God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 390: Crush

Chapter 390

Shiyan’s discourse fell, and he did not hesitate to control this magnetic field, and went straight to the position of Ningze and others in the small lake.

At the center of Xiaohu, the three powerful teams suddenly approached the magnetic field, and at the same time exposed a dignified look, together they focused on the stone rock.

There are several different forces mixed in the magnetic field, and the more power there is, the more powerful the magnetic field is.

Although Shi Yan himself has only the cultivation of Nirvana's three heavens, the energy in the magnetic field is extremely powerful. This energy fluctuation is enough to make the warriors of the heavenly position feel fearful.

Shi Yan first hid in the magnetic field. When the magnetic field was about to approach Ning Ze and others, he suddenly left.

A piece of gold silk suddenly squirmed in the magnetic field, and the golden light was intertwined and twisted, and it whirls rapidly in the magnetic field.

Ning Ze and others have changed dramatically.

As the warriors of the Tiangong, they all know that the golden silk is so powerful. Even if they use the gold silk to cultivate them, they can only control the gold silk that they smelt. The gold silk cultivated by others has a huge lethal effect on them.

Therefore, seeing the magnetic field containing the gold silk rushed, and the Ning Ze and others who stayed there, evaded.

"Kid, you are making trouble, don't spread to us, or don't blame us for destroying you."

In the center of Xiaohu, a warrior in the face of a scarred heavenly triple sky, watching the magnetic field field getting closer and closer, suddenly stood up, gloomy face coldly, and warned.

The other warriors sitting on the ground in the three heavens of the heavens, also looked at Shiyan coldly, and his face was not good.

The area of ​​the small lake is not large, but the magnetic field field controlled by Shiyan is very occupied. Once the magnetic field is flooded into the small lake, all the warriors in the lake will be affected, all of which will bear the magnetic Damage to the field.

Shi Yan smiled lightly and nodded. "Reassure, we only want to occupy a place in the ground, it will not affect you."

There are nine teams in the small lake, and the three teams have the nirvana of the three-dimensional warrior. If you really anger everyone, he knows that the result will not look good, so he has been carefully controlling the magnetic field. The speed at which the magnetic field field enters the small lake is very slow.

As the warriors of the several teams facing the enemy, see Shi Yan carefully, secretly relieved, and his face is slightly better, although he is still wary of Shiyan, his attitude is better.

For them, as long as Shi Yan and others have the ability to replace Ning Ze and do not affect them, they will not ask, Ning Ze and others will not be in the heart.

"You are deceiving too much!" Among Ning Ze and others, the middle-aged warrior with a double heaven and earth, his face was cold, and suddenly snorted, bypassing the slowly approaching magnetic field, from the small lake I rushed out.

When Ning Ze and others saw him acting, they also knew that they had to move their positions. They knew that they only came out of the small lake and really avoided the magnetic field. In the battle with Shi Yan and others, they could benefit. .

When the man moved, Ning Ze and his party hesitated a little, and suddenly they came out from it and turned it into a group of electric lights, which directly rushed to Akasaka and Aya.

"Just wait for you to come out."

Shi Yan sneered in the heart, until after discovering that Ning Ze and his team had drilled from the small lake, they slammed into the magnetic field.

The slow magnetic field was so violent, the speed of the move became extremely fast, and it was instantly turned to the three heavenly palace warriors.

The three talents were drilled out of the small lake. They did not expect that the magnetic field would suddenly become faster. If they were careless, they would be pulled into the center by the strong suction.

A strip of gold silk bundled into them in an instant, just in a sigh of screams. In the screams of screams, these three warriors with nirvana and three heavens were twisted and shattered by gold silk, and then they were given to the magnetic field. Driven fiercely, in a blink of an eye, it became a piece of minced meat.

The warriors on the side of the crowd, one by one cold, seeing the expression of Shi Yan full of fear, the subconscious began to retreat, far from the magnetic field.

Akasaka screamed, and a large amount of smoke spread from him, covering the position of 10 meters on the side of the body. In the smoke, violent energy fluctuations continued to spread.

In the thick smoke, the Akasaka people reached out and released a silver ribbon. The ribbon split in the air, silver light, and immediately wrapped up in the heavenly position of the Tiangong, the military of the two heavens. Into the smoke.

Aya, the color of the pretty face, the big money, and the ring, together from the two women's hands, in the bright luster, Ning Ze and two Tiangong warriors.

Shi Yan laughed happily, and the negative power spread throughout the body. The momentum of the body suddenly skyrocketed. In the little starlight, the teleport moved to the front of Ning Ze, raising his hand and slamming it out, and suddenly fell to Ning Ze.

Ning Ze snorted, and did not believe that only the stone rock of Nirvana's triple heaven, the real power was enough to resist him.

The three green fingers of his two gloves fell off his fingers. When the three fingers flew out, there was an extremely strong earth force, and the fingers seemed to be able to ignite the earth between the heavens and the earth.

In the spin, a vast earthy and artistic conception flows out of the three fingers.

Ning Ze ten fingertips, a crystal clear element, have injected the three fingers, so that the three fingers of the earth's artistic conception, so that the finger of the extreme energy fluctuations, the blast to the stone rock hand The raw print that was taken.

Everything is awesome, which implies the birth of a vivid and vitality between heaven and earth, and slammed into the three fingers.


Two kinds of violent energy fluctuations, each containing different martial arts moods, impact each other together, energy fluctuations in the impact sound, blooming bright light, dazzling like fireworks, people shocked.

Life is impermanent, and every living being has its own uniqueness. As long as you have a creature of consciousness, you will naturally regard life as the most valuable asset.

When this life was printed in the blast, the life forms of human beings and monsters were faintly visible. Those life forms were different, and they all appeared in the birth mark, and actually shattered the fundamental artistic conception of the three pieces of the earth. Open it, and wash the violent force of the three fingers into the side, not letting the finger continue to rely on the power of the earth.

Only the stone rock of Nirvana's three heavens and the realm of life, which seems to be realized, is even more profound than the original concept of the earth that Ning Ze realized by the heavens. This magical power has no obvious strength and weakness, the artistic conception. High, it is entirely a matter of understanding the realm of the warrior.

After entering this wonderful world, Shiyan has been fighting all the time, facing life and death at all times. Although he is not afraid of death, he is also greedy for his own life. His understanding of the survival of life is in keeping with the essence of the artistic conception of the birth.

After the violent walk, the force exerted on the raw print itself is stronger than that of Ning Ze. The understanding of the artistic conception is a bit more thorough than that of Ning Ze. The power of the instant creation has naturally gained the upper hand and is hard. Ning Ze’s mood was broken up, and the light on the three fingers was covered.

The raw prints are covered, and the energy contained in the raw prints also rushes into the position of Ningze. The artistic conception falls into the lower wind of Ningze. Self-confidence is created, and the life is printed with a punch. The whole person is crashed directly. Fly out.

When people were in the air, Ning Ze’s body heard a crisp sound of “噼啪”. The bones of his body seemed to be unable to withstand the blow of the birth mark, and suddenly burst open.

Ning Ze has not yet landed, it is full of blood, his face is pale, and his spirit is greatly weakened.

"How about the heavens?" Shi Yan sneered. "Your understanding of the martial arts concept is obviously shallow. Otherwise, you will not be ridiculed by the only Nirvana, and the mood will not be scattered. Your three fingers can condense the power of the earth, and I am not so vulnerable to you."


Ning Ze suddenly spit out a blood, no gas.

Shi Yan not only bombarded his body with raw prints, but also used words to destroy his will. A warrior wants to exert his whole body strength, a strong will, and absolute self-confidence.

When a person can't even trust himself, then even if he has enough power in his body, it is difficult to release it.

Ning Ze is like this.

Shi Yan’s words attacked and defeated his self-confidence, which made him suddenly think that he was not as good as Shi Yan.

As soon as this thought poured into his heart, he would no longer be able to maximize his strength. He insisted on protecting the flesh and protecting the bones. He suddenly became confused.

So the fine element chaos, let Shi Yan rush into his body, the birth of the Indian power, and burst more of his bones, which makes Ning Ze can not stop a spit of blood, the whole person looks extremely tired .

His spit out of this blood means that he can no longer have confidence when facing Shiyan. This blow will not only affect this battle, but even affect Ning Ze's life.

Those who were in the small lake in the three heavens of the heavens, after seeing Ning Ze landed, because Shi Yan’s words spit blood, they shook their heads and knew that Ning Ze was afraid of being finished.

These people looked at Shiyan's gaze and became more and more dignified.

Destroying a person's body can be done by most of the warriors, but destroying one's will requires an imposing savings, a great wisdom, and a firm and ruthless mind.

Shi Yan is obviously the kind of person who has absolute self-confidence and is convinced that he can overcome anyone and will not yield to any difficulties.

This kind of warrior is the most terrible!

"You are not my opponent." Shi Yan's face was cold, and he walked toward Ningze without hesitation, but he did not rush to shoot and continued his speech.

Ning Ze looked terrified and sat there, and suddenly panicked her mind and revealed how it was a good expression.


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