God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1314: Guide evil

The ruptured void, as the mirror is healed again, is flat and gradually returns to normal.

Shi Yan's demeanor is focused on his experience of the space's mystery in the past, in a way that is wonderfully determined, and turned into a pair of magical hands that can connect the space, and smooth the space a little bit.

That space, such as wound healing, and numerous torrents of extraterrestrial torrents, were re-blocked outside.

A glimpse of the gods as a space blade, wandering around the surrounding stars, causing many fragments of the Xinghai to burst and being rushed into the turbulent stream.

After half an hour, the void of the void that he and the fire of the starfire burst, was completely repaired by him, and the collapse of the fire and rain stars was avoided.

He looked around and looked at the wreckage of a Protoss battleship with a smile on his face.

The mind is slightly moving, and the hole is like a giant whale that absorbs water and slams a huge adsorption force!

The energy of the protoss that had not dissipated after the tragic death, such as a stream of energy that was invisible to the naked eye, swiftly rushed to his acupoints, allowing his acupoints to be filled again with energy, giving birth to a faint pain.

The feeling of energy overflowing the whole body made him refreshed and couldn't help but grin.

"Is it funny?"

Widson’s voice sounded strangely. In the distant abyss, his arrogant body burst out and almost instantly came to Shiyan’s body and looked bad.

At this time, the surviving Protoss people were in the direction of the domain sea, and even the warriors of the six-pointed star land rushed to the domain.

This one, now only one stone rock, after the arrival of Widson, the two scorpions contain a blazing flame but did not immediately kill.

When he looked at Shiyan, his eyes suddenly flashed a sorrowful helplessness. Looking at the corpses floating in the Xinghai, Widson whispered: "Do these people die because of me..."

The people of Thornton of the Blakell family have been confused about how Widson would kill his family after he was crazy. Now they finally understand that they can pay a very painful price.

Widson himself, I don't know what will happen after he goes crazy, but he can wake up and can understand a little - there are many people who die because of him.

This way, he sees it more clearly, because this madness lasted for a long time, and it was so long that he finally faintly awake.

At that point, he made him understand a lot...

Widson was not a murderer, when he knew that because of his madness, many of the violent deaths that followed him disappeared, and he was unacceptable for a while.

Although those people's eyes are scornful and disdainful, they are members of his submarine ship. They have been with him for many years, and they still have a little more feelings.

"No, most of the people who died because of you are in the dangers of the abyss, and only account for about a quarter of the deaths." Shi Yan frowned slightly and said: "Another quarter, because of me. A collision with the Sparks caused the void to burst, resulting in a vain rush of those people... One person violently died, and some were plunged into the void and died."

"It's you!" Widson sneaked like a beast. "I know that you are like a dream that invades my soul and knows the sea. I continue to perfuse my madness and violent desires. I can't lead myself, and ignite the evil in my body. The power! It’s all because of you, because of you, my sire has disappeared!”

Widson burst into a sigh of smoldering like a flame, as if he had to fall into a crazy state again.

"It's all good because of me." Shi Yan didn't deny it, but he smiled lightly. During the speech, he flew out like a god.

The gods suddenly fell into the direction of the sea of ​​fire and rain, and quickly crossed the barriers of the layers of space, and it seemed to have been hundreds of miles away.

The Gorefiend, who is staring at a battleship, is in a hurry and screams to quickly step into the sea.

In his view, this fire and rain star field collapses soon, and will be erased from the sea of ​​the comet. If he can't leave the place before the star field is erased, he and the helper from the Malang star field will turn into fly ash.

This is something he can't accept!

Suddenly, as soon as he became familiar with the fascination of the gods, he perceives the breath of Shiyan from the knowledge of the gods, and the Gorefiend looks and immediately releases the mind.

That **** knows that he also cooperates with him to know the sea and deliver a message.

After a few seconds, the Gorefiend suddenly laughed, and ignored the crowds, and shouted: "Stop! Stop all! Return to the six-pointed star, all return, this star field is back to normal!"

At the same moment, the stone rock in the direction of the six-pointed star is a dignified look, staring at the desperate Widson, suddenly said: "Do you believe it or not, can I kill you?"

Widson, who wants to fall into the violent situation, screamed and said: "You can't kill me!"

"Your corrosion power can corrode space, can corrode stars, and even corrode the world, but he can't take me anymore, because I can directly swallow the power of corrosion directly! This is the meaning of inheritance from Jiaduo. Gado is one of the gossips, and the mystery I inherited is the Lord of Bloodthirsty!"

Shi Yan snorted and said: "You don't think that the chance is that you can get the inheritance of Jiaduo. You can break the world by yourself. You are only the first god, even if you are motivating all the power, I will inherit the bloodthirsty master. Under the devour of the mystery, there will still be nothing to do, because, my righteousness, is your nemesis!"

When this statement came out, Widson looked awkward and stunned. "Gado, who is Gado? I don't know him at all, I don't know who he is, I don't know what you are talking about..."

Shi Yan frowned, looked at him deeply, his eyes sharp as a knife, if you want to pierce the heart of Widson.

Half a ring, he was also confused, because he found that Widson is not lying, this man is barbaric in the body, is not good at conspiracy, which makes Shi Yan puzzled, "you do not know from the body spewing The corrosive atmosphere that came out came from the addition of my gossip, do you really know nothing?"

"I don't know." Widson muttered. "I don't want to know!"


A wonderful "domain field" spurted out from Widsen's fist, and there was a slight erosive atmosphere in the "domain field", but it was much worse than when he was mad.

Weidson, who is not mad, is just the ordinary **** of the two gods. It seems that he can't release his inner evil, and he can't provoke the power of the corrupt world.

This degree of offensive can not pose any threat in Shiyan's eyes. He frowned and yelled "forbidden", raised his hand to the "domain field", and the space rippled in the palm of his hand, even directly deducting the "domain field". Live, so that the "domain field" can not move.

He spit out a star river, and the star river fell to the field, and countless stars splashed.

Widson immediately discovered that the forces in his perfusion field were quickly offset by the flying of the stars.

He has not used negative power from beginning to end, for fear that the negative emotions that will re-enter will once again bring the madness of Widson, the crazy Widson, ten times more fierce than normal, even if he has to deal with it. A headache, so he carefully controlled his strength.

"You kill the many Blakell family members of the submarine ship. Thornton and Pago are all in the eye. Thornton is trying to deal with you, even the detonating **** leaves that would have torn the enchantment of the six-pointed star. You think that you can still return to the Blakell family and get the approval of Thornton?"

Shi Yan’s words are like ruthless cold arrows, piercing into the heart of Widson, the words are cold.

Widson’s heart was stinging, and his eyes were terrified. He was not afraid of Thornton and Pago’s revenge against him. He was afraid that the Brecker family would destroy the stars of his barbarian brothers.

- This is why he knows that the Blakell family members look down on him and have to be loyal to Thornton.

Because his barbarian domain is a subsidiary of the Blakell family, Thornton passed a command, and his mother, his loved ones, would be slaughtered like cows and sheep.

He couldn't stop it, and he couldn't stop it. It was desperate to work for Thornton. He hoped that Thornton would look at his loyalty and leave a living path for his barbarian brothers.

Now, when I heard Shiyan’s cruel explanation of the facts, he was chilling, and his soul was full of fear. Even the thought of revenge on Shiyan was weak. He only wanted to return to the star field where he was born as soon as possible, and bring his loved ones out and get rid of it. The encirclement of the Protoss.

He followed Thornton for many years and knew Thornton's cruel and cold blood. He sure that once Thornton had freed his hand, he would raise a knife for his home.

Widson was silent for a long time, and glanced at Shiyan, and rushed toward the domain.

He has to rush home as soon as possible, to swear to protect his homeland and find a living path for his loved ones!

Shi Yan’s eyes flashed in the eyes, watching Widson’s eagerness to leave, and did not say anything more.

He can be sure that Widson can't catch up with the escaping of Thornton and Pago, and he is sure that once Thornton leaves and returns to the ancient gods, he will immediately order the homeland of the commander, Widson, because Thornton must do something. What to vent, venting this fiasco.

Widson can come to the fire and rain star field, is led by the Protoss, if he is not stupid, he wants to return to his homeland, must turn to the giant comet, certainly will not pass the Protoss.

Such a turn, he will definitely be too late, will be late.

When he returns to his homeland, his native land must be smeared with charcoal, and he will be slaughtered by the Protoss. He will see despair and may burst into madness.

This is exactly what Shiyan wants...

Widson and Gado had a close relationship before, and from Widson's body, he also noticed another evil force, that power... seems to have a bloodthirsty taste.

He has a bloodthirsty bone, he has explored it, and he has also perceive it in detail. The breath from the bones is indeed similar to that of Widson.

Such a character of Widson will become a weapon for dealing with the Protoss. If used well, it will greatly help the bloodthirsty.

The premise is to let Widson hate the Protoss and let him reverse the revenge flame to the Protoss.

He believes that Thornton will help him achieve his goals well, and all he has to do is just guide him and guide Widson slowly to their camp.

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