God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1326: Mystery

The Lord God’s words fell, and the four kings stayed like wooden chickens. The soul was hit by a flood and experienced an inexplicable baptism.

"Master, you mean... the universe of our patriarchs, the universe we have been living in, is just the beginning of others? Just like our beginnings?" He, this moment suddenly has a sense of sadness.

Freedom, the king of God, and the light are all there.

The four kings are quite similar to the bloodthirsty eight majors. In the vast sea of ​​stars, each of them is a miracle, an eternal legend, and an inexhaustible existence.

But at this moment, they were completely shocked, and the shocked body was incomplete!

"That's it." God Lord is indifferent. "The words that bloodthirsty left for me, I thought for so many years, I really figured it out, bloodthirsty... It deserves respect from all of us. He just exceeded the immortality, just re- Give him a chance, he can break through this beginning, rush out of the cage, and truly fly freely into the sky."

After a pause, God said: "He was finally destroyed, but not destroyed by us, but the real master of the universe, killing him with our hands!"

The four kings are still confused.

God sighed and clicked on his head. "If there was no experience of my ancient land shortage thousands of years ago, if I didn't get a source of origin, how can my family rise? How can I bring it? How do you kill him?"

As soon as this statement came out, the four kings shook in shock and shouted in unison: "You mean, the waste is..."

"It is the Lord of the universe. Although it is in a state of heavy division and division, but the brain is the main brain, this universe is created by it. Our Protoss and other three major races are created by its four souls. For the source of the righteousness. All our righteousness comes from it. It is the rules and truths of this universe. Just as we can dominate our own beginnings, it can dominate all the creatures of this universe! Can dominate us! But it is Breaking down the entity, splitting into five parts, is in a state of ambiguity, or there will be no bloodthirsty. It will not take our hands to achieve its will..."

After a meal, the Lord continued: "The soul and life born in this universe, from the birth of the scorpion. The soul has its mark, this is our sadness, because we will be bound by the rules here. Its constraint, because it is a rule, is like in our beginnings, we can smash and destroy the earth in a sacred world."

"The tragedy of bloodthirsty is also because it was born in this universe, and it has its mark. If it is not, it is strong enough to save the blood. It is enough to break away from the cage. Soaring the real universe!" God sighed.

"The bloodthirsty devours the righteousness, and the eight evil forces have never appeared before. Where did he come from?" He wondered.

"The ruin is the beginning of the living, but it is not the only sacred place that is too early to live, bloodthirsty. The dark abyss is also a too early creature, the shape of the beginning of the universe is a black hole in the universe, it can swallow everything, we have never seen The dark abyss has swallowed the star of life?" God is the main road.

The four kings were once again, and immediately said: "Isn't that bloodthirsty devours the righteousness?"

"The dark abyss. It is another primordial creature, the bloodthirsty devours the mystery, and the eight great esoteric inheritances, all derived from this primacy, but bloodthirsty and our protoss, undead, celestial, and dynasty The blood is refined and bloodthirsty. It should have been created by the wilderness at first. I don’t know why it was passed down to the dark abyss. All these are mysteries. I thought for a long time and I didn’t think through it.” God shook his head.

"Then the master called us this time, what is it?"

"In addition to the abyss and dark abyss we know, there is another primordial being awakened. This primordial spirit has been scattered in the emptiness of the void. When I broke through the immortal triple heaven, I saw it in the void. I passed this thing, but I didn't know what it was until the bloodthirsty died. Tell me what I said. After I realized it for so many years, I can figure it out." God said.

"There is another Taisheng spirit?" The four kings are stunned.

"This thing has been split in all corners of the void, and it should have been so badly wounded that it may not have been awake for hundreds of millions of years. After years of accumulation of strength, it gradually awakens consciousness through its way. Originally it It should be waking up after a complete recovery. It may take hundreds of millions of years. At that time, maybe the universe is gone, and we may have died long ago. But now, it is awakened by anger."

God’s eyes flashed a little and said: “Our old friends are now there, perhaps to bear its anger. All we have to do is wait patiently for opportunities. I have been recovering for so long, and now it’s only about immortality. The power of this, if it can kill this primordial spirit, absorb its soul of the beginning, not only can restore all the power, but even directly beyond the immortal, with the real tearing cage, the power that rushed out from the wild rule of the universe! Then, I It’s one of the beginnings, it’s the beginning of the disaster, and I can really compete with it!”

The four kings are excited and the blood in the body is ignited and ignited.


Almost at the same time.

At the bottom of the giant mysterious palace, the president of the Giant Chamber of Commerce, and the four great immortals, Nishizawa, Lingxiang, and Lorraine, are discussing important things.

Discussing how to make the Protoss and bloodthirsty die, they dominate the Stars and take charge of the grandeur of the world.

In the speech, the evil suddenly became extremely wrong, and the eyes shone with strange luster, and the peristalized runes changed their minds.

The fascinating light of the Tao has permeated from the sin of the day, like a rainbow, lingering on him, dazzling to the extreme.

The evil spirits that were being spoken were suddenly exposed to the hustle and bustle, and there was no movement there, as if I could not hear the speeches of Nishizawa, Ling Xiang and Lorraine.

"Heavenly evil! Heaven evil!" The three men could not help but scream, to awaken the evil spirits, continue to negotiate important things.

The evil spirits are indifferent.

Not many people know that the true meaning of the true evil of the evil spirits is actually the same as that of Zi Yao, and it is also the absorption of the gods outside the domain.

In fact, the president of each generation of the giant chambers of commerce, the ancestors of the evil spirits, may have different minorities, and will cultivate the flames of the righteousness, or the ice and the righteousness, etc. In fact, many people who are familiar with the evil spirits, only when he only Proficient in flames. The evil spirit itself is indeed a remarkable refiner.

However, the three people of Nishizawa, Lingxiang, and Lorraine are clear that the evil spirits hide a kind of mystery, and that the righteousness is the true meaning of his true major.

That righteousness is the mystery of the gods, and the mysterious mystery is similar, but completely different mysterious.

At this moment, the evil spirits of the evil spirits are shining, and there are mysterious runes in the eyes. A vague whisper gradually appeared in the mouth. The whispering language, such as the extremely old-fashioned tone, can penetrate into the soul, even the unbelievable Nishizawa, Lingxiang, and Lorraine. I can’t understand it.

But they know that the evil spirits are extremely weird at this moment, such as the cultivation of magical powers into the fire.

Ling Xiang three people look dignified. Discussed a bit and thought what should be done.

At this time, if a current flows through the minds of the evil spirits, the confused color in the evil spirits is swept away in an instant, and he resumes the Qingming. If he accepts some kind of mysterious inheritance, he silences for a few seconds, suddenly "I have some discomfort in my body. Let me calm down alone. Let's wait."

Then, the evil spirits disappeared and disappeared.

He appeared directly in the deepest part of the palace. Here is the place where he first sent the jade. The walls of this place are covered with countless mysterious and cumbersome runes, and there is a deep and mysterious water pool in the center. Such as a flash of indescribable magical door, contains endless mystery.

As soon as the evil spirits appeared, they bathed directly in the pool, coughing hard in the pool, and coughing every time. The body will squirm, as if it was invaded by a certain creature.

His face became extremely cold and cold. The look in the eyes is almost exactly the same as that of the previous Zi Yao, with the arrogance of all things being cold, like the gods who dominate everything, there is no trace of humanity.

In the pool where he bathes, there are many mysterious scenes, and a huge insect-like shadow creeps in and there is nowhere to go.

A burst of chilly volatility hit, a bunch of smashing light splashed out of the pool, all into the body of the evil spirits, the body of the flesh is very horrible, if the wave spread out, fear that it can directly destroy the giant comet.

Countless mysterious runes, flying out of the wall, there are tens of millions, as if a dense network, filled the palace, resisting the impact of the evil spirits.

Let the horrible power of destroying the giant comet give control to the evil spirits, making the evil spirits scream, such as the wild beasts on the verge of extinction.

He was exploding and bloody, and it would be annihilated in the next second.

It seems to be experiencing some amazing transformation!


Void turbulent watershed.

Ming, Xuanhe, 腓right, Di Carlo, and Reddy's five immortal strongmen, together to release the power to suppress the bound giants, are all dignified, as if facing the biggest enemy of their lives.

Every time the giant worm squirmed, the five of them would be shocked, such as being bombarded by a giant hammer on the chest, revealing the color of the wolf.

At this level of battle, Shi Yan couldn't intervene at all. He could only watch it silently, showing the horror of color. He never thought about this kind of thing in the world, so that under the cooperation of the five great immortals tenacious.

There was a strong uneasiness in his heart. He always felt that there was a crisis in the middle of the battle. He was approaching a little bit. It was a mysterious feeling from the deputy soul, which made his soul feel trembling.

He didn't know what was going to happen. Everything here is beyond his cognition. The words of Meditation and Di Carlo are simply the destruction of his usual common sense.


Suddenly, a voice came from the blood of the hand in the hands of the scorpion. Before the sorrow, the blood pattern was taken away, and the ring spirit was re-sealed. Then, due to the struggle of the giant worm, Di Carlo was severely wounded, and he tried his best to deal with the giant worm.

I don't know if his seal was finally finished, but now, with the **** ringing and the abnormal sound coming out, the face of the cicada suddenly becomes extremely ugly.

Shi Yan also changed his mind. He suddenly remembered the words he had said before he was in Meditation. He said that the giant worm seems to be helping the spirits to break the seal... {飘天文学 www.ptwxz.comThank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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