God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 816: control!

Chapter 816 is monopolized!

In the headquarters of the Qing Dynasty, the ghosts and predators are full of people, and the capitals of the predators are coming to the glory, snickering, waiting to see jokes.

As the source of the gods refining pharmacist, Jester stood side by side with Russell, Barrett, and Jay, listening to the mockery and ridicule of Russell and Russell, carefully looking at Shiyan, and slamming his face. The eyes are violently open, and they are shocked and inexplicable.

He shivered slightly, shrinking his fingertips in his cuffs and splashing a small flame.

Those flames are not as hot as Barrett's body. On the contrary, they are quite soft and gentle. It seems that they can pinch any form as they please, and they are completely controlled by him.

Every refining pharmacist, refiner, master of the esoteric is not the power of fire, there must be a strange flame in the body, the fire must be the same as the fire, in order to continue on the road of refining and refining Go ahead.

Like Barrett, Jess’s mastery is also a fire. The only difference is that his flame is a fusion of a magical fire in the star field. Although there is no life, it is powerful.

Jester's flame power may not be as strong as Barrett's emphasis on the fiercely pure combat-type warrior, but his means of controlling fire and fire is not comparable to Barrett.

As soon as Shiyan was born, Jess, a refining pharmacist, immediately perceived that in the body of Shiyan, there was an extremely fierce flame force, and the flame was strong and strong, which made him pay attention to it.

The same is true. Before he talked to Barrett, he quietly silenced, and carefully looked at Shiyan, feeling more cautiously.

"Puppy, you still dare to come out, really do not know how to live!" Barrett saw Shiyan appeared, violently screamed, the flames of the whole body ignited, turned into a wave of flames, swept over.

"Let's relax!" Feng Hao suddenly angered, reaching out to the void, a thick thunder and lightning from the sky, directly shot on the flame wave of Barrett.

He majored in the power of thunder and lightning, and the thunderbolt of the artifact that he held before Feng was sacrificed by him.


A flame was hit by the power of lightning, and the martians splashed, and some of them were sputtered in the direction of the rock.

"Avoid!" In the crowd, the invitee's blood butcher, can't help but drink a high.

Star-like fire points, such as the drizzle and drizzle, shrouded the direction of the stone rock, including the standing plump.

Seeing the sky full of fire, Shi Yan looks indifferent, slightly frowning.

Daddy, a very cold force, spread around him!


The void seems to be frozen, with his feet as the source, and a thick piece of ice is formed at a visible speed to the naked eye, spreading rapidly toward the periphery.

The coldness of the coldness of Morihan smothered him and the figure of Fengqi. The crystal ice under his feet, under the traction of some kind of force, took off and formed a square ice layer, suspended above the head.


The intensive blasting sound came from the top of his head, and the fires that Barrett released were all intercepted by thick ice.

The stone rock and the plump underneath did not suffer a little damage. Without a sparkling star, it could penetrate the ice and fall on the two.

"Ice is good! It's not bad, it can block Barrett's meteor fire, it's a bit powerful."

"Fart! If it wasn't for the first time, the boss would give the fire to the catastrophe. Can he stop it?"

"Well, it’s still awesome. He is only suffering from sporadic flares. It’s countless."

"But this ice is really righteous, I can still see it."

Many of the predators were heads-on, and they were stunned by the arguments.

When they spoke, more invited heads were gathered from various areas of Tiancheng City. As soon as they arrived, they saw the situation of arrogance, and they were curious to ask for details, and each was excited.

The leader of the looting of the blood of the knife is the Lord who is afraid of the world. He is very excited when he sees the fun before the meeting. He laughs and carefully observes the changes of the scene.

"Ice is the righteousness?" Feng Qi also stunned. He glanced at the stone rock and frowned. "Barrett practiced the flames, but it was a coincidence. The ice and fire did not match. No wonder it was going to make trouble."

Among the people, there are very few people who know the essence of Shiyan cultivation, and it is not the ice system.

Blood butcher and Feng Wei are insiders, in addition to - and Jester.

Jester's expression was so excited that his face shook and his heart screamed: Skyfire! This is an extremely cold fire!

He is a refining pharmacist. He knows the magic and mystery of the skyfire. It is just that there is no skyfire in the flames. Now I suddenly see the power of Shiyan to display the power of the sky. I am excited and excited, and the eyes show the excitement.

"Feng Hao boss, I will ask again, do you speak in the end?"

Barrett's face was ugly, and he was blocked by Feng Yu. He took a deep breath and knew that if Feng Qi wanted to intervene, he would have difficulty to poison his hands and suddenly calm down.

"My father promised you, but I did not agree. Should you listen to my opinion?" Feng knows that her father is under the eyes of the public, and it is difficult to excuse her, and she can't help but scream, "Barrett." You want to marry me, after my father’s clearance, I haven’t passed my customs yet. Shiyan is not as good as you at this time, it does not mean that, after that, you choose one person from your knees, just a **** In the realm of heaven, as long as I can overcome Shiyan, I will marry you. So many people testify, I will never repent, how?"

When Feng Yu’s words came out, everyone shouted and swelled and cheered, and they were justified.

In the land of divine punishment, it is generally difficult to solve the problem, and it will take the fight. This is the rationale. Feng Qi proposed such a compromise proposal, or the favorite fight, and immediately won the approval of the onlookers.

"Yeah, you Barrett is in the source of the gods, the little guy who bullies the king of heaven and two heavens, is not a hero. There is a kind of peer-to-peer, this is decent!"

"Well, it’s really unfair for them to fight. The same level is better than defeat. Everyone is convinced."

"The king of God is two heavens to the king of God, this is a weight, can be fair gambling, I see."

Many people couldn't help but scream.

Russell glanced at Barrett and glanced at the calm and self-confident. Suddenly frowned: "...the kid, I have a side, the general **** of the king of heaven, really can't decide He. Don't blame me for not reminding you that in addition to the ice, he also knows the beauty of space, you have to be careful."

"What he majored is not the true meaning of ice. The real power is definitely not what it is now. I am sure of this." The refining pharmacist Jester also snorted and reminded.

After introducing it, I couldn’t help but look back at Shiyan.

Barrett’s face is like a measure of gains and losses, and he can’t make a decision right away.

"I see this, Barrett, you pick a warrior of the same level from your knees, fight with him, win, and you will follow you, and you will lose it. Don't mention it again! What do you say? Feng Shui saw the onlookers agreeing to fight, and they spoke.

"Barrett, can you dare to fight? You have fallen under any of the two kings of Heaven and Heaven, as long as they have overcome him, I have promised to marry you!" Feng Qi also looked up and urged, "Dare dare to fight Give a word, if you don't dare, don't mention me!"

"How about this……"

At this time, Shi Yan frowned and stepped forward, and came to the side of Fengqi, standing in front of the plundered leader of many places of punishment, looking at Barrett, who was uncertain, and said: "You are leaving anyone. The king of God is also a double heaven, and the king of heaven is no problem. You can choose to fight with me. If your person wins, I will turn around and never say a word.... If your person is defeated. You will close me with your stinky mouth! Less fucking! Don't dare?!"

Later, Shi Yan’s face was chilling down in vain, and the sound was like a whistling whistling, sharp and sharp.

Everyone was shocked, and the horror looked at him incredulously, and suddenly stayed.

A mad boy!

Everyone can't help but exclaim in my heart.

Barrett’s majesty is like a cloud, and the gods and the three heavens are innumerable. He actually let Barrett pick it at random? Picking the gods and the three heavenly warriors to confront each other? Crazy?

In the days of fine city, Barrett has a crazy name, but today, everyone suddenly found this outsider, but also extremely crazy crazy!

Feng Wei is also eclipsed, with a big mouth open, I don't know what to say.

She knows the strength of Shiyan. The warriors of the same level are not the opponents of Shiyan. However, the three kings of Shenwang are confronted with him. In Fengqi, they are unpredictable. He does not promise to suffer, but he also sees it. Can be stable!

"Good!" When everyone was shocked, Barrett twitched and slammed down, violently yelling: "Let me to send me the black horns!"

A figure smashed out and seemed to call for Barrett.

The original heads of the noisy, once heard the name of the black horn, suddenly changed his face and suddenly quieted down.

Russell and the two of them were also a horrified look. Looking at Barrett, they also said, "You brought this black horns? The old nest doesn't matter?"

Even Feng Wei, who heard the name of the black horn, frowned deeply, shook his head helplessly, and seemed to know the power of this guy.

Feng Wei has been away from the land of sacred punishment for a long time. He is not familiar with the new murderer thugs. He does not know the character of the black horn. But everyone’s face has changed, and his heart suddenly sinks and he realizes that he is not Wonderful, Feng Qi, next to the rush, asked: "Big brother, that black horn... is it amazing?"

"A deaf person who came out of the land of God for nearly a hundred years, the deputy head of the shady, Barrett and his brothers are commensurate with each other. Before Barrett did not break through the realm of the source of God, the two men engaged in battle. Nowadays, in the place where we are punished, the title of the first person under the black-horned active **** swept all the warriors of the same level, the king of the kings!" Feng Qi looked heavy and heavy, said bitterly. .

Feng Wei's face changed dramatically.


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