laughing Bass and Gut were very inexplicable. The two laughing at the thought that they had said something wrong.

"This is not your illusion, you will gradually discover that... this kind of wonder will always exist, and it will become more and more obvious in the future." Shi Yan's face was dry, and he said: "You have the blood of the Tian Yaozu, the blood. Will let you get help, I guess it is true, it seems... Tian Yaozuo will really be strong and strong."

"Tian Yaozu?" Gut looked horrified and muttered: "We are the ancestors of the demon, the strongest ones can be called "the demon". For our demon, the "Tianlu" is only the most powerful of the demon. Synonymous, isn't this a race?"

The ancestral land of the Tian Yaozu is the gods of the mainland. In the ancient times, those demons were separated from each other, wandering in the vast sea of ​​stars, mixed with various ethnic groups, and various branches within the Yaozu were mixed into each other. The demon family.

Gut, Bass, they were born in the Malang star field, they have never been to the gods of the mainland, this star field is always closed, they naturally do not know the news of the Tian Yaozu, do not know the most powerful demon of the Yaozu "The demon" is actually one of the most powerful creatures in the world.

"I will talk to you slowly."

Shi Yan smiled and calmly moved to the blood pool. The blood demon in the blood pool was still suffering. He did not know that Shi Yan came over, the pores swallowed blood and quenched the muscles of the body.

Three bloodstones emerged from the rocky phantom ring, such as irregular crystals, red and bright, the interior seems to have a drop of red blood trembled, the demon is strange, the strong **** spurt out, the blood is shining .


The blood refinery is three sets of refining blood, all thrown in the blood pool, surprisingly, blood stone into the blood pool, the pool like boiling water, suddenly boiling!


A fist-sized blood bubble emerges, and when the blood bubble bursts out, it bursts with a thick **** mist, and the blood mist contains thick flesh and blood.

In just a few tens of seconds, the blood that floated from the blood pool turned into a dense fog, covering the entire blood pool. The blood pool was still hot like boiling water, cooking the body of the Gorefiend, and the Gorefiend was blooded in the blood. The red prawns are boiled, and the dirt in the hair is as fine as a gossamer.

Once the filth is discharged from the pores, it melts away immediately and disappears.

The blood water becomes scarlet and translucent, giving a kind of enchanting beauty. A drop of blood is immersed in the blood scorpion, and the body is tempered, and his body is tempered, forming a drop of undead blood in his body.

Gut and Bath looked at it all. When I watched Shiyan just put in three red and beautiful stones, I will make this blood pool happen and make the **** devil break through the extremes, let the **** smell of this place rise to the sky. .

A red-blooded beam of light, Huo Ran rushed out from the Gorefiend of Heaven, and swayed the sky, as the blood hit the sky, forming a spectacle.

The **** atmosphere of the volcanic eruption, such as the flesh and blood fluctuations of the volcanic eruption, spread directly from the blood pool, so that many of the strong stars of the demon star are swaying, one by one revealing the color of the stunned, many who are good with the blood and the devil, even take the initiative Consider gathering and help him protect the law.

They all know that the practice of Gorefiend should make a substantial breakthrough, or it will not be exposed at this level.

The heads and heads of various demons of various blood stars have come in, and the magic blood star whistling in the sky. Many powerful and powerful people directly fly through the air, and they subconsciously gather to the blood pool.

"This is moving... a little big!"

Gu Te squinted his head and said: "Immediately summon the demon family to come over, and estimate the movement of this guy in the Gorefiend, to bring in the many great devils here."

"Three small stones, turned out to be... so abnormal?"

Bath indulged in a huge shock, shook his head subconsciously, an unacceptable appearance.

They are all eyes of the sinister generation. From the movement of the Gorefiend, the two saw that he might break through the trend and have the possibility of entering the three realms of the beginning of God.

"Three pieces of blood stone, should not be enough to support him to break through the three gods of the beginning of God, it is really unexpected, it seems to be bleeding." Shi Yan pinched his chin, indulged for a while, in Bath, Quite In the eyes, the blood stone was taken out again.

This time is a whole four!

Four new bloodstones were reintroduced into the blood pool, and the blood pool suddenly boiled. When the volcano erupted, the horrible blood gas turbulently moved.

After Yang Qingdi came over, he was always silent. He has been staring at the Gorefiend. He is also a tribe of the undead. He is also very curious about the Gorefiend of the First God, and wants to take his own power from him. Helpful place.

When Shiyan put four pieces of bloodstone into the blood pool again, Yang Qingdi finally changed color and could not help but violently said: "Can he hold it?"

In the extremely cold winter, Yang Qingdi relied on a piece of blood stone to restore the body and condense many undead blood. He knew the terrible things of blood stone. He was afraid that the blood devil could not be eaten.

Shi Yan's face is extremely dignified, taking a deep breath, and solemnly said: "He is the first day of the impact of the gods, the danger is to the extreme, when the power breaks through, the most need a large flesh and blood support, the consumption will be extremely fast, I think... he should need so much blood, he should be able to hold it!"

Yang Qingdi suddenly stunned and thought about it before he nodded. "Yes, after all, his realm is much higher than me. The beginning of the gods and the two realms... really should be able to fight together."

Seven blood stones are put into the blood pool, and the blood in the blood pool is covered with horror. The blood pool is smeared with blood and becomes bloody. The blood of this piece is reflected, and all the plants around it seem to be stained with blood. General.

Many of the powerful forces who came from the vicinity of the Blood Star, as soon as they approached, saw the scene here, and they were immediately stunned.

The world of scarlet and blood, which caused them a great shock, so that they did not even dare to be too close, for fear of being infected with a blood, for fear of being affected by the evil and strange power, only dare to be silent, look horrified They are arguing and wondering what happened to the Gorefiend.


Ps: Thanks again to the lord "mrthienchen" and the general league "Dragon 吟月" for the reward ~ three grams of oil :-)


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