God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 813: Don't rely too close...

Chapter VIII, don't rely too close...

"Hahaha, the hero is a young boy. Today, the little friend is coming to the promise. I am really radiant here!"

Feng Xiaosheng laughed and was very happy in the wide stone hall.

Shiyan and Fengqi returned together, and the green ghost predators along the way were full of curiosity, and they all watched him, and the eyes showed a faint color.

After more than two hundred years, Feng Qi suddenly returned, bringing the news of the star map, so that these predators who know the legend of the flame star are quite excited and curious, knowing that the star map is in the hands of Shi Yan, one by one. excitement.

Shiyan, a black-skinned common warrior suit, does not look particularly outstanding. Only the eyes are bright and bright, and they look energetic and restrained, making people afraid to look down.

Feng Wei has a silk dress, and the exquisite ketone body is revealed. A pair of straight legs are beautiful, and the beauty is natural.

In the land of divine punishment, the name of Feng Shui is so famous that it was one of the best women in the past two hundred years. After a long time, this time, after returning, the charming and beautiful is not only slightly reduced, but also adds a touch of mature and attractive charm. The predators who watched were glaring and coveted.

She and Shi Yan walked side by side, but attracted most of the hot eyes, but no one dared to show obscenity, on the surface are respectful.

She is a rich and single woman, she is the head of the daughter of Qianjin. Her own realm is high, and her means are fierce and fierce. It is a famous and difficult character to leave the place where God is punished, so I can’t dare to take care of her. .

"I have seen Fengyou's predecessors." Shi Yan smiled lightly, slightly squatting, not humble or humble, floating to the center of the stone hall, the back is straight, and the air is preaching.

The green ghost base is a hundred meters high. It is a conical and strange building. The bottom is wide and the ground is extremely large. The higher the height, the sharper and narrower.

At this time, Shiyan is in the middle of the building, surrounded by no windows. The stone temple is erected with a connected stone pillar. The stone pillar is engraved with delicate patterns, inlaid with bright spar, with a slight energy fluctuation scattered from the stone pillar. to leak out.

In the stone hall, in addition to Fengqi, Fengqi father and son, there are several warriors under the Fengqi, most of them are the three kingdoms of the gods.

When Shiyan walked in, Feng Xiao smiled and raised his hand to make a gesture. The warriors sitting next to each other stood up and stepped back.

As a result, there are only four people in the stone temple, such as Fengqi, Fengqi, Shiyan and Fengqi.

"Very good, it is really worthwhile to be a trustworthy person." Feng Qiuan sat on the high platform of the stone temple and waved his hand to Shiyan to sit down casually. Then he said: "The star map is very important, you can take the initiative. Honestly, I am a little surprised. Oh, I am you, I will not exchange three star figures and take the star map. I don’t know if they are taken away, but they really come to fulfill their promises. Star map, I have tried for so many years, and I can pay anything."

Feng Wei also nodded with a smile. "The little brother is a personal thing. If it is a young man who can enter the Prison inquisition, I will see the talents of the gods and gods."

"I promised abundance, naturally it will not be cool, life is alive, and some things must be persisted. For example, my three friends, when you look at it, just a small role, not worth mentioning, but for me it is extremely Important, for the sake of their lives, I don’t think it’s worth it to pay the star map.” Shi Yan smiled and turned to look at the Feng Shui next to him. His eyes showed a hint of enthusiasm. “I want to be cool, she I don’t hate to die, I blame it."

"Account for your understanding." Feng Xiaozui smiled, beautiful and shiny, and the mood seemed to be excellent.

Feng Qi and Feng Qi and his father and son are both gloomy generations. From Shi Yan and Feng Wei’s words and demeanor, they seem to have noticed something, and their eyes are a bit strange.

"This is a star map, and the Fengsong predecessors should also collect it." Shi Yan indulged a bit, took out the star map from the magical space ring, and thought of it, the star map turned into a light, and directly threw it at Fengqi.

Feng Qiu's eyes were violent, and he couldn't stop laughing. He grabbed the star map tightly and looked at it. His face was full of excitement and he continued to drink high: "Good! Good! Good!"

Feng Qi is also difficult to conceal the excitement, subconsciously, I seem to want to take a closer look at the mystery of the star map.

"Hey, take the little brothers to go to rest first. I immediately summoned the heads of all parties to seek a new star field! When the leaders of the parties come together, you will bring the little brothers to come together to participate. The star map comes from him. He is a copy." Feng Qi is very happy, very happy, and remembers the star map in his heart. He wants to say a few more words. At this time, he can't take care of it.

Feng Xiao smiles and looks at the stone rock, and goes straight to the amateur.

Shi Yan was not awkward. She gave a tribute to Feng Sui, and as she walked away, she was allowed to arrange accommodation.

"Father, little girl and the kid, it seems that the relationship is not shallow. I think, the little girl seems to have moved the feelings..." After the two people left Shiyan, Feng Xiao smiled and frowned.

Feng Wei also paused the detection of the star map, his face sank, nodded and said: "Well, the nephew seems to have moved the truth, but the kid, I am a little... I can't see him."

“Little sister once said that once the new star field is opened, a life star will be given to him. Father, do you really want to do that?” Feng Yu’s eyes are full of disappointment, whispering: “The capitals of the two sides will directly participate. If the new star domain is really discovered, it will cost a lot of manpower and resources to open up. At that time, every Kuitun capital will have requirements, and the Star of Life is extremely precious. Russell, Barrett, Jieyu and others are not good. If you match, you will fight for it. If you give him a star of life, we can’t do it...”

Feng Wei also silenced, frowning deeply and half-sounding, and said: "First promised. After the discovery of the new star domain, another business, if...the kid is so outstanding, so dedicated to doing things for us. I can really combine it with my nephew. It is not impossible to give him a star of life. Oh, he and his nephew are combined, it is our people, the star of life... naturally also ours, it is also an excuse. I want a copy."

"Father Gaoming." Feng Qi praised, paused and said: "If he is not outstanding, and the younger sister can not go together, do not really do things for us, then what to do?"

"Oh, this I want to teach you how to do it?" Feng Qizhong kills the plane, cold channel.

Feng Xiaoran, scorned and laughed, "The baby knows."

"Look at the star map first, don't think too much. If the boy is not strong enough in strength and ability, even if he and his nephew are in love, I will try to interfere. Unless he proves his strength, he can become our powerful arm. Otherwise, I would like to benefit from our territory. It’s too naive.” Feng Fu frowned, and then focused on the star map, and the darkness was deeply felt.


On the top of the conical building, on a triangular platform, crystal tables and chairs are erected with crystal-clear and attractive fruits.

Shiyan and Fengqi, sitting on a crystal chair, eating exotic fruits, drinking a fragrant wine, overlooking the heavenly city under their feet, look good.

The conical palace of the Green Ghost Predator’s stronghold is the highest in the city of Heaven. Here, you can see all the corners of the city. The Fengqi likes this condescending and has a small mountain view. When there is nothing, often Looking down at the entire city, the oil is a proud satisfaction.

Sitting on the crystal table with Feng Qi, Shi Yan overlooks the whole city, and also realizes the rich satisfaction.

A large city, the most deformed and prosperous place in the flames, the numerous predators are stationed, the mobs, monks and madmen in all regions are infested, but they are all at their own feet. It seems that everything is under control, feeling... It is really wonderful.

"How? Didn't lie to you?" Shi Yan took a cup of Chinese wine and squandered it. Huo Ran stood up and looked down at the small and small warriors under his feet. He said: "Your father will really enjoy it, here overlooking the city, with him. The cultivation of the source of the gods and the heavens is the realm of the world. I am afraid that you can see the appearance and movement of any military under your feet. Oh, fear that there is no weapon to escape his observation?"

"I know that you will come." Feng Xiao smiled and filled, and the money came up, and he came to him beside him. He looked down at the city under his feet and said softly: "The man is arrogant and willing to step on others. Mastering others' lives and deaths at the foot can earn unspeakable satisfaction and pride, but our women sometimes don't want these, and a person worthy of lifelong is more important to us."

Shi Yan looked moved, smiled slightly, turned to look at her and said: "How do you see me? Is it worth paying for life?"

"Hey!" Feng Hao shook his head and laughed, and he was surprised to see him. He stared at him for a while. "You really will climb up the bamboo pipe. You guys are too dangerous, a bad stomach, there will be no At a moment, the woman followed you, fearing that it would not be a safe day."

"Do you not like to take risks?" Shi Yan smiled. "We are such people, paying a lifetime of energy for the realm of strength, what is the stability of the day? Do not struggle in adversity, do not concentrate on their own strength, why come Comfortable and comfortable?"

During the speech, he turned around and his eyes went to the front.

Feng Qifang's heart trembled, but did not back off, Mei Yan looked at him deeply, biting silver teeth, covering his mouth, and two babies gave birth to a blush, "Bastard! Don't rely on me too close!"


Shiyan suddenly stopped, and Fengqi face-to-face, his spacious chest, directly in the Fengqi plump and straight double peak, he can sense the richness and fullness of the Fengfeng double peaks, concealing the dark body, and even I noticed that the two fruits were gradually hardened by the softness...

Abundant breathing, suddenly became rushed, breathe like a blue, clear watery, staring at him for a moment, but did not hurry to retreat, let him take advantage of it.

Shiyan’s eyes were hot, and the smoldering flames of eroticism burned, and smiled lowly. The chest slowly squeezed and swayed from side to side. Fengqi and his touching double peaks couldn’t help but tremble and sway. A fascinating wave.

The fiery energy of the cockroach slowly grows between the two, and it fills the depths of the two bodies.


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