God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 769: Sudden change

Chapter 769

Purgatory star, lake, plated music holding a blood-colored crown, looking down at the bottom.

Suddenly, his face showed a faint and amazed color, and he couldn’t help but whisper: "Hey!"

Liana also suddenly felt that she couldn’t help but look at the lake underneath, and the dark blue eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

"What happened? In that area, the forces of heaven and earth have strange fluctuations. This situation is impossible. Someone wants to break through?" Plated music stunned, as if suddenly thinking of something, "Shiyan is there."

Everyone looked shocked.

Rochester and Kashun and Dalle were slightly stunned, their eyes wide open and they stared at the piece.

Only Ogado’s face was ugly, and he couldn’t help but scream, which was extremely unpleasant.

In the lake, a bare mountain cave, I don’t know why, I have gathered a huge amount of energy. The energy is gray, and if the invisible body is too tight, it is constantly gathering, and the light is shining. Shooting, those dissidents seem to be purifying the power.

In the beginning, the gray energy was only the size of the room. Gradually, the energy continued to **** and gather the energy of the nearby heaven and earth. Every time, the energy gathered there was already ten mu.

Peculiar energy fluctuations emerge from that area. From time to time, you can see a little starlight, you can find a tiny space gap.

From their perspective, they can only see the energy that is constantly gathering, the scenes inside the cave can not be seen, and it is difficult to know what Shiyan is doing.

However, after this period of observation, they knew that among the participants, they were able to use the power of space to make the space appear cracked. There was only one person, and that was Shiyan.

Therefore, even if they can't see the appearance of Shiyan, they are sure that the people who caused this huge movement are undoubtedly.

Unable to condense the energy of the heavens and the earth, the energy spontaneously purifies each other, forming a strange and strange power to change the flesh. This is the most obvious sign that the true sacred warrior broke through to the kingdom of the gods.

Obviously, Shiyan at this time is in a state of breakthrough.

"For more than three months, it is very short. He can go to this step. It is not easy and powerful." Kashun was stunned and stunned for a while before slowly opening his mouth and looking at Liana subconsciously.

Liana was unmoved. On the contrary, she was very calm and had a clear expectation in her eyes.

"This kid, if you can live out this time, you really have a promising future." Daller, who had been silent for some time, suddenly spoke. He swept over the crowd and said with dignity: "Three years ago, I met him. At that time, he only had the cultivation of the true gods and the realm of heaven."

He will never be wrong. The battle that was made three years ago has formed a deep imprint in his heart, and he will never forget it.

He will not forget that three years ago, Shiyan, the realm of the gods and gods, pressed his son Damon down and made Damon unable to win.

In that battle, he knew that there was a shadow of a person in Shiyan. The shadow disappeared for countless years, still awe, and he was deeply feared.

The same is true. Although I am angry and angry, I want to kill Shiyan, but he does not dare to do it himself. He can only secretly play tricks.

He was afraid, afraid of the shadow behind Shi Yan, afraid of his own estimation of mistakes, fear of causing disaster for himself and his family.

That person is an immortal legend of the Flames. Anyone who has heard his deeds will not be calm and will not dare to face his edge.

A brief explanation by Daler suddenly attracted the attention and attention of everyone.

Even Ogudo couldn’t sit still, and stood up from his seat. It’s hard to hide the horror of his face. “Daler, you’re not mistaken? Three years ago, that kid, really only the true God What is the cultivation of heaven?"

Rochester is amazed and sighs. "Zi Yao is really a fortune. I finally understand why she wants to give Oglas a quota to Shiyan. I really understand, this girl is unusual."

Katsien was also shocked and his eyes were bright and soothing. He took a deep breath and said: "In three years, from the real world of the two gods to the triple heaven, if he has accumulated many years before, it is not worth it. Surprise. But his true **** triple heaven realm must be reached within three years, that is to say, in these three years, he directly reached the threshold of the kingdom of God from the Three Gods of God. In three years, only the district was used. For three years, the monster is really a monster!"

Kashun’s eyes are clear.

In their view, Shiyan, the **** of the gods, may have accumulated a lot of power and understanding. It is not particularly unacceptable to break through to the three gods in three years.

Before they thought, Shi Yan should have had a long cultivation.

But now it is different.

The real three-day realm of the gods, the breakthrough opportunity to the king of the king, can be determined, stone rock used less than three years.

What is this concept?

The five princes and the plated music were shocked, and all of them suddenly silenced.

"I think that after a warrior breaks through the three kings of the gods, even if he eats the holy medicine of the gods every day, it is difficult to fill the ancient trees in three years. Not to mention the need for countless days and nights. Three years, it’s just a flash for us, it’s just a little bit of a life course, not worth mentioning. But he, actually...” Rochester smiled and shook his head and paused. “I used it that year. In the past 100 years, I have found a breakthrough opportunity from the Three Gods of God. It is already fast. Many people have spent hundreds of years to reach the mysterious kingdom!"

Everyone is silent.

Even the violent Ogudo, at this time, shut up, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and he didn't know what to think.

"If his cultivation speed can be maintained like this." Lianna’s voice snorted and paused. She looked at the ugly Ogudo. "So, his previous madness may indeed be realized." In a hundred years, it’s really mad to tell you about Oguto’s neck.

When the words came out, everyone remembered this embarrassment, and they looked at Ogudo with a strange expression.

Under the gaze of the people, Ogudo, who was silent, his face was more and more ugly, and his body was shaken, and his eyes were so terrible that he was obviously hit by the pain.

"I thought I was looking at him high enough. I didn't expect it, but I still underestimated his ability..." Kasiuen laughed and laughed. He suddenly reached out and picked up the spirits from the next niece. He poured a few mouthfuls, hehe said: I can drink with this kid, maybe I can become the capital that I show off later, ha, interesting, I might witness a miracle, see a rising star rising from the Kingdom of God, radiant."

"It seems that after he comes out, I have to get stuck early, hehe." Rochester also echoed and his expression was weird.

Ogudo’s eyes squirted, and his body trembled steadily, his face sullen to the extreme.

"Don't be too excited, it's a good thing to break through in the Prison inferno. Isn't it a good thing, don't you forget where he is?" Plated music suddenly burst into a deep frown. "In these years, dare How many people can break through in the Pole Wars?"

As soon as this statement came out, Ogudo looked shocked and screamed sharply. "Yes, let him know how his potential is endless, and dare not to break through in the Prison inquiries. He is also looking for a dead end, haha!"

Lianna also suddenly remembered the special place of the Puritan, and her face changed slightly, and there was a horror in her eyes.

Sure enough, as expected.

Not long after the days of plating, the new caverns began to change in the cave area where Shiyan was hiding.

Within a hundred miles of the surrounding area, many death row prisoners lurking in the dark all follow the strangeness of heaven and earth and realize what happened.

Some people in the Pole Wars have to break through a new realm. This discovery has made the death row prisoners so excited that they have been stunned by the chicken blood. They have gathered in the direction of Shiyan.

Any warrior, at the time of breakthrough, can not be subject to too much outside interference, especially, breaking through a big realm! This is even more in need of covertness, and even needs to be protected by the strong. Otherwise, once it has been bombarded by outside forces, it is simply not worth mentioning. It is not rare to be taken advantage of.

Different from the breakthrough of the true deity, he needs to gather the energy of the heavens and earth to quench the gods when he reaches the kingdom of the gods. This is not an easy and fast thing.

In the meantime, he could not be distracted at all, and it was difficult to use his power to defend his enemies. He needed all his energy to concentrate and make difficult breakthroughs. Once the foreign enemies came, he was in an undefended position.

Every death rower knows how smooth it will be at this time, so all of them are involuntarily surging.

Soon, before the Shiyan cave, there were a violent mob madman. When you look at it roughly, there are dozens of people, many of whom are the monks who reach the king of God.

"Oh, it’s also a life. He is too unclear about the dangers of the Puritan. He dares to take such risks, hehe." Ogudo’s look relaxed, and a huge stone hanging in his heart disappeared and re-emerged. A smile.

Rochester and Kashun, and the celestial music, all looked dignified, frowned and sighed in the dark, and they all felt that Shi Yan was too rash, too careless, and attracted so many murderers to look around.

Even Liana, quite irritated, angered, and felt that Shi Yan was too arrogant, knowing the dangers of the infernal jailyard and dare to break through here.

Her worry is not only because of a star of life, but also other...

Shiyan’s life and death survived, and it was a secret to her. Even her future, she had to be nervous. She didn’t want to watch Shiyan’s life being easily abandoned by the thugs and death row. .


Ps: To go out tomorrow, you will bring a laptop, and squeeze out all the time to maintain normal two. After you come back, you will have a big break for a few days~~

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