God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1347: Sanzu Yuding

A space blade, such as a tens of thousands of meters of lightning, smashing the extreme, can crush the cutting stars.

Audrey once thought that there were countless stars in the sea and numerous stone blocks in the sea. They were all torn by the space-like blades that swim like dragons and snakes.

At this moment, the space blade of the horror is actually drawn by the rock and stone, and it is slashed with unmatched momentum.

On the way, dozens of meteorite meteors were crossed by the slashing space of the gods, and they were instantly fragmented and turned into gravel splashes.

Seeing a huge sharp cut, Ao Li Li Fang hearted out the chill, and quickly ran the righteousness, applying layers of enchantment to his body, ready to adapt.


A huge blade, cut on the surface of this meteorite, numerous splashes of fire, many stone splits burst open, a huge shock wave came, Audrey Jiaojiao swayed, such as in a raging sea on a leafy boat, crumbling It’s uncomfortable.

Surprisingly, the huge meteorite dripped sharply, but it was not cut and cracked by the sharp edge, but many stones on the surface smashed and fell.

“Hey! It’s really weird!”

Shiyan exclaimed, and immediately continued to exert his strength. Five huge sharp blades were cut and cut, and the surface of the meteorite was cut to make the surface of the meteorite stone like a flame, the fire appeared, and the meteorite was also shaken. Frisbee, spinning around in the surrounding.


Blocks of taupe stones, large or small, fall from the meteorites, turned into small broken stones, and there is no shadow in an instant.

This meteorite stumbles, and its strength is surprisingly large. It hits the surrounding meteorites, often causing those meteorites to smash or turn into stone dust.

But it is still innocent. The subject remains very complete. Hard to incredible.

The space blade is the most aggressive attack in the world, it can crack the stars and destroy the star of life. Even the existence of the immortal realm is cut by such a terrible sharp blade, and it is absolutely difficult to resist.

Can this rock. After several times of cutting the blade, it was just rolling around, and it didn't burst out.

Audrey rolled with the impact of the meteorite, dizziness, pale face, collision between meteorites and meteorites, a huge burst of instantaneous bursts of light, the formation of broken star fire, is a kind of devastating for her.

Her first **** was a condensed mask. The dark light flickers and flashes, and there are signs that it is about to burst.

At this time, Shiyan suddenly stopped pulling the space blade. Raise your hand and suck. Put Audrey directly into his arms and completely hold his slightly cold figure.

A warm man smell. Suddenly, she didn't enter Ao Lili's heart. She was dizzy and confused. For example, the drowning man instinctively grasped anything that could be grasped, and slammed the stone rock arm, and the body and the rock were tight, full and rich. The peak also reached the wide chest of Shiyan.

The meteorites are still tumbling, and the two men turn around with the meteorites rolling repeatedly. The impact force bursts from the inside of the meteorites, and the stones outside the meteorites are shattered and fallen.

Shiyan touched Audrey with one hand and felt the beauty of her body. The other hand, the five-finger starlight, merged into a river, maintaining a balance in a unique way, and secretly adjusting the rolling track of the meteorite underneath, lest it hit. To the middle of those explosions.

Thousands of meteorites in front of each other collided with each other, creating an earth-shattering aftershock, forming a region that could be destroyed. He knew that if the meteorite underneath fell, he and the princess of the royal family in his arms would disappear in an instant, no one could Save them.

After a long while, the meteorite slowly stopped rolling, and the moon stones they came to ride did not know when it fell.

The meteorite underneath gradually returned to normal, still affected by some kind of traction, and quickly floated toward a dark area.


He stared at him and couldn't help but scream and his face became extremely weird.

Audrey woke up, and wanted to blame him for his mischief. He was influenced by his horror, and he went to see the body, and then the beauty of the singer became bright, and the beauty suddenly brightened.

"This, what is this?" She has a normal calm, and she is shocked.

The meteorites under the feet of the two people, such as the exfoliation of a layer of shells, reveal a clear emerald green, the green reveals the water, as if an unknown precious jade, sparkling green faint glow, very beautiful.

The grass that was originally on the surface of the meteorite turned into an extremely ancient form of runes, such as the swimming scorpion, which lived in every area under their feet, and the runes shimmered with green luster, endless Wandering around, breeding endless mystery.

"There are still some broken stones that have been shaved. It seems that the outer rock is just a kind of cover." Shiyan’s eyes glowed, grinning, like a dragon snake wandering around, wandering around the surface of the meteorite, holding blood The sword successively releases the blood, and the stones that are still stuck to the surface are crushed and shot down.

There are many mysteries in the "virtual domain sea", the four kings of Xuanhe, Minglu and Protoss. After entering the immortal realm, they all choose to come here to cultivate. It is obvious that there is a magical existence that attracts them. The fire is only on the periphery. Harvesting a kind of shards of gods and cultivating the "Stars and Ice Jade Pieces" will multiply the strength and indirectly prove the wonders of this place.

Originally, a strange meteorite was cut continuously by the space blade, and the outer stone fell off. It turned out to be so wonderful, so that Shiyan immediately became stunned.

He can be sure that the reason why the space blade can't cut this rock is the hard work of the strange huge jade, the hard object that can't be cut by the space blade, and the strange unknown rune, which is definitely unknown. Different treasures!

Audrey didn't move, she just looked at her body and looked fascinated. He murmured: "A beautiful stone."

In a short time, all the gravel on the surface of the meteorite was removed by the rock, and the inside of the meteorite was completely exposed, and the intoxicating green glow was flowing.

It turned out to be a huge three-legged Yu Ding!

There are at least a few undead islands in Yuding, and the whole body is green, and the surface of Yuding is covered with 蝌蚪 rune. The runes seem to be the original grasses of the original meteorite. The tripods are deep and strange, and the chilly atmosphere is heard. The mouth of the ice cold beast is open, if you want to choose someone.

The three-legged Yu Ding was placed obliquely, and the two stood on the top of the face, singularly surprised, admiring the magic of this object.

"Before the cave, it should lead directly to Dingkou, my refining ghost, and my trace of soul, as if... have been refining, as if it has become an inconspicuous symbol of the surface of this jade. "I feel this feeling." Audrey glared at the bright forehead, a look of surprise.

Shi Yan knows why she is surprised.

The three-footed jade is extremely incomparable, but the enamel symbol of the body is only the size of the fingernail. If Audrey feels good, her ghost and the soul on it are refining by the three-legged Yuding. Into a new little rune, then, the three-legged Yu Ding surface of more than 100 million runes, right and wrong, are so formed?

How many souls have you refining?

Shi Yan suddenly had a creepy feeling, and his face was extremely dignified. He looked deeply at the direction of the Dingkou, and shouted: "Don't be close to Dingkou!"

Ao Lili, who is pacing toward that Dingkou, has a pretty face and immediately reacted. He stopped and gaze at Dingkou. He said: "It can induce deeper souls, there should be spirits, we are not Try to communicate with them? If you don’t meet other creatures, you can see a communicator and you should try it.”

"Communication?" Shi Yan looked bitter. "Even if there is a spirit, this guy can refine the soul. You release the consciousness soul together. It will only become the rune in accordance with what you said, otherwise you can try."

"Okay." Audrey did not believe in evil.

There are so many ghosts in her mind, and her mind is changing. She releases a ghost of energy and weakness. She learned this time, and she didn’t have a soul on it. It’s just a change in the law, which makes the ghost form a wave of questioning. Then the ghost fell directly to Dingkou.

Then there is no more then.

The three-legged giant tripod did not have any movements, and there was no reaction. The ghost that she released was disappeared, and she had no connection with her, such as sinking into the sea.

"It seems that this spirit is not friendly." Audrey is cold.

Daddy, the three-legged Yu Ding surface of the rune, suddenly like a green lightning distortion, forming an extremely mysterious and mysterious fluctuations.

There are many meteorite fragments around, such as being attracted by the magnetic field in the scorpion, and they are attached one by one, and the magical paste is on the surface of Yuding.

Only half an hour, the three-legged Yuding was covered by stones, and the form that had not been cut by the space blade was restored. It was only this time that no grass was born on the surface, and no stone cave was exposed for human detection.

Shi Yan and Audrey looked at everything that was restored to the original. There was a kind of helplessness that could not be started. I don’t know how to destroy the three-legged Yu Ding by how to communicate the internal spirit.

- If there is a spirit of existence.

"How is the degree of integration of your fire? How many sources of natural fire do you have in the mainland? How many of you are all merged into one?" Shi Yan touched his chin, and suddenly he came to such a strange name.

"My ancestral star has seven kinds of skyfires, three of which are merged, and the remaining four are also merged. Now there is only the last stage of integration, but at this stage, it is extremely difficult to completely integrate, and there has been no way to make progress. I gave up." Audrey is not clear, so casual.

"Let's try to use the source of the natural fire to quench, see if you can give the three feet Yu Ding to change, how?" Shi Yan proposed.

“Is it useful?” Auntie was amazed.

"I don't know, but like you said, always try to try." Shiyan spread his hand and said helplessly, "If it is useful, we may know the mystery of the three-footed jade, can solve the mystery. ""

"Then try it." Aunta nodded her head.

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