God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 802: Reunite the world of Lei Yan!

Chapter 802 is reunited with extinction Lei Yan!

"You can get to know Shiyan. It is the greatest fortune in your life. No one will pay such a big price because of the three personal medicines."

Feng Wei looked deeply at the violent, thorny, and waveless three people. After a while, he sighed and looked complicated.

If this guy is willing to pay for the star map for me, then everything can be forgiven...

Feng Qi secretly thought.

"Star map? What's there?" The thorny brow moved and asked.

"A new star field that has never been opened! There are ten stars of life, there are seven products! In addition, there are countless ores and medicinal herbs! Even if it is the three major forces, know the star map. Go all out and send all the strong people!" Feng Yu explained.

If the Thunder hits the mind, Bo Ruo, violent, and thorny three people, immediately stunned, his eyes burst into crystal, unbelievable.

They have been swaying in the flames for ten years. Naturally, they know the importance of the star of life. A star of life is a **** of the continent, or the energy of heaven and earth is full, seven products. What is this concept?

The three couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that Shiyan was willing to give up such a treasure for them!

"Stone, it's not worth it, it's really not worth it." After a while, I reacted violently and said quickly: "As long as you move our ethnic group to the flames, we are grateful. Too much, we have nothing to die. For the sake of race, you should know how to give up."

Bo Ruo and the thorns were so moved that they did not expect that for them, Shi Yan would give up such an unimaginable temptation.

At the beginning, on the mainland of God, they gave help to Shiyan, far from reaching this point. The grace of dripping water, when the springs were reported, but Shiyan was not a spring, which gave them countless Ocean!

"Don't say it." Shi Yan waved his hand. "We came together. There was no hope at the last time. I gave up on you. I have been jealous these years. I will never give up on you today, the star map is gone, no, I In the future, we will be able to find a new star of life. Everyone can see you again. It is a rare fate. I hope that you will live well."

The violent three people, already do not know what to say, and their eyes are full of excitement.

"How do we talk about it?" Feng Hao suddenly smiled and pouted, saying: "You give me the star map, I promise you, not only let the three of them recover, but also promise you, once you find the star map, Leave a star of life for you, let you place your friends, how?"

Shiyan was amazed.

"With your strength and prestige, of course, you can't let the refining pharmacist of the source of the gods help you, I can't do it. But my father can do it." Feng Wei does not marry him, "for their three lives, the star map The price is too great, my father can pay enough chips. I also believe that if you are willing to hand over the star map, he will be willing to leave a star of life for you, I can pledge to guarantee, never Will you treat you badly, how?"

For the star map, Feng Qi has been obsessed with the Purgatory Star for more than two hundred years, and naturally knows the value of the star map.

A new star field, countless treasures, anyone is crazy, the life of the three personal medicines in the district, how can not be as important as the star map.

"Yes!" Shi Yan promised cleanly and neatly. "I will keep the star map for a while. Once the three of them have survived, I can hand it over immediately and never lose my word."

"Happy!" Feng Qi finally laughed cheerfully.

The violent three were so excited that their eyes were shining and they were secretly surprised.

If you can live, who is willing to die?

Knowing that there is a better solution, the three are not going to die, they are secretly looking forward to hoping to get rid of the shackles of the demon flower, continue to strengthen on the way of the martial arts, come to Japan to kill the people of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, revenge and hate .

“Where is this place?” Shi Yan looked at his side and looked strange. “Do you know?”

"Know." Feng Qi smiled and nodded. "A strange star is surrounded by a sacred land. There is a dangerous death star. There is such a Tianhe River next to the Death Star. I don't know where to go. There is no end. We should be in that river."

She raised her finger to the end of the river. "We are going all the way forward. We should be able to reach the end of the Death Star. As for the other end, hehe, don't think about it. There are countless predators who have spent hundreds of years exploring and finding no. At the end, I will die in it."

Shiyan is amazed.

"The other direction, the boundless, the more inside, the greater the danger. Of course, I have never explored, I don't know what the danger is, we don't take risks." Feng Wei and Shi Yan reached a deal, the mood seems to be good, "as long as When we go back, if we are lucky, we may come to the Death Star in a few months or two. When I get there, I naturally have the means to leave and go to the land of punishment."

Shiyan nodded. "According to you, but I am not in a hurry to leave, I need to stay for a while."

“Why?” Feng Wei asked.

"You don't think that this place is an excellent place for me to practice?" Shi Yan smiled.

Feng Hao's eyes lit up and he immediately reacted. "Yes, there are countless gaps in the space. You can come here to comprehend the space. It is really beneficial to your realm."

"I will give them life again, then practice for a while, and when I am finished, we will leave." Shi Yan did not squat, came to the violent three people, blooming life and death, taking the vitality of the body as the source, directly infusing them. The soul of the ocean.

The violent three, under his power transmission, gradually became rosy, and his eyes showed vitality.

In a short period of time, the sucking demon flower can not take their vitality and blood gas clean, they have to worry about death for at least half a year.

After doing all this, Shi Yan looked at Feng Wei and smiled. "From now on, I will not bind you. You can recover well and raise your strength to the peak."

"Well, look at the star map, I forgive you for a while." Feng Wei whispered, his head down, the neck was flushed. "You can still hurt me, I will still remember, Asshole, I will let you know how to offend me sooner or later, what will suffer..."

Shi Yan smiled and knew that she was not so easy to let go of hatred, but under the premise of the star map, Feng Wei will definitely not shoot for a short time.

"The future things, we will talk about it later. Now that we have common interests, let us put it down temporarily." He arbitrarily slammed a sentence and then took the initiative to leave, suddenly flew toward the gap in the space.

Feng Qi looked up and looked at him beautifully. His face was quite complicated and he didn't know what to think.

Staying in the gap between the space and the space, feeling the wonders of space fluctuations, Shiyan slowly sit down and knees, let go of the gods, the soul altar slowly swirls, the morality of the soul is clear, the fluctuation of space, from His body is dissipating, and it seems that he has a direct connection with the gap in the space.

A glimpse of the gods, infiltrated into the gaps of a space, and in a short time, he knows all the gods in the sea, and flies away quietly, all of which dig into the gap of the space.

An extremely mysterious feeling suddenly emerged from his mind.

He has a kind of illusion that he has become a space hub, the door of space, and a glimpse of the gods in the space gap, as if connected to countless invisible spaces, has become a wonderful "Tianmen", can be connected to other Star domain.

Only the strong people who cultivate the space, the gods are condensed by the power of space, can stop the knowledge of God in the gap of space, not afraid to be swallowed and disappeared.

The gods slowly extended in the gap of the space, and the soul altar was swirling. His spirit was calm and calm, and he was constantly exploring.

Gradually, his breath disappeared and seemed to merge with the space, becoming one of the numerous gaps in the space.

I don't know how long it took, a faint connection, emerged from the soul of his mind.

Within a space gap, it seems that there are more spatial gaps, and each space gap, such as a cross-space road, extends in all directions and can connect all the endless stars.

His knowledge extends, and I don't know how long it took. One of the gods, suddenly felt the familiar fluctuations, as if he was exiled, and sensed the call of the master.

The spirit is trembling gently. He condenses the power of the soul, toward the endless eyes of the familiar wave direction, a glimpse of the gods, shuttles numerous space rumors, and travels in different spaces.

A little glaucoma suddenly flashed in a space of turbulence, and a faint fascination of God, and his extended knowledge, slammed into one.

Spreading the power of the great man, he merged into a god, wrapped the blue light, never knew how much space was left in the chaotic watershed, and the hard-skinned person pulled the blue light and continued to shuttle hundreds of space ramps. From the gap of a space, slammed out.

It was a green flame, formed by the power of thunder and lightning. When it appeared, the surrounding area would flash and thunder, and the lightning would be like a dragon snake.

"Destroy the thunderstorm!" Shen Yu in his soul altar, the nine secluded soul flames, suddenly came to fluctuate, "you found him!"


Shiyan eyes stared at the many blue flames, the soul pulled, and violently pulled it into the soul altar, into the skyfire altar.

Without answering the words, he calmed down again and continued to explore with the gods, looking for the remnants of the annihilation of Lei Shiyan who was exiled in the space.

Not long after, the new contact sensed that he was chasing the whole body for searching. After a while, there was a blue flame, which appeared from a gap in the space and was integrated into the soul altar.

Time hastily, two months passed quietly, a total of seven cyan flames, he was never found in the distant space of the turbulent flow, and re-integrated in his soul altar.

Desperate Lei Yan regained a new life!


Ps: Three more finished, ask for the next ***! ! !

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