God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1216: Demon blood festival!

The first thousand two hundred and sixteen chapters of the demon blood sacrifice!

The holy animal Qinglong appeared in the demon dragon star. (氵 氵 Kun Kun novel network dot com)

He walked out of the transmission array, smiled and touched the head of the sky, and praised it.

The sky is excited and inexplicable.

Qinglong’s eyes were vicissitudes old and his body was strong. He was slightly addicted and suddenly moved the blood of his body.

Far from the two corners of the demon dragon star, Bass, Gu Te demon body shocked, a trace of the demon family blood actually beats endlessly, to break free from their bodies.

All the tyrannosaurus and the scorpion dragons who contained the blood of the Tian Yao nationality were all empathic, and they were horrified and did not know what happened.

The Holy Beast Green Dragon has a hint of sorrow, and his eyes express strangeness.

The sky was hanging down, and the heart suddenly moved, and the corner of the mouth showed a strange meaning.

He guessed why the ancestors had different expressions.

There are many demon ancestors of the Tian Yaozu, the first ancient creatures born from the gods of the mainland can be called the demon ancestors, but the four saints are in the same vein, but they have a very high status. They are in the same year. God is enshrined in the four corners of the mainland and born with a supernatural power.

As for the legend of the ancestral ancestors, the clan has heard a lot, but it is often associated with ridiculousness, obscenity, and no females.

After rumors that Qinglong’s ancestors came out of the ancestral star, this aspect was even more ignorant, robbing all ethnic women of ecstasy, leaving behind countless descendants, who have more or less his **** marks, but they are extremely thin, not his inheritance. .

All kinds of frost dragons in the sky, dragons, dragons, tyrannosaurus, as long as the dragons with dragon characters, 90% are his descendants.

As soon as he landed the demon dragon star and mobilized his blood, he immediately found that there were countless weak blood responses. Obviously, the blood that echoed with him was left absent when he was young.

He thought about it for a moment, and he couldn't remember that the dragon and the tyrannosaurus were the descendants of his kind of women. When they thought of the ridiculousness of the year, they felt a little embarrassed.

The four old demon of the Tian Yaozu also guessed that it was subtle, and they all endured the smile.

Qinglong is also unclear, with a light cough, covering the entire dragon star with the soul.

Suddenly, he slammed his face and his face was strangely colored.

He frowned and stunned for a few seconds, staring at the sky and glanced at it. Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed, and the four sons of Wu Ge, Labuan, Scorpio, and Scorpion were the inheritors of Jinwu, Phoenix, Tianshen, and Qilin. , disappeared instantly.

The sky was left in his place.

In a moment, he appeared in the valley of the ghostly and painstaking four old demon, his eyes emitting a strange light, staring at a sealed hole.

The ban on the hole was under his eyes, and it was instantly torn and shattered, and the sneaky eyes that closed the eyes were directly exposed.

Ghostly eyes are full of brutality, and they are trying to make troubles, but their faces change.

The middle-aged man with a vicissitude of his eyes, carrying a majesty that he could not help but crouch down, seemed to face the ancestors of the wilderness, so that he was shocked, and he could not give birth to the idea of ​​resistance.

He has never felt this way.

"Who are you?"

Qinglong didn't answer, raised his hand and grabbed it. The ghost was suddenly pulled over by him. He couldn't help himself become a sinister beast. He was a savage beast, and he was bloodthirsty, such as the ancient beast. The fierce atmosphere is condensed.

The four old demon of the Tian Yaozu are all moved, and they look at the ghosts.

From the sneaky body, they perceive a very strange atmosphere, the breath... contains the atmosphere of the celestial ancestors, extremely ancient, consistent with their ancestors.

"The Holy Father..."

Jinwu descendants Wu Ge exclaimed.

Qinglong was silent, and he looked deep into the sneaky and reached out.

A drop of blood floated out of the ghost's eyebrows and fell into his palm. The blood fell into his palm. It was like a seed sprouting. The blood was traced to his palm prints. He looked at his eyes and saw his blood. A drop of exquisiteness from the sneaky blood.

The four old demon looked deep into the sneaky, and their faces became more and more astonished. They seemed to be wondering.

After a long while, Qinglong suddenly returned the drop of blood to the ghosts, and immediately looked solemn, and there was a wave of earth-shattering fluctuations. I saw a drop of blood from his fingertips, and the energy fluctuations in the blood were actually Comparable to a god.

"Holy ancestors!"

The four demon old demon screamed together.

Qinglong squeezed out a drop of blood, his face was obviously pale, and he turned back: "You four, each of them dedicated a drop of blood!"

The four old demons were discolored, but they did not dare to violate the instructions of Qinglong. They all used their strength to motivate the blood essence and slowly condensed. After a while, four drops of blood appeared in their palms, and the four drops of blood were hidden. With different fluctuations, energy is also extremely weak.

The dragons and twinkles shimmered with wonderful light, and the billions of symbols were like alive. I saw the five groups of green squadrons wraping his own blood and the blood of four descendants of the demon, and stuffed them into the ghosts.

The four old devils were shocked and unable to add.

"Holy ancestors!"

The four couldn't help but scream.

Qinglong looked back at them and said, "What's the problem?"

"Is this blood sacrifice technique not to be applied to the sky? The sky is desperate to go to wasteland, and it is a great sacrifice for my demon family. It is for the blood sacrifice of the holy ancestors, why... why is it imposed on this person?" The descendants of the snake were shocked.

This is also the same confusion of the other three old demon.

The blood sacrifice is the secret of the Tian Yao family that can be used by the demon ancestors of the Tian Yaozuo. With the life of the demon ancestors of the demon genius, it can instantly enhance the cultivation of the demon squad, quench the flesh and instantly enhance the strength.

Like the sky, he is a 12-level high-level repair, equivalent to the virtual **** triple heaven, as long as he is **** sacrificed by the Holy Beast Qinglong, he can immediately break through to the thirteen levels, comparable to the beginning of God.

The Tian Yaozu is not the same as other ethnic cultivation. Their breakthrough does not require the deep understanding of the realm. The demon body can be broken once, and the process can be broken. The process is extremely slow, even several times longer than other ethnic comprehensions.

Qinglong is the ancestor of the Tian Yaozu, his blood is the most perfect and unique, with great effect.

The hard work of the sky has been honed in the wild for ten years, and it has been intertwined to promote the fusion of stone and rock, and revitalized the Tian Yao family.

According to the truth, Cangwu is most qualified to accept the blood sacrifice of Qinglong. In fact, Qinglong, who is here to come to the Dragon Star, is indeed preparing to give blood to the Cangwu, helping him to enter the 13th level.

But now, Qinglong not only applies the blood sacrifice to the sneaky, but also orders them to hand over a drop of blood, which makes the four old demons completely blindfolded.

Because even Cangwu did not have such treatment, originally, they knew that Qinglong was prepared to take out a drop of his life and make blood. They did not intend to use the blood in their bodies, which would make them weak for a while.

but now……

The four old devils are puzzled by their stomachs.

Qinglong did not take care of them. Based on the blood of him and the four old demons, he was hard-pressed into the ghosts.

Surprisingly, the ghosts closed their eyes and silently endured everything. Even on his demon, there are many wonderful symbols. The symbols are simple and rough, all of which are rough forms of mountains and lakes. It also emerged from the illusion of the demon mountain in the Tianhui Mountain Range.

Qinglong’s eyes are brighter and he is more and more focused on casting.

The four old demons screamed: "The ancient demon! The ancestral star demon mountain imprint! This guy... from the ancestors!"

They seem to suddenly understand what they are, their eyes are shining with glare, and they clench their fists one by one.

Only when you get the inheritance of the Tianhui Mountain, can you form a mark on the demon, a sacred demon character, and only the demon blood of the Tian Yaozu, in order to get the inheritance, it is obvious that the sneaky origins are extraordinary.

Qinglong is full of attention, and hundreds of millions of symbols in the eye are jumping like hundreds of millions of fish swimming activities. Five **** thunders are burning in the ghosts like flames. Gradually, the ghosts are covered with lightning, and those lightnings are like knives. He is jumping in the flesh and blood.

The sneaky screams fiercely, and the blood of the demon is splashing, such as suffering a lot of pain.

When his demon blood splashed out, he was locked by the dragon's strength and pulled into a blood line. For example, the small river turned to his eyebrows to form a cycle.

Time is in a hurry.

Qinglong looked tired and closed his hands, and the sneaky scorpion became a huge thunderball. The flesh inside the thunderball seems to be taking some kind of power to change, which is extremely mysterious.

"He is more suitable for blood sacrifice than the sky." At this time, Qinglong looked at the four old demon, and said that he said very well, "This is really good, this time it is the prosperity of my demon, not only the ancestors." With the original source, there is still...he!"

He pointed to the ghost.

The four demon old demon faces are puzzled.

Qinglong laughed, but did not explain them in detail. He just said: "In the next ten years, he will be the key to the prosperity of my family. It is really my turn to be outside the domain."


God is the continent.

A place of darkness and silence.

A body covered with thick dust, sitting under the statue of the seven demon gods, if you die for many years, there is no life.

There was no death in the vicinity, no plants, no small insects survived, and there was a depression between the heavens and the earth.

I don't know how long it took, the grass that has been dead for many years, and gradually reveals a hint of greenery. Soon, many plants grow up tenaciously, and the devil's demon domain reveals a strange life fluctuation, and the life fluctuations are initially small. , slowly getting bigger.

The whole demon domain suddenly became full of vitality, many plants take their heads, flowers are bright, and many small bugs appear wonderfully.

Soon there was the wind, and with the light, the natural atmosphere between the heavens and the earth spread, and the deadly demon domain became the star of life filled with heaven and earth energy.

And the body covered in thick dust, the body began to have a faint scent, quickly zoomed in, gradually smashed, and finally surged!

A strong and vigorous life magnetic field suddenly appeared.

It’s as hot as the sun.



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