God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1351: The first battle of the domain sea!

Evelyn is like a kind-hearted elder in his neighbors. He will tell the mysterious wonders about the imaginary sea. Through his explanation, Shi Yan and Audrey finally have a clear understanding of this place.

The two of them realized that the true Xinghai is so vast and innocent, there are countless places like their domain boundaries, and they understand the magical meaning of the "virtual domain sea", knowing that the beginning of the living is not just the waste, the phlegm, the shackles. I also realized that the realm of my own gods was actually very small in the void.

"The wilderness is a world created by the early birth of the spiritual world. It is wonderful. Your elders have never really seen the wasteland and got the core inheritance of the wasteland?"

Evelyn suddenly came up with such a sentence. When the words were asked, his frowning erection squirmed, and a mysterious soul wave undulated from the third eye and infused with Audrey. In the eyes of the eye.

Audrey suddenly stunned and looked confused. Her realm was only a **** in the realm of the gods. She was too late to be attacked by Evelyn. She immediately lost consciousness and said: "Which is the master of the division, deceive Yours……"

As soon as this statement came out, the stone rock temple suddenly jumped and the heart was called bad.

His face suddenly became dignified to the extreme, and he didn't want to think about it. He immediately took Audrey to his side and took a shower into the body of Audrey.

After a chill, Audrey suddenly woke up, and the beautiful cheeks were covered with frost, and the beauty was cold and cold.

Shi Yan secretly swears that he is not cautious. He underestimates the other person's sinful insidiousness. Evelyn smiles from the beginning to the end, and explains their problems in detail. His attitude is good and his defense is weakened. He really thinks that the other party is really Take care of his lie and take the initiative to close it.

I didn't expect the old man to be so difficult, and tried his best to explain them to them. It was just to make them temporarily paralyzed, and immediately stared at the slightly lower Ao Lili, suddenly exerting the soul sorcerer, so that Ao Lili instantly took the trick. . I will tell you all the truth at once.

"Good sinister old thief!" Ao Lili chilled his face, turned into a ghost, and removed a trace of thoughts from the mind, cold and delicate.

Evelyn, Adams, and Mahisha, the tribes of the Tianmu nationality, suddenly silenced when they put out the truth of Audrey.

Ma Xisha just frowned, showing a strange color, and seemed to sigh softly. It seems like a pity for their upcoming encounter.

Evelyn, Adams, the two brothers. The look suddenly became cloudy and cold, and the previous gentle smile disappeared, and the original face immediately emerged.

"Hey!" Evelyn sneered. "There are really two ignorant little guys. The things inside the meteorite should be the secret treasures of your teachers. It hurts me before the soul is heavy, and it makes me suspicious. It takes so long to determine the truth. You know how much I waste. time?"

During the speech, Evelyn was like an icy stream, flying from the fire crystal boat underneath them, and instantly fell to the rock on which Shiyan and Audrey were located.

He turned around and said to Adams and Maheshha: "It’s just two juniors, I can easily cook. They can’t escape, you don’t have to waste your power.”

Adams nodded and said: "There is a brother."

"Brother, don't you have to do too much?" Ma Xisha frowned.

"In the imaginary domain, there are no rules at all. When we meet us, their fate is not good, let alone. There should be good things inside the meteorite under them." Adams snorted and scolded: "You are coming for the first time." Here, I don’t know the danger here. If we encounter the immortal two heavens in this time, we may not fall into the end of life, and we should not have pity. Otherwise, we will make a big loss in the future!"

Ma Xisha heard a faint sigh, did not continue to persuade, knowing that persuasion is useless.

"Old man, you have a deep heart, and you have tried so hard to explain the mystery of the virtual sea. I just want to ask, what did you say before, is it true or false?" Shi Yan frowned and looked at Iraq. Flynn slowly came over and secretly swayed.

"There was no false word in the past. In order to let you relax your vigilance, I naturally wouldn't reveal myself. You are still inexperienced. Don't blame me for being mad." Evelyn at the moment, his face is cold and cold, and he has not had the original kindness. Moderate, he went straight to Shiyan. "I will kill you first, and then ask your sister and sister to ask the mystery inside the meteorite."

"Just because your soul is wounded, we must kill them all the time, don't feel too ferocious?" Shi Yan smiled.

"My soul is so expensive that it has affected the breakthrough of my realm. You have to pay for your life!" Evelyn sipped, a chestnut-colored curly hair shimmering with a gray luster, and his hands were lifted high, and the palms suddenly burst into golden light. The power of the sharp edge suddenly condensed.

Daddy, countless fine golden broken awns, such as the flood of hundreds of millions of needles, are all facing the stone rock, Audrey.

Every bit of gold and awning has a hint of Evelyn's soul, just like he perfectly blends the soul and divine power, so that the broken mans have spirituality, and the soul of Shiyan and Audrey is completely locked.

The golden torrential rain poured over the sky, and the ghosts in the Audrey altar were screaming. Her body was chilly, and the beauty flashed fear.

After all, she only has a god, and Evelyn is an immortal one. The golden essence of cultivation is quite mysterious. The degree of fusion of divine power and soul is beyond the level of most of the golden anxious people in their wilderness. They are against power. The mysterious understanding of the righteousness and the soul is obviously more exquisite.

"Blood shield!"

Shi Yan's face is indifferent, raising his hand, and the eyebrows are flying in the beginning of the world. It turns into a vast blood shield like a canopy. The **** cloud pattern in the blood shield squirms, like a fairy flower, even those golden The broken mans are all intercepted.


The golden smashing glare is on the blood shield, and the shield surface highlights many golden electric awns. The force of the golden thorn inside the broken awn is still impacting the blood shield.

In the body, blood is burned, and a fierce breath emerges from the Shiyan Tianling cover. If an evil blood column is pulled up, it is connected above the blood shield.


The surface of the blood shield suddenly appeared in a circle of blood-colored apertures, and the death of a deadly creature, like the flood of water, spread rapidly.


Evelyn’s eyes lit up and he screamed in surprise, and Shi Yan could block his nerves from shaking.

Behind him, Adams and Mashasha were also slightly stunned, revealing their mistakes and expressions. Obviously, they did not anticipate the stone rock of the three gods of the beginning of God, and they could bear their brothers.

Although they know that Evelyn certainly did not do their best, but under the huge gap of the same order, Shi Yan can bear this blow, which is enough to prove that he is not an ordinary person.

"The young man's divine power is pure and honest. It's no wonder that he dares to sneak in the empty sea without knowing anything, but unfortunately, the person you met for the first time is me!" Evelyn said.

Numerous golden broken mans, suddenly emerged from Evelyn's palm, like a golden firefly floating in the void.

The golden mans instantly condensed and turned into a ten-meter-long golden saw blade. A golden thread passed through the saw blade and connected with his left hand. His left hand shook, and the golden saw blade gave a golden rainbow to Jin Rui. The strength of the force, tearing all the momentum, once again slashed on the blood shield!


The blood shield splashed a million golden broken awns, and the shield surface suddenly fell deep, and the **** cloud cloud was also faint.


The surface of Shiyan's body, such as jade smashed, hard and iron-like flesh, was cracked by the horrible anti-shock force, and the inner veins of the skin emerged.

But there is no blood spattering.

He shook his shoulders, and there was a shocking vitality in the body. The cracked flesh instantly healed as it was, with a **** red glow.

"I know that you have an immortal realm, but one thing that I have done best since I debuted is to destroy the self-confidence and pride of those who are higher than my realm." Shi Yan grinned.

The auspiciousness suddenly changed, and the vastness of the waves of the Xinghai was soaring from him.

"The rock dance!"

His hands and fingers were like a chain of chains, and he shot on the top ten meteorites. The ten meteorites suddenly reached contact with him. As his hands and feet became his secret treasure.

Ten huge meteorites, in the whirl of the starlight chain, suddenly separated from the meteorite flow, one by one to Evelyn, the horrible momentum, than Evelyn’s billions of golden smashed do not know fierce How many.

Evelyn’s look suddenly changed.

Adams and Ma Xisha ignored it and looked awkward. They had a new round of understanding of the difficulty of Shiyan. At this moment, they have regretted it. I regret that Evelyn is too rash, and should not make a fuss. Not good to clean up.

Audrey was very acquainted with her. She quietly shrunk behind Shiyan, and the ghosts wandered around, releasing her unique mystery. She locked Evelyn’s every move and prevented Evelyn from using the power of the soul. Suddenly, the invasion of Shiyan was carried out.

Generally speaking, the warriors of high realm, the soul of the gods should be far beyond the low-ranking frontline. Sometimes, the power of the low-ranking warrior who can be forced by the power of the gods will collapse and become the lamb to be slaughtered.

Just Ao Lili, is suddenly recruited, if Shi Yan suddenly reached out to help her, she may still be in confusion.

The same is true. She is afraid that Shiyan will be targeted in the same way, and she will carefully use the unique meaning of the Emperor, and use countless ghosts as a line of defense to prevent the invasion of Evelyn's soul.

"Whirring whirring!"

Ten meteorites, such as huge softballs, suddenly came over, and Evelyn did not dare to resist, turned into a cluster of golden clouds, and immediately wandered.

The handle of the golden saw blade was still connected with him. He was in the middle of the battle, and the golden saw blade was cut to the blood shield.

"It's not that easy." Shi Yan sneered, his left hand pointed a move, a meteorite whistling, crashing into the golden saw.

Numerous golden light splashes, the huge meteorite directly explodes and smashes, and the stones fall like rain.

But Evelyn was also shocked, and the golden cloud that had changed in his body was broken. He was swaying, his face was red, and there was a trace of blood in his mouth. Obviously he was traumatized again.

This time, it was the injury of his body.

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