God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1331: Change!

The void is deep in the air.

The giant worms contracted into a mass, and the body overflowed with a bright yellow cuticle, which was fully defended.

Widsen's corrosive power is still corroding it, but the effect is greatly weakened. It is cultivated in the realm of the people, and it can sense that the energy of the giant worm is still growing weakly. It has not been fatally hit. .

At this moment, the other eleven giant worms are flocking to the domain sea, and they must enter the land from the domain to join the main body.

Five immortal strongmen can't join this giant worm to kill and kill. If the eleven giant worms are all coming, this battle will have no chance of winning.

I have always been scheming, and I have no time at this time. My eyes are dark and faint, and my mood is very heavy.

Xuanhe, Yan Lie Te, Di Carlo, and Reddy are also frowning, and they feel powerless to the giant worm. They know that it will take a long time for the eleven giant worms to come, once they give They are gathering, and everyone will only be able to escape.

The universe in which they live, and the star fields that the Protoss are struggling with, may no longer exist.

To reach their realm, perhaps they can continue to survive in the "virtual domain", but those who do not cultivate the immortal realm will be annihilated and will be reduced to ashes.

"There is nothing to say." Di Carlo shouted.

Deeply frowning, thinking about it, he raised his hand and made a strange light, and the light quietly penetrated into the farthest.

Shi Yan’s heart suddenly swayed.

The strange light from the meditation seems to fall into the center of his heart and sea. When he thinks a little, he realizes where the meditation of the gods penetrates.

Go to the mainland of God.

Sure enough, just a little effort, a flash of light from the meditation of the light door, out of the holy animal Qinglong.

He is the sixth immortal strongman to reach this place!

After the Qinglong came over, he saw the corroded giant worm at a glance, and his face changed dramatically. "Too early life!"

"Green! Long time no see!" Reddy shouted.

Qinglong did not manage him. Looking at the giant worm, the look is very shocking. "How can there be a living spirit in this place?"

"How do you know that it is too early to live?" Xuanhe Road.

"With such a huge creature, I have never noticed the **** smell of the Tian Yaozu. Naturally, it is too early." Qinglong looked at everyone, Shen Sheng said: "I live longer than any of you, I am against this universe. Cognition. It is also a little deeper than you. I still know some long-term things."

"Let's talk nonsense!" The cold and screaming, "I invite you to come. Is there any way to solve it?"

Qinglong looked at everyone, silent for a few seconds, said: "If you can reach the triple sky of immortality. Maybe there is a force of war, but we... no one has entered this realm, afraid that it is not easy to deal with this thing, it is very tricky!"

The words fell, and he suddenly looked at Shiyan, suddenly lightly "billion" and his voice was wrong.

At this moment, the talents think of Shiyan, who has been neglected for too long, and look at him. I don't know why Qinglong is surprised.

In the meantime, Qinglong stood by Shiyan. He calmly looked at Shiyan seriously. The color of his face became more and more obvious. He suddenly said: "He is evolving in a comprehensive sublimation!"

Everyone is puzzled.

Qinglong stunned and saw that everyone was unclear. Instead, he changed his words: "He is changing in the direction of bloodthirsty. This is a new evolution of life form, and he will gradually become perfect. This is a process of self-evolution. Similar to the ghosts, the blood of the undead, the demon, the royal family, the blood is merged to reach the high level of life. And he is with an unknown power. In the way of life evolution, the self Defect repair, become the most perfect form!"

Everyone knows this, and they are all shocking, showing an incredible expression.

For many years, bloodthirsty has been recognized as the strongest, in addition to his mysterious and unknown, but also because of his physical strength, is honored as the most perfect fighting creature.

According to the inferiority, bloodthirsty combines the essence of the four races, gathers the advantages of the four races, makes up for their own shortcomings, and the life form is close to perfection.

Ghostly, this is the closest kind of bloodthirsty, in a way that blends blood to a new height.

At this moment, Qinglong actually said that Shiyan made the life form fully evolved in a new way, in a way different from mixed blood...

This seems to be the first time in the history of 100,000 years!

"You mean, a kind of metamorphosis of his imprint of life, from the undead to the higher level of the soul of the breakthrough?" Xuanhe suddenly shocked.

"Exactly, he was not a pure undead Mozu at first, but his body contained immortal blood, and slowly turned into an undead." He was calm and calm. "I know his past very well, his father." For the Yang family, Yang family, this is a ancestors of the undead Mozu, and the mixed race of the human race, so the Yang family contains immortal blood, with the elevation of the realm, the refinement of the blood, and finally complete the exchange of blood, to Undead blood fills the body, can form an undead body, into the battle form of the undead."

When I paused, I continued to say: "All Yang family members are undead ancestors and human races, and he is naturally the same."

"The blood of the human race is very weak, but the compatibility is the most wonderful. It can blend almost any blood. This is a very magical feature. He rises with the realm, the blood of the blood condenses, the life form is enhanced, and the potential is stimulated. The form of the family can be essentially the existence of the human race in the flesh. Now he is a higher evolution of the life form, just as he has become an undead in the past, moving to a higher level, a kind of incomprehensible Way to break through."

Speaking in silence, his eyes were amazed and he sighed.

"It's still a thorough look." The Holy Beast Qinglong gently nodded and said: "He combines the origin of the fruit, the deputy soul and the grace of the mainland, the main soul is wonderful, the life form is mysterious and ridiculous, even I can't tell why, but I know that after his evolution of life form, the speed of cultivation, the understanding of the righteousness, and even the shape of the soul may change. The high-level form of life is inherently superior. Our four races are stronger than others, such as bloodthirsty and stronger than we are born."

"I am afraid that his transformation will not catch up with the speed of the destruction of this galaxy." Di Carlo suddenly snorted.

When everyone listened to him saying this, they all looked calm and returned to reality.

At this moment, silently running the power of the acupoints to wash the stone rock of the whole body, and suddenly opened his eyes.

He heard what Qinglong and others said and knew about his own state. When he was pleasantly surprised, he suddenly discovered that the breath overflowing from the giant worm suddenly became strong!

He looked at Widson, and suddenly he was eclipsed and screamed: "Widson!"

After the words were violent, everyone was shocked and shocked, showing a sly expression, and they looked at Widson.

This is the release of Widson, the inexhaustible corrosive atmosphere. I don’t know why, the abdomen suddenly swells. If it is stuffed into something, it is a kind of energy that can destroy the Xinghai universe, such as hundreds of millions of volcanoes. The eruption, the violent corrosive atmosphere is simply destroying the earth.

Even the people in the Ming Dynasty, the Qinglong, and the Xuanhe have changed their colors, giving birth to a kind of fear and uneasiness. The Widson at this moment is really shocking.

The giant worm that contracted into a defensive form, was originally waiting for the arrival of the avatar. At this moment, it also realized that it was not good, such as the hedgehog that was awakened, the huge body shook, and the layers of bright yellow ripples rippled out. The emptiness of this emptiness suddenly became splendid and there was a huge explosion.

Numerous extra-territorial streamers, such as torrential rains, have fallen into disarray. Many hurricanes, ice, and horror fields have become turbulent. The emptiness of the volcanic watershed has become a melting pot, and the heat and temperature have also risen.

The giant worm squirmed, and he was desperate to sneak out. When everyone was shocked by Widson, they were caught by their souls.

I still don't know when Weidsen happened to be strong. When I saw the giant worms escaping again, they all showed ecstasy and once again tried their best to seal.

They saw hope!

Although Widson burst into flames, although the flesh and blood are not adult, it is motivating the power of the sky at the expense of life potential, but the breeding power can indeed hit the giant insects.

It is the shape of the giant worm to shrink its full defense. It is afraid that it can't stand the power of horror corrosion of Widsen's return to light. That power is enough to annihilate a star field. The escape of the giant worm just indicates it. Frightened.


The force of corrosion released by Widson spread to the giant worms, and the thick worms suddenly appeared thick smoke.

The cluster smoke was swallowed up by the stone caves and turned into a mysterious energy that did not need to be purified. It was scattered in his limbs, and his body was still absorbed in an insatiable manner, no end.

He gradually felt that the body was a bit strange.

He is still in the form of an undead moat, but the sharp spikes on the elbows, knees, and shoulders are getting more and more sharp and sharp, and they are getting longer, and there is a tingling in the back, and a burst of electric current is coming. The infiltration of the force from the hole into the back is absorbed by the bone cells of the tendon.


His spine bones were strange and crisp, the spine was split, the bones suddenly became longer, and the flesh was amazingly transformed.

A pair of evil broad broad-winged bones burst out from his back. The bones are crystal-clear and sparkling. Among them, there are blood and meridians, which are directly connected with his ancient trees. Like his limbs, he can be He is flexible to use.


When his mind changed, the bones flapped, and a feeling of being in harmony with himself suddenly came to mind.

He was shocked by himself.

With the mysterious energy ejected from the giant worm, he was absorbed wildly in his body, and his physical changes continued.

His two fingernails have also changed, and they have become one meter long, and they have become sharp and sharp like a sharp knife. They are shining with the cold and cold knife. If you can pierce all the creatures, it is easy to break the belly!


Ps: I am sick, today is a chapter, sorry~~{Floating Astronomy www.ptwxz.com Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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