God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1336: Awkward counterattack!

In the depths of the emptiness of the emptiness, the Lord Brian and the meditation are in the top of the hustle and there is nowhere to fight.

It’s just that the two people are covered in layers of psychedelic sorrows, and everyone is gazing at them, but they still can’t be clear and clear. The Lord and the meditation are not as real as the reflection in the water.

At this moment, the people did not realize that, unconsciously, Widson’s power was exhausted and had fallen to the depths of the darkness.

No one noticed that today's stone rock is like a faintly changing shadow, blurred and dark, and sometimes disappears.

The loss of the power of Widson's corrosion is a strong impact. At this time, the body has re-formed the **** defense of the yellow and yellow, and as before, it has sheltered the safety of the body. It is obviously not very good, and the huge body is creeping. If you are hit by a heavy shock, you will be shivering.

In fact, it is true.

There is too much life essence flowing from it. After the energy is destroyed by the force of corrosion, it is absorbed by the rock and turned into a nutrient that promotes the evolution of the life of the stone rock.


Suddenly, a large amount of clusters of black smoke escaped from the body, and an extremely mysterious and unpredictable energy fluctuation suddenly exploded from its periphery.

That energy is not perceivable by ordinary people, and there is no movement, such as being in a state of concealment.

But the stone rock is clear!

The energy released from the cockroach ignited an unknown force in the emptiness of the void, making the void appear as a deep vortex.

The vortex, faintly teleported like a void passage, can directly move away its huge body.

It has to avoid the edge!


Suddenly, Di Carlo screamed out of the space as a mysterious and deep-rooted person. Although he could not perceive the magical wonders of the wonderful fluctuations in his body, he realized the unusual changes in the space, and he was amazed and could not help but violence. "Don't be right!"

This statement came out with a focus on the power of God and the battle of the people, and then suddenly woke up.

It was discovered that Widson had disappeared and found that there was no strong restraint, and it actually meant to escape.

How is this going to happen?

From the various stars, the strong people, at this time, will be regarded as the fat in the plate, hard work for so long, I want to pass through to achieve all the coveted dreams, it took the opportunity to escape?

There is a great tacit understanding, and the public has neglected it. All of them have all come out with a variety of dazzling and magnificent beginnings of the mystery. They are all wrapped up in a huge body, such as layers of spider webs. Tens of layers are bound.

However, losing the power of Widson's corrosion, their layers of defense can not really be awkward.

After taking full advantage of the defense, he and his miraculously fast-enhancing power, and the horrible life fluctuations.

Shi Yan is so careful.

He gave birth to a feeling of incomparable mystery. His changed consciousness was released. If he was opened, he could see the truth of ordinary people who couldn’t peek at it!

In his vision, he felt like a strong magnetic field, and his body emitted a wave of halo, which attracted all kinds of whimsical energy in the turbulent flow outside the field. The energy, the naked eyes could not be seen, and the general knowledge was extremely difficult to capture. Only him After the change of the sea, the abnormal knowledge of the changes, can be captured.

You are absorbing the power of the emptiness of the watershed and thus strengthening your own strength. You must break free from the **** and release the seals of everyone!

What surprised Shi Yan was that he found that no one could stop the cockroaches. The only thing that could stop cockroaches was that Widson, because of the exhaustion of life potential, was annihilated.

He wants to make a reminder.

But at this time, the sound of Zi Yao suddenly emerged from his mind. "Do you really want me to die?"

Zi Yao is enchanting and pitiful, like a small spot flashing on the back of the ridge. This 趟 耀 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Not cold before and ruthless.

Her look is soft and weak, looking at Shiyan, said: "Stone, I don't want to hurt you, I just want to recover, and then I return to the 'virtual domain sea... among all, only you are the most special, I hope you I am an enemy of me everywhere."

Shiyan is amazed.

He can no longer tell the Zi Yao at the moment. In the end, it is Zi Yao’s own consciousness, or it is completely smashed.

He couldn't decide, and he was frowning there, and he was stunned for a while.

He really wants to think that this purple glory is still a fake, but I don't know why, the expression that emerged from Zi Yao's face, from her tone, from her subtle movement details, makes Shi Yan feel faint, this moment appears Come out of Zi Yao, at the very least! There is also a part of the soul consciousness of Zi Yao!

"Remember that when you first met you, you were bound by the people of the League. At that time, I thought that you were unusual. Before returning to the Purple Star, we were deeply immersed in the Sunstar burst and chased by Cato. We experienced together. There are many, many, I still remember clearly..."

Zi Yao looked at him deeply and gently recited the past. Lucy made a sigh of relief. "I woke up and knew that I was a part of it. It belongs to it. It is the world where it is released. Mysterious, I know that I am very sad, but I also know that if it really does not exist, I will... will disappear."

Shi Yanzhen was there, looking at Zi Yao from afar, listening to her narrative in her mind, and speechless for a long time.

He did not say anything at all.

Without his reminder, it is difficult for everyone to realize what is happening at this time.

Shi Yan's clear, in the position of the body underneath, a flash of light appears, and immediately a shadow of a glimpse, such as disappearing in the body.

Immediately, the deep feelings on Zi Yao’s face suddenly disappeared, and she resumed cold and indifferent. She did not open the rock in sight, and fell to the direction of Xuanhe and Protoss. The pupils were full of strong cold.

Shi Yan was suddenly alert and his face changed dramatically, and his soul was strongly disturbed.


Numerous streams of light in the emptiness of the void suddenly become horrible, and countless energy that can be seen or invisible suddenly becomes violent, as if the landslide is cracking, as if the stars were exploding, a group of fires burning clouds Wandering in this void.

Such as a huge glamorous eye, revealing the strange energy of the soul, the kind of energy, the meat is blind, and the people who reach the immortal realm can capture.

"This! This is! This is the kind of energy!" The screaming screaming screams.

Shenwu, freedom, and Guangming are also extremely shocking. They all have deep fears, such as memories of the horror, and chills.

"It is the power mastered by the master!" Xuanhe lightly drink.

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The protagonists of several protoss, the elders of the elders, did not have time to make a scream, and the flesh trembled, and the magnetic field of life suddenly disappeared.

Most people don't know what happened, only the immortal realm can faintly perceive the mystery, but the real one is clear, and there is only one person who knows the ins and outs.

It is stone rock.

After his transformation, the gods were as keen as the eye, and it was clear that the mysterious energy was diffused, infiltrated into the minds of the protoss, and destroyed their souls, causing their souls to collapse and annihilating them directly. .


A sticky, band-like tentacle shot from the inside of the body, entangled the body of the deceased and slammed it toward the body.

Losing the force of Widson's corrosive force, when there is no reminder of Shiyan's distraction, it seems that a certain change has been completed, and a shadow is included in the body, even if the force suddenly rises and swells, it is sealed in the beggar. In the case of the mysterious power, the first large-scale counterattack began.

At the same time, the bursts of whispering sounds came from far away.

Everyone suddenly changed dramatically. Even Xuanhe and Di Carlo were panicked for the first time. Lucy was extremely dignified and uneasy.

"It's eleven points, how come so fast? It shouldn't be like this!" Xuanhe looked at Di Carlo.

Di Carlo's face is ugly, bitterly said: "I don't know, it seems that suddenly the violent force has increased, making the speed of getting out of the body faster."

As they say, in the emptiness of the emptiness of the sights of the people, eleven giant worms, which are larger than the stars of life, squirming and carrying the magnetic field of the ocean, The impact of this place, they swim in the emptiness of the void, such as the giant ship sailing in the sea, splashing a lot of void corrugated, causing a huge explosion in the surrounding, causing the emptiness of the void as a total collapse.

The strong have intuition. At this moment, many powerful people have a feeling of dying in the end, and the instincts feel uneasy.

Everyone looked up and subconsciously looked at the Lord and the Mind, and wanted to know the key moments of these two moments, the two most powerful powers in the world, how to make decisions.

The next moment, everyone's face changed and it became extremely ugly.

Because at the top of the scorpion, it has become a blank, and the lord and the meditation disappeared out of thin air, but they are not at all.

Everyone didn't know what happened, they looked at each other and their faces were very bad. Even Di Carlo frowned deeply. Under the eyes of everyone, he shook his head and said, "Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on, let alone. Know how they disappeared."

After a pause, Di Carlo said: "But at their level of realm, if you realize the mystery of this place, you should return soon, without being too nervous."

He could not give an answer.

But someone can give an answer.

"The world of God and the world of meditation, the space of battle, is affected by the mysterious power of the scorpion, and is directly erased from here." Shiyan suddenly sounded, sinking a bit, frowning: "If I expected it is not bad At this moment, the Lord of God and the meditation should have been in the sea of ​​nothingness, and it is really impossible to return in time."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was eclipsed and screamed.

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