God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1280: Sublimation of life

Shiyan and Xiaoyao left, and the magic star returned to calm, but Lingxiang, Nishi, and Lorraine’s faces were not good.

The sudden arrival of Xiaoyao broke their plans, forcing them to hand over the bloodthirsty bones to Shiyan early. Even the details of the combination of Shangyu and bloodthirsty were not enough, and the grass was over. .

Lingxiang, Nishizawa, and Lorraine are all immortal worlds. After entering this realm, they all have ambitions to fight for heaven and earth. However, today’s happy arrivals are like the same bombing thunder, they are shocking their hearts. Restless.

"Happy has reached the immortal double heaven, then the other three Protoss of the Protoss should also enter this realm, plus the Lord of God... This is really not to be underestimated." Lorraine sighed.

"I didn't expect him to come suddenly, but now, the results are not bad, and we expect that although there are discrepancies, but it is not much different." Ling Xiang said with a deep heart, said: "This matter must be immediately passed, let the giant The Chamber of Commerce knows that if Shiyan is involved in the Thousand Magic Stars, we will have a hard time explaining it."

"This kid is really embarrassing, and turned his face ruthlessly. With the woman's bargaining conditions, he can really get his hand." Nishizawa praised.

"I don't think he is so easy to die." Lorraine nodded. .

"The battle with the Protoss, we ... can never go to the front, the Protoss is too strong." Ling Xiang whispered.

Nishizawa and Lorraine nodded secretly, and they all thought deeply that the arrival of today’s happy people made them realize that the Protoss can be honoured for thousands of years.

The outer edge of the magic star.

Shi Yan hugged Ouyang Luoshuang and galloped like a star.

His face was dignified, his eyes were shining, and he kept looking at the surroundings. He didn't dare to relax.

Because of the pressure of the shadow, there is always a glimpse of him, but he knows that Happy is nearby and is following him.

He has already rushed out of the magic star, but the surrounding space is still closed. He can't open a gap at all, and instantly breaks into the mainland of God.

The layers of space, if tightened by the giant hand, can make the hand loose, otherwise he will not be able to penetrate the space.

The heavy pressure, like the tide, made him fly in the magical field. Every moment, every second, he was consuming the power of the body, the normal journey, because of the pressure of the happy he had to pay Several times the power.

Really fighting with the existence of this level, he realized what is called powerlessness, his stars, the meaning of space, the meaning of life and death, because the gap in the realm itself, such as sudden failure, all kinds of means can not achieve the expected effect, if he still holds Ouyang Luoshuang, feared that he had been killed early.

He finally realized a helpless fact: his realm is still too low compared to those of the giants.

He deeply felt that with the cultivation of his current realm, he was simply not enough to cope with the future situation.

He must break through as soon as possible, quickly enter a new world, best, can enter immortality!

He found that there is a difference between the immortal and the beginning of God. The power of the true immortal power is far from the pseudo-immortality of the perfection.

"Where are you taking me?" Ouyang Luoshuang stopped her blood in the lower abdomen. Her body power was imprisoned, but she could speak. "How long are you going to seal me?"

Shi Yan’s face was cold and he said: “Shut up!”

Then, his palms are like a river, and he joins Ouyang Luoshuang, and he is bound by her ability to speak.

After finishing all this, he also looked carefully at the surroundings, as if in the dark, a pair of eyes had been faintly looking at him.

He knows that Happy is right beside him and observes his every move. As long as he has a little relaxation, the ushered in may be the disaster of extinction. If you let Xiaoyao from the words of Ouyang Luoshuang, guess that he will not really kill. Then his fate will be doomed, and he will die in the hands of the happy.

So he can only let Ouyang Luoshuang shut up.

Since the debut, there has never been a moment when it is difficult, and the feeling of life and death being held by people makes him feel so uncomfortable.

Because of the pressure of the happy, he has become extremely laborious in the illusion of the field, almost every distance of the shuttle will make him consume a bit of power.

He also needs to concentrate, be careful to guard against the high-handed shots, and make a posture that can kill Ouyang Luoshuang at any time, so that Xiaoyao does not dare to come.

This is a torment.

Not far from him, Happy is indeed riding the moon, such as a very patient hunter, silently prey.

He constantly releases his power and influences the space, so that Shiyan can't tear a gap back to the gods' continent. As long as Shiyan can't get out of his sight, he can find an opportunity. Once Shiyan has a slack, he can take a shot. The disciples will be saved and the stone rock will be killed.

He is waiting for the opportunity to compete with Shi Yan for patience. He has confidence and believes that the winner will be him.

Happy is the tyrant of the bloodthirsty era, the most terrible existence between heaven and earth, with a tens of years of age, experienced too many arduous sufferings, in the realm of the righteousness, he has been immersed in countless days and months, his state of mind There is almost no flaw in the already honed.

In his eyes, the young Shiyan, dare to confront him, is a joke.

He secretly released the pressure, increased the difficulty of the stone rock speeding, and consumed the spirit of Shiyan.

He secretly sneered, waiting for Shiyan to consume a force, and when his spiritual will collapses, he hits it.

Shiyan is also waiting.

He is very helpless. He knows what thoughts are there, but he has no choice.

He also has his own ideas. He believes that the arrival of the past, Xize and others should have informed Xuanhe, 腓right, and meditation. He believes that Xuanhe, 腓right, and 晧 晧 will not see him die, because Nowadays, he is the new bloodthirsty lord, representing the banner of bloodthirsty blood, and the blood pattern is also worn in his hand at this time.

He must rush outside, knowing that Happy is consuming him, and that he can only endure the moment he can't stand it.

Because he also needs time, he needs to give time to Xuanhe and Lie Leite. He believes that there will be a turnaround when he is dragged to a certain moment.

He is convinced of this.

He continued to consume divine power and marched in the illusion. In this way, one ran, one secretly followed, and the two spent a long time in the illusion.

The consumption of the wheel, the stone rock is far from being an advancing opponent. Therefore, he is not supported quickly, and the body's divine power should gradually flow.

Happy seeing hope.

But at this time, Shiyan began to motivate new forces, flesh and blood, the negative power in the cave, the power of the stars, and so on to taste the hidden energy, gradually replacing the power of God and turning it into the driving force of his advancement.

Under the pressure of happyness, he completely released himself. Under the threat of life and death, he consumed power, honed his spiritual will, and cognition of the world and the soul, such as being sublimated, in an inexplicable way. , secretly elevated.

"The sublimation of the magnetic field of life, the qualification of the kid is extraordinary, it is the successor of that person."

In the shadows of the shadows, the look of the moment is slightly moving, muttering and whispering, and there is a hint of surprise in the shackles.

The magnetic field of life is the core of the soul imprint. It is the key to the high-skill race to win the low-level race. For example, the magnetic field level of the four races is higher than the ordinary race, and it is a more perfect advantage.

The magnetic field of life can be sublimated, and it can evolve with the imprint of the soul to reach a new height of life. However, the sublimation of this magnetic field of life does not have the opportunity to be touched by everyone. Only those who integrate the origin of the mainland have evolutionary life. The possibility of a magnetic field, but also sufficient qualifications and opportunities, is very mysterious.

Happy is the Lord of God, so he knows the sublimation of the magnetic field of life, because the Lord God once experienced it, saying that it is a mysterious and mysterious realization, which is more than a breakthrough in the realm of realm.

The most important thing is that the sublimation of the magnetic field of life is often in the situation that the parties do not know, will not lose consciousness, will always be awake, and will be very clear, not like the realm of the realm, such as falling into a dream.

The same is true, Happy did not dare to act rashly, still only secretly watching, my heart was amazed.

Shi Yan did not know the subtlety of life magnetic field sublimation. Under the pressure of Xiaoyao, he discovered that the soul is clear, space, life and death, and the three kinds of meanings of the stars, alternately flashing in the soul altar, many unclear places, no reason seems to have penetrated. .

It is like a very stupid person, such as drinking the magic medicine that opens the wisdom, suddenly it is smart.

This is the transformation of the soul, like a low-intelligence monster, reaching a certain level, and the mind is open.

He is faintly aware that this kind of QiO that changes all his soul altars comes from the origin of his fusion, from the deep integration of the origin and the grace of the mainland...

This is not the realm of the realm, but the transformation of the seal of the soul. He is still under the pressure of the happy, but his inner fear is uneasy, but it seems to be unloaded. He still carries the Ouyang Luoshuang constantly, midway, his soul. The altar of the altar is calm and waveless. There are many unreasonable things about space, stars, life and death. If you open the skylight, it will be bright.

He is very relaxed and very leisurely, but he knows that there is a happy side, and the instinct knows how to deal with it.

Therefore, he closely linked Ouyang Luoshuang, and continued to release his pressure, telling Xiaoyao that he has been watching him, just like the beasts that have survived for many years in the mountains. In the face of crisis, they will breed instinct and predict in advance. , can be prepared in the most perfect state.

In this state, he actually went out of the magical field and came to the Star River between the thousands of magic stars.

In the glimpse of the illusion, he suddenly realized a kind of enlightenment in his heart, as if he felt that he would escape from the ascension, and there would be a turning point immediately.

The turnaround really happened.

A little glint flashed in front of him, and the swelled light instantly, like a mouth, directly swallowed him, and then the glimmer of light quickly contracted, and before that, the strange disappeared.

When he was on his head, he had no trace, no trace of breath, if not in the world.

......[To be continued


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