God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 821: Bet your future!

Chapter 821 gambles on your future!

Seeing again, Shi Yan did not know what to say.

After Zi Yaoxing was separated, Zi Yao entered Tian Ni Star, and Shi Yan was under her arrangement and went to the Purgatory Star to participate in the Pursuit of the Pole War.

On the way, the chariot exploded, forming a violent and violent dark magnetic explosion, he almost broke his bones.

He can be sure that the secret hand is definitely Oglas!

Not long after coming to the Purgatory Star, Ogudo suddenly had a strong desire to kill him, saying that he had colluded with blood but Kato tried to murder Zi Yao. If Li Anna did not stop, he should have died.

The two most dangerous situations have a great connection with Oglas, but today Ziyao came to the city to punish the city, still carrying Ogils, she obviously did not punish Oglas, or treat Oglas as An extremely important piece.

Perhaps, in the eyes of Zi Yao, the value of Auglas is still much larger, or perhaps she is afraid of the power and power of Ogudo...

In either case, it is impossible for the victim, Shi Yan, to be relieved. As long as Auglas stays next to Zi Yao, he is uncomfortable.

"His Royal Highness, the fine city is unpredictable. If you don't have enough strength and control, it's best to leave early." Shi Yan said silently, and suddenly said.

Zi Yaomei fainted a point. "What about you? Will you leave with me?"

"If you expel Oglas, I might." Shi Yan frowned. "I almost got hurt by him. He wants to be there. I am sleeping next to you."

"You must be him?" Zi Yao secluded.

Shi Yan smiled lightly. "With the wisdom of His Royal Highness, it is impossible to see his hatred towards me. No matter what reason you leave him for me, I will not be comfortable and will not fight with him. We both will have a life and death sooner or later."

Zi Yao looked bitter. "Oglas has been with me for many years. There is no merit and hard work. In Zi Yao Xing, there is also a wise, I really have no excuse to expel him. Besides, he also wants Ogudo behind, you give May I have time?"

"I can't beg the princess." Shi Yan smiled. "But I will remember the princess's help to me, but I will not be soft with Ogras. If he stays in the city, he will not be able to keep it... I will kill him."

"What about you, what is the relationship between you and that rich?"

Shi Yan was amazed, shook his head in distraction, and smiled: "This doesn't have much to do with you? Pursuing what woman is my freedom, you have no right to interfere and need it?"

"She is a predator!" Zi Yao sipped.

"Which is it?" Shi Yan said casually.

"The predators of the land of divine punishment are the nails in the eyes of the three major forces. It is our enemy. You and her come together, it is the opposite of our three parties!" Zi Yao shouted.

"Where is it?" Shi Yan asked again.

Zi Yao took a breath and smiled.


The wonderful current magnetism suddenly ignited in the vicinity, and the current, such as a tiny flame splash, slowly appeared in the corner of the house next to it.

"Who?" Not far from the stone room, Suddenly Kashon's low drink, immediately whistling, a silver-white figure suddenly appeared.

"Catchian's adults don't come innocent." Shi Yan was slightly covered.

Katsien nodded, his face was dignified, and his body showed a whirlwind.


A stone gate in the back courtyard burst open, and a group of ten people came in, and the attitude was sprinkled. As the first person, the height of the body expanded, the eagle hook nose, the eyelids were deep, and a pair of haze was arrogant.

Behind him, the refining pharmacists Arad and Biore appeared, all of them looked strange and looked at Shiyan secretly.

Shi Yan is also a small squat, and immediately and cautiously, he is full of spirit and ready to fight.


Kasiu and Zi Yao both stunned and looked shocked.

In the League of Nations, Bitian is a powerful character above the 10,000 people. The cultivation of the source and the gods is more advanced than that of Kashun. The family is powerful and has a few fertile lives. Star, your master is like a cloud.

The status of Bitian's alliance is comparable to the power of Lianna and Ogudo in the gods of the gods.

"Cassian, is it strange to see me?" Bitian's face was cold, and he came from a self-satisfied manner. "You are plotting a star map. I naturally have an interest in the star map. Everyone has the same purpose. You come, I naturally come."

"You are coming fast enough." After Cassian’s surprise, he quickly calmed down and nodded. "Since the purpose is the same, what are you doing here? You can’t do it, you want to join me and join together. Can't the star map be in the hands?"

Bitian laughed and shook his head. "I am as good as Fengjing. It is not easy to win him. You only have a source of heaven and a real world. You can't help too much. After all, Russell, Jiexi and your realm. Consistent, so I am not coming to cooperate with you, um, if Lianna is here, I really have a cooperative interest."

The meaning of his words is obviously that Cassian is not as strong as Lianna.

Kashun was not angry. On the contrary, he smiled. "Compared with Liana, I am indeed a lot weaker. Well, since it is not for cooperation, why are you coming?"

"Because of him." Bitian said with a finger, pointing to Shiyan, his face was positive, solemnly said: "Is it rocky? You were first associated with our ally, but the little girl was stubborn. Rude, I will apologize for her first."

After a pause, Bitian squinted at Birou and shouted: "Soft!"

The face of Birou and Qingli seemed to be tweaked and unwilling. He hung his head and struggled for a moment. He was bent at the waist and turned to Shiyan. "Sorry, we made a mistake, I apologize to you."

"Shiyan brother, Haihan, Haihan." The refining pharmacist Arad, with a smile on his face, repeated his hand, and his attitude was very good.

Katsien was stunned, Zi Yao was awkward, and Shi Yan was also a strange face.

"Bitian, which one are you getting out of?" Kashun was silent, and suddenly asked strangely.

"Cough!" Bitian lightly coughed, took a deep breath, and his face gradually became dignified. He looked at Shiyan seriously and said: "Little brother, how do you think my daughter... looks like?"

Shi Yan, Ka Xiuen, Zi Yao looked dull.

Birou snow white neck red, shameful stone rock, secretly gritted teeth, clear and full of anger and unruly.

"Very good, beautiful and beautiful, very beautiful." Shi Yan's subconscious answer, a stomach puzzle.

Bitian screamed and said, "That's right, I want to give the little girl a gift, what do you think?"

Birou Ming 眸 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧 碧

Kasiu and Zi Yao, both of them trembled, looked at Bitian with an unbelievable look.

"My daughter is beautiful and beautiful. My Bitian is also the leader of the Alliance. No matter how you look, it is more noble than his richness. You are jealous of my daughter. It is less trouble than the predator. What do you think?" Bitian smiled and hesitated, and said: "Of course, Princess Zi Yao is more beautiful and more noble, but I think... The plating will not be as heroic as I am, and will marry the princess. You. So, my choice is more suitable for you, what do you say?"

Kasiu, Shiyan, and Ziyao were stunned, and even a few warriors behind Bitian were also extremely strange.

Beruo behind the sky, constantly shaking his head, anxious, indicating that he quickly refused, it seems that she has the favorite object, do not want to be the chip of her father to win the potential strong.

Shi Yan, who stayed for a long time, looked at Bitian silently, and looked at Birou, taking a deep breath. "Why? Why choose me?"

"While you are not looking at the realm now, it does not mean that in the future, I firmly believe that as long as you are alive, you will be the hegemon of the flames in the future!" Bitian replied simply and neatly, "I bet your future!"

Katshen looked shocked, his eyes **** brightly, and said: "Bitian, hello means! I have to say, I admire you! Sure enough, it is one side, you are discouraged!"

Zi Yao also reacted, and the petite trembled.

Bitian is doing a gamble, using his daughter's lifelong happiness and his strong power to gamble on the future of Shiyan!

He firmly believes that the future flames of the star field, Shiyan will be the most dazzling one, so get in touch early, even at the expense of the happiness of the daughter, because he is accurate, the future of Shiyan, will be a big devil The strongest level.

This person's means of courage, arrogance and grandeur, is truly amazing.

At this moment, both Kashun and Zi Yao understood that because they understood, the heart was cold and shocked by the means of Bitian.

"You married my daughter, it is my Bitian people, all my cultivation resources pave the way for you, what do you want me to give!" Bitian looks serious, "With your qualifications, I believe that it does not take too long, you can Break through to the source of the gods! I believe that for two hundred years, the Flames will have a place for you. I don't know if anyone likes you like me, but I believe that I am the most sincere one. What do you say? ”

"Can you give me some time to think about it?" Shi Yan was silent for a long time, suddenly said.

Over there, I have been staring at him, staring at him, and he hurriedly refused to listen to him. He listened to him and said that the body was shocked, and the alum showed a deep hatred and shame, such as the little tigress, which seemed to be rushing. Come up and tear the mouth of Shiyan.

Bitian looked at him deeply. After a long time, he grinned and nodded. "Okay, I will give you time to think about it."

"Don't bother you." He looked at Kashun and Zi Yao and said something indifferently. He turned and walked toward the outside. He took the strong man and followed silently. No one spoke from beginning to end.

Only the Birou, quietly pulled to the end, until he disappeared, only secretly came out, hate stone rock in the back of Shimen, gnashing his teeth: "You don't dream! I will not marry you!" "The words, the soft figure of Biore gradually disappeared."

At this time, the voice of Feng Wei came, because he did not come out for a long time, Feng Qi began to worry.


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