God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1256: Three heads

The first two hundred and fifty-six chapters

Thousands of magical fantasy stars. ./-<书海阁>-/ -<书海阁>-Advertising Full text

A beautiful scenery, rivers such as spider webs are surrounded by lush forests, many bamboo houses are located, the forests and the heavens are rich in energy, and there is a wonderfully clear fragrance. The aura has a clear fragrance and is rare and rare among the vast rivers.

This place is a unique place and the hinterland of the Thousand Magic.

Deep in the forest, waterfalls and waters, dwarf mountain seats, palace pavilions can be seen everywhere, the various ethnic warriors shuttle between them, absorbing the energy of the heavens and the earth, quenching the flesh and enhancing the soul power.

Thousands of illusions are an ancient force, adhering to the principle of the tendency to nature, in the magic star almost no warships, chariots, where the military does not like to rely on the outside of things, they will develop themselves as the basis of cultivation.

Deep in the forest, there is a small island in the clear lake. The island is full of green and lush.

In the lakeside of the island, many smart fish swim happily and seem to live in ease forever. I don't know if there is danger.

Inside a pavilion on the island, a handsome man lay on his side, a green shirt, holding a book in his hand and studying it.

Half-sounding, he frowned, looked up at the sky, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The Taoist light flashed from the top of his head. If the meteor was going to fall, his eyes were condensed, and his hand was lifted, and the sky was suddenly smashed by one hand.

Deep in the clouds, several figures were not obstructed by enchantment, and they fell down and settled on the island.

There are men and women in the world, and the realm of the world is inscrutable. The Xing Ming of the broken temple, the ancient lotus and the ancient spirit of the Thousand Immortals, Lena and Cecilia of Tianshui Palace are all in it.

In addition, there is a man and a woman.

The height of the man's body is wide, and the head of a hedgehog is erected, his face is hard, he is wearing a rough military costume, and there is dust on his clothes. It is obviously not a particular person.

However, beside him, the broken temple Xing Ming is respectful and careful.

This person is the main temple of the temple, Nishizawa, the name of Wushu, the cultivation of martial arts in his life, not close to the female color, not the things outside the body, informal, all the time in life is used to understand the power of the heavens and the earth.

Nishizawa was the father of the father. His father was the master of the temple, and he was named the new master of the temple before his death.

Although he inherits the position of the lord of the temple, he pays little attention to the broken temple. The broken temple is composed of a small shrine. He almost never asks for trivial matters. Unless the broken temple encounters a crisis, he will be impatient. Come out to solve. .<书海阁>-/ -<书海阁>-Advertising Full text

Although Nishizawa is often passively absent from work, he does not pay attention to the broken temples. The responsible persons of the various halls of the temple can be awe-inspiring to Nishizawa, even more respectful than the father of Nishizawa, and be cautious.

Because of the strongness of Nishizawa, because his military power is the guarantee of the prestige of the temple, Nishizawa entered the time of immortality. It was much shorter than his father’s time. His personal combat power exceeded his father’s strength. It is his opponent, and he has been growing stronger.

As long as it is strong enough, Nishizawa will not be ignorant of the broken temple, and will still be respected. No one will dare to be provocative.

Come over, in addition to Nishizawa, there is also a woman, this woman looks beautiful, looks good, and Lena has seven points similar, Feng Yun mature and moving, she is Lena's sister, Tianshui Palace, Lorraine .

"Ling Xiang, you have been intoxicated in the beautiful scenery for many years, is there any improvement in the realm?" Lorraine is not gorgeous and expensive. On the contrary, it is extremely simple and elegant. After she fell, she smiled and said casually.

Lingxiang, who is a green shirt, is the sect of the thousand illusionary sects. He is a smug-skinned zea, the master of the temple, and the elegant Lorraine is the owner of the palace of the Tianshui Palace.

These three are the super-powerful leaders of the power, and they are all true immortal powers. However, they may reach a very high level in the realm of the realm. They do not focus on the instrument and do not put their status on their minds. It has reached the point of returning to the true nature, and the mind is natural.

Ling Xiang smiled casually and put down the book. He said: "Which is so easy. In these years, I put down my strength and repaired myself. I walked alone at the end of the Xinghai, and between the sentiment and the landscape paintings, let the soul keep clean and clear, so hard, the realm It’s just that it’s not changed, it’s not a step backwards. It’s really hard to make a point.”

The main hall of the broken temple, Nishizawa nodded, and the voice was rough and powerful. Shen Sheng said: "To reach our level of realm, relying on the help of the external force and the help of the external medicine, it is obviously not the right direction. In these years, I scattered Going to strength, breaking up the soul altars one by one, incarnation of mortal people experiencing all sorts of heart and soul in the world, the conscious realm has changed slightly, but it is still far from the breakthrough."

Nishizawa sighed and looked at the vast sky, saying: "I really don't know how he cultivated."

When Nishizawa mentioned "he", everyone in the field was silent. If it was pressed by a giant mountain, there was a heavy burden of breathing.

"In those days, we did not reach immortality. Our parents and grandparents were qualified to participate in the war. Almost all the troops were wiped out. Countless strong people died for it. Afterwards, the master said that the war was so shocking, that person is worthy of The first strong, although his soul is gone, the flesh still bursts."

Lorraine, the palace owner of the Tianshui Palace, sighs.

Everyone looked dignified, frowned, and indulged in long-term memories, for a long time.

"In those days, our parents and grandparents were fortunate enough to have received his bones and introduced the cheekbones into our hands. I hope that we will one day be able to understand the unknown power through the bones. After a long time, have you harvested?" When I spoke, I had a box in my palm, which was made for Tianxiang Anshen Yu, and it was consistent with the box material of the president of the giant chamber of commerce.

Nishizawa and Lorraine heard the words, and the look became extremely complicated. When their hearts moved, the palms also appeared in two boxes, which were also the material of Tianxiang and Shenyu.

Lorraine bitterly sighed and looked at Lena next to him. "In the past few years, our sisters have tried all sorts of ways to try to break through his bones and find the way to get that power. Unfortunately, all failed. There were times when it was extremely dangerous and my sister was almost seriously injured."

She looked at Ling Xiang and looked at Nishizawa. She said: "You have spent your entire life on cultivation. What kind of mystery you have realized, that kind of power... Do you perceive it?"

Nize was heavily faced, and his long brow was twisted into a line. He shook his head and said, "Nothing."

"I am the same." Ling Xiang frowned deeply.

Gu Lian, Xing Ming, and Lena were only listening carefully after they came over, and they did not speak up.

At this point, Lena indulged for a long time, and finally couldn't help but say: "The bones that our parents and grandfathers had come to belong to that person. They have passed by for thousands of years. Now the protoss dominate the world, and the bloodthirsty blood has its origins. The inheritance of human beings also appeared, defeating Haig, calming the stars of the sea, and will surely repeat the battle wave. We should have a choice."


Ling Xiang did not look around, looked into the distance, looked at the bottom of the clear lake, looked at the tail fish, "Why do we choose? Why, every time there are four major races for the world, and we can only choose One party? I really didn’t participate in the war and didn’t qualify for the world?”

As soon as this statement came out, Nishizawa, Lorraine, Gu Lian, Xing Ming, and Lena were all shocked.

Ling Xiang suddenly looked back, his eyes were as sharp as a knife. "One hundred thousand years, always for the four major races to dominate the world, we can only passively follow one footsteps, can participate in the war, but can not harvest the fruits of victory. Ten thousand years ago, In order to help the Protoss to defeat the bloodthirsty, I am a thousand illusionaries, you broke the temple, the ancestors of the Tianshui Palace have been buried, we are badly hurt, but after the protoss win, what have we got?"

The people of Nishizawa and Lorraine are silent.

"We didn't get anything. Our flesh and blood sacrifices in exchange for the rise of the Protoss, in exchange for the monopoly of the Protoss, we created the protagonist's strength, and our status has not changed much. We can only stick to ourselves. The Star World is just not invaded by the Protoss."

Ling Xiang sharply drank, changed his body's calm and clean atmosphere, and became sharp.

Everyone in Nishizawa is moving, thinking, frowning and silent.

"This, my thousand illusion is not willing to be a participant, this is a rare opportunity, our ancestors missed one by one, I Lingxiang did not want to miss!" He whispered.

"Do you want to fight for it?" Nishizawa and Lorraine asked in unison.

Ling Xiang smiled and said: "When you come over this time, don't you want to fight? The bloodthirsty pulse is weakened now, the protoss is strong, and the bloodthirsty is often a miracle. If we operate well, we can Opportunity to replace the tens of thousands of years in which the four races dominate the world!"

"I only ask, this matter, the man of the Giant Chamber of Commerce... What is the opinion?" Lorraine suddenly said.

"It's the same as my thoughts." Ling Xiang smiled.

Lorraine and Nishizawa neglected their eyes and gently nodded their heads.

"Before this, in order to express our sincerity, the Giant Chamber of Commerce has sent out his bones. We have not been able to understand the mystery for many years. We may also send out the bones, even if it is a congratulation to the boy." Ling Xiang suddenly said.

"If he can't climb to the top?" Lorraine and Nishizawa frowned.

"Then choose the meditation, no matter who is the master, what we want is only bloodthirsty and the life and death of the Protoss. It is best for them to lose both." Ling Xiang smiled.

Lorra nodded and turned to look at Cecilia, and immediately said to Lena: "Recently, you look at this girl and don't let her leave you."

"I have a measure." Lena nodded.

Cecilia is full of bitterness.

From hearing the first sound of Ling Xiang, she knew that for a long time, she was afraid that she could no longer see Shiyan, and her freedom would be restricted.

I have done tens of thousands of years of supporting characters, such as Thousands of Fantasy, Broken House, Tianshui Palace, and even the Giant Chamber of Commerce. This time, I am finally reluctant to continue to be a supporting role, but I am willing to compete for the protagonist and suppress the momentum of the four major races. Their combined power replaces the four races.

This time, the battle of Xinghai is much more complicated.



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