God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1329: 滔天福泽

On the giant worm, Zi Yao does not have a trace of human emotions, highlighting a colorful singularity!

She seems to be alarmed for the first time!

She looked at Widson, and her expression was condensed. At the same time, the worm squirmed faster and more violently, picking up layers of ripples that could turbulent time and space, releasing the energy that destroyed the earth.

The pressure on everyone is doubled!

If the strength of the giant worm suddenly doubles, the force that climbs in the moment leads to the enchantment seals bound to it, such as the rupture of the net, the forced sorrow, etc., to release the force to repair and make up as soon as possible, so that their power is rapidly passing. .

On the seal of the giant worm, Shi Yan did not participate, and he was unable to intervene at the moment with his realm.

He looked at Widson.

Widson broke out in a frenzy, and the whole body spurted out a thick and corrosive airflow. The domain field spread, and the sound of the ripples in the emptiness of the void, such as boiled water, spread toward the surrounding area and spread amazingly!

The inside of the corrosive force, with the destruction of any living spirit, the horror to the extreme, all the way extended, and finally flocked to the giant worm.

The worms are struggling more and more fierce!

"Resolutely suppress!"

Xuanhe, Yan Lie Te, Di Carlo, and Lei Di are four people. At this moment, they will inspire the four gods of immortality. One by one will work for the eternal life of the eternal life, and the rivers with scarlet blood will evolve into the subtleties between life and death. A strip of corpse turns into a rope that binds the heavens and the earth, a space where the illusion is disillusioned, and a snarling brontosaurus, all of which are applied to the huge body of the giant worm.

The giant worm is dead in a certain interval!

The power of the violent explosion of Widson eventually penetrated and spread to the giant worm.

In the meditation, there is a happy light, a double glimpse, in the seal of the giant worm, highlighting a crack, the crack sends the adsorption force, and the force of Widson's corrosion is taken in, and the giant worm is drawn like a star. The body of the body.

"Puff puff!"

The power of crazy corrosion comes in, such as a strong sulfuric acid smile. The body of the giant worm suddenly appeared strong black smoke, and the giant worm also screamed with obvious pain, such as the beast that was irritated.

Widson swallowed three bloodthirsty bones, and then broke out completely after madness, showing incredible power, such as the power of bloodthirsty bones at the expense of overdraft life. Far beyond the recognition of everyone. The power of corrosion that is driven by it is really devastating.

The giant worm is corroded by the body of the auspicious, and it emits strong smoke. The smoke floated out of the seal, like a cluster of black clouds floating around, seemingly life to pull away.


It is at this time. Shiyan’s mind was shocked, and the body could not help but tremble!

His whole body is like a pump, which breeds endless sucking power, such as giant whales sucking!

A cluster of dark clouds floating from the body of the giant worm, turned into a bundle of black smoke clouds, such as the milk swallows homing, all flocked to him, not into his acupoints.

A power of life that stunned the earth, and violently turned in his hole. Enriched him to trembling!

The black cloud floating from the body of the giant worm falls into the hole of his worm, and there is no need to purify and temper, and it becomes a mysterious energy of pure cockroach!

For example, the clean warm flow, such as the original liquid of life evolution, is only a circle in the vortex of his hole, and it is differentiated through some kind of bond.

Some of the mysterious energy did not enter his beginning. He began to expand in the world, and instantly there are more shining stars!

Those stars, in his mind-changing, there are mountains and rivers, and plants and plants are visible. Clouds and clouds appear, except for the absence of insects and creatures. There is not much difference with the real world!

There is still some energy that falls into his limbs and penetrates into his veins, bones, blood and even bone marrow cells. Those unknown mysterious forces are absorbed by his gods like sponges. It is an indescribable thing. Unbeatable sense of wonder!

Life and flesh are sublimated at the same time!

He developed a kind of wonderful feeling that he was born in the blood pool at the beginning of the year, soaked in the blood pool.

The black cloud that floated out of the giant worms should have a sense of ruin, because those clouds leave the body and try to leave, but the smoldering is swallowed by the power of the stone rock. The group whirls a circle in his hole, and the residual consciousness is erased and destroyed, leaving only pure mysterious power.

This is the mysterious power, such as the liquid purification of life, nourish his body, and warm his soul.

His gods, soul altars, and the beginning of the world are fully sublimated!

The appearance of Widson, urging the power of three bloodthirsty bones, forming a havoc-like erosion force, may corrode the giant worms more than the horror of Canada, let some power on the body of the worm be ablated, His engulfing is right.

He was just a cold-eyed man. At this moment, he became the biggest beneficiary. Every time he floated a cluster of black clouds on the giant worm, he absorbed one!

Widson is already crazy, his power of corrosion, the giant worm can be avoided, and the most unfortunate can also calmly retreat, but at this moment, the five great immortals of the Xuanhe and the Ming dynasty, seal it together, and they are trapped here. The front bears the mad corrosion of Widson.

The mysterious force that has been squandered by the eternal life of hundreds of millions of years, such as the power of pure source, does not even need purification, it has become a catalyst for the comprehensive evolution of Shiyan!

Shiyan’s feeling at this time is unparalleled, such as a mortal toward the warrior, and the warrior is evolving towards the ultimate god!

Every second, his bones, cells, blood, and veins were immersed in the power of the hole. He first discovered that his body was like a sea filled forever, bones, blood, veins, cells and even small fibers. It seems to become insatiable, inexhaustible engulfing the power of the turbulence, such as the instinct of evolution!

His beginnings are also expanding, one star flashing, the Xinghai is extended, and the space is swollen!

The power that overflows from the giant worm is far beyond his understanding. He is not knowing how many times the power of the martial art he has swallowed over the years. Those forces constantly urge him to penetrate into every tiny cell.

At the same time, his ancient power tree was also infiltrated by that force. What is different from the past is that this ancient tree of strength is not grown by the power of filling, but is transformed!

The ancient tree of Shenli has a crystal-clear branch, and it is connected with all the veins of his body. At this moment, the ancient tree of the gods and his veins are gradually integrated!

His heart was shocked.

He naturally knows what this means. The ancient tree of power is the source of strength, and the veins are the circulation hub for the use of the righteousness. He exerts any kind of power, and he needs to extract the power of the ancient tree of the gods, and then pour into the veins, through the consciousness. The limbs are esoteric and condensed.

The process of injecting strength into the veins from the ancient trees of divine power is often the slowest process in the relief of the mystery, because the ancient trees of the gods are in the sea and the danse, and the veins are not connected at all.

But now, the branches of the ancient trees of the divine power are connected directly to a root vein. As long as the mind is moving, the divine power will rush into the veins. The release of an esoteric law is only a matter of thought, without delaying stagnation. There is no loss, and the power can be maximized.

Widson is still screaming with power, consuming the last savvy of the three bloodthirsty bones, releasing the potential of life.

The giant worm struggling to squirm, screaming into the soul, forcing the sorrow, and Xuanhe went all out. The Reddy, who had just entered the immortal double heavens, turned into a dragon-shaped body. But blood is coming out, obviously it is about to reach the limit.

Xuanhe, the heart of the Ming dynasty, knows that the reason why Widsen can reach such a terrible degree in an instant is because of the urging of three bloodthirsty bones.

Once the power of the three remains is exhausted, he will be exhausted and will continue to struggle.

In the meantime, if you can't recreate the giant worm and make it sleep again, all of them will be wiped out.

Therefore, they do not hesitate to sacrifice their true strength for many years at the expense of their own injuries, but also to trap the giant worms, forcing it to withstand the corrosive shock of all Widson.

No one pays attention to the rock.

This so-called bloodthirsty new lord, at this moment in their eyes, is just a small role that is irrelevant, a warrior of the first **** and two heavens, where the role played can be very small.

They don't pay attention to it, and they don't pay much attention to it, so they don't know that when they fully seal the giant insects, when Weidson may exhaust the life potential and catalyze the bloodthirsty bones, Shi Yan is carrying the most touching and inexplicable one in life. Field training!

"help me!"

The sound of the soul, the tender and fearful soul, is poured into the mind of Shiyan.

Shi Yan looked up and looked at Zi Yao on the giant worm. The sound of the soul of Zi Yao was not in the language of the beginning of the spirit. He could hear clearly.

At this time, the Zi Yao people were on the giant worm, and half of the body sank in a meat ball in the giant worm. The beautiful cheeks appeared in a fascinating color. The beauty was full of pleading, and the deep feelings looked at him.

Shi Yan also looked at her, his face flashed a trace of confusion, but quickly became firm, "You are not her!"

"It's me! It's me!" Zi Yao was so eager to cry, and she was so tired that she struggled with the giant worm, and she struggled to escape, but she was caught in a slender waist by several tendons and could not escape from it.

"You are not her!" Shi Yan was sane and awake, closed his eyes and stopped looking at her.

"Hello your heart!" Zi Yao screamed.

Shi Yan is indifferent.

"I am not her, but she is me! It is a part of me! Her soul is a fusion of my ten gods. It is my other avatar. I know the avatar of your so-called seven emotions and six desires. If I dissipate, she will Will no longer exist, do you really want to watch her disappear?" If Zi Yao's words can penetrate everything, the sentence falls into his mind, but the Xuanhe and the Ming Dynasty can't know a little message.

As soon as this statement came out, Shi Yan’s body suddenly shook.

Because he knows that the other party's sentence is true, this is a kind of soul intuition.

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